Friday, January 16, 2009

Power of Influence 4

Power of Influence (Part 4)

I apologize that we had a glitch yesterday with you receiving the email version of Freedom Fighter. It was posted on the blog. I want to encourage your to check out yesterday's entry:

"Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled." Titus 2:9
We've been discussing the power of influence and how take situations in life and turn them into "moments of influence."
One of my heroes is Pastor Bob Alderman, Minister-at-large from Shenandoah Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA. He is one the godly men that God has brought into my life as a mentor and friend. I have learned so much from watching the example of his life since meeting him twelve years ago.
Pastor Bob is very unique. He is one of the most humble men I have ever met, yet with the humility, he is a strong and powerful leader. I have been in the prayer room before a service and seen him as a "wreck" from the emotions of having to get up and preach. Yet when he steps onto the platform, the Lord gives him a power that is just amazing to witness.
I tell him that you never have to guess on what he stands for. He is humble, yet he is bold. He is firm, yet he is gentle. I have seen him in confrontational situations where he states his case, yet never loses his cool.
His influence on my life is so powerful that I have repeatedly told him that I never want to let him down. He has so influenced my life that I have even had several dreams about him. Last week I dreamt that I was upset with two staff members (and in my dream I have no clue who they were --) for something that they had done, that I stood in front of them a really gave it to them. The one lady looked at me and said, "You're not going to speak to me like that! I am a friend of Pastor Bob's and he is going to hear about this! He'd never talk to me like that!"
Well I am sure glad it was a dream and not a real scenario. But even in the "watches of the night" the Lord used the influence of Pastor Bob's life to teach me that it does matter how I speak to people, even when I am upset with him. Watching him interact with people has been one of the "moments of influence" that has greatly impacted my life. Thanks, Pastor Bob! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 16; Genesis 39-40; Matthew 11
Great Quote: True patience is to suffer the wrongs done to us by others in an unruffled spirit and without feeling resentment. Patience bears with others because it loves them; to bear with them and yet to hate them is not the virtue of patience but a smokescreen for anger. Gregory the Great

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