Friday, August 31, 2007

Keep Humble


"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!" - 1 Corinthians 10:12

Today's timely devotional is from the pen of one of the early KESWICK THINK VICTORY! speakers who helped to found the Victorious Christian life movement at America's KESWICK.

"The Christian who is wholly trusting the Lord for VICTORY soon realizes that many Christians about him have not seen the truth of victory, and are not thus trusting Christ.

He may be in close contact with Christians who are older, much farther along in many ways, yet not living in the victory-secret that is so precious to him. And then comes the peril of pride.

Almost without realizing it the Christian who knows Christ as VICTORY can slip some word criticizing a fellow Christian who is not in on the secret, or a condescending comment on such a one's mistake or failure. 'Holier than thou' is one of the perils of the Victorious Life!

Of course the instant one speaks of another, or thinks in his heart thus of another, his victory is gone; he has sinned. And we must recognize this peril if we would be kept from it.

The Christian who is living in VICTORY is in HIMSELF no whit better than the carnal Christian who is plainly sinning, The self-nature of the two is identical: hopelessly sinful. The only good thing about the victorious Christian is CHRIST; and we deserve no credit for Christ: the glory and honor and VICTORY are all HIS! True victory, therefore, must keep us humble: and it will!" Charles G. Trumbull

Great Quote: "Our strength is never renewed in noise or bustle. These only weaken and waste it. Try it for yourself, dear Christian. The next time you find yourself in need of renewal of strength, get still before the Lord. If possible, sit down in silence somewhere and collect your restless and wandering spiritual faculties into a silent waiting upon Him, and see if strength does flow into you from HIM! This is what the old saints used to call 'recollection,' and it was in this way they gained the wonderful spiritual vigor for which we so envy them." Hannah Whitall Smith

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wanted Dead or Alive (Part 4)

WANTED Dead or Alive Part 4

After all of the Lord's gentle leading Bill knew in his heart God's word was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! "I knew what HE wanted but I couldn't say it, I didn't want to be gay but I knew I couldn't stop on my own. I was looking out the window at the big wooden cross in front of the Colony building and the Lord spoke to my heart saying; "You need to give it to Me and say it out loud." "Ok Lord, I can't do this so You will need to do it." "HE said; I know Bill just give it all to Me."

Finally...a surrender! There had to be one. One way or another. Our God is an awesome God and He loves and wants us. But there is also another whom we are wanted by. He doesn't love us nor, despite his attempts to deceive us, is he god. He is Satan and would have taken Bill dead or alive, emphasis on dead. Interestingly enough, God wanted Bill dead as well. Dead to himself that is, and raised to walk in the newness of a life in Christ for all eternity. This cowboy can claim a true Victory in Jesus! While Bill is a new creation, he says it is a daily walk with and commitment to the Lord for him. There are still struggles he faces only this time with the Lord. Having continued Victory over his past demands a daily, whole hearted desire and obedience to be transformed and not conformed. He reflects on Ephesians 2: 1-10, (being made alive in Christ.)

Bill graduated the Colony of Mercy, stayed for its discipleship program and was encouraged by Chaplain Jim to work with Harvest Ministries. At the Lord's direction he accepted an internship at our conference center. I've watched him serve our guests with such kindness and sincerity. His southern drawl doesn't hurt either! He enjoys working at Keswick and desires to stay as long as the Lord would have him. His dreams for the future include the hope of studying biblical counseling. He looks forward to what godly relationships will grow out of his new life. Bill is thriving under the Lord's hand and says he never in his life had a peace like he has now. As Jesus said in John 14:27; "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

It is our prayer that the following resources would be a tool for someone who may be seeking help: Know this: there is hope and help waiting for you!

America's KESWICK Colony of Mercy
Addiction Recovery for Men
1.800.453.7942 x46

Harvest USA

Exodus International

Pure Life Ministries

Setting Captives Free

This week's series has been written by Dina Seaton based on an interview with Bill Pruitt. Bill has reviewed each day's Freedom Fighter/Victory Call and has graciously approved their inclusion in our Week's devotionals.

Great Quote: Only the humble are wowed by God's love to them, wowed by the precious righteousness of Jesus. The rest of us are bored by God's love to us, and wowed by our own righteousness. Or filled with self-contempt when we fail. Humble people have a healthy indifference to failure. Humble people work hard, but hold on loosely to success or failure, not being confident of what would be best for them, but instead, trusting that their Daddy does. Humble people believe God's promise to work all things together for the good of His kids. Humble people thank God for everything, even the hard, the irritating. Humble people are not so agendified as to be intense, in a hurry. Humble people are not obsessive about efficiency, productivity, appearance, performance. Humble people are not self-absorbed. Humble people experience the peace that passes understanding, and a joy unspeakable. Humble people are not defensive, and they welcome criticism. Humble people are fun to be around, because they make you feel good about yourself. Humble people are compelling, to non-Christians.

