Monday, June 30, 2008

Random Acts of Kindness


"Now in Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha: this woman was ABOUNDING with deeds of kindness and charity, which she continually did." Acts 9:36

Now there is a great epitaph for a tombstone: "Here lies Doug who was abounding with deeds of kindness and charity, which he did continually." Kindness is one of virtues which is becoming a lost art in our me-mine society. When someone does a random act of kindness for us, we almost get skeptical, asking the question, "I wonder what they want?" or "Who are they trying to impress?" "They must be up to something ..."

Kindness is one of the virtues that Peter instructs us to apply to our lives (2 Peter 2:7) and is coupled with the virtue of love. Peter strongly admonishes that without these virtues we are considered "blind or short-sighted" (2 Peter 2:9)

So where has all the kindness gone? Are random acts of kindness just for the women? No! One of the marks of a true FREEDOM FIGHTER is a man of kindness. It really isn't all that hard, guys. With just a little creativity, you can become known as a kind man. That isn't a whimpy, "Casper-Milk Toast" kind of quality. It is one that will make you stick out and have people scratching their heads. Your random acts of kindness can be the springboard for sharing the hope that is within you.

What is a "random act of kindness?" It can be anything from picking up the phone to encourage a brother who is hurting, to physically doing something to help someone just for the sake of helping him. Here's a definition I found this morning on the internet: "A random act of kindness is a purportedly selfless act performed by a person or persons wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual or in some cases even an animal. There will generally be no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier. Either spontaneous or planned in advance, random acts of kindness are encouraged by various communities."

I laughed at the illustration they cited as a RAK. We used to do this before E-Z Pass and before tolls were so outrageous -- paying the toll for the car behind you. We had so much fun doing that! People really thought you were nuts. But you get the point -- doing a random act of kindness is something that can be a "day-maker" in someone's life.

If you really want to get the most out of doing a random act of kindness, do it anonymously! During Lindsay's sickness, someone sent postcards everyday with no signatures -- just plain post cards with Bible verses and encouraging words. It drove the kids crazy trying to figure out who was sending them, but it sure made a difference.

The list is endless, but it is worth it. Will you be known as a man whose life was abounding (to be in great number or amount) in kindness and love? Here's what I'd like you to do. It has been a long time since I have heard from some of you. Send me your ideas for ways to demonstrate kindness and I will start posting them. Let me hear from you. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Job 17-19; Acts 10:1-23

Think About this: "Make it a rule, and pray to God to help you keep it, never, if possible, to lie down at night without being able to say: "If have made one human being at least a little wiser, or a little happier, or at least a little better this day." -- Charles Kingsley

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Step Into The Sanctuary

"Step into the Sanctuary" (Psalm 73)

Those who follow God have never found life in fellowship with God an easy thing. Gods' promises to us do not include exclusion from difficulty. Many of us have known those days when it seems like the unbeliever has the easier life. Those feelings are not new. Psalm 73 eloquently voices similar feelings.

Read the first 16 verses of the psalm. The writer looks at the pagans around him. He compares the ease with which the unrighteous live to the lack of ease known by righteous. He concludes his observance of the wicked by saying, "When I thought to understand this, it was too painful for me. . . ." He could not comprehend the apparent conflict.

Then, something happened. The psalmist said it was too painful for him to think about the situation "until." He stepped into the "sanctuary of God." Then, he said, I understood. When he brought all his concerns into the presence of God, he discovered the perspective that helped him see reality instead of illusions. God changed everything he thought about the security of the wicked and the insecurity of the righteous.

He concluded the psalm by saying "It is good for me to draw near to God. . . ." We need to hear those words and let them sink down into our souls. Situations are not always what they appear to be. Looking at them without Gods' perspective allows the wicked one to deceive us. Taking those situations into the "sanctuary of God" allows God the opportunity to protect us from deception.

The world in which we live is not our friend. Sin distorts most of what we see in the world; it often appears hospitable and appealing even though it isn't. Without sanctuary time, we will lose perspective and begin to believe a lie. That is why spending time with God is so important. That is why bringing the issues and struggles of life before Him is so important.

I try to read Psalm 73 at least four times a year. The psalmists' reminder is good for me. I hope it will be good for you, too. -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River and our weekend Freedom Fighter contributor.

God's WORD for YOU: Job 14-16; Acts 9:22-43 (Ever wanted to read through the Bible? Well consider reading the passages of Scripture each day at the bottom of your Freedom Fighter email, and you will read through the Bible in a year! Immerse yourself in the Book.)

Think About This: All God's giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on Him being with them." J. Hudson Taylor

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Insufficiency and Sufficiency

Insufficiency and Sufficiency (2 Corinthians 3:5)

Sometimes we men who fight for freedom get full of ourselves. Things go well, and we think we have got all situations covered. We begin to think that we are sufficient in ourselves. To think that way puts us in a dangerous position.

I believe most of us who read Freedom Fighter want to know victory in our lives. A hunger for God's power and righteousness exists deep in our souls. Somewhere along the way, we got the idea that we can achieve that power and righteousness through keeping the rules and doing all the right things. Just one thing is wrong with that kind of thinking. It is completely inconsistent with biblical instruction.

Consider God's Word: Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God. The Apostle, without any cause for misunderstanding, lets us know that we do not have the "right stuff." He reminds us that at our best we are fallen, broken people. We just do not have it within us to be and/or do those things God calls us to do.

It is for that reason that Jesus told us He would send the "Helper." (John 16:7) I've been preaching a series of messages over the last several weeks that I've called "Life in the Spirit." My study and praying through those messages has reminded me how completely dependent I am on Gods' indwelling Spirit. Only as I yield my life to Him and allow Him to guide and empower me can I live out God's plan for my life. So it is with each one who reads this.

Paul sensed the need to reinforce this thought just a little later in 2 Corinthians. He says We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power of the power may be of God and not of us. God has always protected His glory. He designed us to live for His glory. If we were sufficient in ourselves, we would rob God of that glory. The sooner we learn that, the sooner we begin the journey to genuine victory.

It's pretty simple. We are not sufficient. God is sufficient. When we choose to yield ourselves to His sufficiency and trust that sufficiency, we discover the truth of God's Word and the power of God's Spirit in our lives. Isn't that what all of us want? -- John Strain is our weekend Freedom Fighter contributor and is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River.

God's WORD for YOU: Job 11-13; Acts 9:1-21

Think about this: We can say, "Blessed is night, for it reveals to us the stars." In the same way we can say, "Blessed is sorrow, for it reveals God's comfort."
The floods washed away home and mill, all the poor man had in the world. But as he stood on the scene of his loss, after the water had subsided, broken-hearted and discouraged, he saw something shining in the bank which the waters had washed bare. "It looks like gold," he said. It was gold. The flood which bad beggared him made him rich. So it is oft times in life. Henry Clay (H. C.) Trumbull

Friday, June 27, 2008

Somewhere Down the Road

Somewhere Down the Road

Earlier in the week, Jan, Zach and me were in Ocean City with some dear friends. They wanted to watch the slide show that Jon's brother put together for Lindsay's Memorial service.

I thought I was doing better but watching that slide show sure did hurt. Today Laura sent us pictures ... she prefaced her email saying we might now want to open the pictures. I was not going to ... and then I did ... it stinks. I don't quite understand it ... I want to take the pain away from Laura and Jon. I want Tanner to have his best buddy back.

Right now none of this really makes sense, except for trusting in a sovereign God who sees the bigger picture that I cannot quite grasp. Tonight I read Amy Grant's new book, MOSAIC. Laura, you loved Amy as a kid ... I could tell a really funny story about one song you used to sing at the end of our driveway ... but you'd strangle me!

This song was just what I needed to hear -- SOMEWHERE DOWN THE ROAD

So much pain and no good reason why,
You've cried until the tears run dry.
And nothing hear can make you understand.
The one thing you held so hear, has slipped from your two hands.
And you say
Why why why?
Does it go this way?
Why why why
And all is can say is

Somewhere down the road,
There'll be answers to the questions
Somewhere down the road
Though we cannot see it now
Somewhere down the road
You will find mighty arms
Reaching for you
And they will hold the answers at the end of the road

Yesterday I thought I'd seen it all
I thought I'd climbed the highest wall
But now I see that learning never ends.
And all I know to do is keep on walking
Walking 'round the bend.

Why why why?
Does it go this way?
Why why why?
And all I can say ... all I know to say now is

Somewhere down the road,
There'll be answers to the questions,
Somewhere down the road
Though we cannot see it now
Somewhere down the road
You will find mighty arms
Reaching for you
And they will hold the answers at the end of the road.
(Amy Grant)
I miss you, Lindsay Bear!

