Sunday, January 11, 2009

Praying for Your Pastor

Praying for Your Pastor

" ... and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

I am really ticked off! I am really ticked off at how I hear people talking about their pastors and complaining about their ministries. What really ticks me off is that I now know of at least a dozen pastors who would shed their blood for their people, but have been put through the mill in recent days. One pastor was told that he spends too much time studying the Word for his Sunday morning message. I can tell you this ... if I had even suggested that about my pastor growing up, my Dad would have taken me to the wood shed (and we didn't even have a wood shed).

When was the last time you prayed for your pastor? When I came to America's KESWICK 12 years ago, we were a very fragmented staff. We start praying together each morning, corporately, and many of our department heads pray with their teams. It has really changed the dynamic of our unity. Do we have issues ... we sure do! But it is hard to get ticked at someone you are praying with and for on a daily basis.

I want to ask you -- when was the last time you prayed for your pastor? If you are not happy with him -- can I boldly suggest you pray for him? Pastor Ligon Duncan shared this list of how to pray for your pastor on his recent blog. Try it and then be prepared to see God at work in his heart. WARNING!!! -- Most likely he will work in YOUR heart as well! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Pray -1. That [your pastor] would know and love the living God, would have a saving interest in Christ, being purchased by His blood, and thus would be bound to the Lord by the indissoluble bond of the Holy Spirit.

2. That [your pastor] would know, embrace and ever more deeply understand the Gospel and be shaped by it in life and ministry.

3. That [your pastor] would be a useful servant of the Lord, that he would know and love God's Word, God's people, and God's kingdom; that he would be used to build it up and so that it prevails even against Hell's gates.

4. That [your pastor] would study, practice and teach the Word of the Lord, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

5. That [your pastor] would love to pray, because he loves to commune with his God, and that he would be a man of prayer, characteristically.

6. That [your pastor] would be ever dependent upon and filled with the Spirit; and that he would possess true Spiritual wisdom.

7. That [your pastor] would be holy unto the Lord. That his tongue and heart would be wholly God's.

8. That [your pastor] would be kept from pride, and especially spiritual pride. That the Lord himself would be gracious to slay pride in him, and that your pastor would endeavor to always be putting pride to death, by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

9. That God would give [your pastor] guidance as to where to focus his efforts in ministry.

10. That He would protect [your pastor] from himself, from the enemy of his soul, and from all earthly enemies.

11. That no decision which [your pastor] ever makes or desire that [your pastor] ever pursues would restrict his ability to pour his whole soul into the Gospel ministry.

12.That many would be converted and many built up under [your pastor]'s ministry, to God's glory alone.

13. That the Lord would bless [your pastor]'s wife, [. . . ], with holiness and happiness, Gospel assurance and Gospel rest.

14. That God would make [your pastor] a decent husband and father.

15. That [your pastor] would be a good friend to his wife, and love her self-sacrificially,

16. That [your pastor] would be a good daddy to his children. That they would love God, their parents and the church.

17. That [your pastor] would be a testimony in the home so that his wife might be able to respect him when he is in the pulpit, and so that [your pastor] will be able to feed her soul, along with the rest of the congregation.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 11

Great Quote: Let us beware of rebellion against the Lord. Circumstances are of his choosing, because He wants to bless us, to lead us (even through the wilderness) out of Egypt, that is, out of ourselves. Settle the complaint with God, and it will settle other things. Be offended with God, and you will be offended with everyone who crosses your path. Elisabeth Elliot

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