Humble people get no credit for their humility, for they are humbled by God's Spirit, freshly convicting them of sin, so that they experience newness of LIFE all over again, just like the previous time. - Dave McCarty, Gospel-Friendships

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wanted Dead or Alive (Part 3)


In February of 2005, Bill made an impulsive decision to leave his career, sell his home, cash in his retirement and move to Cozumel, Mexico to start a business. He said; "I knew if things didn't get better there I wasn't coming back, I'd just die there." He went to Mexico alone, or so he thought. God protected him through hallucinations and hurricanes. He was in a drug induced state of paranoia and schizophrenia. After the destruction of his home and nearly his life, two men named Gabriel and Michael brought Bill through the jungles of Mexico and back to the U.S. border. He made it back and began again trying to control his addictions on his own. He also began attending another church oriented to the gay lifestyle.

Matthew 7, 21-28; "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!' Therefore whoever hears these saying of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall."

After yet another suicide attempt his mother's church helped him find his way to the Colony of Mercy. Once here, he did not want to discuss his homosexuality, only to be freed from drugs. But God was about to begin a "special education" in Bill's life. He was assigned to Chaplain Jim. And the first order of business that Bill had in mind was to make sure Jim understood that he was here to get clean...of drugs. As far as his homosexuality, that topic was off limits, he told Chaplain Jim that there was NO WAY! that God hadn't created him a gay man. And he wasn't going to listen to anyone who said differently. While he was laying down the law or should I say the lawlessness, Chaplain Jim was silently praying for God to help him minister the truth to Bill. He gave Bill a bible and simply asked him to begin studying it. God directed Chaplain Jim to let the Spirit do His work in Bill, as 2nd Timothy 2:24-26 so instructs; "And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will."

Bill said that had his counselor fought with him or been in his face so to speak, he would have left. Instead he says: "Keswick created an environment where I could study the scriptures myself and my heart could hear the truth of God. It wasn't quarrelsome but gentle and kind instruction that allowed God to lead me to repentance. It was safe, calm, quiet and away from the distractions of the world. I've learned how to have godly friendships with other men of God. There have been some intense conversations and I admire the leadership of the men here.
I want people who are hurting like I was, to know there is hope. To be continued . . .

This week's Freedom Fighter has been written by staff writer, Dina Seaton.

Great Quote: We need at times, some of us at most times, that Charity from others which, being Love Himself in them, loves the unlovable. But this, though a sort of love we need, is not the sort we want. We want to be loved for our cleverness, beauty, generosity, fairness, usefulness.
The first hint that anyone is offering us the highest love of all is a terrible shock. This is so well recognized that spiteful people will pretend to be loving us with Charity precisely because they know that it will wound us. To say to one who expects a renewal of Affection, Friendship, or Eros, "I forgive you as a Christian" is merely a way of continuing the quarrel. Those who say it are of course lying. But the thing would not be falsely said in order to wound unless, if it were true, it would be wounding. (Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wanted Dead or Alive (Part 2)


The need for some type of spiritual direction led Bill to a large church in Dallas that as he put it; "explained away the bible. They aided me in believing that my lifestyle was okay in the eyes of God and I found comfort in this." Bill shared that they presented strong arguments conforming God's word to justify their sins. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was explained something like this: "the men trying to force themselves on the others were rapes; it was an act of lust, that's not what we are doing. We're people in committed monogamous relationships, families; it's not the same at all." He wound up meeting and entering into a long term relationship with another man at the church in whom he began to idolize.

Someone in Bill's situation wanted to hear their version of the truth. If they were wrong then his whole life would be wrong and to Bill that just wasn't an option. Bill knows he was deceived and that so are they. He shared this portion of scripture from 2nd Thessalonians 2 vs. 9-12 "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

While living in Texas he began to build a successful career as well. He and the man he was involved with had many things the world would consider to be "everything." This relationship was to them "beautiful", they traveled together, had cars and a home with all the bells and whistles. He showed me a picture of a room with a piano in it, and when I said; "oh, I didn't know you could play the piano". He replied; "I can't, the piano played itself." Sounds like they had what they thought was a wonderful life.

So why did Bill still want to die? He was trying to fill his loneliness with possessions, drugs, sex and people. He felt he had to move fast to stay in front of his thoughts of depression and death. He took medications to help him with the depression and anxiety but to no avail. One night after a party at his home he overdosed on drugs and stopped breathing. After CPR he woke up in great pain and confusion, this was what normal looked like in his life. He spent that Thanksgiving unable to move or talk and being fed by a stranger God put in his path. Everyone else ran in fear of his dying. Yet four days later Bill continued to abuse himself . . . to be continued

Today's Freedom Fighter has been written by Keswick Staff writer, Dina Seaton.

Great quote: After a hard day scrambling to find your way around in the world, it's assuring to come home to a place you know. God can be equally familiar to you. With time you can learn where to go for nourishment, where to hide for protection, where to turn for guidance.Just as your earthly house is a place of refuge, so God's house is a place of peace. Max Lucado The fall semester of the Keswick Institute of Biblical Studies will begin the end of September. Join us for eight weeks of classes co-sponsored by Lancaster Bible College and earn CEU's transferrable to LBC or PBU. Call today for our brochure or download from our website:

Monday, August 27, 2007

Wanted Dead or Alive (Part 1)


This week we are sharing the testimony of one of our Colony grads who has recently joined our Keswick staff.