"For momentary, light affliction, is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:19

God's WORD for YOU: Job 8-10; Acts 8:26-40

Think about this: Every now and again, Our Lord lets us see what we would be like if it were not for Himself; it is a justification of what He said - "Without Me you can do nothing." That is why the bedrock of Christianity is personal, passionate devotion to the Lord Jesus. Oswald Chambers

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Christ is My Life


"We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:3-6

I've been a Christian for two years. It has not been an easy journey thus far (that is, in my own strength). I had exhausted every avenue and human resource to obtain the "successful Christian life," all to no avail and utter dismay. The more I tried to obey the commands of my Lord and Savior the more troublesome and burdensome it became to be obedient. Obedience isn't something I should feel obligated to partake in. It is much more than that!! It is the ultimate expression of my love to the One who has delivered me from the burden of sin and made me alive in Christ.

When I reflect on the tumultuous and self-destructive lifestyle and the unbearable and ever-pressing feeling of despair my God has delivered me from; it becomes much simpler to obey. I was lost and weak. He pursued me, found me, and gave me strength. I was crushed and broken in spirit. He sustained me and gave me hope. I was alone and subjected to the prince of this world. He adopted me into His family, called me His beloved son, and broke free the chains of bondage!

When I recognize Him for who He is and what He has done, how can I not out of love and reverence obey His every command. I know the One whom I believe! He has been so faithful even in my disobedience. How dare I not love Him enough to show my gratitude? Of course at times it is difficult and seemingly impossible to follow, but it is then that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit, and abundantly given grace to persevere and move forward. I've experienced God's love and mercy in immeasurable amounts. I know who I was and I know who I am because of Him. I can never describe the inward transformation or the change that took place in my heart because only I've lived it.

Words cannot express the joy and the hope I have received through Him. I have tasted the goodness of the Lord. Maybe its selfishness, but I abide in the Lord and follow His commands because I've experienced His presence and His promises. Maybe only for a season, but I've been lavished with His love and at moments it seems as if He has not withheld any good thing from me. Until I've matured and been conformed more into the image of Christ I'll obey Him simply for the blessed hope of life in heaven and the promise of eternity with the Father. When the light of life has faded, sometimes hope in a Savior is all you need. -- Ed Mayo is a recent graduate of the Colony of Mercy and is now in Discipleship

God's WORD for YOU: Job 5-7; Acts 8:1-25

Think about this: Every year, I might almost say every day, that I live, I seem to see more clearly how all the rest and gladness and power of our Christian life hinges on one thing; and that is, taking God at His word, believing that He really means exactly what He says, and accepting the very words in which He reveals His goodness and grace, without substituting others or altering the precise modes and tenses which He has seen fit to use. -- Frances Ridley Havergal

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Man of God


Today's reading is from the Keswick devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE. Dr. Roger Willmore will be a speaker this summer during our summer Bible conference. Check out the website for details:

"But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, faith, love, patience, gentleness." (1 Timothy 6:11)

Are you a man of God...a woman of God? Though used frequently in the Old Testament, the term is used only here in the New Testament. It was the term Paul chose to describe and define young Timothy. It was a title that conveyed both compliment and challenge.

What must one do to be worthy of such a title? What are the characteristics of a man of God or a woman of God. Paul reminds Timothy that there are at least four characteristics which should set him a part from others. These are four characteristics for which all men and women of God should be known. Paul lists these four distinguishing characteristics in First Timothy 6:11-14.

We should be known by what we flee from, verse 11 "...flee these things..." Paul reminds Timothy that a man of God will flee from certain things. Here, Paul speaks specifically of lust and pride and greed.

Flee these things. It is important to note that there are some things with which Christians are not to fight or flirt. The only safe option is to flee. Have you ever heard the Holy Spirit shouting to you...RUN! When He does it is a good thing to RUN!

We should be known by what we follow after, verse 11, "...pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness..." Seven noble characteristics are to be pursued. A.T. Robertson reminds us that verse 11 contains vivid verbs which indicate active effort on the part of the man of God. We are to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness as a lion pursues its prey.

We should be known by what we fight for, verse 12, "Fight the good fight of faith..." There is a time to flee, but there is also a time to stand. Someone said that a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. In a world that is becoming more and more resistant to Christ and His Gospel, it is imperative that the people of God stand fast and fight the good fight of faith.

We also should be known by what we are faithful to, verse 14, "...keep this commandment..." Paul's use of the word commandment refers to the entire word of God. What a marvelous title...O man of God! Can God write this title across your life? Roger D. Willmore

Think about this: No unwelcome tasks become any the less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow. It is only when they are behind us and done, that we begin to find that there is a sweetness to be tasted afterwards, and that the remembrance of unwelcome duties unhesitatingly done is welcome and pleasant. Accomplished, they are full of blessing, and there is a smile on their faces as they leave us. Undone, they stand threatening and disturbing our tranquility, and hindering our communion with God. If there be lying before you any bit of work from which you shrink, go straight up to it, and do it at once. The only way to get rid of it is to do it. --Alexander MacLaren

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Power of the Word

The Power of the Word

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. -- Hebrews 4:12

We are in Ocean City for a few days and have been enjoying being refreshed as we enjoy wonderful fellowship with our dear friends, Cy and Norma Lever and Howard and Barb Bateman.

I have had a chance to take a breath and catch up on some reading. Yesterday I read a very powerful book by a wonderful preacher, A. B. Simpson, entitled THE SUPERNATURAL-- Making Room for the Power of God (Have you read this Pete?)

One of the chapters talks about the power of the Word of God. Here was an interesting quote: "It is very sad and humbling to see the tendency among so many of those who ought to be the defenders and teachers of the this holy volume to win a little cheap popularity and wear the reputation of higher culture by joining in the ranks of those who, if they do not reject it altogether, will compromise its supremacy and question its infallible authority.

The Bible is either everything or nothing. Like a chain which depends upon its weakest link, if God's Word is not absolutely and completely true, it is too weak a cable to fix our anchorage and guarantee our eternal peace ... The malignity of Satan and the pride of human culture are striving as never before to eliminate the supernatural from the Holy Scriptures and change the Book of God into a mere collection of ancient writings, saved out of the wreck of the world's literature."

As I read those words, it sounded like a pretty accurate description of where we are today! Oh, by the way ... this book was written in the early 1900's! Think about it -- when you read passages from THE BOOK about itself -- it is always in the present tense, not the past ... The Word of God IS quick and powerful ... Your Word IS a lamp ... Your Word IS settled forever in heaven ...

Guys, the Word of God IS still the only BOOK that can transform your life. Purpose today to immerse yourself in its pages. It will be the one thing you can do that can turn you into a true freedom fighter! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Job 1-2; Acts 7:22-43

Think about this: All the water in the world, however hard it tries, can never sink the smallest ship unless it gets inside, and all the evil in the world, the blackest kind of sin, can never hurt you in the least, unless you let it in. Anonymous

Monday, June 23, 2008

Acquainted with Grief

Acquainted with Grief

"He is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief ..." Isaiah 53:3

I needed this reminder this morning and trust it will be helpful to you, my Freedom Fighter friend.
It is from the pen of Oswald Chambers:

We are not "acquainted with grief" in the same way our Lord was acquainted with grief. We endure it and live through it, but we do not become intimate with it. At the beginning of our lives we do not bring ourselves to the point of dealing with the reality of sin. We look at life through the eyes of reason and say that if a person will control his instincts, and educate himself, he can produce a ;ofe that will slowly evolve into the life of God.

But as we continue through life, we find the presence of something which we have not yet taken into account, namely, sin -- and it upsets all of our thinking and our plans. Sin has made the foundation of our thinking unpredictable, uncontrollable, and irrational.

We have to recognize that sine is a fact of life, not just a shortcoming. Sin is blatant mutiny against God, and either sin or God must die in my life. The New Testament brings us right down to this one issue -- if sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed, if God rules in me, sin in me will be killed. There is nothing more fundamental than that.

The culmination of sin was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and what was true in the history of God on earth will also be true in your history and in mine -- that is, sin will kill the life of God in us. We must mentally bring ourselves to the terms with this fact of sin. It is the only explanation why Jesus Christ came to earth, and it is the explanation of the grief and sorrow of life. -- My Utmost for His Highest

God's Word for YOU -- Esther 9-10; Act 7:1-21

Think About This: Stewardship is the act of organizing your life so that God can spend you. -- Lynn A Miller Author/Speaker

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hearing and Doing

"Hearing and Doing" (Luke 11:27&28)

I love the Bible-reading schedule my wife and I have used for several years. We read the Bible through in a year, but we read from a different section of the Bible each day. Friday had us in the prophets (remember Ezekiel and those who would hear or refuse to hear?). Yesterday I read in the gospels, and today I read from the epistles. It's neat to see how God brings connections from such different sections of His Word.

