Thursday, June 12, 2008

Please Pass the Salt


"Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know
how you ought to answer each person." Colossians 4:5-6 (E.S.V)

I've often wonder what is better to do. Tell it like it is or hold things back. I have trouble with being a salt shaker. There are times were I am a crushed red pepper shaker and come off offensive. And I do not even realize it. It is hard to stay on top of and in my daily walk it is a constant stumbling block. There were many times this past little league season where my resolve had been put to the test.

I just recently went to an Atlantic City Surf baseball game for school night with my son's classmates. The choir and the band did a good job of singing and playing The Star Spangled Banner and then it was "Play Ball" time. There were some questionable calls like there always will be and the crowd reacted like you would have at any game BUT.....

There was this one guy. It did not take him long to get real ugly with his comments towards the umpire. At one point someone approached this guy about his "color" commentary and that person was on the receiving end of a tongue lashing. It was suggested by "some of us" that this "Fan" needed to be thrown out of the game. We didn't get the call we wanted but he did calm down some.

My daughter had decided to sit on my lap sometime after this occurrence and just wanted to sit with her Daddy. "Alright Karen, ya can't keep sittin' here I can't see the game." Man...I was on the receiving end of a long face and a foam finger. It was only the bottom of the fourth and it took me a few innings to convince my little girl that I just might have said the right thing the wrong way. I can be a big dummy at times and forget the salt shaker.

I opened with verses from Colossians because I need to remember this for my own big dummy self. The Christian father needs to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth all the time, every time...period. You never know when some "Fan" will be in the crowd and do what they can to rub off. Did this happen to me? Yep, sure did. I may have been right to tell it like it was but it should have been better tasting to those around me.

Did my daughter forgive me after my Big Daddy ding-a-ling blunder?
Praise God she did. For those of you Brothers out there with daughters I pray they forgive you when you have your red pepper moment.

Here's a good quote: The heart of your life as a Christian is contained in God's words to Abraham, "Walk in My presence, and you will be perfect." God's presence calms your spirit, gives you restful sleep, and quiets your mind. But you must give yourself completely to Him." The Seeking Heart - Fenelon

Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony Mercy and frequent contributor to Freedom Fighters.

God's WORD for YOU: Ezra 3-5; John 20

If I find myself half-carelessly taking lapses for granted, "Oh, that's what they always do." "Oh, of course she talks like that, he acts like that," then I know nothing of Calvary love. Amy Carmichael

Tonight is our Father Son Night at America's KESWICK with Gospel Magician, Pastor Tom.. Dinner begins at 6:15 PM. Enjoy the program with your Father or Son, and then enjoy the fellowship at the Activity Center. Call for reservations.

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