Forty-two years ago in Memphis, Tennessee a baby was born. "Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Pruitt you have a beautiful, gay, baby boy!" Well... that wasn't quite the way it happened. They did have a beautiful baby boy but he wasn't born gay. That was a desire he chose to follow some years later. Recently I had the privilege of interviewing Bill Pruitt, currently a full-time intern here at America's KESWICK.

Bill came to the Colony of Mercy at the urging of his mom and her church. Bill was raised in a Christian home and his mom saw to it that he and his three brothers attended church regularly. His dad was a good provider but worked long hours and wasn't as much a part of Bill's daily life.

At the age of twelve Bill says he was saved by Christ but didn't walk with Him for long. He was longing for intimacy, belonging and love from men. He found himself falling into a homosexual lifestyle early in his teens. Bill made it very clear that he didn't want to be gay; "the only time I felt comfortable in this sin was when I was high or drunk, this allowed me to tune God out of my life." He quickly became addicted to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. While talking with Bill he named more than one substance he abused that I had never even heard of. They were lethal substances and could have killed him, or so he hoped.

Bill was suicidal most of his life. On one hand he had his church and family telling him that his life was all wrong yet the desires inside caused great conflict because he felt that surely a loving God wouldn't have created him this way and given him such strong desires only to deny him the fulfillment of them. Bill couldn't handle living a double life any longer. He fled Memphis in an effort to live his life the way he wanted without opposition. He moved to Dallas and continued living exactly as he had in Tennessee. You would think he'd found it peaceful with no one to tell him how wrong it was or how much better God had intended for him. Only, there is no real peace for anyone unless they first have peace with God. The constant inner turmoil and conflict inside of him continued relentlessly.

At the age of 23 he found himself praying to God that he would allow him to go to sleep and never wake up. I asked Bill what he felt at the time that would have accomplished. Would he then be out of this horrific turmoil and mental torture and find peace? Or was it that final choice he would make to kill himself would be the last thing he'd ever have to decide? Or did he even care? He'd be dead. No one there to say; "this is wrong". I was surprised by his answer, he said; "All I wanted was for the pain to end, I thought it would be a release."

I have to admit that statement alone, more than anything else he said, gave me the shivers.
What a horrible lie he had been living under. There wouldn't have been any release from his bondage...not ever. He said he had never thought of where he would be after he died. The destination of his eternal soul wasn't a real concern to him. He grew up hearing as he put it; "hell, fire and brimstone preaching." But without the love, compassion and mercy that is also God's truth. He said; "people need to hear the truth, but they also desperately need to hear about the hope. Jesus said speak the truth in love."

God answered no to Bill's prayer that night and would not allow him to die. He found himself attending AA meetings and tried to get his addictions under control himself. He was failing. To be continued... (Written by Keswick staff writer, Dina Seaton)

Great quote: If we do anything to further the kingdom of God, we may expect to find what Christ found on that road - abuse, indifference, injustice, misunderstanding, trouble of some kind. Take it. Why not? To that you were called. In Latin America someone who feels sorry for himself is said to look like a donkey in a downpour. If we think of the glorious fact that we are on the same path with Jesus, we might see a rainbow. Elisabeth Elliot

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Temptation Part #5


Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation.

I will wrap up the study on temptation. I am not trying to beat a dead horse, so to speak. But the reality is that the last couple of days I have heard and witnessed numerous horror stories of men and women who have watched and PLAYED with temptation, and now are facing the horrific consequences of bad choices.

Here are some insights from the book TEMPTATION on the subject of HELP IN WATICH AGAINST TEMPTATION:

1. Beware of relying on your OWN counsel, understanding, and reason. Though they seem very plausible in your defense, they will leave and betray you. When the temptation come to ANY height, they will turn on you and take the side of your enemy. They will please as much in support of temptation, whatever it is, as they did against it before.

2. Beware of relying even on your most strenuous efforts in such methods as prayer and fasting against a particular lust or temptation. These will not help you if, in the meantime, you are negligent in other areas. A man may wrestle, cry, and struggle over a particular temptation, and then immediately give way to worldly ways, worldly conformity, looseness and neglect in other things. It would only be right if the Lord Jesus Christ were to leave such a person in the hour of temptation.

3. Remember that you are always under the eye of Christ, the great captain of our salvation, who has told us to watch and pray that we enter not into temptation.

4. Consider that if you neglect this duty, and so fall into temptation, which you assuredly will, when you are entangled in it, God may bring with it some heavy affliction or judgment on you which, because of your entanglement, you will be forced to look on as evidence of his anger and hatred of sin.

Let us strive to keep our spirit unentangled. Let us avoid all appearance of evil and all the ways leading to it. Let us particularly beware of all the courses of life, business, society, and employment that we have already found to our disadvantage." Adapted from TEMPTATION - Resisted and Pulsed.