I shared yesterday about God telling Ezekiel to go to the people of Israel. Some would hear. Some would choose not to listen. Ezekiel still had the responsibility of delivering the message. He received a hard assignment in hard times.

Reading in Luke yesterday morning gave me a whole different perspective on listening. In one simple sentence, Jesus connected the importance of listening with the need to do what you hear. ". . . blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"

In one short statement Jesus tells us three things. First, He gives us instruction. We need to hear the Word of God. Second, we need to do what that Word tells us. Finally, when we hear and do, we'll receive blessing. Who can argue with that!

But then the question came to my mind. If this is so clear and simple, why is it so hard for so many people? Let me share with you the answers that came to mind. First, I think our minds and hearts often contain so much clutter that God's Word has a hard time getting through. We just don't hear. For others, hearing isn't the issue. We choose not to do what we hear because we have other plans we think are better than God's. While we'd never say it, we actually believe we're smarter than God! What other conclusion can we offer when we willfully choose our way over His?

Finally, many of us don't believe God tells the truth. We don't believe He'll bring blessing to us, even though He tells us He will. For whatever reasons, trust walks out the door when God makes promises to us.

Please listen to me today. God wants to help you de-clutter your life so you can hear the Word. You aren't smarter than God. Whatever He asks you to do (once you've heard His Word) is always a better choice for you. And, God doesn't lie. If He promises blessing, He'll bring blessing. You can count on it!

So, choose not to be like those hard-hearted Israelites who wouldn't listen to Ezekiel. Choose, rather, to receive Jesus' encouragement to hear His Word and do it. That's the path to blessing! -- Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Esther 6-8; Acts 6

Think about this: Continued from yesterday ... Thus there is the self-pleasing sarcasm; as if we had rather lose a friend, than miss a clever stroke. All this the world excuses as a sensitive and lively temper. But the gospel sets before us our Saviour's example (1 Peter 2:23); imbues with his spirit; and imparts that blessed "charity, that is not easily provoked" (1 Cor. 13:5); and therefore is careful not to provoke a chafed or wounded spirit. If others begin, let us forbear from continuing the strife. `Patience is the true peace-maker'. Soft and healing words gain a double victory - over ourselves and our brother. -- Charles Bridges

Saturday, June 21, 2008

To Listen or Not to Listen

To Listen or not to Listen (Ezekiel 2:1-10)

My wife and I use the same Bible-reading schedule, and we began Ezekiel yesterday. I have to admit that it isn't one of my favorite books; I wasn't looking forward to starting it. God brought me up short, though, and really caught my attention.

After Ezekiel's vision in the first chapter, God informs Ezekiel of the task for which he's been chosen. During that explanation, God mentions two times in chapter two and two more times in chapter three that Ezekiel is to deliver his message whether the people hear or refuse to hear. The repetition jumped out at me.

God sending His prophets to the people who were His people offered them an incredible opportunity and privilege. More often than not, they chose to turn a deaf ear to God's message. We read of their refusals to listen and think about how foolish they were. Even as we think of their foolishness, the Evil One blinds us to our own refusals.

After reading the second and third chapters of Ezekiel yesterday morning, I had to stop and ask God about my own listening skills. "Do I not listen when You speak to me, Lord?" "Do I sometimes ignore Your message because I want my own way?" It dawned on me as I read and prayed that I might be as foolish as the children of Israel, as "impudent and hard-hearted" as they were. (See Eze. 3:7)

Freedom Fighters never win their fight without listening. Regardless of the object of our fight, God speaks to the issues that plague us. Do we have hearts that receive His Word, or would He find us hard-hearted. We won't always want to hear what He has to say, but we'll always do well to listen. Sometimes we'll hear Him speak through His Word. Other times, His message will come through someone preaching or teaching. He may choose to get our attention and speak through a book. His Spirit may speak to us in that "still small voice."

Will you and I listen? Will we harden our hearts and refuse to listen? Victory and freedom hang on our answer. May God help us learn good listening skills! -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Esther 3-5; Acts 5:22-42

Think about this: A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grevious words stir up anger. (Pr
15:1) What a valuable mine of practical wisdom is this Book of God! Let us ponder this valuable rule for self-discipline, family peace, and Church unity. Scripture often illustrates the different effects of the tongue. The soft answer is the water to quench - Grievous words are the oil to stir up, the fire. And this is alas! man's natural propensity, to feed rather than to quench, the angry flame. We yield to irritation; retort upon our neighbour; have recourse to self-justification; insist upon the last word; say all that we could say; and think we "do well to be angry." (Jonah 4:9.) Neither party gives up an atom of the will. Pride and passion on both sides strike together like two flints; and "behold! how great a matter a little fire kindleth!" (James 3:5.) -- Charles Bridges - Continued tomorrow

Friday, June 20, 2008



Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)

Like many ministries right now, America's KESWICK is facing the reality of having to cut our budget. We are a faith ministry that depends on God's provision of funds vs. money from foundations and grants to operate the ministry known to many for 111 years, as the Colony of Mercy.

Our Board and Administrative team are working together to figure out how to make significant financial cuts without compromising program and people. That is a challenge. I have realized how much I am dependent upon the Lord for HIS wisdom and direction in making these weighty decisions.

Portions of today's reading from STREAMS IN THE DESERT were so right on for me right now:
"When we have doubts or are facing difficulties, when others suggest courses of action that are conflicting, when caution dictates one a from approach but faith another, we should BE STILL. We should quiet each intruding person, calm ourselves in the sacred stillness of God's presence, study His Word for guidance, and with true devotion focus our attention on Him. We should lift our nature into the pure light radiating from His face, having an eagerness to know only what our Lord will determine for us. Soon He will reveal by HIS secret counsel a DISTINCT and UNMISTAKABLE sense of HIS direction.

Are you uncertain about which direction you should go? Take your question to God and receive guidance from either the light of His smile or the cloud of His refusal. You must get alone with HIM, where the lights and darkness of this world cannot interfere and where the opinions of others cannot reach you. You must also have the courage to WAIT in silent expectation, even when everyone around you is insisting on an immediate decision or action. If you will do these things, the will of God will become clear to you. And you will have a deeper concept of who HE is, more insight into HIS nature and HIS heart of love."

Wow! That was something I needed to hear this morning from His lips to my ears. Thank You, Lord, for speaking to my heart today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Esther 1-2; Acts 5:1-21

Think about this: Combat comes before victory. If God has chosen special trials for you to endure, be assured He has kept a very special place in His heart just for you. A badly bruised soul is one who is chosen.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Joyful, Patient, Faithful


Be...fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer (Romans 12:11-12 KJV).

Sometimes we need a big dose of perspective. We complain, moan and groan about stuff that really is so trite and trivial, and forget about how good we really do have it in life. Today's devotional was written by a dear friend who has cerebral palsy. Her communication skills are limited, yet her mind is brilliant. She is confined to a wheel-chair and being cared for by a loving father and mother. Dad has now become the primary care-giver because Mom has cancer and confined to a wheel-chair. And by the way, Dad is most likely in his late 70's! I trust that this devotional from REAL VICTORY FOR LIFE, will encourage you today to be JOYFUL, PATIENT, FAITHFUL.

Above my computer is a Scripture verse beautifully cross-stitched by one of my sisters. It says: BRENDY, BE JOYFUL IN HOPE, PATIENT IN AFFLICTION, FAITHFUL IN PRAYER. What a great reminder of what God wants me to be! Missionary kids like me acquire "aunts" and "uncles" in different places where we have been. I have several (beside my real ones)!

Our family met "Uncle Mel" and "Aunt Lola" at Keswick and they became very special, dear friends, spending many happy days together. In a chat about death with Uncle Mel (who is now with the Lord), he commented that as a Christian our hope is not a "hope-so" hope but a "KNOW-so" hope. I love that and think of that often! "I KNOW whom I have believed." Our hope is in the Lord for today, all year and on through eternity. The blessed hope includes knowing that we will be with Christ forever. What JOY that kind of HOPE and assurance brings.

Now, PATIENT IN AFFLICTION? Easier said than done! There are many kinds of afflictions and the verse doesn't specify what kind, so it must include ALL. Whether it be physical (my main one), a hurt heart, loneliness or economic stress. " added affliction He (God) addeth His mercy. For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth again." (How I love that hymn and sing it often.) So why should I ever feel hopeless or impatient?? I need to read Romans 12:12 again!

