Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hearing and Doing

"Hearing and Doing" (Luke 11:27&28)

I love the Bible-reading schedule my wife and I have used for several years. We read the Bible through in a year, but we read from a different section of the Bible each day. Friday had us in the prophets (remember Ezekiel and those who would hear or refuse to hear?). Yesterday I read in the gospels, and today I read from the epistles. It's neat to see how God brings connections from such different sections of His Word.

I shared yesterday about God telling Ezekiel to go to the people of Israel. Some would hear. Some would choose not to listen. Ezekiel still had the responsibility of delivering the message. He received a hard assignment in hard times.

Reading in Luke yesterday morning gave me a whole different perspective on listening. In one simple sentence, Jesus connected the importance of listening with the need to do what you hear. ". . . blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"

In one short statement Jesus tells us three things. First, He gives us instruction. We need to hear the Word of God. Second, we need to do what that Word tells us. Finally, when we hear and do, we'll receive blessing. Who can argue with that!

But then the question came to my mind. If this is so clear and simple, why is it so hard for so many people? Let me share with you the answers that came to mind. First, I think our minds and hearts often contain so much clutter that God's Word has a hard time getting through. We just don't hear. For others, hearing isn't the issue. We choose not to do what we hear because we have other plans we think are better than God's. While we'd never say it, we actually believe we're smarter than God! What other conclusion can we offer when we willfully choose our way over His?

Finally, many of us don't believe God tells the truth. We don't believe He'll bring blessing to us, even though He tells us He will. For whatever reasons, trust walks out the door when God makes promises to us.

Please listen to me today. God wants to help you de-clutter your life so you can hear the Word. You aren't smarter than God. Whatever He asks you to do (once you've heard His Word) is always a better choice for you. And, God doesn't lie. If He promises blessing, He'll bring blessing. You can count on it!

So, choose not to be like those hard-hearted Israelites who wouldn't listen to Ezekiel. Choose, rather, to receive Jesus' encouragement to hear His Word and do it. That's the path to blessing! -- Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Esther 6-8; Acts 6

Think about this: Continued from yesterday ... Thus there is the self-pleasing sarcasm; as if we had rather lose a friend, than miss a clever stroke. All this the world excuses as a sensitive and lively temper. But the gospel sets before us our Saviour's example (1 Peter 2:23); imbues with his spirit; and imparts that blessed "charity, that is not easily provoked" (1 Cor. 13:5); and therefore is careful not to provoke a chafed or wounded spirit. If others begin, let us forbear from continuing the strife. `Patience is the true peace-maker'. Soft and healing words gain a double victory - over ourselves and our brother. -- Charles Bridges

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