I am pleading with you, men: Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. I encourage you to order this book from the KESWICK Book and Gift Shop (732-350-1187 ext. 31)

Great quote: Many times I like to think of God's Word as God's pocket for His work. God put all His work into His Word. If God were standing among us today, and He wanted to show us His Son's work and the proof of this work, how could He do it? He put the work of His Son's cross in his Word. He also put the proof of His Son's resurrection in His Word. Today God communicates all these things to us through His Word. When we receive His Word, we receive the proof of His work. Behind the Word are the facts. If there were no facts behind the words, the words would be empty. Behind the words there surely are the facts. God has placed the work of His Son in the Word and has communicated this Word to us. When we believe in His Word, we are believing in Him. Watchman Nee

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Temptation Part 3


"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Matthew 6:13

I plan to share just one or two more days on this topic, but I feel that it is important for us as men to look at this area of our lives if we are going to be thinking victory. May the reality of this truth hits home because we see the AFFECTS of sin every day in the lives of the men who are in the Colony of Mercy.

But even more tragically, are the number of calls I get each week from men who have been in leadership in the church who have yielded to temptation and now have had their lives destroyed because they have ignored the warning signs and plunged deep into sin, some losing everything including their jobs and families.

Listen to the warning John Owen gives: "The folly of the hearts of men is nowhere shown more openly in the days in which we live than by a cursed boldness and neglect of the warnings of God, and by a lack of consideration of so many that have already fallen into such a sad estate. Yet men run into and put themselves under the power of temptation. They will risk anything, not considering their own weakness, or the concerns of their poor souls. They will walk over the dead and slain who have fallen on this path. They see others fall before their eyes, but on they go without regard or trembling. Through this snare hundreds and thousands of professors have fallen within just a few short years.

We need to remember that we have no strength or power to withstand apart from what Christ can do in and through us. Some of us are not only weak, but we have bought into the lie of deception, which is the worst kind of weakness. If a castle is very strong and well fortified, and yet there is a traitor on the inside who is ready to betray it at the first opportunity, that castle is not secure from the enemy. We have traitors in our very heart that are already there to take part and unite against us at every temptation. They will argue for us to give up in the assault; they will even solicit and bribe the temptation to do its work, just as a traitor incites the enemy.

Do not flatter yourself that you can hold out. There are secret lusts that lie dormant, lurking in your hearts, temporarily quiet, waiting for the opportunity of temptation to befall you. They will then rise, argue, cry, disquiet seduce, with perseverance, until either they are killed or satisfied. He who promises himself that the frame of his heart will be the same under the power of temptation as it was before is woefully mistaken!

He whose heart currently abhors the thoughts of a particular sin will be powerfully inflamed towards it when he enters into temptation. All contrary reasonings and objections will be overpowered and silenced. He will deride his former fears, cast aside his scruples, and condemn his former convictions. Little did Peter ever think he could so easily deny His Master as soon as he was pressed to admit he knew him. When the hour of temptation came, all resolutions were forgotten and all love to Christ was buried. The current temptation united with Peter's carnal fear and carried all before." Adapted from TEMPTATION - RESISTED & REPULSED by John Owen.

And by the way - this was written in 1658! The book is available in the Keswick Book and Gift Shop. I highly recommend it to you: 732-350-1187 ext. 31.

Great quote: The real conflict is inner conflict. Beyond armies of occupation and the catacombs of concentration camps, there are two irreconcilable enemies in the depth of every soul: good and evil, sin and love. And what use are victories on the battle-field if we ourselves are defeated in our innermost personal selves? Maximilian Kolbe

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Temptation Part 3


"Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation." Matthew 26:41

We all face temptations in our lives. Sometimes the temptations are greater than others. In fact, if we are honest, there are times when the temptation we face is very intense. If we are honest with ourselves, we know this is a dangerous place to be in. The danger comes when we begin to toy with the temptation in our minds or try to see how far we can go without crossing that imaginary line.

John Owen says that this is when temptation has reached its hour. Here are several observations he makes in his book, TEMPTATION ... RESISTED AND REPULSED:

1. Temptation obtains its hour by long solicitation, causing the mind to frequently converse with the evil. Frequent temptations promote further thoughts about the evil.

2. Temptation has reached its hour when our souk is not filled with dislike and abhorrence of it and its ways, not with pity and prayer for deliverance.

3. Temptation has reached its hour when we have allowed our minds to conclude that this is not absolutely evil.

4. Temptation has reached its hour when it is restless, urgent, and argumentative. It is a time of battle, and sin will give no rest for the soul. Satan sees his advantage, the convergence of his forces, and knows that he must now prevail, or be hopeless forever. Satan pushes this opportunity and time of advantage with special pleas and promises. He has taken some ground in his arguments so far, and seeks to extend his ground further. He reminds you of a full pardon after sin. He realizes that if he does not win now, he will lose the opportunity. When a temptation presses in upon us through our imagination and reason, and when opportunities, solicitations, and advantages press us from outside, let your soul know that the hour of temptation's power has come. The glory of God depends upon the victory of this trial.

