Saturday, June 14, 2008

If You Could See Me Now


Today is Lindsay "Bear" Groen's second birthday. And she is celebrating her birthday in heaven with Jesus and so man of our family who have already gone to heaven.

We are in New Hampshire with Laura, Jon and Tanner for the weekend, and I have to tell you it has been hard for me to walk into the bedroom to see Lindsay's empty crib. Last night I was standing there with a huge knot in my throat wanting to just reach in to pick her up and get one of her special Linsday bear hugs.

Laura and Jon received the medical reports from Children's Hospital Boston and I spent time reading through the many comments from the doctors. After reading through the reports, it was so obvious that the Lord in His sovereignty knew that Lindsay was a lot sicker than we all realized. Obviously we don't know the big picture ... but the Lord brought comfort to my heart in thinking about the fact that Lindsay has her new heart and is completely whole.

It doesn't take away the pain, my friends. It hurts. It stinks. We grieve. But we have hope - hope knowing that she is with Jesus, and one day we will all be together.

The words to this song have new meaning today:

Our prayers have all been answered. I finally arrived.
The healing that had been delayed has now been realized.
No one's in a hurry. There's no schedule to keep.
We're all enjoying Jesus, just sitting at His feet.

Cho: If you could see me now, I'm walking streets of gold.
If you could see me now, I'm standing strong and whole.
If you could see me now, you'd know I've seen His face.
If you could see me now, you'd know the pain is erased.
You wouldn't want me to ever leave this place,
If you could only see me now.

My light and temporary trials have worked out for my good,
To know it brought Him glory when I misunderstood.
Though we've had our sorrows, they can never compare.
What Jesus has in store for us, no language can share. (Chorus twice)

You wouldn't want me to ever leave this perfect place
If you could only see me now
If you could see me now
If you could only see me now
Kim Noblitt, (c) 1992 Integrity's Praise/BMI and Dad and Dann Music
Sung by Truth (Russ Lee, soloist) on "Something to Hold On To," 1992.

Happy Birthday, Lindsay Bear. We all love you so very much and miss you like crazy!

God's WORD for YOU: Ezra 9-10; Acts 1

Think About This: Sometime when you're in an airport, observe the difference between passengers who hold confirmed tickets and those who are on standby. The ones with confirmed tickets read newspapers, chat with their friends or sleep. The ones on standby hang around the ticket counter, pace and smoke, smoke and pace. The difference is caused by the confidence factor. If you knew that in fifteen minutes you would have to stand in judgment before the Holy God and learn your eternal destiny, what would your reaction be? Would you smoke and pace? Would you say to yourself, "I don't know what God's going to say - will itbe 'Welcome home, child,' or will it be 'Depart from me; I never knew you'? - Bill Hybels

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