FAITHFUL IN PRAYER... Wow! I want to be, but that's not easy either. On my 15th birthday the students of the Central American Theological Seminary in Guatemala, where I grew up, crowned me their perpetual queen! What an honor, but what a responsibility to pray for Amy subjects, Max, Gustavo, Jaime, Wilfredo, Noemi, Mima, Hilda, Gonzalo, Delwin (my Hispanic pastor in Dallas), to name a few, serving God in different areas of the world. "God, I do want to be faithful to the task, and I am thankful for those who are faithful in prayer for me, too! May I have a patient heart in affliction to show forth Thy sufficiency, and to be joyful in hope always. Amen." Brendy Platt

God's WORD for YOU: Scripture Reading: Esther 1-2; Acts 5:1-21

Think About This: Man's good opinion of himself makes him think it quite possible to win God's favour by his own religious performances; his bad opinion of God makes him unwilling and afraid to put his case wholly into His hands. The object of the Holy Spirit's work (in convincing of sin) is to alter the man's (sinner's) opinion of himself and so to reduce his estimate of his own character that he should think of himself as God does, and so cease to suppose it possible that he can be justified by any excellency of his own. The Spirit then alters his evil opinion of God, so as to make him see that the God with whom he has to do is really the God of all grace. -- Horatius Bonar

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How Are Your Eyes?


I have made a covenant with my eyes ... " Job 31:1

Think about who made this statement. We are talking about some guy who has a "casual" relationship with the Lord. This is the guy who the Lord said to Satan: "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil." (Job 1:8)

This God-fearing-blameless-upright man was compelled to make a covenant with his eyes. Why? Because he knew that the things he looked at could well get him in trouble.

One of my mentors was a pastor well in his 90's. This man walked and talked with God like no other man I have met. He was very helpful to another pastor friend who walked through a difficult separation that led to a divorce which resulted in stepping down from his pastorate.

Several days after he resigned, Pastor Conant asked Matt, "Have you struggled at all with sexual temptation during your three years of separation from your wife?" Matt's response was, "No, Pastor! God was faithful in keeping me pure." Pastor Conant smiled, and said, "Matt, I prayed such a tight hedge of protection around you, that you could not have gotten your pants down if you tried!"

Now that might have sounded crude for a 90 year old godly Pastor. But the next statement hit me right to the core. Matt said to Pastor Conant, "It must be nice to get to your age and not have to struggle with sexual temptation. Here was Pastor Conant's reply: "Matthew, I may be old but I am not dead!"

We are into the summer season, guys, and many of us will struggle with the things that will come before our eyes as we go to the boardwalk, the beach, and even the mall. The enemy has waged an all out assault on our eyes. He knows how to get us.

Two weeks ago at a Keswick event for ladies, one of our Disciples (Colony of Mercy) was manning the Front Desk. When I walked into the building there were three very attractive young ladies in tankini's standing by the desk doing their "exercises" and giving poor a huge temptation. One of the staff ladies asked the girls to move away from the desk, and a comment from one of the ladies was, "I don't think those young ladies knew what they were doing."I beg to differ -- I think they knew exactly what they were doing.

I spoke to Pete about this yesterday and asked him how he did with his eyes. His comment was this: "I had to have my spiritual armor on for sure." I am glad Pete passed the test.

Guys ... listen up ... we will NEVER pass the test if we don't purpose in our hearts to make a covenant with our eyes. It is serious business -- ask King David! Somehow I think he would be able to tell you that this is no joking matter. It's a matter of life and death. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Nehemiah 10-11; Acts 4:1-22

Think About This: The Lord gives faith, for the very purpose of trying it for the glory of His own name, and for the good of him who has it; and, by the very trial of our faith, we not only obtain blessing to our own souls, by becoming the better acquainted with God, if we hold fast our confidence in Him, but our faith is also, by the exercise, strengthened: and so it comes, that, if we walk with God in any measure of uprightness of heart, the trials of faith will be greater and greater.-- George Muller

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day After

Request for Urgent Prayer: Many of you know and love Pastor Bill Raws, the grandson of the founder of America's KESWICK. Pastor Bill was taken to the hospital on Friday and is now in ICU. We have started a blog so that people can get regular updates and also leave him notes of encouragement. You can visit his blog at

Heavenly Father's Day After

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6: 1-4 (ESV)

I began my Father's day on Saturday with a visit to my earthly father. My dad is in the early stages of Alzheimer's, so some visits go smooth and others break my heart. This visit dad was running on all cylinders so it went smooth. It has been tough watching the strongest guy I ever knew become fragile. He does not know Jesus and never wanted to. End of that story. I still Praise God.
On Father's Day morning my wife baked some cinnamon rolls and my kids gave me and a handmade picture frame and a new wallet. I really needed the wallet and I was far so good. Off to church where I serve behind the sound board. There will be a presentation before service from the children and my daughter will be in it. My son has become too cool for this kind of stuff so he'll be behind the board with me (he gave me the picture frame, nice job by the way).
My little girl's Sunday school teacher has told me I will be mighty impressed with her poem and it should be published. So because my daughter has begun to sort of follow my writing footsteps I would like to share with you all what she wrote.

Strong or weak
Sportsmanship or compete
Fathers are always there.
Big or small, short or tall
Fathers are always there.
When you're lost or afraid
When you're sad or uncontained
They've been here from the start.
In need, they help
You hurt, they yelp
Comforting and loving
Giving and helping
Fathers are always there.
They ask in return for a
Happy Father's Day!!

My wife and I make sure our children understand who is behind what is provided. It is He who we thank every day. It's funny how the world has given us Dads one special day. I wonder how often we celebrate Heavenly Fathers Day. Wouldn't you agree it should be every day?

My daughter has begun to learn the piano. She is blessed with ability. It will be my duty to make sure she understands the discipline behind it. To end my Father's Day she played "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing". It is my favorite hymn to sing and I'll end with the third verse.

"O to grace how great a debtor, daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee:
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, O take and seal it; seal it for Thy courts above." Amen! -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighters.

God's WORD for YOU: Nehemiah 7-9; Acts 3

Think about this: For a work to be considered good it must not only conform outwardly to the law of God, but it must be motivated inwardly by a sincere love for God. R. C. Sproul

Special note: this weekend is our June Couples Conference with Steve and Annie Chapman. We have a limited number of rooms left, so please consider coming to this powerful event. Call today for information: 732-350-1187.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Get an Attitude

"Get an Attitude" (Philippians 2:5-11)

I had the privilege Thursday evening of speaking for the commencement service at Ambassador Christian Academy, the Christian school that is a ministry of First Baptist Church. It was the first time in a long time that I'd spoken specifically to a group of eighth graders, and I struggled with how to build a bridge into their lives.

Middle-schoolers are known for having an "attitude," and that thought prompted the idea around which I built my message. I thought I'd share it with you today since all of us can benefit from getting a "new attitude." I built my thoughts around an acrostic of the word "attitude." Think with me about this "new attitude."

Accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ

"If you love Me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15)

Teachable before the Lord Jesus Christ

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:29)

Tenacious in pursuit of the Lord Jesus Christ

(Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13&14)

Intimate with the Lord Jesus Christ

"Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." (Matthew 22:37)

Truthful as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ

"Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31&32)

Unencumbered in walking with the Lord Jesus Christ

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right had of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:1&2)

Disciplined in living for the Lord Jesus Christ

"But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Engaged in the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ

"Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." (Luke 9:23)

I've offered no comments . . . I pray that God's Spirit will encourage each of us to pursue an attitude like that which Jesus displayed when He stepped into our world. - John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Nehemiah 4-6; Acts 2:22-24

Think about this: If Jesus needed to pray - being what He was, how must we need it - being what we are. James Stalker

Sunday, June 15, 2008

God's Grace When We Need It

"God's Grace When We Need It" (Psalm 141:8)

It's been a hard week, one of the hardest I've ever endured. Early in the week while trying to work, I just couldn't concentrate. Studying seemed a lost cause. My thoughts were bouncing around in my head with no focus. I tried to pray, but I couldn't bring the words together. I needed God's grace to get back on track.

My walk with Jesus over almost forty-six years has been fairly simple. I've not experienced great highs and lows. I guess I could describe it more like a "steady as she goes" kind of life. Once in awhile, though, God does something truly special for me. I remember those special times. They often sustain me during the "steady as she goes" days.

I didn't know what God might do to help me through the situation, but I knew I needed to take a break and give Him an opportunity to work in my life. I picked up my Bible, asked the Lord to give me something to calm my soul and clear my mind. Not knowing where to go, I turned to the Psalms with nothing particular in mind. My Bible opened to Psalm 141, and I started reading. Let me share some of the verses that caught my attention.

Vs. 1: "Lord, I cry out to You; make haste to me! Give ear to my voice when I cry out to You." (I desperately needed Him to hear me, so this verse jumped off the page for me.)

Vs. 3: "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips." (This was an important warning for me; it's easy to say things you'll later regret when you're struggling.)

