Thursday, June 26, 2008

Christ is My Life


"We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:3-6

I've been a Christian for two years. It has not been an easy journey thus far (that is, in my own strength). I had exhausted every avenue and human resource to obtain the "successful Christian life," all to no avail and utter dismay. The more I tried to obey the commands of my Lord and Savior the more troublesome and burdensome it became to be obedient. Obedience isn't something I should feel obligated to partake in. It is much more than that!! It is the ultimate expression of my love to the One who has delivered me from the burden of sin and made me alive in Christ.

When I reflect on the tumultuous and self-destructive lifestyle and the unbearable and ever-pressing feeling of despair my God has delivered me from; it becomes much simpler to obey. I was lost and weak. He pursued me, found me, and gave me strength. I was crushed and broken in spirit. He sustained me and gave me hope. I was alone and subjected to the prince of this world. He adopted me into His family, called me His beloved son, and broke free the chains of bondage!

When I recognize Him for who He is and what He has done, how can I not out of love and reverence obey His every command. I know the One whom I believe! He has been so faithful even in my disobedience. How dare I not love Him enough to show my gratitude? Of course at times it is difficult and seemingly impossible to follow, but it is then that I am empowered by the Holy Spirit, and abundantly given grace to persevere and move forward. I've experienced God's love and mercy in immeasurable amounts. I know who I was and I know who I am because of Him. I can never describe the inward transformation or the change that took place in my heart because only I've lived it.

Words cannot express the joy and the hope I have received through Him. I have tasted the goodness of the Lord. Maybe its selfishness, but I abide in the Lord and follow His commands because I've experienced His presence and His promises. Maybe only for a season, but I've been lavished with His love and at moments it seems as if He has not withheld any good thing from me. Until I've matured and been conformed more into the image of Christ I'll obey Him simply for the blessed hope of life in heaven and the promise of eternity with the Father. When the light of life has faded, sometimes hope in a Savior is all you need. -- Ed Mayo is a recent graduate of the Colony of Mercy and is now in Discipleship

God's WORD for YOU: Job 5-7; Acts 8:1-25

Think about this: Every year, I might almost say every day, that I live, I seem to see more clearly how all the rest and gladness and power of our Christian life hinges on one thing; and that is, taking God at His word, believing that He really means exactly what He says, and accepting the very words in which He reveals His goodness and grace, without substituting others or altering the precise modes and tenses which He has seen fit to use. -- Frances Ridley Havergal

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