Wednesday, April 30, 2008

God All Sufficient


Here is a powerful prayer for today:

O Lord of grace,

The world is before me this day,
And I am weak and fearful,
But I look to You for strength;
If I venture forth alone I stumble and fall, But on the Beloved's arms I am firm As the eternal hills; If left to the treachery of my heart I shall shame thy Name, But if enlightened, guided, upheld by Your Spirit, I shall bring Thee glory.
Be thou my arm to support,
My strength to stand,
My light to see,
My feet to run,
My shield to protect,
My sword to repel,
My sun to warm.
To enrich me will not diminish Your fullness; All Your lovingkindness is in Your Son, I bring him to thee in the arms of faith, I urge his saving Name as the One who died for me.
I plead His blood to pay my debts of wrong.
Accept His worthiness for my unworthiness, His sinlessness for my transgressions, His purity for my uncleanness, His sincerity for my guile, Hs truth for my deceits, His meekness for my pride, His constancy for my backslidings, His love for my enmity, His fullness for my emptiness, His faithfulness for my treachery, His obedience for my lawlessness, His glory for my shame, His devotedness for my waywardness, His holy life for my unchaste ways, His righteousness for my dead works, His death for my life." - from THE VALLEY OF VISION - Prayers of the Puritans

Think about this: If you knew that only a few would care that you came, would you still come? If you knew that those you loved would laugh in your face, would you still care? If you knew that the tongues you made would mock you, the mouths you made would spit at you, the hands you made would crucify you, would you still make them? Christ did. Max Lucado

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

He Prayed Earnestly


"Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly." James 5:17

"Thank God Elijah was just like us! He sat under a tree, complained to God, and express his unbelief - just as we have often done. Yet this was not the case at all when was truly in touch with God. 'Elijah was a man just like us,' YET 'he prayed earnestly.' The literal meaning of this in the Greek is magnificent: instead of saying, 'earnestly,' it says, 'He prayed in prayer.' In other words, 'HE KEPT ON PRAYING.' The lesson here is that we must KEEP PRAYING.

Climb to the top of Mount Carmel and see the great story of FAITH AND SIGHT. After Elijah had called down fire from heaven to defeat the prophets of Baal, rain was needed for God's prophecy to be fulfilled. And the man who could command fire from heaven could bring rain using the same methods. We are told, 'Elijah ... bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees' (1 Kings 18:42), shutting out all sights and sounds. He put himself in a position, beneath his robe to neither see nor hear what was happening.

Elijah then said to his servant, 'Go and look toward the sea.' (1 Kings 18:43) Upon returning, the servant replied, 'There is nothing there.' How brief his response must have seemed! NOTHING! Can you imagine what you would do under the same circumstances? We would say, 'Just what I expected!' and then we would stop praying. BUT ELIJAH DID NOT GIVE UP!

No. In fact, SIX TIMES he told his servant, 'Go back.' Each time the servant returned saying, 'NOTHING!'

Yet 'the seventh time the servant reported, 'A cloud AS SMALL AS A MAN's HAND is rising from the sea' (1 Kings 18:44). What a fitting description, for a man's hand had been raised in prayer to God BEFORE the rains came. And the rains came so fast and furiously that Elijah warned Ahab to ' go down before the rain stops you.'

This is a story of FAITH AND SIGHT - faith cutting itself off from everything EXCEPT GOD, with sight that looks and yet receives nothing. Yes, in spite of utterly HOPELESS REPORTS received from SIGHT, this is a story of faith that continues 'PRAYING IN PRAYER!'

Do you know how to pray that way - how to prevail in prayer? Let your sight bring you reports as DISCOURAGING as possible, BUT PAY NO ATTENTION TO THEM. Our heavenly Father lives, and even the delay of His answers to our prayers are part of His goodness.

Each of three young boys once gave a definition of faith that illustrates the importance of tenacity. The first boy defined faith as 'taking hold of Christ,' the second as 'keeping our hold on Him,' and the third as, 'not letting go of Him!' - Streams in the Desert - April 29th reading

I so needed this devotional reading this morning. Lindsay is facing a
5-6 hour open heart surgery today. The SIGHT news was not encouraging.
However, we are "not letting go of HIM" this morning. While we were discouraged yesterday with the news, we are rejoicing that TODAY we will see His goodness in ways that will amaze the doctors and nurses. How that looks, I don't know - I am not writing the plan. But by FAITH, praying earnestly, we wait upon the ONE who is able to do "exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we can ask, think or imagine." (Ephesians 3:20)

If you'd like to keep up on Lindsay's progress, check out her blog on the KESWICK website: - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: 1 Kings 6-7; Luke 20:27-47

Think About This: "Leave everything to Him and it will be gloriously and graciously uncertain how He will come in - but you can be certain that He will come. Remain faithful to Him." Oswald Chambers

Monday, April 28, 2008

He Giveth More Grace


Saturday afternoon Zach and I made a surprise visit to Children's Boston Hospital. Yesterday was our 34th wedding anniversary and Jan was down because we would not be together on our special day. We have never been a part on our anniversary in 33 years. Needless to say, we surprised her!

When I walked into Lindsay's room, even though I had been tracking on her progress on the phone, I was not mentally prepared for what I saw.
Compared to how I left her, she was hooked up to many more IV contraptions, as well as being hooked up to the heart and lung machine.

I have found myself saying to myself during the last two days, "How much more can she go through? How much more can her little body handle? How much longer can my kids go through this trial?"

On top of this my staff seem to be getting hammered with trials. The wife of our Director of Maintenance received a surprise when the doctor called to tell her that her recent biopsy showed she had a malignant melanoma. On Thursday I spoke with one of my Board members and his wife in the parking lot as they were getting ready to leave for several weeks in Florida. On the way, his wife had a massive stroke and went home to be with Jesus.

We continue to face financial issues at America's KESWICK, and while God has supplied just in the nick of time, this weighs heavy on our hearts.
This morning in the shower, I was reminded of the words of a wonderful old hymn that sums it all up:

He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength as our labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials he multiplies peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources Our Father's full giving is only begun.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Today Lindsay possibly faces open heart surgery to do a heart bypass. I don't know how much more she can face. But I do know this - He will continue to pour out His grace again and again and again.

"And the Lord, it is He that doth go before me; He will be with me; He will not fail me, fear not, neither be dismayed." Deut. 31:8 And He wants to do the same for you, my friend! - Bill Welte - President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's Word for You Today: 1 Kings 3-5; Luke 20:1-26

Think About This: There are three things to be seen in an intercessor which are not necessarily found in ordinary prayer: 1) Identification 2) Agony 3) Authority...Intercession so identifies the intercessor with the sufferer that it gives him/her a prevailing place with God. Norman P. Grubb

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Pursuit

The Pursuit (1 Peter 1:13-16)

I attended the wedding of a missionary friend's daughter yesterday. Both the missionary and pastor who participated in the service spoke of the importance of holiness over happiness. They hadn't compared notes prior to the wedding; God just led them both in the same direction. Their thoughts prompted me to think about this Freedom Fighter and its connection with yesterday's edition.

We thought about perspective yesterday and how choosing the "big picture" over the "moment" can protect our freedom from bondage and sin. Peter told us to look backward and remember what God has done for us through Jesus' resurrection. Then he told us to look forward to what awaits us in "the last time." (1 Peter 1:3-5)

Peter's teaching doesn't stop with perspective. When we've gained that "big picture" perspective that helps us live in light of eternity, we're ready for a new pursuit. He tells us about that pursuit beginning in 1 Peter 1:13 and concludes the teaching in vs. 16. Verse 15 is the sum of this pursuit teaching: "but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."

There's the pursuit. Placing ourselves in the "big picture" prepares us for the pursuit of holiness. God saved us to redeem us from our sin and its penalties. He also saved us to restore us to His original design. That design was quite simple. We were created in His image! The pursuit is a growing level of holiness that causes us to look more and more like Jesus.

Pursuing holiness isn't easy. But when you take a moment to think about it, you'll remember that nothing really worth pursuing is easy. Holiness, becoming more and more what God designed us to be, is a worthwhile pursuit for every Freedom Fighter. We fight for freedom from sin and life-controlling addictions. Winning that fight results in holiness, but all of us in the fight know the difficulties that come with fighting.

It seems to me, in reading Peter's instruction, that we need to tie perspective and pursuit together. Perspective helps us understand the need for the pursuit. The work involved in the pursuit of holiness is less difficult when that "big picture" perspective informs our efforts. That eternal perspective makes the pursuit worthwhile.

Bill Welte and I stand ready to help you gain perspective and pursue holiness. Others in your life can help, too, if you'll give them the chance. All of us maintain perspective better and pursue holiness with more success when we do it with others who love Jesus. We're not designed to do it by ourselves. Let's help one another pursue with perspective. - Pastor John Strain is senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River.

