Sunday, June 15, 2008

God's Grace When We Need It

"God's Grace When We Need It" (Psalm 141:8)

It's been a hard week, one of the hardest I've ever endured. Early in the week while trying to work, I just couldn't concentrate. Studying seemed a lost cause. My thoughts were bouncing around in my head with no focus. I tried to pray, but I couldn't bring the words together. I needed God's grace to get back on track.

My walk with Jesus over almost forty-six years has been fairly simple. I've not experienced great highs and lows. I guess I could describe it more like a "steady as she goes" kind of life. Once in awhile, though, God does something truly special for me. I remember those special times. They often sustain me during the "steady as she goes" days.

I didn't know what God might do to help me through the situation, but I knew I needed to take a break and give Him an opportunity to work in my life. I picked up my Bible, asked the Lord to give me something to calm my soul and clear my mind. Not knowing where to go, I turned to the Psalms with nothing particular in mind. My Bible opened to Psalm 141, and I started reading. Let me share some of the verses that caught my attention.

Vs. 1: "Lord, I cry out to You; make haste to me! Give ear to my voice when I cry out to You." (I desperately needed Him to hear me, so this verse jumped off the page for me.)

Vs. 3: "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips." (This was an important warning for me; it's easy to say things you'll later regret when you're struggling.)

Then I came to vs. 8: "But my eyes are upon you, God the Lord; in You I take refuge; do not leave my soul destitute." That verse became one of those "special times" that I'll remember for years. He made haste (vs.1) to help me when I needed it God, my Father, showed me why He is such a good Father for His children. He knew my heart. He knew the turmoil of my soul. He knew it was not "steady as she goes" time. He picked me up, held me in His arms and told me just what I needed to hear. It changed my week! He gave me hope and focus and rest.

I'm glad He's my Father. I'm glad He's your Father. We can always trust Him. We can always know that He cares about us. Let's be sure to tell Him we're glad He's our Father on this Father's Day 2008. - John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

Think about this: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love... He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities." (Psalm 103:8, 10) Can you think of one person in your life who "deserves" whatever you could dish out?
On the other hand, can you imagine if we got what we deserved? But instead, God sent His Son to save us. Thank heaven we got what we never could deserve. -- Anonymous

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