Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Keeping Focused

Keeping focused

Often friends tell me they see me driving down the road and they either wave or honk and I just ignore them! Well...I'm one of those people who pays very little attention to who's in another car.

I keep my eyes on the road and what other cars are doing, not particularly at who is in the car! I'm sure most of you have driven with someone who is always taking in the scenery or looking at you when they're driving or they seem to know everyone in each car that goes by. That is so scary! In the seconds it takes you to take your eyes off the road you can have an accident.

I may be hyper-sensitive because there have been many accidents in my family...some just fender benders - some fatal. Perhaps that has made me more aware of how important it is to keep your eyes on the road.

The same goes for our spiritual life. It is so important to keep our eyes focused on Jesus ALL the time. Satan just looks for the opportunity when we take our eyes off Jesus, to lead us down a path of destruction. And it all starts with just a glance. There are so many things that can distract us from our Lord. There are so many interruptions and distractions that can entice us to take our eyes off of Him. Satan is sneaky and he knows how to disguise a distraction so that at first it seems harmless enough.

Perhaps you worked extra hard in the yard and you're so tired. It couldn't hurt to sleep "in" in the morning and miss your devotions this one time? It's so easy to fall into this trap or any other one just like it.Psalm 141:8, But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge-do not give me over to death. Psalm 25:15, My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.Deuteronomy 5:32-33, So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left. Walk in all the way that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess. It just seems to me...it is near to impossible to sin if I keep my eyes on Jesus...just keep my eyes focused on Him and stay in the Word. Be diligent and watchful and don't fall for those seemingly "harmless" distractions. If only I were as diligent with keeping my eyes on Jesus as I am with keeping my eyes on the road when I'm driving. Oh that my family and friends would say about my life "She never takes her eyes off Jesus!"

Mary Ann Kiernan and John have been married for 35 years, have 2 grown/married sons and are the proud grandparents of two grandsons. She serves at America's Keswick as a Biblical Counselor and also as Intake Coordinator for the Colony of Mercy. Her life verse is Romans 8:28.

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