God's Word for You: 1 Kings 1-2; Luke 19:26-48

Think About This: We must get rid of the pestilent, deadly notion that the amount of things we get through is the standard. The steadiness with which we radiate God is the standard. Evelyn Underhill

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Power of Perspective

The Power of Perspective (1 Peter 1:3-5)

I wonder how many of us struggle with freedom issues because we struggle with perspective. I know I have those days when I lose perspective. When it happens, it's almost always detrimental to my walk with Jesus. Conversely, when I live with perspective, I handle struggles, temptations and life in appropriate ways.

Think with me about Peter's teaching to early Christians who were suffering for their faith. They were "grieved by various trials," (1:6) that were often hard and even life-threatening. Without perspective, turning away from their faith might become an option. Peter tells them that seeing a bigger picture will help them understand the purpose of their trials. Even more, those trials become of less importance when the "big picture" comes into view.

What is Peter's perspective lesson? He asks his readers to think about their past, present and future. He reminds them that they have received "a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (vs. 3) Then he points them to their future. By His very own power God is keeping them for "salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." (vs. 5) That's their future.

Peter urges them to grasp the big picture. He urges us to the same goal. He wants us never to forget what God has done for us already. That's our past. He wants us to remember what awaits us in the completion of our salvation. That's our future. Decisions and choices we make every day must see more than "the moment." Peter wants us to think about what God has done for us and what awaits us in eternity each time we make choices.

I've learned through the years that choosing to live only "in the moment" prevents me from seeing the longer view of life. "In the moment" allows me to make choices without thinking about consequences. Choosing to make decisions informed by perspective helps me think in terms of costs/benefits. What will a particular decision cost me, and is that cost with the benefit? Perspective also allows me to weigh my choices in a broader time frame than "the moment."

Our freedom depends on our choices. A perspective driven by biblical principle that protects us from "the moment" will help us guard our freedom. That perspective is available to us all. We find it in God's Word. Have you been there today? - Pastor John Strain is Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River.

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Samuel 23-24; Luke 19:1-27

Think About This: It is a precious thing beyond all words - especially in the hour of death - that we have a God whose nature is such that what pleases Him is not our work for Him but our need for Him. John Piper

Friday, April 25, 2008

From "Without Hope" to a "Living Hope"


"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy as begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you"
1 Peter 1:3-4).

Almost all of the New Testament was written to people who were in trouble in one way or another, who were unhappy for various reasons, who were tempted to look back to the live out of which they had been saved. They were unhappy and troubled even though they were Christians.
They didn't know what to do or believe, and they needed help. In other words, the apostles were writing to real people just like us and giving them God's answers to the same kinds of problems we face.

What did they tell them? One of the primary questions they answered over and over had to do with God's forgiveness. Apparently, these people had committed so much sin so many different times, they were worried and wondered if God would still love them, forgive them, and let them into heaven.

Like these people, maybe there is some sin in your life that makes you think God couldn't love you and He just wouldn't forgive you:
"God couldn't love me. After all, I stole something. I had an abortion. I've told a lot of lies. I've had premarital sex. I've committed adultery or been involved in homosexuality."

Well, the Bible says you are wrong about God! He knows all about your sins and still loves you. He wants you to come to Him for complete forgiveness and for His help and guidance.

In Ephesians 2:11-12 we read that we were sinners "without hope and without God in the world," totally undeserving and unworthy of God's favor and forgiveness. But He extended His kindness to us and instructed us to gladly and humbly accept it and believe that He loves us.

The Apostle Peter writes, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-kept in heaven for you" (1 Peter 1:3-4). Dr. John Ankerberg

Today's devotional was taken from the devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE, published by America's KESWICK. It is available through the Keswick Book and Gift Shop - 732-350-1187 ext 31.

God's WORD for YOU: Reading: 2 Samuel 21-22; Luke 18:24-43 (Just a reminder that if you read the passages of Scripture listed here, you will read through the entire Bible in a year!)

Think about this: Temper is what gets most of us into trouble. Pride is what keeps us there. Anonymous

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another Whack on the Head

Another Whack on the Head
"The eyes of all look expectantly to you." Psalm 145:15

Last night the kids were told that Lindsay's situation is dire. They are coming to a point where some major decisions will have to be made. Her little body cannot remain on the heart and lung machine for and extended period of time, so in the next several days, they need to have a plan as to what THEY can do.

The artificial heart has arrived from Germany but they cannot do that procedure until the infection she has clears up completely. Until the infect clears up she is on the "inactive" list for a heart transplant.

The past three weeks have been like a roller coaster experience for all of us, so this morning before opening the Word, I begged the Lord for Him to speak:

"The eyes of the ALL look expectantly to you." - Psalm 145:15. There are literally thousands praying for Lindsay from coast to coast as well as places like Tel Aviv, Israel - people we don't even know are praying for her.

"HE gives life, breath and all things. The Lord is good to all, and HIS tender mercies are over all HIS works. Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. The same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. I will lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence comes my help? Behold as the eyes of the servant look to the hand of their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God.

The Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for Him. It will be said in that day: 'Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will rejoice and be glad in His salvation. If we hope for what we do not see, then we eagerly wait for it with perseverance." (Acts 17:25; Psalm 145:9; Matthew 6:26; Romans 10:12; Psalm 121:1; Psalm 123:2; Isaiah 30:18; Isaiah 25:9; Romans 8:25)

Yesterday I was overwhelmed with the expenses that are mounting up for hotel accommodations, parking, etc. The kids are strapped financially and so Jan and I committed to pay the overnight lodging bills. Hotels in Boston are very expensive, and in addition, you pay for parking. Thankfully they are staying at a place that has worked with the hospital and the room is $25 per night vs. hotel rooms that are $100 - $125.

I was driving to a funeral and my heart became overwhelmed with anxiety.
Doesn't the Lord already know that we are struggling financially at Keswick, and now I have the concerns of my own personal finances? In my mind I was calculating out how much we needed to cover just the past three weeks. Humanly speaking, I was getting overwhelmed.

I was talking to my daughter Julie who whacked me reminding me that God would take care of this situation. Guys, I hadn't closed the up my cell phone when the phone rang and the voice on the other end said, "I just wanted you and Jan to know that I am putting a check in the mail for $600 for you to use for your expenses!" BIG WHACK ON THE SIDE OF THE HEAD! Will I ever get it?

Today I join the thousands of praying friends who are "looking expectantly" to see what God will do for Lindsay, Jon, Laura and Tanner. Thank you for partnering with us on this journey. We love you. - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK. To follow Lindsay's journey, check out her blog at

God's Word for YOU: 2 Samuel 19:20; Luke 18:1-23

Think about this: We come in the holiness of God's grace through us, for only because the LORD has invited us to come into his presence and has set us apart as his holy saints through the work of Christ can we possibly enter to worship him. Glory! How can we do anything but worship God as fully as possible with all the best gifts at our command? Glory! How can we respond in any way but with utter, wasteful (in the world's terms) devotion of lives? Glory! How can we help but want to be the church? How can we not seek eagerly to welcome our neighbors into the holy splendor? Marva Dawn

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The God who IS


This morning I have been overwhelmed with the wonderful reality that we have a God who IS - not just was or will be - but who is ... I am thankful for the verses that leapt off the page of the Word this morning that are in the PRESENT TENSE not just past or future tense. Think about

The Lord IS my Shepherd - Psalm 23:1

God IS my refuge and strength - a very PRESENT help in my time of trouble - Psalm 46:1

The Lord IS my rock and my fortress and my deliverer ... Psalm 18:2

The angel of the Lord ENCAMPS all around those who fear Him, and DELIVERS them. - Psalm 34:7

The righteous cry out, and the Lord HEARS them, and DELIVERS them out of all their troubles. - Psalm 34:17

The eternal God IS your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
- Deut. 33:27

So we may boldly say: "The Lord IS my helper; I will not fear ...
Hebrews 13:6

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you PRESERVE my life. - Psalm

It is good to rehearse God's faithfulness in our lives in the past, but O how comforting and refreshing to know that our God is not just the great I WAS - He is the great I AM! Be comforted and encouraged today in the God who IS! - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's Word for YOU: 2 Samuel 16-18; Luke 17:20-37

Think about this: "Although His answers seem so long in coming and we continue to walk IN THE MIDST OF TROUBLE, "the center of trouble" is the place where He preserves us, not the place that He fails us." - Mrs. Cowman

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Proverbial Baseball

Proverbial Baseball

"My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands; For the length of days and long life and peace they will add to you. Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart, And so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man." Proverbs 3:1-4

Well Brothers it's little league baseball season. As a father it means getting to watch my son play and compete in one of America's pastimes but as his team's coach it means teaching skills that could last a lifetime. I spend some of that coaching time on character and sportsmanship and I pray that I am planting seed.

