Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Power of Perspective

The Power of Perspective (1 Peter 1:3-5)

I wonder how many of us struggle with freedom issues because we struggle with perspective. I know I have those days when I lose perspective. When it happens, it's almost always detrimental to my walk with Jesus. Conversely, when I live with perspective, I handle struggles, temptations and life in appropriate ways.

Think with me about Peter's teaching to early Christians who were suffering for their faith. They were "grieved by various trials," (1:6) that were often hard and even life-threatening. Without perspective, turning away from their faith might become an option. Peter tells them that seeing a bigger picture will help them understand the purpose of their trials. Even more, those trials become of less importance when the "big picture" comes into view.

What is Peter's perspective lesson? He asks his readers to think about their past, present and future. He reminds them that they have received "a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (vs. 3) Then he points them to their future. By His very own power God is keeping them for "salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." (vs. 5) That's their future.

Peter urges them to grasp the big picture. He urges us to the same goal. He wants us never to forget what God has done for us already. That's our past. He wants us to remember what awaits us in the completion of our salvation. That's our future. Decisions and choices we make every day must see more than "the moment." Peter wants us to think about what God has done for us and what awaits us in eternity each time we make choices.

I've learned through the years that choosing to live only "in the moment" prevents me from seeing the longer view of life. "In the moment" allows me to make choices without thinking about consequences. Choosing to make decisions informed by perspective helps me think in terms of costs/benefits. What will a particular decision cost me, and is that cost with the benefit? Perspective also allows me to weigh my choices in a broader time frame than "the moment."

Our freedom depends on our choices. A perspective driven by biblical principle that protects us from "the moment" will help us guard our freedom. That perspective is available to us all. We find it in God's Word. Have you been there today? - Pastor John Strain is Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River.

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Samuel 23-24; Luke 19:1-27

Think About This: It is a precious thing beyond all words - especially in the hour of death - that we have a God whose nature is such that what pleases Him is not our work for Him but our need for Him. John Piper

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