Then I came to vs. 8: "But my eyes are upon you, God the Lord; in You I take refuge; do not leave my soul destitute." That verse became one of those "special times" that I'll remember for years. He made haste (vs.1) to help me when I needed it God, my Father, showed me why He is such a good Father for His children. He knew my heart. He knew the turmoil of my soul. He knew it was not "steady as she goes" time. He picked me up, held me in His arms and told me just what I needed to hear. It changed my week! He gave me hope and focus and rest.

I'm glad He's my Father. I'm glad He's your Father. We can always trust Him. We can always know that He cares about us. Let's be sure to tell Him we're glad He's our Father on this Father's Day 2008. - John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

Think about this: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love... He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities." (Psalm 103:8, 10) Can you think of one person in your life who "deserves" whatever you could dish out?
On the other hand, can you imagine if we got what we deserved? But instead, God sent His Son to save us. Thank heaven we got what we never could deserve. -- Anonymous

Saturday, June 14, 2008

If You Could See Me Now


Today is Lindsay "Bear" Groen's second birthday. And she is celebrating her birthday in heaven with Jesus and so man of our family who have already gone to heaven.

We are in New Hampshire with Laura, Jon and Tanner for the weekend, and I have to tell you it has been hard for me to walk into the bedroom to see Lindsay's empty crib. Last night I was standing there with a huge knot in my throat wanting to just reach in to pick her up and get one of her special Linsday bear hugs.

Laura and Jon received the medical reports from Children's Hospital Boston and I spent time reading through the many comments from the doctors. After reading through the reports, it was so obvious that the Lord in His sovereignty knew that Lindsay was a lot sicker than we all realized. Obviously we don't know the big picture ... but the Lord brought comfort to my heart in thinking about the fact that Lindsay has her new heart and is completely whole.

It doesn't take away the pain, my friends. It hurts. It stinks. We grieve. But we have hope - hope knowing that she is with Jesus, and one day we will all be together.

The words to this song have new meaning today:

Our prayers have all been answered. I finally arrived.
The healing that had been delayed has now been realized.
No one's in a hurry. There's no schedule to keep.
We're all enjoying Jesus, just sitting at His feet.

Cho: If you could see me now, I'm walking streets of gold.
If you could see me now, I'm standing strong and whole.
If you could see me now, you'd know I've seen His face.
If you could see me now, you'd know the pain is erased.
You wouldn't want me to ever leave this place,
If you could only see me now.

My light and temporary trials have worked out for my good,
To know it brought Him glory when I misunderstood.
Though we've had our sorrows, they can never compare.
What Jesus has in store for us, no language can share. (Chorus twice)

You wouldn't want me to ever leave this perfect place
If you could only see me now
If you could see me now
If you could only see me now
Kim Noblitt, (c) 1992 Integrity's Praise/BMI and Dad and Dann Music
Sung by Truth (Russ Lee, soloist) on "Something to Hold On To," 1992.

Happy Birthday, Lindsay Bear. We all love you so very much and miss you like crazy!

God's WORD for YOU: Ezra 9-10; Acts 1

Think About This: Sometime when you're in an airport, observe the difference between passengers who hold confirmed tickets and those who are on standby. The ones with confirmed tickets read newspapers, chat with their friends or sleep. The ones on standby hang around the ticket counter, pace and smoke, smoke and pace. The difference is caused by the confidence factor. If you knew that in fifteen minutes you would have to stand in judgment before the Holy God and learn your eternal destiny, what would your reaction be? Would you smoke and pace? Would you say to yourself, "I don't know what God's going to say - will itbe 'Welcome home, child,' or will it be 'Depart from me; I never knew you'? - Bill Hybels

Friday, June 13, 2008

Prelude to Father's Day

Prelude to Father's Day

For a long time Father's Day has been a very difficult day for me. My Dad went home to be with Jesus well over 20 years ago and I miss him as much today as I did right after the Lord took him home.

This year Father's Day has a greater significance than it has in past years because of the events we have faced as a family during the past several months with our granddaughter, Lindsay.

Having gone through this difficult time as a family allowed me to step back and view my grown sons (in my mind there is no such thing as a son-in-law) through a very different set of lenses. I realized what a blessed man I have to have three of my sons who are now Dads - great Dads - Dad's that I'd like to be when I grow up.

Watching Jon care for his precious Lindsay Bear was one of those "once-in-a-lifetime" precious moments. He stood by his little girl during the seven weeks of hospitalization with courage and determination. Hospitals are not Jon's thing, but he put aside his own fears and weakness in order to be strong and supportive. While Lindsay responded to everyone else, it was obvious during those weeks that she responded differently to her Daddy! Of all the Daddy's in the world God could have chosen for Lindsay, he chose YOU, Jon. He knew what he was doing. I know it hurts like heck right now, Jon, but you were a wonderful Dad to your precious little "Bear!" I am so proud of you.

Garrett has been not just a son, but a friend. Because he is living on campus, I get to see him on a daily basis. I have watched this "troubled" kid turn into a man who deeply loves the Lord and his family. (I would have really been ticked off at Julie if she had not opened her eyes and heart.) I love to watch how the room lights up for Emma when her Daddy walks it! She adores her Daddy. During Lindsay's illness, Garrett made it possible for Julie to be able to come several times to be with Laura and Jon. It was a stretch out of his comfort zone to have to care for Emma and Ethan on his own - but he did it because of his love for his family. It was a sacrifice that I have appreciated so much.
I am proud of you, Garrett.

Josh is my first-born son, and I am so very proud of him. I realize in watching Josh now, how many times I blew it with him and could have lost him because of my insensitivity, stubbornness, and stupidity. Watching Josh and how he cares for his son, Sam, often brings tears to my eyes. He has become a great Dad. I find myself pinching myself and saying, "Is that my son?" not because I didn't think he'd not be a great Dad, but because of all the son's I could have had, he's my son! I am so very proud of you, Josh. Of all the Dads God could have given to you, I am so honored and thankful that He has allowed me to be your Dad.

And Zach has the privilege of now being in "Daddy Prep School!" He gets to be an apprentice as he watches Jon, Garrett and Josh be the spiritual leader of their homes, and to be the greatest Dad's in the world. You've got great role models, Zach! One day you'll be just like them.

Don't miss this Father's Day. Let your Dad know how much you love him, and thank him for loving you. - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK and the proud/blessed father of four sons.

God's Word for YOU: Ezra 6-8; John 21

Think about this: [The unchristian environment] is the place where we find out whether the Christian's meditation has led him into the unreal, from which he awakens in terror when he returns to the workaday world, or whether it has led him into a real contact with God, from which he emerges strengthened and purified. Has it transported him for a moment into a spiritual ecstasy that vanishes when everyday life returns, or has it lodged the Word of God so securely and deeply in his heart that it holds and fortifies him, impelling him to active love, to obedience, to good works? Only the day can decide. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Please Pass the Salt


"Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know
how you ought to answer each person." Colossians 4:5-6 (E.S.V)

I've often wonder what is better to do. Tell it like it is or hold things back. I have trouble with being a salt shaker. There are times were I am a crushed red pepper shaker and come off offensive. And I do not even realize it. It is hard to stay on top of and in my daily walk it is a constant stumbling block. There were many times this past little league season where my resolve had been put to the test.

I just recently went to an Atlantic City Surf baseball game for school night with my son's classmates. The choir and the band did a good job of singing and playing The Star Spangled Banner and then it was "Play Ball" time. There were some questionable calls like there always will be and the crowd reacted like you would have at any game BUT.....

There was this one guy. It did not take him long to get real ugly with his comments towards the umpire. At one point someone approached this guy about his "color" commentary and that person was on the receiving end of a tongue lashing. It was suggested by "some of us" that this "Fan" needed to be thrown out of the game. We didn't get the call we wanted but he did calm down some.

My daughter had decided to sit on my lap sometime after this occurrence and just wanted to sit with her Daddy. "Alright Karen, ya can't keep sittin' here I can't see the game." Man...I was on the receiving end of a long face and a foam finger. It was only the bottom of the fourth and it took me a few innings to convince my little girl that I just might have said the right thing the wrong way. I can be a big dummy at times and forget the salt shaker.

I opened with verses from Colossians because I need to remember this for my own big dummy self. The Christian father needs to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth all the time, every time...period. You never know when some "Fan" will be in the crowd and do what they can to rub off. Did this happen to me? Yep, sure did. I may have been right to tell it like it was but it should have been better tasting to those around me.

Did my daughter forgive me after my Big Daddy ding-a-ling blunder?
Praise God she did. For those of you Brothers out there with daughters I pray they forgive you when you have your red pepper moment.