One of the things I notice being a coach are parents....especially the fathers. I have one player who does a good job of disrespecting his father. There are outward insults that go back and forth between these two. One day this same father looks to me and say's "This is what happens when you spare the rod, right!?" Of course my reply is "Yes, exactly."

I was recently blessed and privileged to watch my 12 year old son be accepted into the Junior National Honor Society. An achievement I never sought after. When I was his age I had already decided on a path of sin.
And since coming to Christ, it has been important to me, that my son understand the aforementioned Proverb.

On our way home from his induction ceremony I expressed how proud I was of Kevin. I also expressed the importance of remaining loyal to what he is about to embark upon. "This will be a great way for you to show the face of Christ" I said. He agreed!

This society stresses servant hood and putting oneself aside for those around. Sound familiar? It should. As my wife, daughter and I sat and listened to the speeches that the present membership gave, all Kathy and I could say was, "Jesus said that."

For you fathers out there who will find yourself on the ball fields take notice. Listen to what is being said and reflect on what you have said to your son lately. Are you trading barbs with your son or are you being a good steward of Christ's teaching in your life?

A good quote, "The finest art of communication is not learning how to express your thoughts. It is learning how to draw out the thoughts of another. Your objective in communication must be to understand your child, not simply to have your child understand you. Many parents never learn these skills. They never discover how to help their children articulate their thoughts and feelings." Shepherding a Child's Heart -- Ted Tripp Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.

God's Word for You: 2 Samuel 14:15; Luke 17:1-19

Think About This: If people would only believe they are still in the process of creation, submit to the Maker, allowing Him to handle them as the potter handles clay, and yield themselves in on shining deliberate action to the turning of His wheel, they would soon find themselves able to welcome every pressure from His hand on them, even if it results in pain. And sometimes they should not only believe but also have God's purpose in sight: 'bringing many sons to glory.' (Hebrews 2:10) - Mrs. Cowman

Monday, April 21, 2008

He is Able

He is Able!

"He [Abraham] did not waver ... regarding the promise ..., being FULLY PERSUADED that GOD had the power to do what he had promised. Romans

It has been several weeks since my friend, Glenda, from Little Rock, called to tell me that the camels are coming. It has been an interesting journey to wait on the Lord to see how HE will provide in ways that are only traceable back to HIM.

This weekend, Jan's sister and brother-in-law drove to Boston to visit Jon, Laura, Tanner, and Lindsay. Their car broke down several miles from the Massachusetts Turnpike and they had to be towed to the rest area.
They were upset that their plans to visit where interrupted, but God had a "Camel" visitation for them.

While waiting for their car to be repaired another guy's car was towed to the same garage. They engaged in conversation and were asked where they were from. When the guy learned they were from Lancaster, PA, he asked why they were in Massachusetts. They shared with him that they were on their way to visit their great niece who is waiting for a heart.
He asked them how old Lindsay was and what hospital she was in. He shared with them that his three year old daughter had a heart transplant at Boston Children's Hospital at 22 months (Lindsay is 20 months) and is doing well. He told them that they would have the same surgeon and that they were in a good place. And he lives in New Hampshire which is where Jon and Laura live!

While they didn't understand why they broke down at first, they knew then why! God had allowed them to break down so that He could speak to their hearts in a special way.

Listen to these words from Streams in the Desert: "God is not merely able but ABUNDANTLY able, BOUNTIFULLY able and GENEROUSLY able to do what he promised. He is the God of limitless resources - the only limit comes from us. Our requests, our thoughts, and our prayers are too small, and our expectations are too low. God is trying to raise our vision to a higher level, call us to have greater expectations, and thereby bring us to great appropriation. Shall we continue living in a way that mocks His will and denies His Word? There is no limit to WHAT we may ask and expect of our glorious El Shaddai - our Almighty God. And there is no way for us to measure His blessing, for HE is, 'able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." (Ephesians 3:20)

He is able! The question is, do I believe it and will I trust Him today with the concerns that I am facing? He's able ... so through Christ, I can trust Him today. Will you? - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's Word for YOU! - 2 Samuel 12-13; Luke 16

Think about this: The way to find God's treasure-house blessing is to climb the ladder of His divine promises. Those promises are the key that opens the door to the riches of God's grace and favor.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thank God for a Cardiac Arrest


"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Well I suspect the title of today's Freedom Fighter caught your attention! I never thought I would be thanking God for a cardiac arrest.

On Tuesday afternoon, our granddaughter Lindsay, had a cardiac arrest at Boston Children's Hospital. Quite honestly, I was a little upset that after all she had been through with the open heart surgery, she had to face this. But it ended up being a blessing in disguise.

A question in the back of all of our minds is did we make the right decision to have the open heart surgery to begin with. After all, she went in talking, walking, smiling, and now is in a CICU awaiting a heart transplant. My son-in-law had asked the question months back, "What if she DOESN'T have the surgery." The surgeon explained that eventually she would need a heart and lung transplant. But would she have five, ten, fifteen years of good life before that?

On Friday that question was answered. A heart cath showed not only the severity of the damage to the left side of her heart, but that the main coronary artery to the left side is not even there - not blocked, not cut - not there - period. The right side of her heart was really doing all the work.

As I am piecing the story together, theoretically, Lindsay Bear could have survived the surgery without them knowing this information, and down the road at any moment, away from the hospital, had a cardiac arrest and die. Wow!

While the outcomes haven't changed - in that she needs to now have a heart transplant, we are thankful that in God's sovereign plan, He allowed a this precious little girl to have a cardiac arrest so that the doctors could discover the big picture. Even in the midst of the difficulties we face, God is working out a bigger picture. That is why Paul says, "IN EVERYTHING ... give thanks!" 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Have you thanked Him today for the difficulties you are facing? Guess what ... it is God's will for you to do that! Think about it! - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

For more information about Lindsay, visit the Keswick website and visit her blog:

God's WORD for you: 2 Samuel 9-11; Luke 15:11-32

Think About This: If I cast up a confessed, repented, and forsaken sin against another, and allow my remembrance of that sin to colour my thinking and feed my suspicions, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Amy Carmichael

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Importance of Connection

The Importance of Connection (1 Corinthians 12:27)

Bill Welte has sustained the Freedom Fighter ministry for several years.
Many of us who read it have received blessing, encouragement and help from his effort. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his vision and his persistent effort.

If you read Freedom Fighter regularly, you know the trial he and his family have endured the last several days. His granddaughter, Lindsay, is very sick. Since her heart surgery almost two weeks ago, she and her family have ridden a roller coaster of really good and really bad news. Most of us can't imagine how difficult this time has been for all of them.

I bring this to your attention because the connection he brings to us through this email needs to go both ways. Paul, the Apostle, teaches us in 1 Corinthians 12:27 that ". . . you are the body of Christ, and members individually." I'm sure this verse holds more theology than I can touch in this email, but it says something important for us to think about. All of us together are the body of Christ, but we are members of one another. We're connected!

The New Testament offers us multiple "one another" commands that we express in this relationship we have as individual members of this body which is the church. We love one another and encourage one another. We're told to build up each other and be kind to one another. All of this instruction brings me back to Bill Welte and his family.

No one would wish the last two weeks on any family. But the circumstances that the Weltes and Groens live in right now give us an opportunity to live out "body" truth." We have opportunity to love this family. We have occasion to encourage them. They need our kindness like no other time in their lives. Here's the bottom line: we GET to be the body of Christ because our brothers and sisters in these two families are walking through hard days.

Let's choose to be the church for these families. Pray for them. Be in touch with them. Look for ways to love them. Listen for prompts from God's Spirit and honor the connection we have in Christ. - Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God WORD for YOU: 2 Samuel 6-8; Luke 15:1-10

Think on this: Let everyone consider what his weak point is; in that is his trial. His trial is not in those things which are easy to him, but in that one thing, in those several things, whatever they are, in which to do his duty is against his nature. Never think yourself safe because you do your duty in ninety-nine points; it is the hundredth which is to be the ground of your self-denial. It is with reference to this you must watch and pray; pray continually for God's grace to help you, and watch with fear and trembling lest you fall. Oh that you may (as it were) sweep the house diligently to discover what you lack of the full measure of obedience! for, be quite sure, that this apparently small defect will influence your whole spirit and judgment in all things. -- John Henry Newman

Friday, April 18, 2008

He Will Do This


"He will do this!" Psalm 37:5

By nature I am a fixer ... well not a gifted mechanic fixer ... but my personality is I want to fix stuff. There are two things right now that I can't fix. The first is the finances at America's KESWICK, and secondly, I can't fix Lindsay, my granddaughter.

