Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Trust in Your Word


"I trust in Your word." Psalm 119:42

Happy April 15th! I read a cute story this morning about a guy who was convicted about his taxes after listening to a sermon: "I have been unable to sleep, knowing that I have cheated on my income tax. I understated my taxable income last year and have enclosed a check for $1,150. If I still can't sleep, I will send the rest."

He may have been convicted but if he was willing to still withhold what he owed could his word be trusted? We are listening to all the political rhetoric of the candidates running for President, and it my humble opinion, it all boils down to this: are they men and women of their word?

During my lifetime there are times when I have failed miserably in this area, and in the process have hurt people. While I have learned from those experiences, it has been painful.

Praise God that we can trust HIS Word completely! Take it to the bank, men! You don't have to wonder or second guess it. I read this today in Streams in the Desert (Zondervan):

"The strength of our faith is in direct proportion to our level of belief that God will do EXACTLY WHAT HE HAS PROMISED. Faith has nothing to do with our feelings, impressions, outward appearances, nor the probability or improbability of an event. If we try to couple these things with faith, we are no longer resting on the Word of God, because faith is not dependent on them. FAITH RESTS IN THE PURE WORD OF GOD ALONE. And when we take HIM at HIS Word, our hearts are at peace ... God delights in causing us to exercise our faith. He does so to bless us individually, to bless the church at large, and as a witness to unbelievers."

The older I get, the more the old hymns come back to mind. Do you remember this one? "Tis so sweet to trust in JESUS! Just to take HIM at HIS WORD. Just to rest upon HIS promise, just to know 'THUS SAITH THE LORD!'"

People WILL let you down. It is inevitable. But rest assured, my dear brother ... YOU CAN TRUST HIS WORD! - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK and would love to speak for your men's events or mission's conferences. He is available for pulpit supply. You can schedule Bill to speak by contacting Ruth Schmidt at 732-350-1187 ext.

God's Word for You: 1 Samuel 27-29; Luke 13:1-22

Think About This: "I have heard of ministers who can preach a sermon without mentioning the name of Jesus from beginning to end. If you ever hear such a sermon as that, mind that you never hear another from that man ... Paul's harp only had one string, but he brought so much music out if is as never came from any other. He found such infinite variety in Christ that he never exhausted his theme. With him it was Christ first, Christ last, Christ midst, Christ everywhere. He could never have his pen in his hand without writing something in praise of his glorious Lord and Savior." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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