5. Temptation has reached its hour when it brings both fear and allurement. Men sometimes are carried into sin just by the love of it, but they often persist and remain in it because of the fear of the consequences that might follow repentance and full disclosure. When our reasoning's run between our lust and our fear, and are ready to entangle us, we know it is the hour of temptation.

The Savior teaches us how to avoid entering into temptation: WATCH AND PRAY. To watch means to be on guard, take heed, and to consider all the ways and means that the enemy might use to approach us (See 1 Corinthians 16:13; Revelation 3:2) Everyone needs to pay close attention to the ways and means provided by God to keep our hearts from getting entangled in the allurements and subtleties of Satan, and the occasions and advantages of sin in the world.

The second direction is to PRAY. This important duty is known to all. These two duties are the whole endeavor of faith to preserve us from temptation and reaching its hour!" Adapted from TEMPTATION - RESISTED AND REPULSED (Banner of Truth)

Are you at a dangerous point in how you are dealing with temptation? If so, purpose today to do what Jesus instructed you to do: WATCH AND PRAY!

Great quote: "The connection between Christ's death and the Christian's call to self-abnegating service is made quite explicit in such teaching of the Gospels as 'if any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me' (Mark 8:34) and 'Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple' (Luke 14). The Cross, then, stands for the entire Christian way of looking at and living life. It is the real crux of decision for or against Christ. One can do three things with the Cross-and only three. One can deny that it happened because if acknowledged, it would make nonsense of life; one can acknowledge it and decide in consequence that life is meaningless; or one can find in it a clue to a deeper meaning in life than otherwise appears. There are no other possibilities." John Knox, The Death of Christ

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Entering into Temptation -- Part 2


"The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations." 2 Peter 2:9

The past couple days have been discouraging to hear stories of guys who have thrown in the towel and given up on their desire to be more than a conqueror. I'm not talking about grads from the Colony - I am talking about men who have served in leadership positions in ministry. Men we must be vigilant in terms of guarding our hearts!

Understanding temptation and its power is one of the ways that we will develop a THINK VICTORY! mindset that will help us move from victory to victory rather than living from defeat to defeat.

Listen to what Puritan John Owen's says about entering into temptation:

"Satan attacks us with greater force than his ordinary solicitation to sin. He uses fears, allurements, persecutions, seductions, by himself or by others. He takes advantage of a lust or corruption and by his instigation it approaches us to provoke us or terrify us with a much greater disturbance than usual. When we enter into temptation there has been a special activity of Satan to take particular advantage of us. Our heart must be entangled enough in the temptation to cause it to rise up in its own defense, yet not be wholly able to eject or cast out the poison or leaven that has been injected.

Every great and pressing temptation has its hour, a season in which it grows to its greatest force, when it is most vigorous, active, operative, and prevalent. It may take a while to get to this point, but given the right circumstances, outward or inward, temptation arrives at this very dangerous hour. The outcome is that the temptation has power over a man and carries him quite away before it, when at other times it has little or no power over him. Then he can despise it, laugh at its expression, and easily resist it. But temptation at other times is supported by other circumstances and occurrences that give it new strength and effectiveness. The man is weakened; the hour has come, he has entered into it, and it prevails.

All will experience a season in which their temptations will be more urgent, sin's reasoning's more plausible, its pretensions more glorious, hopes of recovery seemingly clearer, opportunities broader and more open, the doors of evil more beautiful than ever they have been before.
Blessed is he who is prepared for such a season! There is no escape without this preparation. If we maintain preparation, we are safe." Adapted from TEMPTATION ... Resisted and Repulsed (Banner of Truth) This powerful little book is available in the Keswick Book and Gift Shop
(732-350-1187 ext. 31)

People in Mexico are either taking precautions for safety or saying, "It won't ever happen to me!" We can do the same in our lives. We can be vigilant about THINKING VICTORY! and PREPARE or we can play this game of "I am invincible! I would never _____________ -- well you fill in the blank. In my short lifetime, I have seen way too many casualties on the battlefield - not because they were laying down their lives for King Jesus, but because they have allowed sin to reign supreme in their lives. Don't be a statistic! Prepare! THINK VICTORY!

Great quote: Until we know Jesus, God is merely a concept, and we can't have faith in Him. But once we hear Jesus say, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9) we immediately have something that is real, and our faith is limitless. Oswald Chambers

Monday, August 20, 2007

Entering into Temptation


"The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation." 2 Peter 2:9

On Friday I began to share with you some insights from the Puritan, John Owen's book, TEMPTATION. It is a must read for every Christian man.

"Entering into temptation is not merely being tempted. We will never be free from temptation while Satan continues in his power and malice, and while the world and lust continue. There is not promise in Scripture that we shall not be tempted at all. There is no occasion to pray for an absolute freedom from temptation, since there is no scriptural promise to claim concerning it. The direction that we do have is, 'Lead us not into temptation' (Matthew 6:13) It is ENTERING INTO TEMPTATION that we are to pray against.

