Thursday, April 17, 2008

Foot Trouble


" I thought about my ways, And turned my feet toYour testimonies."(Psalm

Do you have foot trouble? One out of every nine children ages 5-10 does. Foot trouble many times involves other physical problems (aches, cold, wet, etc.). Christians can have "foot trouble" in life:
problems "walking" - sin in their life. There are causes of foot trouble.

Foot trouble starts with Dirty Feet. This is a result of not washing enough (John 13:10). Once you are completely bathed, it is only necessary to wash the feet, since they have come in contact (open
sandals) with the dusty road (the world). Time must be spent in reading the Word and in prayer (1 John 1:9). Confessing your sins will result in His cleansing you. Being uncleansed is offensive. This is your basic trouble - dirty feet.

Dirty feet can develop into Ugly Feet. As you continue to have dirty feet, eventually they become ugly. As you continue to ignore cleansing (time with God), you will lack the beautiful feet of those who bring good news of the Gospel (Romans 10:15). Life must accompany the message. Are your feet ugly?

Dirty, ugly feet can then become Diseased Feet. (2 Chronicles
16:12) Asa, King of Judah, had diseased feet and did not seek the Lord's help - he died that way. You will continue to have diseased feet until you step out of sin and seek healing from Jesus. Diseased feet cannot be hidden and will hinder your walk.

Don't allow your feet to remain dirty, for they will become ugly, and then diseased.

What should you do? What is the remedy? (1 Thessalonians

1) Remove your foot from evil (Proverbs 4:27).

2) Be followers of God (Ephesians 5:1).

3) Walk in love (Ephesians 5:2).

4) Walk in light (Ephesians 5:8).

5) Walk as wise (Ephesians 5:15).

6) Follow Jesus (Matthew 4:19).

"Your sins are like corns; get rid of them if they are continually being stepped on!"Chaplain Jack Noel serves at the Colony of Mercy. (Today's devotional is from REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE - 365 Daily Devotions on Victory. It is available for purchase from the Keswick Book and Gift

God's WORD for YOU!: 2 Samuel 1-2; Luke 14:1-24

Think about this: "What many churches are offering America is a new religion that guarantees no hell and requires no holiness. It is a limp, spineless Christianity that does not confront sin for fear of being judgmental. It is an impotent gospel that tells people everything is ok.
We are more concerned with the acceptance of men, than we are about pleasing God." - Thomas Trask

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