Tuesday, April 01, 2008

This Ain't No April Fool Joke


"No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

This is another paradox that the world apart from Christ will never understand! To them it might even seem like an April Fool's joke! Paul instructs us to be thankful even in the midst of all that is happening in our lives, whether it is good or whether it is bad!

A part of our ministry at America's KESWICK is ministering to senior saints. I love them! They are some of the coolest people. Some are grumpy and complain about everything. Then there are ones that are just the sweetest people you will ever meet.

There were three sisters who faithfully attended our conferences. All three had back issues that caused them to walk hunched over. Myrtle Townsend was a school teacher and administrator for many years. Of the three sisters, she had the worst back issues. Yet every time we were with her she expressed how thankful she was to the Lord for all He was doing in her life, even when she was in such pain.

Jim Kennedy and I visited with her in her home several weeks before the Lord called her home. Despite the fact that she was bedridden and in constant pain, she had a grateful heart!

My good friend and Bible teacher, Glenna Salsbury, wrote today's devotional in REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE. Listen to her words:

"This Scripture challenges us at the very core of our daily lives. Think about what the Lord is exhorting us to do. We are to be grateful for EVERY circumstance, situation or experience in our lives. This is an easy truth if our circumstances seem positive in our lives. But what if you are faced with tragedy, serious health problems, personal failure or sin, mistreatment at the hands of others, discouragement, or loss? Is the Lord asking us to come to Him with a thankful heart as well?

Amazingly, the answer from God's Word is clear. 'Yes, dear child of mine, be thankful in every circumstance, every day, even when you do not FEEL thankful and cannot see any positive element. My ways are not necessarily understandable to you. But you can rest in my love for you and in my Word to you. I will work all things in your life together for your highest good. Every detail in your life experience is designed to bring you into a deeper knowledge of me. Your highest life experience will be to learn to trust Me, to walk by faith, not by sight!"

That kind of living is called VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIVING. It is only possible when we allow Christ to BE our life and to live HIS life in and through us. Then and only then can we be thankful in EVERY circumstance and situation - like even when money is tight and you have no clue where the next dollar will come from!

Glenna writes at the end today's devotional: Lord, help me to embrace your Word and to give thanks in your faithfulness even when I don't FEEL thankful about my circumstances! That's my prayer today for me and for you, my dear brothers in Christ. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Today's Scripture: Judges 13-15; Luke 6:27-49

Something for you to think about: "If God has ever given you victory of one sin, He can give you victory over ALL sin. He who has kept you from sin for a moment, can with equal ease keep you from the same sin for a day or a month." Ruth Paxson

Personal note: Thanks to many of you who joined us for our day of prayer. I appreciated you joining us at the throne of grace! I will share with you HOW and WHEN God provides! It will be exciting.

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