Sunday, June 29, 2008

Step Into The Sanctuary

"Step into the Sanctuary" (Psalm 73)

Those who follow God have never found life in fellowship with God an easy thing. Gods' promises to us do not include exclusion from difficulty. Many of us have known those days when it seems like the unbeliever has the easier life. Those feelings are not new. Psalm 73 eloquently voices similar feelings.

Read the first 16 verses of the psalm. The writer looks at the pagans around him. He compares the ease with which the unrighteous live to the lack of ease known by righteous. He concludes his observance of the wicked by saying, "When I thought to understand this, it was too painful for me. . . ." He could not comprehend the apparent conflict.

Then, something happened. The psalmist said it was too painful for him to think about the situation "until." He stepped into the "sanctuary of God." Then, he said, I understood. When he brought all his concerns into the presence of God, he discovered the perspective that helped him see reality instead of illusions. God changed everything he thought about the security of the wicked and the insecurity of the righteous.

He concluded the psalm by saying "It is good for me to draw near to God. . . ." We need to hear those words and let them sink down into our souls. Situations are not always what they appear to be. Looking at them without Gods' perspective allows the wicked one to deceive us. Taking those situations into the "sanctuary of God" allows God the opportunity to protect us from deception.

The world in which we live is not our friend. Sin distorts most of what we see in the world; it often appears hospitable and appealing even though it isn't. Without sanctuary time, we will lose perspective and begin to believe a lie. That is why spending time with God is so important. That is why bringing the issues and struggles of life before Him is so important.

I try to read Psalm 73 at least four times a year. The psalmists' reminder is good for me. I hope it will be good for you, too. -- John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River and our weekend Freedom Fighter contributor.

God's WORD for YOU: Job 14-16; Acts 9:22-43 (Ever wanted to read through the Bible? Well consider reading the passages of Scripture each day at the bottom of your Freedom Fighter email, and you will read through the Bible in a year! Immerse yourself in the Book.)

Think About This: All God's giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on Him being with them." J. Hudson Taylor

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