Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Camels Are Coming


"Then they sat down to eat a meal. And as they looked, behold a caravan of Ishmaelites was coming from Gilead, with their camels ..." Genesis

Yesterday I shared with you some thoughts from what the Lord gave me from Streams in the Desert on the timely topic of discouragement.

On Wednesday morning I had a conference call with several of our Board members about our current financial crisis and how we should respond. It was a good discussion, and we agreed that we would look at every aspect of the ministry to see where cuts could be made, but also agreed that God certainly could show up in a miraculous way.

After lunch I noticed my voice mail light blinking. The message was from a lady asking me to return her call. I did, and what I am about to tell you is amazing.

This dear woman had been having her devotions, reading from My Upmost for His Highest. She was then prompted by the Lord to read Streams in the Desert. She hadn't used that book for several weeks, but was blessed with what she read and wanted to encourage someone with what the Lord have given her.

She went to her computer and "Googled" the first line of the reading and ended up on the Freedom Fighter Blog page. She was intrigued with the fact that I had journaled from the same passage. She read yesterday's blog plus several others. She learned much about our current crisis and continued to search our website to learn more about the ministry. She called to encourage me and share what the Lord had given her for me!

She told me, "Bill, the camels are coming!" She went on to remind me of the story of Joseph being thrown in the pit by his brothers. From the pit, Joseph's situation seemed hopeless and helpless. But God already had the answer on the way. Bill, the answer is already on the way. God provided the answer through the merchants that departed on the right day that would find Joseph. Those merchants would be riding camels. God's answer is coming, Bill. The camels are on their way."

(Just for the record, this lady knew NOTHING about me or the ministry of America's KESWICK until she went on the blog and read all about us. And besides, she resides in Arkansas!)

She concluded the phone call by asking me to read Psalm 20:6 from THE MESSAGE. I don't preach from THE MESSAGE, but have used it for my devotional reading. The whole Psalm is appropriate, but vs. 6 says this:
" ... help is coming, and answer's on the way, everything's going to work out!"

She thanked me for allowing her to give me a "wink from God for today."
I told my new friend, Glenda from Arkansas, this wasn't a wink from God, but a big whack to remind me that HE IS THERE!

I trust this encourages your heart as you pray for us. By the way, when the camels show up ... we plan to shout it from the roof-tops! You'll be the first to hear. - Bill Welte - is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

GOD'S WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Judges 19-21; Luke 7:31-50

THINK ABOUT THIS: "Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. They mourned for Him, they prayed and wrestled and sought for Him day and night, in season and out, and when they had found Him, the finding was all the sweeter for the long seeking." A.W. Tozer

We have some rooms available this weekend if you'd like to get away for the weekend. You can enjoy the beauty of God's creation, use the Activity Center and allow God to speak to your hearts. We have a great package for you that includes all your meals, too! For information, call 800-453-7942. One of our reservationists will be glad to assist you.
Don't delay ... call today!

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