It is possible to be tempted, yet not ENTER INTO temptation. More is intended by the express, 'Lead us not into temptation,' than the ordinary work of Satan and our own lusts which will be sure to tempt us every day. There is something specific in entering into temptation that is not the saint's everyday work. It is something that befalls them particularly in reference to sin's SEDUCTION on one account or another. It is an entrance into a powerful or frightening allurement.

Entering into temptation does not mean that you have been conquered by it. It does not mean that you commit sin or evil. A man may 'enter into temptation; and yet not fall UNDER temptation. God CAN make a way of escape. When a man has entered into temptation, God can break the snare, tread down Satan, and make the soul MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Christ, our example, entered INTO temptation, but was not foiled by it.

The apostle calls it it 'fall into temptation' (1 Timothy 6:9) as a man falls into a pit or deep place where there are traps and snares with which he might be entangled. The man is not instantly killed or destroyed, but he is entangled and detained. He does not know how to get free or be at liberty ...

"The Lord knows how to deliver the godly OUT OF temptations." If they are entangled with them, God knows how to deliver them out of them. When we allow a temptation to enter us, then we 'enter temptation.' When sin knocks at the door, we are at liberty; but when a temptation comes in and we allow it to speak with our heart, reason with our mind, entice and allure our affections, for a long or short time, then sin subtly and almost imperceptibly draws our soul to take particular notice of it; we 'enter into temptation."

How about you this morning? Can you relate to what John Owen has shared about entering into temptation? Remember: "The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation." Is there an area that you are dabbling in? Playing with fire thinking you won't be burned? Cry out to Him today and allow Him to provide YOUR way of escape.

Great thought: "Always be alert, so that you may discover your temptations early and recognize them for what they are! Most men do not perceive their enemy until they have already been wounded." - John Owen

Friday, August 17, 2007



"Keep watching and praying that you may not come into temptation ..." Mark 14:38

Several years ago I was impacted by Bruce Wilkinson's book, PERSONAL HOLINESS IN TIMES OF TEMPTATION. So much so that we made it a part of the curriculum that we teach at the Colony of Mercy.

One of the things that Bruce teaches is that when we are faced with temptation, God always provides us with a "way of escape" uniquely crafted by our Father (See 1 Corinthians 10:13) That principle has been a big help to me when facing temptation.

This summer I read a book that I have wanted to read for several years but just couldn't get through it. Puritan John Owen has a huge work on temptation, but our friends at Banner of Truth recently released an abridged edition. IT IS A MUST READ!!! For the next several days, I want to share with you some nuggets that I have gleaned from the book that I believe we all need to hear in regards to temptation.

It was helpful for me to understand the definition of temptation:

"A temptation, in general, is anything that, for any reason, exerts a force or influence to seduce and draw the mind and heart of man from the obedience which God requires of him to any kind of sin.

In particular, it is a temptation if it causes a man to sin, gives him opportunity to do so, or causes him to neglect his duty. Temptation may suggest evil to heart, or draw out the evil that is already there! It is also a temptation to a man if something is by any means able to distract him from his communion with God, or the consistent universal obedience that is required of him.

To clarify, I am considering temptation not just as the active force of seduction to sin, but also the thing itself by which we are tempted. Whatever it is, within us or without us, that hinders us from duty or provides an occasion for sin, this should be considered temptation. It could be business, employment, the course of one's life, company, affections, nature, corrupt purposes, relations, delights, honor, reputation, esteem, position, abilities, gifts, etc., that provide the opportunity to sin or neglect duty. These are true temptations just as much as the most violent solicitations of Satan or allurements of the world. Whoever does not realize this in on the brink of ruin." Temptation - Resisted and Repulsed by John Owen

Think through your particular temptations through the lens of this powerful definition of temptation. My guess is that you never thought about it that way - well I hope you will now.

Great quote: The desire of love is to give. The desire of lust is to get. Ed Cole

I have ordered copies of the book and they are available through the Keswick Book & Gift Shop. Call and purchase your copy today: 732-350-1187 ext. 31.

Thursday, August 16, 2007



"I waited patiently for the Lord!" (Psalm 40:1)

Two words in this verse go hand in hand - wait and patience. Two words that I am really not too good at doing. I am a fixer. If there is a problem, by mind jumps in and wants to immediately try and figure out how to fix it. It becomes a challenge!

Have you found yourself asking the Lord to do something and then find that He isn't quite moving at the pace you thought He should? That's where I am. I am being honest. I've shared about the women's ministry property and how cool this potential location would be for us to get started.

But we are at a standstill with the seller. I spoke with one of our speakers who also is a fixer and he gave me an idea. I was already to run with it this morning ... until I had my quiet time! I was pretty excited about MY plan and MY fix for this delay - then God spoke to my heart through this verse and the words of Mrs. Cowman from Streams in the Desert ...

"Waiting is much more difficult than walking, for waiting requires patience, and patience is a rare virtue ... God has a purpose in all of HIS delays. 'The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.' (Psalm 37:23).

Next to this verse, in the margin of his Bible, George Mueller made this note: 'And the STOPS too!' It is a vital principle of the Lord's guidance for a Christian never to move from the spot where he is sure God has placed him, until the 'pillar of cloud' (Exodus 13:21) moves.