Here's a good quote: The heart of your life as a Christian is contained in God's words to Abraham, "Walk in My presence, and you will be perfect." God's presence calms your spirit, gives you restful sleep, and quiets your mind. But you must give yourself completely to Him." The Seeking Heart - Fenelon

Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony Mercy and frequent contributor to Freedom Fighters.

God's WORD for YOU: Ezra 3-5; John 20

If I find myself half-carelessly taking lapses for granted, "Oh, that's what they always do." "Oh, of course she talks like that, he acts like that," then I know nothing of Calvary love. Amy Carmichael

Tonight is our Father Son Night at America's KESWICK with Gospel Magician, Pastor Tom.. Dinner begins at 6:15 PM. Enjoy the program with your Father or Son, and then enjoy the fellowship at the Activity Center. Call for reservations.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Smelly Men


"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

Growing up my Dad was a "closet" smoker. He had surrendered his alcoholism to the Lord and had complete victory, but never allowed the Lord to take away his addiction to cigarettes. He didn't want us kids to know he smoked, so he never smoked in front of us.

We all knew that he was smoking, but to cover it up, he would douse himself with aftershave lotion to hide the smell. What he didn't realize is that the aftershave didn't hide or cover up the smell - it amplified it. By the way, that has been a real helpful tool to me in my role at America's KESWICK with grads who try to pull the wool over my eyes ... the aftershave is a dead giveaway.

If you are IN CHRIST and allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way with you, you can't cover up the fragrance of Christ that will flow from your life. No matter how you try to cover it up, people around you will smell you!

I've met so many "smelly" men in my lifetime time. I could write for days about them. One of the men whose life gives off the fragrance of Christ is my dear friend and mentor, Pastor Bob Alderman. Pastor Bob is who I want to be when I grow up. When I am with him, I am so aware of the anointing of God on his life and ministry.

I had the privilege of being at Pastor Bob's church in Roanoke for a weekend. I witnessed the love of a congregation for their Pastor and the love of a Pastor for his people. The fragrance of Christ permeates every part of his ministry.

You cannot be in Pastor Bob's presence without sensing that God is at work in his life. His personal walk with the Lord creates in your life a desire to want what he has.

How about you? Me? Is that the kind of fragrance we are giving off when people rub shoulders with us? I want my life to be a fragrance of life, not death. How about you? - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Ezra 1-2; John 19:23-42

Think about this: The essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea-bites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind. (Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What's That Smell (Part 2)


"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

Yesterday we talked about the smell that we give off as men who love Christ that permeates everything we do. Other lives either give off the smell of death or the fragrance of life.

Years ago we met a couple who served the Lord very faithfully in a teaching preaching ministry. Pastor Bob was a bi-vocational teacher and was called upon on a regular basis to do pulpit supply and interim pastorates. His wife Dorrie was a very sweet lady and was quite the character. There was one thing about Dorrie that stood out - her perfume!

She doused herself with so much perfume that you could smell her before you could see her! It got to be funny, but when we would walk into a church or attend a conference at Keswick, we'd be able to look at each other and say, "Dorrie Boyd is here!" Her perfume was a indicator of her presence and became her mark of identification.

Years ago I started wearing Woodlands Aftershave (Bath and Body) and it has become my "smell." One of our senior friends tells me all the time, "You smell so good!" That my friend, is what the world should be saying about the fragrance of our lives, not our body odor.

Let me ask you several questions:

1. If you walked into a room of unbelievers that you have never met, how
would you smell? Would they detect something different about your life?

2. If someone walked into your church this Sunday (maybe even walk into
your church business meeting), what aroma would they detect?

3. How do you smell to your wife? Your kids? Your co-workers?

4. Does your life smell like a skunk (offensive) or does it smell like
walking into walking into a Cinnabon store - (I want that! What is that smell - it is so good?)

Living in the world and not of it gives us the opportunity to allow the aroma of Christ to flow from us. Tomorrow I want to share some examples of men in my life that have had unique smells! Think about this: we can cover up the outward odors with as much cologne and aftershave as we want . but it will never mask the stink that is coming from the inside! Guys - what's the smell coming from your life today? - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK. He is the father of four kids, and the proud grandfather of five grandchildren.

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 34-36; John 19:1-22

Think about it: The sins against hope are despair, as anticipated failure, and presumption, as anticipated fulfillment. In both these cases man seeks to break out of his pilgrim existence and have his life otherwise than from the hand of God. -- Ferdinand Kerstiens

Monday, June 09, 2008

What's That Smell?


"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life." 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

One of the shows my grandson Tanner used to like was "Bear and the Big Blue House." In the opening scene, Bear comes out of his house and all of a sudden in the middle of his conversation, starts to sniff. He says, "What's that I smell? Hmmm ... it's you!"

How do you smell? Now I am not talking about body odor. But according to today's verse, we as men who love Christ should have the aroma of Him oozing from our lives. Dr. Kenny Luck in his book, DREAM, suggests that we smell in the following areas:

Acceptance -- What's happening in us emotionally, relationally, morally and spiritually will come out and influence the lives of others.

Proximity - Physical proximity determines the blast of your zone of influence. Spouses, kids, friends, and co-workers are in your hot zone of character and conduct.

Activation - When you connect with people, your character can't not give away to conduct. Your character is expressed in behavior that has an on-going influence.

Sensation - Over time, the people connected to you sense and feel the REAL you. Our dignity gets pulled away, and they get a whiff of what's inside.

Saturation - Leaking substances land somewhere; they seep into things and change their makeup. Clean becomes dirty. Similarly, any fears, pride, insecurities, brokenness, attachments, or wounds can seep into our relationships and change them for better or for worse.

Recognition and reaction - My sin and character flaws leak more aggressively than the healthier parts of me.

I will share more about this tomorrow ... but guys - when people are around you - what do they smell? Do they smell the fragrance of Christ?
Think about it! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 32-33; John 18:19:40

Think about this: Satan is ever seeking to inject that poison into our hearts to distrust God's goodness - especially in connection with his commandments. That is what really lies behind all evil, lusting and disobedience. A discontent with our position and portion, a craving from something which God has wisely held from us. Reject any suggestion that God is unduly severe with you. Resist with the utmost abhorrence anything that causes you to doubt God's love and his lovingkindness toward you. Allow nothing to make you question the Father's love for his child. -- Arthur W. Pink

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Consequence of Choice

The Consequence of Choice

Many of you who read Freedom Fighters know that I'm a Proverbs junkie.
I need a daily "fix" of Proverbs. God's wisdom in Proverbs is a daily reminder that I'm not smart enough to live life on my own.

Yesterday was June 7, so I read Proverbs 7. The instruction I read offered me the information I needed for today's edition of FF. It's the last piece I'm going to do on avoiding evil and pursuing the safety of biblical obedience.

The chapter begins with Solomon writing to his son. He first offer a series of instructions about obedience, commitment to God's Word and wisdom. The end result of that obedience and commitment is powerful: "they [will] keep you from the immoral woman, from the seductress who flatters with her words."

While the obvious interpretation of the "immoral woman" is the harlot who seduces foolish men, many who write on this chapter believe that Solomon may have used the "immoral woman" as a metaphor for anything Satan uses to seduce us and lure us into sin. Regardless of the interpretation, the issue is about choices.

Notice vss. 6-8. The writer sees a young man through his window. The young man chose foolishness over wisdom. He takes the path to the harlot's house. In the margin of my Bible I wrote this question next to vs. 8, "Did he have to do this?" Had he chosen wisdom and understanding and instruction, the answer is "no." Because he rejected those qualities and lived foolishly, he made the only choice he could. He had no internal compass to help him know the difference between right and wrong.

Please understand the consequences of choices. We become "wise in what
is good, and simple concerning evil" (Romans 16:19) by the choices we make one day at a time. Each choice we make that flows from God's wisdom and instruction strengthens us and prepares us for the next choice. Every time we make foolish choices, we make the next foolish choice easier to make. Every choice, no matter how benign, strengthens us or diminishes us.

Ask one simple question the next time you're faced with one of those defining choices in life. "Do I have to do this?" If you walk with Jesus, His Spirit lives within you. He'll help us discern the right answer to the question. God's Word and wisdom provides the necessary protection from every seduction. It's our choice to receive that protection or ignore it. Just don't forget. Every choice has consequences. Read vs. 27: the path to the harlot's house (literally and metaphorically) is the way to hell. . . ." Every choice has consequences. - John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 30-31; John 18:1-18

Think about this: [God desires] not that He may say to them, "Look how mighty I am, and go down upon your knees and worship", for power alone was never yet worthy of prayer; but that He may say thus: "Look, my children, you will never be strong but with my strength. I have no other to give you. And that you can get only by trusting in me. I cannot give it you any other way. There is no other way. -- George Macdonald

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Commitment to Right Living

Commitment to Right Living (Psalm 101)

I was sitting in the car waiting for my wife yesterday afternoon. Buying flowers isn't one of my favorite activities. While waiting, I decided to read some Scripture from the New Testament with the Psalms that I keep in the car for hospital calls. Without any particular destination in the Psalms, I landed at Psalm 101.