My Administrative team has been working hard at helping me to come up with solutions to our current financial struggles, and we have some "fixes" that will help down the road. But right now our immediate crisis is not something we can fix without borrowing money. Our team has been very diligent to control expenses, but we are seeing the impact of rising food and energy costs and cash flow has been tight this first quarter. God has been providing in amazing ways for our needs, but it has been a day-by-day experience.

I find myself stuck in the "well-if-I-can-do-this-then ..."syndrome.
Don't get me wrong, guys, I have to be a good steward of what HE has entrusted to my care.

My granddaughter Lindsay's life is hanging in the balances right now. A part from a miracle, she will need to have a heart transplant. That is a "fix" that comes with tremendous risks. I CAN'T FIX HER and that is very hard for me.


"I once believed that after I prayed, it was MY responsibility to do everything in MY power to bring about the answer. Yet God taught me a better way and showed me that SELF-EFFORT always hinders HIS work. He also revealed that when I prayed and had CONFIDENT TRUST in Him for something, He simply wanted me to WAIT IN AN ATTITUDE OF PRAISE and DO ONLY WHAT HE TOLD ME. Sitting still, doing nothing except trusting in the Lord, causes a feeling of uncertainty, and there is often a tremendous temptation to take the battle into our own hands.

We all know how difficult it is to rescue a drowning person who tries to help his rescuer, and it is equally difficult for the Lord to fight our battles when we insist upon trying to fight them ourselves. It is not that God will not but that He cannot, for our interference hinders HIS work.

Spiritual forces cannot work while we are trusting in earthly forces.
Often we fail to give God an opportunity to work, not realizing that it takes time for Him to answer prayer. It takes time for God to color a rose or to grow a great oak tree. And it takes time for Him to make bread from wheat fields. He takes the soil, then grinds and softens it. He enriches it and wets it with rain showers and with dew. Then He brings the warmth of life to the small blade of grass, later grows the stalk and the amber grain, and finally provides bread for the hungry.

All this takes time. Therefore we sow the seed, till the ground, and then wait and trust until God's purpose has been fulfilled. We understand this principle when it comes to planting a field, and we need to learn the same lesson regarding our prayer life. It takes time for God to answer prayer."

I can't fix two major things today, guys. My "fixer" personality wants to fix it - but I can't ... so today I have to surrender both our finances and my little Lindsay bear to HIM - so that HE CAN DO THIS ..."

I don't know what "this" will look like, or how or when He will do "this" - but I am purposing to trust Him today. How about you? Is there something in your life that you can't fix? I think that is the place He wants us to be so HE can show us what only HE can do. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK. To get updates on Lindsay, visit her blog on the Keswick homepage:

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Samuel 3-5; Luke 14:25-25

Think about this: Nothing is impossible to the man who prays in faith, just as nothing is impossible with God. This generation has yet to prove all that prayer can do for believing men and women. - A.W. Tozer

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Foot Trouble


" I thought about my ways, And turned my feet toYour testimonies."(Psalm

Do you have foot trouble? One out of every nine children ages 5-10 does. Foot trouble many times involves other physical problems (aches, cold, wet, etc.). Christians can have "foot trouble" in life:
problems "walking" - sin in their life. There are causes of foot trouble.

Foot trouble starts with Dirty Feet. This is a result of not washing enough (John 13:10). Once you are completely bathed, it is only necessary to wash the feet, since they have come in contact (open
sandals) with the dusty road (the world). Time must be spent in reading the Word and in prayer (1 John 1:9). Confessing your sins will result in His cleansing you. Being uncleansed is offensive. This is your basic trouble - dirty feet.

Dirty feet can develop into Ugly Feet. As you continue to have dirty feet, eventually they become ugly. As you continue to ignore cleansing (time with God), you will lack the beautiful feet of those who bring good news of the Gospel (Romans 10:15). Life must accompany the message. Are your feet ugly?

Dirty, ugly feet can then become Diseased Feet. (2 Chronicles
16:12) Asa, King of Judah, had diseased feet and did not seek the Lord's help - he died that way. You will continue to have diseased feet until you step out of sin and seek healing from Jesus. Diseased feet cannot be hidden and will hinder your walk.

Don't allow your feet to remain dirty, for they will become ugly, and then diseased.

What should you do? What is the remedy? (1 Thessalonians

1) Remove your foot from evil (Proverbs 4:27).

2) Be followers of God (Ephesians 5:1).

3) Walk in love (Ephesians 5:2).

4) Walk in light (Ephesians 5:8).

5) Walk as wise (Ephesians 5:15).

6) Follow Jesus (Matthew 4:19).

"Your sins are like corns; get rid of them if they are continually being stepped on!"Chaplain Jack Noel serves at the Colony of Mercy. (Today's devotional is from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE - 365 Daily Devotions on Victory. It is available for purchase from the Keswick Book and Gift

God's WORD for YOU!: 2 Samuel 1-2; Luke 14:1-24

Think about this: "What many churches are offering America is a new religion that guarantees no hell and requires no holiness. It is a limp, spineless Christianity that does not confront sin for fear of being judgmental. It is an impotent gospel that tells people everything is ok.
We are more concerned with the acceptance of men, than we are about pleasing God." - Thomas Trask

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Failure to Pay Close Attention


"The high places were not removed from Israel. Nevertheless the heart of Asa was loyal all his days." 2 Chronicles 15:17

This devotional from my friend Mr. Oswald Chambers, was just too good to pass up. It was the reading for yesterday from MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST.

"Asa was not completely obedient in the outward, visible areas of his life. He was obedient in what he considered the most important areas, but he was not entirely right. Beware of ever thinking 'Oh that thing in my life does not matter much.' THE FACT THAT IT DOESN'T MATTER MUCH TO YOU MAY MEAN THAT IT MATTERS A GREAT DEAL TO GOD. Nothing should be considered a small and trivial matter by a child of God.

How much longer are we going to prevent God from teaching us even one thing? But He keeps trying to teach us and He never loses patience. You say, 'I know I am right with God' - yet the 'high places' still remain in your life. There is still an area of disobedience. Do you protest that your heart is right with God and yet there is something in your life He causes you to doubt? WHENEVER GOD CAUSES A DOUBT ABOUT SOMETHING, STOP IT IMMEDIATELY, NO MATTER WHAT IT MAY BE. NOTHING IN OUR LIVES IS A MERE SIGNIFICANT DETAIL TO GOD.

Are there some things regarding your physical or intellectual life to which you have been paying no attention at all? If so, you may THINK you are all correct in the important areas, but you are careless - you are failing to concentrate or focus properly. You no more need a day off than your heart needs a day off from beating. As you cannot take a day off morally and remain moral, neither can you take a day off spiritually and remain spiritual. God wants you entirely His, and it requires paying close attention to keep yourself fit. It also takes a tremendous amount of time. Yet some of us expect to rise above all of our problems, going from one mountaintop experience to another, with only a few minutes'

Is there in area of your life today that needs attention? Take some time to pray about it today. Purpose to do what God tells you to do. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: 1 Samuel 30-31; Luke 13:23-35

Think about this: Have you been waiting upon God, dear troubled one, during long nights and weary days, and have feared that you were forgotten? Nay, lift up your head, and begin to praise Him even now for the deliverance which is on its way to you. Anonymous

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Trust in Your Word


"I trust in Your word." Psalm 119:42

Happy April 15th! I read a cute story this morning about a guy who was convicted about his taxes after listening to a sermon: "I have been unable to sleep, knowing that I have cheated on my income tax. I understated my taxable income last year and have enclosed a check for $1,150. If I still can't sleep, I will send the rest."

He may have been convicted but if he was willing to still withhold what he owed could his word be trusted? We are listening to all the political rhetoric of the candidates running for President, and it my humble opinion, it all boils down to this: are they men and women of their word?

During my lifetime there are times when I have failed miserably in this area, and in the process have hurt people. While I have learned from those experiences, it has been painful.

Praise God that we can trust HIS Word completely! Take it to the bank, men! You don't have to wonder or second guess it. I read this today in Streams in the Desert (Zondervan):

"The strength of our faith is in direct proportion to our level of belief that God will do EXACTLY WHAT HE HAS PROMISED. Faith has nothing to do with our feelings, impressions, outward appearances, nor the probability or improbability of an event. If we try to couple these things with faith, we are no longer resting on the Word of God, because faith is not dependent on them. FAITH RESTS IN THE PURE WORD OF GOD ALONE. And when we take HIM at HIS Word, our hearts are at peace ... God delights in causing us to exercise our faith. He does so to bless us individually, to bless the church at large, and as a witness to unbelievers."

The older I get, the more the old hymns come back to mind. Do you remember this one? "Tis so sweet to trust in JESUS! Just to take HIM at HIS WORD. Just to rest upon HIS promise, just to know 'THUS SAITH THE LORD!'"