Once we learn to wait for the Lord's leading in EVERYTHING, we will know the strength that finds its highest point in an even and steady walk. Many of us are lacking the strength we so desire, but God gives complete power for every task He calls us to perform. Waiting - keeping yourself faithful to His leading - this is the secret of strength. And anything that does not align with obedience to Him is a waste of time and energy. Watch and wait for HIS leading.

Must life be considered a failure for someone compelled to stand still, forced into inaction and required to watch the great, roaring tides of life from shore? No - victory is then to be won by standing still and quietly waiting. Yet this is a thousand times harder to do than in the past, when you rushed headlong into the busyness of life. It requires much more courage to stand and wait and still not lose heart or lose hope, to submit to the will of God, to give up opportunities for work and leave honors to others, and to be quiet, confident and rejoicing while the busy multitude goes happily along their way. The greatest life is: 'after you have done everything, to stand!' (Ephesians 6:13)

Well that is where I am today: Wait, stand still, be patient - I can't do that on my own, but through Him - I can! How about you? Is there something in your life that he is saying "Wait patiently on me?"

Great quote: To pray is to desire; but it is to desire what God would have us desire.

Francois Fenelon

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Let Nothing Move You

Let Nothing Move You
"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labors are not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58

The "Keswick Message" has been burning into my heart and mind these past weeks of our summer season. It is a message that runs counter-culture to what we have heard for so many years, and yet one that we need to hear.

Hannah Whitall Smith, a popular speaker in the early days of the Keswick movement, penned these words about being IMMOVABLE in our Christian life:

"Let nothing shake your faith. If sin overtakes you, do not let it make you doubt. Immediately upon the discovery of any sin, take 1 John 1:9 and act on it. Agree with him and call it what it is - sin! Then believe that God has already forgiven you at the Cross, and as He promised - you were cleansed from all unrighteousness.

No sin, however grievous, can separate you from God for one moment after it has been treated this way. To allow sin to cause your faith to waver is only to add a new sin to the one already committed. Return at once and let your faith hold steadfastly to His Word.

Believe it, not because you feel it or see it, but because He says it.
Believe it, even when it seems to you that you are believing a lie.
Believe it actively and steadfastly, through dark and through light, through ups and downs, through times of comfort and times of despair. If you do, your wavering experience will end.

To be immovable in one's faith is the opposite of wavering. In Psalm 46 we can see what it means ... "The earth may be removed, and the mountains may be carried into the midst of the sea, and our whole universe may seem to be in ruins. But while we trust in the Lord, we shall not be moved!

The man who wavers in his faith is upset by the smallest troubles: The man who is steadfast in his faith can look calmly at the ruin of all his universe.

To be immovable in one's Christian life is a blessing to be strongly desired. It may be ours, it we will only hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end."

My prayer for you today is the words of Paul: "Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, KNOWING that your labors are not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Great quote: Faith is to believe on the Word of God what we do not see, and its reward is to see and enjoy what we believe. Augustine

Steve McVey has been sharing a powerful series on THINK VICTORY! this week at America's KESWICK. For a gift of any size, I would to send you his five messages. America's KESWICK is a faith ministry and we need your help today. I have tried to not use this email as a platform to solicit funds, but we do need your help right now. The messages will be a great encouragement in your life. To order, simply respond to this email. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007



"But thanks be to GOD! HE gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" 1 Corinthians 5:17

This summer our theme at America's KESWICK has been THINK VICTORY! It has been a good reminder that if I am going to be "more than a conqueror," then I need to understand that Christ wants to live out His life through me, and because of that, I already have the victory through Christ.

Listen to this truth through the pen of Charles Trumbull:

"We must be careful of any counterfeit victory. Victory over the power of ANY sin in your life, which you must achieve by WORKING for it, is counterfeit. Victory, which you must obtain by TRYING for it, it counterfeit. It is not the real thing, the victory God offers you.

Victory gained by a gradual conquest over evil, getting one sin after another out of your life, like pulling weeds out of our garden, is likewise counterfeit victory. No the Lord Jesus does not offer to give us any such thing as a gradual gift. It is not growth. 'Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" (1 Corinthians 5:57)

But please do not misunderstand that in the victorious life there is no growth. That would be absolutely false to the Word of God. We only begin to grow normally, grow as God wants us to grow, AFTER we have entered into victory. No, victory, is not fighting your wrong desires or concealing your wrong feelings; that would mean a struggle. In real victory HE DOES IT ALL!

We do not dare to help. When the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit works in our life to give us this victory, it is a miracle every time.
If it is not a miracle, it is not victory!" - Charles G. Trumbull - from HIS GLORIOUS INDWELLING - Nick Harrison (Zondervan).

