Monday, April 21, 2008

He is Able

He is Able!

"He [Abraham] did not waver ... regarding the promise ..., being FULLY PERSUADED that GOD had the power to do what he had promised. Romans

It has been several weeks since my friend, Glenda, from Little Rock, called to tell me that the camels are coming. It has been an interesting journey to wait on the Lord to see how HE will provide in ways that are only traceable back to HIM.

This weekend, Jan's sister and brother-in-law drove to Boston to visit Jon, Laura, Tanner, and Lindsay. Their car broke down several miles from the Massachusetts Turnpike and they had to be towed to the rest area.
They were upset that their plans to visit where interrupted, but God had a "Camel" visitation for them.

While waiting for their car to be repaired another guy's car was towed to the same garage. They engaged in conversation and were asked where they were from. When the guy learned they were from Lancaster, PA, he asked why they were in Massachusetts. They shared with him that they were on their way to visit their great niece who is waiting for a heart.
He asked them how old Lindsay was and what hospital she was in. He shared with them that his three year old daughter had a heart transplant at Boston Children's Hospital at 22 months (Lindsay is 20 months) and is doing well. He told them that they would have the same surgeon and that they were in a good place. And he lives in New Hampshire which is where Jon and Laura live!

While they didn't understand why they broke down at first, they knew then why! God had allowed them to break down so that He could speak to their hearts in a special way.

Listen to these words from Streams in the Desert: "God is not merely able but ABUNDANTLY able, BOUNTIFULLY able and GENEROUSLY able to do what he promised. He is the God of limitless resources - the only limit comes from us. Our requests, our thoughts, and our prayers are too small, and our expectations are too low. God is trying to raise our vision to a higher level, call us to have greater expectations, and thereby bring us to great appropriation. Shall we continue living in a way that mocks His will and denies His Word? There is no limit to WHAT we may ask and expect of our glorious El Shaddai - our Almighty God. And there is no way for us to measure His blessing, for HE is, 'able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." (Ephesians 3:20)

He is able! The question is, do I believe it and will I trust Him today with the concerns that I am facing? He's able ... so through Christ, I can trust Him today. Will you? - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's Word for YOU! - 2 Samuel 12-13; Luke 16

Think about this: The way to find God's treasure-house blessing is to climb the ladder of His divine promises. Those promises are the key that opens the door to the riches of God's grace and favor.

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