People WILL let you down. It is inevitable. But rest assured, my dear brother ... YOU CAN TRUST HIS WORD! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK and would love to speak for your men's events or mission's conferences. He is available for pulpit supply. You can schedule Bill to speak by contacting Ruth Schmidt at 732-350-1187 ext.

God's Word for You: 1 Samuel 27-29; Luke 13:1-22

Think About This: "I have heard of ministers who can preach a sermon without mentioning the name of Jesus from beginning to end. If you ever hear such a sermon as that, mind that you never hear another from that man ... Paul's harp only had one string, but he brought so much music out if is as never came from any other. He found such infinite variety in Christ that he never exhausted his theme. With him it was Christ first, Christ last, Christ midst, Christ everywhere. He could never have his pen in his hand without writing something in praise of his glorious Lord and Savior." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Monday, April 14, 2008

Is God's Peace Really Real?


"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God which transcends all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus ..." Philippians 4:6-7

Last week was one of those incredible moments where we as a family understood the reality of these two precious verses. Remember the story of my friend Glenda from Arkansas? These were the verses the Lord gave her for our kids as they faced Lindsay's open heart surgery.

There were four specific times that God's peace was so amazing during the past week:

1. On Sunday we left for Boston to meet our kids. About an hour
before arriving in Massachusetts, our daughter Laura (Lindsay's mom) called and said they were on their way to the ER because she was spotting and the doctor felt she might be having a miscarriage. We stopped at the first rest stop in Massachusetts and had to wait there for almost six hours until she was finally released from the hospital. Normally in situations like this, I am like a caged lion - but God's peace permeated by heart and mind.

2. On the day of surgery, saying goodbye to Lindsay was so hard.
There were many tears shed by all of us. Yet we can say that during the
3.5 hours of waiting, God gave us HIS perfect peace.

3. On Tuesday evening, Lindsay had a crisis moment where she went
into cardiac distress. Laura, Jan and I had just walked into her room and the scene was frightening. I went out into the lobby and for a few moments felt like my world was crumbling, and yet at that moment, my heart quieted down and God's peace flooded my heart and mind.

4. On Thursday night I volunteered to spend the night with Lindsay.
Anyone who knows me and my "love" for hospitals knows that is way out of my comfort zone. During the night Lindsay was thrashing around the bed and snapped one of the med lines that went directly to her heart. The nurse needed to take out the line, so I decided it was my time to exit the room. She told me that I needed to stay and help her during the procedure. There is NO WAY that would have happened without the amazing PEACE that I experienced at that moment!

God's WORD is true and can be trusted. He doesn't promise to take away the CIRCUMSTANCES, the pain or the hurt. But He does promise HIS PEACE - the peace that hymn writer, Horatio Spafford wrote about when he penned the words, "When peace like a river attendeth my way; when sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say: It is well, it is well with my soul!"

Men, trust Him today with whatever you are facing. Allow Him to give you HIS peace! - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

Today's WORD from the WORD: 1 Samuel 25-26; Luke 12:33-59

Think about this: Christianity seems at first to be all about morality, all about duties and rules and guilt and virtue, yet it leads you on, out of all that, into something beyond. One has a glimpse of a country where they do not talk of those things, except perhaps as a joke. Every one there is filled full with what we should call goodness as a mirror is filled with light. But they do not call it goodness. They do not call it anything. They are not thinking of it. They are too busy looking at the source from which it comes. (Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis

In yesterday's paper, a recent poll revealed that 58% of Americans will change their vacation plans because of the rising gas prices. Well that prompted me to tell you that now is the time for you to consider spending your vacation this summer at America's KESWICK. If you'd like a copy of our brochure, please visit our website ( or respond to this email and I will send you a copy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

When Insufficiency is Good!

When Insufficiency Is Good!

"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency if from God" (2 Corinthians 3:5)

Yesterday we heard Jeremiah tell us that we don't have it within us to direct our own paths. The Lord drove that home to me earlier this week in my regular Bible reading. In His good grace, He taught me the same thing later in the week. He added some encouragement to the instruction, too.

The Apostle Paul takes Jeremiah's position on our human abilities. We aren't sufficient in ourselves to accomplish one single thing God has for us. The teaching is consistent through God's Word. We cannot do God's work in our own strength or our own wisdom.

Many of us get frustrated by pursuing freedom on our own. We figure out that it doesn't work, but we're not always sure of the next step. We began to sense futility because life doesn't work like we think it should. Sometimes, it seems easier to give up than keep trying.

That's why Paul's encouragement in this verse is so important. While we're not sufficient in ourselves, the sufficiency we need is available.
Every man who walks with Jesus discovers hope in the last phrase of 2 Corinthians 3:5. In our relationship with God we have every sufficiency we need to become everything God has designed us to be. Nothing is lacking!

The lesson is simple, but it's not always easy to learn. Men don't enjoy acknowledging their inabilities and insufficiencies. We're supposed to handle anything that comes our way. It's hard to admit that we can't. There's a problem, though. Until we make that admission we'll never discover God's sufficiency in our lives.

The blessing of this little verse is life-changing. Choosing to abandon our sufficiency, which is really insufficiency, for God's complete sufficiency is the first step to freedom and hope. Throw the futility of self-sufficiency out of your life today. Choose, today, to live in God's sufficiency. - Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor First Baptist of Toms River

Think About This: The beginning, the middle, and end of your course must be dissatisfaction with self, and satisfaction with Christ. Be content to be satisfied with faith's glorious object, and let faith itself be forgotten. Faith, however perfect, has nothing to give you. It points you to Jesus. It bids you look away from itself to Him. It bids you look away from itself to Him. It says, "Christ is all." It bids you look to him who says, "Look upon me;" who says, "Fear not, I am the first and the last; I am he that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore." Horatius Bonar

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Needed Direction from Jeremiah 10:23

Needed Direction from Jeremiah 10:23

My wife and I have used the same Bible reading schedule for the last few years. It's been a blessing and surprise to see how things come to light one year that we've not noticed in previous years. It's one of the great joys of regularly reading the Scriptures.

During almost forty years of ministry, I've learned a few things. One thing I've learned specifically applies to men pursuing freedom in their lives. Those men who think they've figured everything out fail more often than not. Many of seem to have difficulty admitting that we don't know as much as we think we do.

Jeremiah reminded me this week that I need to be careful how I think about myself and my abilities. Many who read Freedom Fighter probably need the same reminder. Hear Jeremiah's words: "O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps."

Those words stuck in my heart. I often want to direct my own steps. Sometimes I try to direct my steps even when I know I can't. We need to hear Jeremiah's words! When we think we're more competent than God to direct our lives, we fool ourselves and head for trouble.

Every man who loves God and wants to walk with Him must choose submission to God's direction over his own inclinations. We just don't know what's best for us. We can't do better than God. It's a simple lesson that will protect us from ourselves and the enemy of our souls.

Let's memorize Jeremiah 10:23 this week and spend some time meditating on our need for God's direction in our lives. -- Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

Think about this:

We do not here advocate the turning of churches over to the women, but we do advocate a recognition of proper spiritual qualifications for leadership among men if they are to continue to decide the direction the churches shall take. The accident of being a man is not enough. Spiritual manhood alone qualifies. A. W. Tozer

Friday, April 11, 2008

Therefore Being Justified by Faith Part 5

"Therefore, Being Justified By Faith..."Part five

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:1-5

I use to be a man who was justified by self. I never spent a moment of my time looking at myself or examining my ways. I had a heart polluted with all the ways of the world. When I was arrested I blamed the law makers as well as the law enforcers. I had no self control and that cost me years of wasted time looking for the "perfect" job. Any conviction of the Spirit that would fire up in me I would quickly dowse with alcohol.

Any remorseful thoughts were knocked out with chemicals. On May 9th 2003, I ran out of places to run and had no more excuses. The crossroads before me I chose the Romans road. The rest lies in the passages of Scripture I covered this past week.

I had to read about Abraham's blind obedience to an unseen God. What did he have that I did not? I had to study about Paul's past and what happened to him on the road to Damascus. I did a lot of aimless road travel in my early days and these two men had done their share of travel as well. The difference was when God spoke to them they listened. I didn't do that very well and in the long run was left crying out to Jesus...Please save me.

A man name Jan Savercool helped me pick myself up and dust myself off.
He pointed down Romans Road and Jesus did the rest. He wanted me to just look at just chapters 6, 7, and 8 in the Book of Romans but I went further. I will always value my talks with Jan. His time on the roadways didn't go as well as he would have hoped but Jesus was there for him too.