After reading it, I knew I'd found my thoughts for this weekend's Freedom Fighters. They follow on the thoughts I shared last weekend. The psalmist reminds us that we make choices that either keep us in tune with God's plan or lead us into danger. It strikes me that the Lord is really pushing us to think about how we commit ourselves to right living-safe living.

The psalmist says in vs. 2, "I will behave myself wisely in a perfect (blameless) way . . . . I will walk within my house with a perfect (blameless) heart." He chooses to live in a way that honors the Lord he loves. As I read it, I admired the David's intentionality. He was proactive in pursuing life as God designed it. Instead of going with the flow, he made the decision to live with integrity before his God.

Continue with the psalm, and you'll discover more about his resolve and the steps he took to keep his commitment to right living. In vs. 3 he says "I will set nothing wicked before my eyes." David, the psalmist, tells the Lord that he will intentionally pay attention to what enters his vision. He understood that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. He knew he couldn't be too careful. Life hasn't changed in all these hundreds of years since David. How careful are we to "set nothing wicked before [our] eyes?

Notice one more commitment David made to God. "I will not know wickedness." (vs. 4) I wonder if the Apostle Paul might have had this statement in mind when he wrote Romans 16:19. Do you remember it from last week? Paul told the Roman Christians that he wanted them to be "simple concerning evil." David committed himself to the absence of wickedness; he decided that wickedness wouldn't destroy his life.

It seems to me that David made some key decisions about righteousness and wickedness that you and I can make. Don't worry about what is past.
Just know that from today forward you can intentionally choose blamelessness. You and I can choose to refuse wickedness an entry into our lives. It's our choice. May God help us to make the right choice!
- Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 28-29; John 17

Think about this: Do you have a hunger for God? If we don't feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because we have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because we have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Our soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great. If we are full of what the world offers, then perhaps a fast might express, or even increase, our soul's appetite for God. Between the dangers of self-denial and self-indulgence is the path of pleasant pain called fasting. -- John Piper

Friday, June 06, 2008

Is Jesus Lord of All?


"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:1,2)

Submitting to Jesus Christ as your personal Savior opens your heart to Him, allows Him to fellowship and reside with you. However, committing to Him means you transfer the title of your life to Him. He comes not only to fellowship but also to re-design; not just to reside but to renovate your life.

The Lord goes through every room and does a remodeling job, top to bottom. He takes out a door here, but puts in a window there, erects a wall where there is permissiveness and takes out a dark closet where pet sins were once fed and nurtured. He wires your thinking and expands the square footage of your heart to dimensions you never thought possible!

So, the question is - are you willing to have the Lord be in control of your relationships, your work, your circumstances, your body?

This would be making Him not just present in your life, but president - over all - the Lord of your externals. But perhaps more important is that the Lord be supreme and over all your internals; that is, your mind, your emotions, your will. The lordship issue boils down to a decision of the will. Robert Munger, in his excellent booklet, "My Heart - Christ's Home" says, "Give the King a castle that is worthy of His presence." Let's make that a goal.

Make Him Lord of your externals and internals, and He will have His rightful place in your life. -- Rev. John Hibbard is a member of the Board of Trustees of America's KESWICK and my dear friend.

GOD'S WORD FOR YOU: 2 Chronicles 25-27; John 16

Think about it: Lord grant that the fire of my heart may melt the lead in my feet.-Anonymous

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The Never-Forsaking God


"He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you'" Hebrews 13:5

For those of you who have been a part of the Freedom Fighter family for some time, you have heard me say often that I am amazed at how many times God meets me at my point of need when I take the time to spend time alone with Him each morning.

Yesterday was one of those rough days for my kids and my family as we are walking through the grieving process. While we are confident and comforted that Lindsay is in heaven, it stinks for us. We miss her so much. As we are learning, grieve comes in waves, but oh how thankful we are that His comfort rolls in with even bigger waves!

Yesterday's reading from Oswald Chambers was so timely for me. Chew on this one and let it speak to your soul today:

"What line of thinking do my thoughts take? Do I turn to what God says or to my own fears? Am I simply repeating what God says or am I learning to truly hear from Him and then to respond after I have heard what He says? "For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you or forsake you.' So we may boldly say: 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?'" (Hebrews 13:5-6)

"I will never leave you ..." - no, not for ANY reason; not my sin, selfishness, stubbornness, nor waywardness. Have I really let God say to me that He will never leave me? If I have not truly heard this assurance of God, then let me listen again.

"I will never ... forsake you ..." Sometimes it is not the difficulty of life but the drudgery of it that makes me think God will forsake me. When there is no major difficulty to overcome no vision from God, nothing wonderful or beautiful - just everyday activities of life - do I hear God's assurance even in these?

We have the idea that God is going to do some exceptional thing - that He is preparing and equipping us for some extraordinary work in the future. But as we grow in His grace we find that God is glorifying Himself here and now, at this very moment. If we have God's assurance behind us, the most amazing strength becomes ours, and we learn to sing, glorifying Him even in the ordinary days and ways of life." -- My Utmost for His Highest

Well, my friend, I needed that reminder. I hope that it will encourage your heart today as well. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 23-24; John 15

THINK ABOUT THIS: Emotional healing is almost always a process. It takes time. There is a very important reason for this. Our heavenly Father is not only wanting to free us from the pain of past wounds, he is also desirous of bringing us into maturity, both spiritually and emotionally. That takes time, because we need time to learn to make the right choices. He loves us enough to take the months and years necessary to not only heal our wounds, but also build our character. Without growth of character we will get wounded again.-- Floyd McClung

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Satan's Plan of Salvation


"What I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ, in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes." 2 Corinthians 2:10-11

One of my favorite Bible College professors was the late Dr. John Cawood. He used to make this statement: "When Satan fell, he landed in the church sound room, rolled into the choir loft and then into the nursery." While I know he was joking, it is good reminder that the enemy of our souls is alive and well. He is very active "seeking those he may devour."

Many of us have been familiar with Dr. Bill Bright's gospel tract, THE FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS which begins with the statement, "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life!" Well my friend, guess what - Satan has a plan for your life too! Listen to the words of devotional writer, Glynn Evans in today's reading from DAILY WITH THE KING:

"Lord, I must ever be aware of the wiles of Satan. I sometimes forget that he has a "plan of salvation" also. He is great at promising "deliverance" (Hebrews 11:35). In fact, his deliverance mimics the great deliverance that YOU promise Your children. In being tempted by Satan, Jesus was promised deliverance from the cross (Matthew 4:9). Many martyrs were promised deliverance from their pains by a simple recantation. All Satan requires for his deliverances is exactly that which God requires: commitment to him.

I must always remember that Satan wants be alive and well on planet earth. What despot, however evil, wants his subjects distressed and unhappy? The usual caricature - that Stan was us destroyed, mutilated, or distorted - is not true. He wants us to fulfill ourselves and to be the happy subjects he wants us to be - but in his way. That is why it is very difficult to convince unsaved worldlings that they are NOT having a good time. The fact is, they are! Further, it is difficult to get worldlings to exchange their IMMEDIATE happiness, which Satan gives, for an eventual happiness which God promises.

The difference between God's deliverance and Satan's hinges on a crucial
point: Do I live for myself, or for others? Satan says, "Serve me, and I will give you everything you want." God says, "Serve Me, and I will give you only what is good." Satan's philosophy will eventually kill me, for the end of a self-serving soul is death. God's philosophy will make me eternally alive, for the person who gives his life for others will live forever. Never will God leave me naked before my enemy as long as my face is turned toward Him, and never will He recant His oath that no power of any kind will ever be able to pry me away from Him. (Romans 8:35-39)"

Good reminder, guys! Be aware! Don't be ignorant! But remember this: The enemy is a defeated foe - defeated at the Cross. Live today knowing that he is defeated. Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world. Don't be ignorant of the enemy's plan for your life. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's Word for YOU: 2 Corinthians 21-22; John 14

Think about this: Abide in Me: These words are the command of love, which is ever only a promise in a different shape. Think of this until all feeling of burden and fear and despair pass away, and the first thought that comes as you hear of abiding in Jesus be one of bright and joyous hope. -- Andrew Murray

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Be Careful What You Pray For

Be Careful What You Pray For

"Wilt Thou not Thyself revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in You? Show us Your lovingkindness, O Lord, and grant us Your salvation!"
Psalm 85:6-7)

One of the comments that I have made to congregations when I lead worship is to think about how often we SING lies! Did I grab your attention? Do you really mean what you sing? Think about it the next time you are singing. Do I really believe what I am singing when I worship the Lord? If our worship is all about HIM and He is our audience of ONE - wow ... think about that.

