Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Provision for Victorious Living

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9)

The heart of the Victorious Christian life is a moment-by-moment walk with the Lord. God is glorified when I fulfill His will and purpose for my life (Heb. 13:21) as I “…walk in the Spirit…” (Gal.5:16a).

The Bible teaches that when I accept Christ as my Savior, the Holy Spirit permanently indwells me (I Cor.6:19). It is also true that I’m indwelt by the “old man” (Rom.6-7). He works to neutralize my “walk in the Spirit” by prodding me to disobey God.

While God’s high standard is “go and sin no more” (John 8:11b), He knows that I will (I John 1:8) and has made a wonderful provision for me to deal with personal sin which breaks fellowship. That provision is I John 1:9. I wish I had been taught this early in my Christian life. It would have resulted in more time logged in fellowship rather than a lot of carnal living.

God in His grace uses this simple truth of instantly confessing sin as soon as I am conscious that I have willfully disobeyed God. The basic idea for confess is to “agree” with God about your sin. The issue isn’t feeling sorry for sin – although you might, and that is all well and good. The point, however, is acknowledging or agreeing with God about your sin. The “if” gives me the freedom to confess or not confess. I choose, moment by moment, to agree with God or to be out of fellowship.

The verse closes with a promise that “if” I obey and “agree” with God, “He is faithful and just to forgive [me].” It always happens because Christ’s death made full payment for all my sins. There is the added blessing of “…and cleanses [me] from all sin and unrighteousness.” All the things I didn’t recognize as sin or forgot about, God forgives. The simple act of believing what God has promised in His word spells defeat for the “Old Man.” I learn from my disobedience and move on in Christian life. This is real victory! 

Dave Shoppy was the Director of Development for America's KESWICK for a number of years until the Lord called him home.

God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 16; Genesis 41-42; Matthew 12:1-23

Great Quote: “The Gospel is a fact, therefore tell it simply; it is a joyful fact, therefore tell it cheerfully; it is an entrusted fact, therefore tell it faithfully; it is a fact of infinite moment, therefore tell it earnestly; it is a fact about a Person, therefore preach Christ.”- Archibald G. Brown

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