We were two men trapped but set free. We are now two men who still have our trials but praise God He stills works in us. Jesus has been there for the both of us when it is time to persevere. And for you bothers out there who know the both of us, we are some characters. But all in all we are privileged to share in the same hope. These passages in Scripture that I have covered these past few days are forever etched in my heart. They speak to me daily. How have they spoken to you?

I'll end with a quote from John Bevere's book "The Bait of Satan".

"A common excuse for self-preservation through disobedience is offense.
There is a false sense of self-protection in harboring an offense. It keeps you from seeing your own character flaws because the blame is deferred to another. You never have to face your role, your immaturity, or your sin because you see only the faults of the offender. Therefore, God's attempt to develop character in you by this opposition is now abandoned. The offended person will avoid the source of the offense and eventually flee, becoming a spiritual vagabond." Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.

God's Word for Today: 1 Samuel 17-18; Luke 11:1-29

Think About This: No matter what our stature or status, we have the authority in the family of God to pray the prayer of faith. The prayer of faith engages the heart of God, meeting God's conditions of spiritual life and victory. - A. W. Tozer

I am grateful for Chris' willingness to share this week so that we could be with our kids in Boston. I am writing this morning from the ICU and spent the night with Lindsay. She has just about all the tubes out now and will be starting to eat this morning. We are most grateful for your prayers and comments on the blog. God bless.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Therefore, Being Justified By Faith..."Part four

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:1-5

Today we'll look at verse five.

"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

Along with the Holy Spirit provided gifts of faith and love, hope is an essential characteristic of the Christian. The concept of hope includes things like trust, confidence and refuge in the God of hope. Ever since the fall, all of creation has hoped for redemption. To be reunited with the Father. "He will crush your head, and you will bruise His heel." We have God's promise right from the start, a hope that became a very real in Christ Jesus.

The nation of Israel had hope during their bondage in Egypt that a deliverer would be sent by the God of Abraham. The nation also had hope that God would restore it after it's various times of disobedience throughout its history after the Exodus. God just does not disappoint. He sent His only Son down here to teach us the nature and the workings of the Holy Spirit.

In Old Testament times there were four positions the Holy Spirit took on.
First it was God's emissary to His creation. Second the Spirit was God's lieutenant in the providential work of the moral sphere. Third, the Spirit indwelled God's people. He "clothed himself with Gideon" if you will. And fourth the Holy Spirit inspired the prophets. The Spirit is wise. Sin and rebellion only serves to vex the Spirit.

That is why Christ comes to us in the new Covenant. Jesus comes to teach His followers the true nature and workings of the Holy Spirit. As with the disciples, the Spirit dwells as Comforter, Counselor and Advocate. To help us remember what Jesus said and did. To testify of Jesus working in our everyday living. To reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.

To help us bear fruit, to be filled with as our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit. And perhaps like at Pentecost with a mighty wind and tongues of fire to speak of the Love of God. That's when we can go "Therefore, being justified by faith." Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.

God's Word for Today: 1 Samuel 15-16; Luke 10:25-42

Think about this: All born-again people are in training for rulership.
Since the supreme law of that future social order, called the kingdom of God, is agape love, therefore their apprenticeship and training is for the learning of deep dimensions of this love. But deep dimensions of this love are only learned in the school of suffering. Purity is one thing, and maturity is another. The latter comes only through years of suffering. If we suffer, we shall also reign - because where there is little suffering, there is little love; no suffering, no love; no love, no rulership. Paul Billheimer

Our granddaughter Lindsay has turned the corner. Read about it on her blog at Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

"Therefore, Being Justified By Faith..." Part three

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:1-5

Today I would like to go over verses 3and 4 of these passage of Scripture.

I do not know about you, my brothers, but I once thought that since you have surrendered yourself over to God's will and you have found peace with God and that your war with God is over we get on with the lifelong rejoicing of God. When I say rejoicing, I mean dancing with hands waving and the southern gospel playing (sorry Bill), with my foot stomping and my mouth shouting Halleluiah!! Halleluiah I have been redeemed!! But that is not Paul meant when he wrote, "And not only that, but we also glory in tribulation, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope."

So let's run through the list:

1. Glory in tribulation. James puts it this way, "My brethren, count
it all joy when you fall into various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." I get the idea but I'm still uncomfortable with it.

2. Tribulation produces perseverance. Malachi puts it this way, "He
will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering of righteousness." It's my turn in the refiners fire, got it. Well I guess I could stand to lose a little dross.

3. Perseverance builds character. Paul puts it this way. "For you
are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." Now what can be said about your character? Does it have moral and ethnic structure? Does it have integrity? What kind of characters do you associate with? Does your character reflect Christ?

4. Character brings hope. The church in Thessalonica had been
encouraged by these words, "Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father."

This is list that I have a hard time keeping in context. I literally have to say to myself...glory in tribulation, it's going to produce perseverance that's going to build character and bring on the hope I need. I still, from time to time, ask God why it was necessary for Him to create some of the characters I run into on a daily basis. But I eventually rest in the understanding that it may not be about my witness to them. It may be about time for them to bring out something in me that needs to go. Maybe it is about suffering for His righteousness.

Rejoice my brothers, Rejoice!! Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.

God's Word for Today: 1 Samuel 13-14; Luke 10:1-24

Think about this: Do you think the work God gives us to do is never easy? Jesus says His yoke is easy, His burden is light. People sometimes refuse to do God's work just because it is easy. This is sometimes because they cannot believe that easy work is His work; but there may be a very bad pride in it...Some, again, accept it with half a heart and do it with half a hand. But however easy any work may be, it cannot be well done without taking thought about it. And such people, instead of taking thought about their work, generally take thought about the morrow, in which no work can be done any more than in yesterday. George Macdonald

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Therefore, Being Justified by Faith (Part Two)

Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Lindsay. Surgery went as well as could be expected and they were able to do the valve repair vs.
replacement. We as a family did experience the reality of God's peace in an amazing way. Updates will be on the blog throughout the day.

"Therefore, Being Justified By Faith..." Part two

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character, and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:1-5

Today I would like to look at the first two verses in this passage of Scripture.
In the first verse Paul starts off with 'Therefore, having been justified by faith,". He writes this knowing that we have been saved by the work done on the Cross and that Christ has fulfilled the law on our behalf. For us, this means to realize that justification is a one-time act and you receive this gift through having faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

And if you have received this gift you can feel secure that in Christ you have been reconciled with the Father, "we have peace with God". Charles Spurgeon pointed four discoveries that we need to make.

1. It is important to be justified in the sight of God and you cannot justify yourself. It is a better to say, "I am because of He who made me, who sacrificed for me, who loves me and whose servant I am." Than to say, "I never do such things".

2. That our past life has been dirtied with offenses to the law of God and it is impossible to live up to what was written in Exodus 20:1-17. This means understanding that we fall short.

3. You cannot stand on a footing of works and good deeds. Your salvation by works is an impossibility. It does not cover up the lack of moral conduct or a polluted heart.

4. We are not in any condition, on our own, to keep God from executing His punishment on us. Once again, we cannot justify ourselves. What do we do?

Please see John 3:16 for an answer. Our peace with God is "through our Lord Jesus Christ."

In the second verse "we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand." Now this access is a general blessing that gives us a path to the mercy seat. Where we are invited to come freely and boldly to His throne of grace. This was a privilege that was reserved for the priests and prophets of the Old Testament. And you know something; some of them fell short too.

In the book of Numbers, chapters 22-24, we find a story of a prophet who treated his access as a mercenary, a man who received the wages of unrighteousness to curse a blessed people. That prophet was Balaam..."Prophet for Hire", a medium for a multitude of false gods. A man who is summoned by Balak, the king of Moab, to have him use his access to our living God to curse the very people He has blessed. What are these two thinking? What do the rewards of divination bring?

An argument with a donkey that's what the rewards are. A donkey was used by God to set Balaam straight. By the way, Balaam was said to be able to talk with the animals. I believe Doctor Doolittle would have been amused. Anyway, the donkey was use to open the eyes of Balaam to the angel of the Lord and now he will only speak what the Lord will have him speak. The king gets four prophecies and one of these will speak of a coming Messiah. Numbers 24:17 "I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near; a star shall come out of Jacob; a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and batter the brow of Moab, and destroy all the sons of tumult." That is access to God.

To finish verse two, "and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." We, as believers in Christ, should stand and rejoice. If you are obedient and your loyalty is for God and what the Son has done for you, what Paul has written here in Scripture stands. The war within us has ceased. We have peace with God through the Son. We are justified by our faith in the shed blood of a risen Savior. Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy.

