Friday, June 13, 2008

Prelude to Father's Day

Prelude to Father's Day

For a long time Father's Day has been a very difficult day for me. My Dad went home to be with Jesus well over 20 years ago and I miss him as much today as I did right after the Lord took him home.

This year Father's Day has a greater significance than it has in past years because of the events we have faced as a family during the past several months with our granddaughter, Lindsay.

Having gone through this difficult time as a family allowed me to step back and view my grown sons (in my mind there is no such thing as a son-in-law) through a very different set of lenses. I realized what a blessed man I have to have three of my sons who are now Dads - great Dads - Dad's that I'd like to be when I grow up.

Watching Jon care for his precious Lindsay Bear was one of those "once-in-a-lifetime" precious moments. He stood by his little girl during the seven weeks of hospitalization with courage and determination. Hospitals are not Jon's thing, but he put aside his own fears and weakness in order to be strong and supportive. While Lindsay responded to everyone else, it was obvious during those weeks that she responded differently to her Daddy! Of all the Daddy's in the world God could have chosen for Lindsay, he chose YOU, Jon. He knew what he was doing. I know it hurts like heck right now, Jon, but you were a wonderful Dad to your precious little "Bear!" I am so proud of you.

Garrett has been not just a son, but a friend. Because he is living on campus, I get to see him on a daily basis. I have watched this "troubled" kid turn into a man who deeply loves the Lord and his family. (I would have really been ticked off at Julie if she had not opened her eyes and heart.) I love to watch how the room lights up for Emma when her Daddy walks it! She adores her Daddy. During Lindsay's illness, Garrett made it possible for Julie to be able to come several times to be with Laura and Jon. It was a stretch out of his comfort zone to have to care for Emma and Ethan on his own - but he did it because of his love for his family. It was a sacrifice that I have appreciated so much.
I am proud of you, Garrett.

Josh is my first-born son, and I am so very proud of him. I realize in watching Josh now, how many times I blew it with him and could have lost him because of my insensitivity, stubbornness, and stupidity. Watching Josh and how he cares for his son, Sam, often brings tears to my eyes. He has become a great Dad. I find myself pinching myself and saying, "Is that my son?" not because I didn't think he'd not be a great Dad, but because of all the son's I could have had, he's my son! I am so very proud of you, Josh. Of all the Dads God could have given to you, I am so honored and thankful that He has allowed me to be your Dad.

And Zach has the privilege of now being in "Daddy Prep School!" He gets to be an apprentice as he watches Jon, Garrett and Josh be the spiritual leader of their homes, and to be the greatest Dad's in the world. You've got great role models, Zach! One day you'll be just like them.

Don't miss this Father's Day. Let your Dad know how much you love him, and thank him for loving you. - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK and the proud/blessed father of four sons.

God's Word for YOU: Ezra 6-8; John 21

Think about this: [The unchristian environment] is the place where we find out whether the Christian's meditation has led him into the unreal, from which he awakens in terror when he returns to the workaday world, or whether it has led him into a real contact with God, from which he emerges strengthened and purified. Has it transported him for a moment into a spiritual ecstasy that vanishes when everyday life returns, or has it lodged the Word of God so securely and deeply in his heart that it holds and fortifies him, impelling him to active love, to obedience, to good works? Only the day can decide. -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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