There is a powerful hymn that is often sung as an invitation hymn. The hymn is CLEANSE ME (Search Me, O God), a prayer written by James Edwin Orr. The last verse of the hymn reads: "O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee; Send a revival, start the work in ME ..." Just as in singing, we need to be careful HOW we pray. Do I really want God to bring revival to my church? My city? My country?

Think about this: "Lord, teach me to understand the meaning of revival.
I have often prayed for revival, hoping to be the revivalist and therefore the center. At other times we have longed for revival because it meant crowds, interest, and excitement. How wrong those ideas! Revival is anything but pleasant; it is a searching, searing time when God's holiness burns hotly against our sins. It is knowing that God is a 'consuming fire' (Hebrews 12:29); knowing God's 'terror' (2 Corinthians 5:11), and crying out, 'Woe is me' (Isaiah 6:5).

Revival has one chief aim - the removal of sin and the purifying of the believer. We read of revivals and wholesale conversions, but these are the RESULTS of revival. Revival itself concerns two parties: God and His people. The message of revival is: What are you doing about your piled-up sins? Revival is a sign that, because of His thinning patience, God has moved His people to confession. But it also means something else: God loves us so much that He is anxious to put us back into a right relationship with Himself.

In revival, God says, 'I love you, so get rid of your sins.' The seed of revival is the grief of the Holy Spirit; the confession of the people is the Spirit's grief vented. Only when the Spirit is 'ungrieved' can blessing come. It is at that point that God's people can take a mighty leap forward. Unless I have a contented Holy Spirit within me, I need revival. Revival is God's mighty surgery for people who have grown dull of hearing.

The Psalmist's deep cry encourages us, 'Will you not revive us again, that YOUR people may rejoice in YOU (Psalm 85:6). It is a welcome day when revival comes, for then we are restored and delivered! (from DAILY WITH THE KING by Glynn Evans/Moody Press)

So do you want God to begin a revival in your church? In your ministry?
In your family? Then be careful what You pray for - He most likely start that revival in YOU! But guess what - it will be worth it! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 19-20; John 13:21-38

Think about this: Jeremy Taylor gives us some fundamental rules for prayer. And the chief of them is this: "Do not lie to God." And that curt piece of advice, so bluntly thrown down for us, is indeed all-important. Do not burn false fire upon God's altar; do not pose and pretend, either to Him or to yourself, in your religious exercises; do not say more than you mean, or use exaggerated language that goes beyond the facts, when speaking to Him whose word is truth. -- Arthur John (A. J.) Gossip

Keeping Focused

Keeping focused

Often friends tell me they see me driving down the road and they either wave or honk and I just ignore them! Well...I'm one of those people who pays very little attention to who's in another car.

I keep my eyes on the road and what other cars are doing, not particularly at who is in the car! I'm sure most of you have driven with someone who is always taking in the scenery or looking at you when they're driving or they seem to know everyone in each car that goes by. That is so scary! In the seconds it takes you to take your eyes off the road you can have an accident.

I may be hyper-sensitive because there have been many accidents in my family...some just fender benders - some fatal. Perhaps that has made me more aware of how important it is to keep your eyes on the road.

The same goes for our spiritual life. It is so important to keep our eyes focused on Jesus ALL the time. Satan just looks for the opportunity when we take our eyes off Jesus, to lead us down a path of destruction. And it all starts with just a glance. There are so many things that can distract us from our Lord. There are so many interruptions and distractions that can entice us to take our eyes off of Him. Satan is sneaky and he knows how to disguise a distraction so that at first it seems harmless enough.

Perhaps you worked extra hard in the yard and you're so tired. It couldn't hurt to sleep "in" in the morning and miss your devotions this one time? It's so easy to fall into this trap or any other one just like it.Psalm 141:8, But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge-do not give me over to death. Psalm 25:15, My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.Deuteronomy 5:32-33, So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left. Walk in all the way that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess. It just seems to is near to impossible to sin if I keep my eyes on Jesus...just keep my eyes focused on Him and stay in the Word. Be diligent and watchful and don't fall for those seemingly "harmless" distractions. If only I were as diligent with keeping my eyes on Jesus as I am with keeping my eyes on the road when I'm driving. Oh that my family and friends would say about my life "She never takes her eyes off Jesus!"

Mary Ann Kiernan and John have been married for 35 years, have 2 grown/married sons and are the proud grandparents of two grandsons. She serves at America's Keswick as a Biblical Counselor and also as Intake Coordinator for the Colony of Mercy. Her life verse is Romans 8:28.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Life in the Spirit -- The Great Danger


Many of you have been blessed by the weekend writings of Pastor John Strain. He is our Pastor and we are blessed by his friendship and ministry. Yesterday's message was powerful and the outline below is one that I want to encourage you to use to dig deeper in your walk with the Lord:

"God designed each of us to know Him, love Him and serve Him. We do that effectively when we experience "Life in the Spirit." To live any other way is to live a sub-normal Christian life. That's why we need to understand "THE GREAT DANGER" that attacks those who want "LIFE IN THE SPIRIT."

1. Danger lurks at the door when we GRIEVE the Holy Spirit. To
grieve is to make sorry.

2. Danger lurks at the door when we QUENCH the Holy Spirit. To
quench is to extinguish.

3. Danger lurks at the door when we TEST the Holy Spirit. To test is
to deliberately disobey.

4. Danger arrives at the door when we exhaust God's patience.

So here are four keys to avoiding THE GREAT DANGER:

1. Pursue godliness and resist the enemy.

2. Walk humbly.

3. Live obediently.

4. Choose surrender over independence.

I trust that this simple outline will cause you to think and dig a little deeper. It was what I needed to hear yesterday. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 17-18; John 13:1-20

Think about this: Most Christians are like a man who was toiling along the road, bending under a heavy burden, when a wagon overtook him, and the driver kindly offered to help him on his journey. He joyfully accepted the offer, but when seated, continued to bend beneath his burden, which he still kept on his shoulders. "Why do you not lay down your burden?" asked the kind-hearted driver. "Oh!" replied the man, "I feel that it is almost too much to ask you to carry me, and I could not think of letting you carry my burden too." And so Christians, who have given themselves into the care and keeping of the Lord Jesus, still continue to bend beneath the weight of their burden, and often go weary and heavy-laden throughout the whole length of their journey. - Hannah Whitall Smith

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Wise and Simple -- the Path to Secure Living

Wise and Simple-the Path to Secure Living

If you're a regular reader of Freedom Fighters, you've read a lot on the same general theme this week. Bill Welte challenged you earlier in the week to BEWARE the tricks of the enemy with whom we are at war. Chris Hughes wrote Thursday and quoted Dallas Willard as he told us to get off the treadmill and avoid temptation. Yesterday, I wrote about the prudent man who sees evil approaching and runs from it.

I want to continue the theme of careful living today. The Apostle Paul writes wisdom for us in Romans 16:19: "For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be WISE in what is good, and SIMPLE concerning evil."

The issue, again, is personal responsibility. We live in the power of the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit empowers us to live responsibly. He helps us make wise choices and decisions. All of us know the stories of those who make bad choices and have to live with the consequences. Here is truth we must accept-we don't have to make those bad choices.

I'd like us to consider two questions this morning. 1) How wise are you and I in what is good? Do we pursue good? Do we work at learning what is good and then choosing it? The Apostle wanted the Romans, and us, to live for that which is good. He knew that choosing good protects us and empowers our witness in the world.

Here's the second question: How simple are we concerning evil? Most of us live too comfortably with evil. We let it live to close to us and lose the simplicity toward evil that Paul desired for us. Many of us are too confident in ourselves and think we can handle evil. The Apostle urged us to live so far from evil that we're "simple" or "innocent" toward it. He's telling us we should be as unacquainted with evil as possible.

So, you and I have make choices. We can listen to the Spirit and become wise in what is good. Or, we can listen to our enemy and flirt with evil. We'll lose our simple innocence and live in danger rather than security. The choices are ours. May God help choose what is good and be ignorant of what is evil! - Pastor Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's Word for YOU: 2 Chronicles 15-16; John 12:27-50

Think about this: Duties are ours, events are God's; When our faith goes to meddle with events, and to hold account upon God's Providence, and beginneth to say, 'How wilt Thou do this or that?' we lose ground; we have nothing to do there; it is our part to let the Almighty exercise His own office, and steer His own helm; there is nothing left for us, but to see how we may be approved of Him, and how we roll the weight of our weak souls upon Him who is God omnipotent, and when we thus essay miscarrieth, it shall be neither our sin nor our cross. -- Samuel Rutherford