Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Pursuit

The Pursuit (1 Peter 1:13-16)

I attended the wedding of a missionary friend's daughter yesterday. Both the missionary and pastor who participated in the service spoke of the importance of holiness over happiness. They hadn't compared notes prior to the wedding; God just led them both in the same direction. Their thoughts prompted me to think about this Freedom Fighter and its connection with yesterday's edition.

We thought about perspective yesterday and how choosing the "big picture" over the "moment" can protect our freedom from bondage and sin. Peter told us to look backward and remember what God has done for us through Jesus' resurrection. Then he told us to look forward to what awaits us in "the last time." (1 Peter 1:3-5)

Peter's teaching doesn't stop with perspective. When we've gained that "big picture" perspective that helps us live in light of eternity, we're ready for a new pursuit. He tells us about that pursuit beginning in 1 Peter 1:13 and concludes the teaching in vs. 16. Verse 15 is the sum of this pursuit teaching: "but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."

There's the pursuit. Placing ourselves in the "big picture" prepares us for the pursuit of holiness. God saved us to redeem us from our sin and its penalties. He also saved us to restore us to His original design. That design was quite simple. We were created in His image! The pursuit is a growing level of holiness that causes us to look more and more like Jesus.

Pursuing holiness isn't easy. But when you take a moment to think about it, you'll remember that nothing really worth pursuing is easy. Holiness, becoming more and more what God designed us to be, is a worthwhile pursuit for every Freedom Fighter. We fight for freedom from sin and life-controlling addictions. Winning that fight results in holiness, but all of us in the fight know the difficulties that come with fighting.

It seems to me, in reading Peter's instruction, that we need to tie perspective and pursuit together. Perspective helps us understand the need for the pursuit. The work involved in the pursuit of holiness is less difficult when that "big picture" perspective informs our efforts. That eternal perspective makes the pursuit worthwhile.

Bill Welte and I stand ready to help you gain perspective and pursue holiness. Others in your life can help, too, if you'll give them the chance. All of us maintain perspective better and pursue holiness with more success when we do it with others who love Jesus. We're not designed to do it by ourselves. Let's help one another pursue with perspective. - Pastor John Strain is senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River.

God's Word for You: 1 Kings 1-2; Luke 19:26-48

Think About This: We must get rid of the pestilent, deadly notion that the amount of things we get through is the standard. The steadiness with which we radiate God is the standard. Evelyn Underhill

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