God's Word for Today: 1 Samuel 10-12; Luke 9:37-62

Think about this: Among the enemies to devotion none is so harmful as distractions. Whatever excites curiosity, scatters thoughts, disquiets the heart, absorbs the interests or shifts our life focus from the kingdom of God within us to the world around us - that is a distraction; and the world is full of them ... Distractions MUST be conquered or they will conquer us. So let us cultivate simplicity; let us walk in the Spirit; let us fill our minds with the Word of God and our hearts with praise." - A. W. Tozer

Monday, April 07, 2008

Therefore Being Justified By Faith (Part 1)

We are in Boston this week for our granddaughter, Lindsay Alice Groen's open heart surgery. The surgery will be performed this morning at 7:30 AM at Boston Children's Hospital. We covet your prayers for our kids especially since our daughter, Laura, had a miscarriage yesterday. For updates on Lindsay, visit the KESWICK homepage:

Our good friend, and Colony grad, Chris Hughes, has graciously written this week's Freedom Fighters.

"Therefore, Being Justified By Faith..."

"Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but also for us. It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification." Romans 4: 23-25

Abraham was a man who was justified by faith. His loyalty was to God and he unquestionably obeyed God in the commands that were given to him. If God suddenly spoke to you and said "Get out from your country, from your family, from your father's house and go to Canaan." would you do what He said? Or would you say "Lord, let me go and bury my father."

What if He commanded you "Take now your son, your only son, whom you love and offer him as a burnt offering on a mountain of my choosing."
Would you be able to load the wood on your son's back and walk up the mountain? And when your son asked you "Where is the lamb for the offering?" would you be faithful enough to look at him and say "My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for the offering."

These are great examples on how faith and obedience can be accounted for righteousness and therefore brings on justification. Paul spent all of chapter four in the book of Romans explaining how this came about before the Law was given to Moses. Justification is a gift from God and cannot be earned by works and remember justification has no bases in the Law.

The American Heritage Dictionary definition of justification goes right along with what the verb "dikaioo" would mean in the Greek text. The word would mean, "to acquit or absolve". To be declared free of blame. How many times in our own lives would it have been good to say, "I am free of blame!" "I am not being punished for my wrong doings."

There have been times in my own life where it would have been a good thing to hear a judge declare me free of blame and no punishment being necessary. It would have been a good thing if someone got up and said "I got you covered. Let me talk to the judge and see what I can do." That would have been justification. That someone, my brothers, would have been Jesus.

The following can be found in The Life Application Bible (NLT), "When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, an exchange takes place. We give Him our sins, and He forgives us and makes us right with God. There is nothing we can do to earn this. Only through Christ can we be made right in God's eyes. What an incredible bargain this is for us! But sadly, many still chose to pass up this gift to continue "enjoying" their sin."

I pray you are not "passing up" this gift. Chris Hughes 3/10/2008

God's Word for Today: 1 Samuel 7-9; Luke 9:18-36

Think about it: Motion and busyness, no matter how great, yield nothing unless we allow God to give us the heart. Grant Lovejoy

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Living in the Center or on the Edge

Living in the Center or on the Edge? (Part 2)

Romans 13:14

We thought yesterday about being "wise in what is good," and "simple concerning evil." (Romans 16:19) I'd like to pick up on the theme again this morning. Men like us who want to pursue freedom from bondage need to understand the importance of choices. Paul admonishes us to choose good and shun evil.

Those choices demand vigilance. They demand that we love freedom more than we love the things that push us closer to the edge of evil. I remember the story of a princess who lived in a castle high on a hill. The road to the village in the valley was filled with curves and had numerous places where the edge of the road put you on the precipice of very steep declines. She needed a driver for her carriage and gave each of them the same test. She asked each of them to drive her carriage down the dangerous road to the village.

Some wanted to show their skill by going as fast as they could while getting as close to the edge as they could. One took a different approach. He stayed close to the middle of the road and kept his speed under control. The princess asked him why he drove so differently than the other candidates. His response was clearly thought out. "Since you are the princess, you are a very important passenger. It's my job to keep you safe. I can't afford to take unnecessary risks." He got the job.

Each of us is valuable enough to God that He allowed His Son to die on the cross for us. Even more, the third Person of the Trinity lives within us. That indwelling Presence is more valuable in our lives than any of us can imagine. When we live on the edge of evil, we quench His power in our lives. Even the hint of evil, wherever it comes from pushes us to that dangerous precipice. We can't afford that risk.

That's why the Apostle tells us to ". . . put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts." (Romans 13:14) Regular inspections of our lives and a growing sensitivity to sin keep us in the center of the road where it's safe. Avoiding those inspections and tolerating sin, no matter how small it may seem, pushes us way too close to the edge. Each of us needs to answer one simple question. Are we walking safely by pursuing what is good, or are we living dangerously by being far too acquainted with evil?

It's a question worth thinking about. Have a great Lord's Day and a week of being "wise in what is good." - Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River

God's Word for Today: 1 Samuel 4-6; Luke 9:1-17

Think about this: The Church is a society of sinners who have finally admitted it! - Dr. Adrian Rogers

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Living in the Center or on the Edge?

Living in the Center or on the Edge?

Romans 16:19

I'll celebrate 39 years of vocational ministry this month. Most of those years have put me in local churches much like the one I currently
serve. Some things in those churches have remained pretty much the
same, and that's not always a bad thing. Biblical truth shouldn't change, so our doctrinal statements ought to remain stable.

Other things have changed way more than I think is healthy. Almost forty years ago many people in evangelical churches concerned themselves with lifestyle issues. They were concerned about avoiding "worldly"
things that could harm their walk with Jesus and their testimony. It's no secret that those concerns led, in some church groups, to legalism that became judgmental and self-righteous.

In our current efforts to avoid legalism, the pendulum has swung far in the other direction. I believe it has swung too far, and that complicates the lives of every man who pursues freedom. Our current environment makes it far too easy for men who want and need freedom to engage in behaviors and activities that rob us of freedom.

The Apostle Paul urged us to avoid those entanglements that steal our freedom. He may have said it no more simply than in Romans 16:19: For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. In essence, Paul urges us to live in the center of what is good, and stay far away from the edges that lead us into evil.

This instruction is positive and negative. Those who long for freedom pursue wisdom in "what is good." They also avoid any knowledge of that which is "evil." All of us who read Freedom Fighter have responsibility for how we pursue and avoid. What do we watch on television? What kinds of movies do we attend? What kind of music catches our fancy? Does the literature we read push us toward good or pull us to the edges of evil?

I invite you to join me in choosing the center of that which is good. I also invite you to choose staying far from that edge that exposes us to evil. The wiser we are in "what is good," the more likely we are to know freedom. The less "simple [we are] concerning evil," the more likely we are to know bondage. Let's choose wisdom in "what is good!" - Pastor Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's Word for Today: 1 Samuel 1-3; Luke 8:28-56

Think About This: Somebody once asked a Christian believer, "How is it that you seem to have such peace, while I, although I go to church, do not have peace?" The Christian replied, "I think it is because yours is a religion of DO, mine is a religion of DONE - done once for all in my place by Christ Jesus on Calvary.

Friday, April 04, 2008

The Camel's Are Coming Part 2

The Camels Are Coming - Part #2

Well, the story is still unfolding, so here goes.

This morning when I arrived at work, one of the men asked me if I had read the Streams in the Desert for January 6th, which was the spot where my new friend, Glenda, had her bookmark. What a novel idea.

Well here is a snapshot into the reading for January 6th:

"When you pass through the waters ... they will not sweep over you."
Isaiah 43:2

God does not open paths for us BEFORE we come to them, or provide help BEFORE help is needed. He does not remove obstacles out of our way before we reach them. Yet when we are at our point of need, God's hand is outstretched.

Many people forget this whole truth and continually worry about difficulties they envision in the future. They expect God to open and clear many miles of road before them, but He promises to do it step by step, only as their need arises. You must be in the floodwaters BEFORE you can claim God's promise ...

When you pass through the waters
Deep the waves may be and cold,
But Jehovah IS our refuge,
And His promise is our hold;
For the Lord, Himself has said it,
He, the faithful God and true:
When you come to the waters
You will not go down, BUT THROUGH!

Seas of sorrow, seas of trial,
Bitter anguish, fiercest pain,
Rolling surges of temptation
Sweeping over heart and brain --
They will never overflow us
For we know HIS word is true;
All His waves and all His billows
He will lead us safely THROUGH.

Threatening breakers of destruction,
Doubt's insidious undertow,
Will not sink us, will not drag us
Out to ocean depths of woe;
For His promise will sustain us,
Praise the Lord, whose Word is true!
We will not go down, or under,
For He says, You will pass THROUGH!"

