Monday, January 26, 2009

1847 and My Heroes

1847 and My Heroes

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)

What does the year 1847 and my heroes have in common? Well yesterday we took a road trip to visit Calvary Baptist Church in New York City. The church was founded in 1847 and is located not in a traditional church building. The church is located in the Salisbury Hotel, which is located across the street from Carnegie Hall. The church has had a wonderfully rich heritage of pastors. The preaching of the Word of God has had major significance since 1847.

It has been my privilege to know the last four pastors on a personal level: Dr. Stephen F. Olford, Dr. Donald R. Hubbard, Dr. Jim Rose, and Dr. David Epstein. All four of these great expositors have preached from the pulpit of America's KESWICK, and are men of integrity and lovers of God and His Word. We attended the contemporary service at 9:30 AM and the traditional service at 11:00.

My new friend, Dr. David Epstein shared a powerful word on NEW BEGINNINGS from 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Isaiah 6. The worship was wonderful at both services, but the second service was my all-time favorite. Colin Fowler is the organist and choir director, and did an amazing job in leading worship from the organ. I have to tell you during the singing of "I Sing the Mighty Power of God," it was hard to even sing. It was one of those WOW moments.

There were many things that impressed me about our visit to Calvary, but here is one of the major things that I observed: the unity of the body. Every race was represented in the service today. One of the things that the Lord has enabled Calvary to do is break down the walls, and racial reconciliation has obviously been successful. To worship as "one body" this morning was just way too cool.

The other thing that impressed me was Pastor Dave and Sandy's love for their people and the love the people have for their pastor and his wife. Dave loves the Lord, the Word of God, and the people of his congregation. At times it seemed that he was going to burst. Staying the course is not always easy, especially when you are 162 years old. Today was a good example of Paul's admonition to the church at Corinth: "BE STEADFAST, IMMOVABLE -- ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF THE LORD -- KNOWING THAT IN THE LORD YOUR LABOR IS NOT IN VAIN."

To Pastor Dave and Sandy, and our many new friends at Calvary -- keep at it. Stay the course. It is worth it. To my brothers (and sisters) who read Freedom Fighters -- stay at it. IT IS WORTH IT! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

For more information about Calvary Church, check out their website:

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 26; Exodus 14-15; Matthew 17

Great Quote: But have we Holy Spirit power - power that restricts the devil's power, pulls down strongholds and obtains promises? Daring delinquents will be damned if they are not delivered from the devil's dominion. What has hell to fear other than a God-anointed, prayer-powered church? -- Leonard Ravenhill

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