Coincidence? I think not! This story is still unfolding and I will share more with you next week. Our God is an awesome God and HE STILL SPEAKS STO HEARTS! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

GOD'S WORD FOR TODAY: Ruth 1-4; Luke 8:1-25

THINK ABOUT THIS: "Here is the secret life of prayer: Take time in the inner chamber to bow down and worship; and wait on Him until He unveils Himself, and takes possession of you, and goes out with you to show how a man can live and walk in abiding fellowship with an unseen Lord."
Andrew Murray

Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Camels Are Coming


"Then they sat down to eat a meal. And as they looked, behold a caravan of Ishmaelites was coming from Gilead, with their camels ..." Genesis

Yesterday I shared with you some thoughts from what the Lord gave me from Streams in the Desert on the timely topic of discouragement.

On Wednesday morning I had a conference call with several of our Board members about our current financial crisis and how we should respond. It was a good discussion, and we agreed that we would look at every aspect of the ministry to see where cuts could be made, but also agreed that God certainly could show up in a miraculous way.

After lunch I noticed my voice mail light blinking. The message was from a lady asking me to return her call. I did, and what I am about to tell you is amazing.

This dear woman had been having her devotions, reading from My Upmost for His Highest. She was then prompted by the Lord to read Streams in the Desert. She hadn't used that book for several weeks, but was blessed with what she read and wanted to encourage someone with what the Lord have given her.

She went to her computer and "Googled" the first line of the reading and ended up on the Freedom Fighter Blog page. She was intrigued with the fact that I had journaled from the same passage. She read yesterday's blog plus several others. She learned much about our current crisis and continued to search our website to learn more about the ministry. She called to encourage me and share what the Lord had given her for me!

She told me, "Bill, the camels are coming!" She went on to remind me of the story of Joseph being thrown in the pit by his brothers. From the pit, Joseph's situation seemed hopeless and helpless. But God already had the answer on the way. Bill, the answer is already on the way. God provided the answer through the merchants that departed on the right day that would find Joseph. Those merchants would be riding camels. God's answer is coming, Bill. The camels are on their way."

(Just for the record, this lady knew NOTHING about me or the ministry of America's KESWICK until she went on the blog and read all about us. And besides, she resides in Arkansas!)

She concluded the phone call by asking me to read Psalm 20:6 from THE MESSAGE. I don't preach from THE MESSAGE, but have used it for my devotional reading. The whole Psalm is appropriate, but vs. 6 says this:
" ... help is coming, and answer's on the way, everything's going to work out!"

She thanked me for allowing her to give me a "wink from God for today."
I told my new friend, Glenda from Arkansas, this wasn't a wink from God, but a big whack to remind me that HE IS THERE!

I trust this encourages your heart as you pray for us. By the way, when the camels show up ... we plan to shout it from the roof-tops! You'll be the first to hear. - Bill Welte - is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

GOD'S WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Judges 19-21; Luke 7:31-50

THINK ABOUT THIS: "Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. They mourned for Him, they prayed and wrestled and sought for Him day and night, in season and out, and when they had found Him, the finding was all the sweeter for the long seeking." A.W. Tozer

We have some rooms available this weekend if you'd like to get away for the weekend. You can enjoy the beauty of God's creation, use the Activity Center and allow God to speak to your hearts. We have a great package for you that includes all your meals, too! For information, call 800-453-7942. One of our reservationists will be glad to assist you.
Don't delay ... call today!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Don't Get Discouraged


"They looked ... and there was the glory of the Lord appearing in the cloud." Exodus 16:10

This has been a challenging several weeks for me and our staff at America's KESWICK. The financial situation weighs very heavily on my heart and mind, and throughout the night I was battling some intense discouragement. I woke up this morning asking the Lord to speak to my heart very specifically, and I don't know why I am amazed, but HIS timing even in my devotional reading is always so perfect.

Here is what He gave me this morning from STREAMS IN THE DESERT:

"You should get in the habit of looking for the silver lining of storm clouds. And once you have found it, continue to focus on IT rather than the dark gray of the center. Do not yield to DISCOURAGEMENT no matter how severely stressed or surrounded by problems you may be. A discouraged soul is in a helpless state, being neither able to 'stand against the devil's schemes' (Ephesians 6:11) himself nor able to prevail in prayer for others. FLEE EVERY SYMPTOM OF THE DEADLY FOE OF DISCOURAGEMENT as you would run from a snake. Never be slow to turn your back on it, unless you desire to eat the dust of bitter defeat.

Search for the specific promises of God, saying aloud each one, THIS ONE IS MINE. Then if you still experience feels of doubt and discouragement, pour out your heart to God, asking HIM to rebuke the Adversary who is so mercilessly harassing you.

The very instant you wholeheartedly turn away from every symptom of discouragement and lack of trust, the blessed Holy Spirit will reawaken your faith and breathe God's divine strength into your soul. Initially you may be unaware that this is happening, but as you determine to uncompromisingly shun every attack of even the tendency toward doubt and depression, you will quickly see the powers of darkness being turned back.

Oh, if only our eyes could see the mighty armies of strength and power that are always behind our turning away from the hosts of darkness toward God, there would be no attention given to the efforts of the cunning For to distress, depress, or discourage us! All the miraculous attributes of the Godhead are marshaled on the side of even the weakest believer who, in the name of Christ and in simple, childlike trust, yields himself to God and turns to Him for help and guidance.

I must never lose the skyward look. I must keep faith, I must keep hope, I must keep courage, I must keep Christ. It would be better to crawl immediately from the battlefield than to not be brave. This is no time for my soul to retreat! Keep your skyward look, my soul; keep your skyward look!" (Streams in the Desert - Zondervan)

I closed the book and read several other things, and then concluded with MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST. In the margin was written a notation that on
4/2/02 the Lord sent a $25,000 gift to America's KESWICK. It was a wonderful reminder that HIS PROVISION for our need is on the way. Now I have the choice - will I dare to trust Him and cling to His promises? Or will I wallow today in the pit of discouragement and depression, biting my nails and wondering what we will do if He doesn't show up? Through Christ today, I am purposing to trust!

Thanks, Lord, for once again speaking to MY heart in such a timely way.
- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

HIS WORD FOR TODAY - Judges 16-18; Luke 7:1-30

THINK ABOUT THIS - A calm hour with God is worth a whole lifetime with man. - Robert Murray McCheyne

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

This Ain't No April Fool Joke


"No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

This is another paradox that the world apart from Christ will never understand! To them it might even seem like an April Fool's joke! Paul instructs us to be thankful even in the midst of all that is happening in our lives, whether it is good or whether it is bad!

A part of our ministry at America's KESWICK is ministering to senior saints. I love them! They are some of the coolest people. Some are grumpy and complain about everything. Then there are ones that are just the sweetest people you will ever meet.

There were three sisters who faithfully attended our conferences. All three had back issues that caused them to walk hunched over. Myrtle Townsend was a school teacher and administrator for many years. Of the three sisters, she had the worst back issues. Yet every time we were with her she expressed how thankful she was to the Lord for all He was doing in her life, even when she was in such pain.

Jim Kennedy and I visited with her in her home several weeks before the Lord called her home. Despite the fact that she was bedridden and in constant pain, she had a grateful heart!

My good friend and Bible teacher, Glenna Salsbury, wrote today's devotional in REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE. Listen to her words:

"This Scripture challenges us at the very core of our daily lives. Think about what the Lord is exhorting us to do. We are to be grateful for EVERY circumstance, situation or experience in our lives. This is an easy truth if our circumstances seem positive in our lives. But what if you are faced with tragedy, serious health problems, personal failure or sin, mistreatment at the hands of others, discouragement, or loss? Is the Lord asking us to come to Him with a thankful heart as well?

Amazingly, the answer from God's Word is clear. 'Yes, dear child of mine, be thankful in every circumstance, every day, even when you do not FEEL thankful and cannot see any positive element. My ways are not necessarily understandable to you. But you can rest in my love for you and in my Word to you. I will work all things in your life together for your highest good. Every detail in your life experience is designed to bring you into a deeper knowledge of me. Your highest life experience will be to learn to trust Me, to walk by faith, not by sight!"

That kind of living is called VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIVING. It is only possible when we allow Christ to BE our life and to live HIS life in and through us. Then and only then can we be thankful in EVERY circumstance and situation - like even when money is tight and you have no clue where the next dollar will come from!

Glenna writes at the end today's devotional: Lord, help me to embrace your Word and to give thanks in your faithfulness even when I don't FEEL thankful about my circumstances! That's my prayer today for me and for you, my dear brothers in Christ. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Today's Scripture: Judges 13-15; Luke 6:27-49

Something for you to think about: "If God has ever given you victory of one sin, He can give you victory over ALL sin. He who has kept you from sin for a moment, can with equal ease keep you from the same sin for a day or a month." Ruth Paxson

Personal note: Thanks to many of you who joined us for our day of prayer. I appreciated you joining us at the throne of grace! I will share with you HOW and WHEN God provides! It will be exciting.