Great Quote: The Christian's victory is not over others, but over himself. His sword is drawn, not to slay his fellowman, but to slay himself. He wins by losing. He triumphs by being defeated. He lives by dying. His crown is a crown of thorns. His throne is a Cross. His weapon is not strength but weakness. - F. J. Huegel

Monday, August 13, 2007

Who Are You


"His lord said unto him, ' Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter into the joy of the Lord.'" Matthew 25:21

"What joy it gives, and strength too, to begin each day by feeling, 'On this day once again I am to live simply as a servant of Jesus Christ:
His will and not my own will is to sway me every hour!'

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then I dare not be the servant of sin; I must be holy as my Master is holy.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then I will not be the servant of men; the maxims of the will not rule me; I will not take my cue from the world; I am under orders only to my Master in heaven.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then I must be the servant of men, to help them, to comfort them, and to stoop to the lowest of them in their behalf as my Master did.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then, if HIS servant anywhere, I must be HIS servant everywhere; in all society with men I must never forget my servanthood to Him: I must show myself His servant openly as well as confess it secretly.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then, if I want to know Him, I have simply to imitate Him, to walk as He walked, to plant my feet in His footprints. As the eyes of the servants look unto the hand of their masters, to see how their work should be done, and copy what they see, so my eyes 'must wait upon the Lord.' If His service is sometimes difficult, I must not complain: He may use me as He wills, and at the end of all I will be more than satisfied if I only hear Him say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord.'"
From HIS VICTORIOUS INDWELLING by Nick Harrison (Zondervan)

I needed to be reminded this morning of who it is I am serving. Thanks, Lord for the reminder.

Great quote: Temptation can cause us to succumb, sink, sin, or stand. William Ward

Sunday, August 12, 2007



"Now thanks be to God who always leads us IN triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

Her name was Dorie and she was a sweetie. You could tell she was in the room before you ever saw her because you could smell her. She put on so much perfume that you could smell her before she ever got close enough to give you a hug. It was her own mark of distinction.

As a child of God, we are to be that kind of Christian - a fragrance of His knowledge in every place. Listen to what Dr. Henry Blackaby says about this in his daily devotional, EXPERIENCING GOD - The Devotional:

"Whenever the Romans won a major military victory they would celebrate with a spectacular parade. The commanding general would lead the procession in a magnificent chariot, followed by his soldiers, musicians, and other officials. Then, soldiers would lead the defeated enemies through the city in bondage. As a part of the celebration, the Romans would burn fragrances on altars, filling the entire city with a pleasant aroma. Even those who could not witness the triumphal procession could hear the victory music and smell the pleasing incense.
Everyone would know that their army had been victorious. The special fragrance came to symbolize victory to anyone who smelled it.

Paul used vivid imagery to describe the effect that Christians should have in the world. According to Paul, God permeates our lives with the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, our lives should demonstrate to others that Christ is victorious. As unbelievers observe our lives, they should become aware of the victorious power of Christ.
As other Christians witness the victory Christ gives us over our sin, they can rejoice in the triumph of their Lord and gain confidence that Christ will bring victory in their lives as well.

The most compelling evidence that Christ is alive and triumphant is His activity in the lives of His people. It is a privilege to be the fragrance of Christ by which others learn of God's life-changing power over sin. Your life ought to be convincing proof that God continues to work powerfully in the lives of His people."

How about you this morning, brothers? How do you smell? Ask Him to be one who diffuses the fragrance of Him in every place you go!

Great quote: Every man naturally desires knowledge; but what good is knowledge without fear of God? Indeed a humble rustic who serves God is better than a proud intellectual who neglects his soul to study the course of the stars. Thomas a Kempis

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Loving Others Redemptively


"And we have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him." (1 John 4:16)

I remember a time in my life where I had trouble getting along with a co-worker. I just didn't like the guy! He grated on my nerves. In fact, I couldn't even stand to see him walk down the hall! But one morning in my quiet time, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I didn't have to LIKE him - but I did have to LOVE him.

That kind of love is IMPOSSIBLE apart from Christ living His live through me. Today's devotional reading from DAILY WITH THE KING helps to put it in perspective:

"God commands me to love others. However, He does not mean I should love them naturally, but REDEMPTIVELY. Redemptive love is the way God loves us, expressed convincingly in the life of Hosea, the prophet. His wife left him and went to live with another man, and Hosea had the humiliating experience of having to buy her back from her adultery (Hosea 3:1-3). Think of buying back what is already yours! Yet that is what God did for us.

Redemptive love knows no shame; it is concerned with the loved one, not its own feelings. Jesus did not cry out in self-pity, 'Poor me' when He was hanging on the cross. Hosea did not stint when he doled out the shekels for his wife. He took her sin and disgrace as his own and for her sake he paid her debts willingly and brought her safely back home.

Redemptive love binds and makes permanent. Gomer never again left her husband. How could she, after love like that? I am a weak brother indeed if after looking at Calvary and being brought home to God' house, I steal away and consort with the world. Redemptive love is the most powerful binding force in the world.

I cannot copy God's redemptive love, no matter how hard I try. I cannot determine to love others. Even loving my wife, Paul says, must be 'As Christ loved the church ...' (Ephesians 5:25) The moment I fall back to the natural, even in natural relationships, I begin to run out of my supply. My only hope is to RECEIVE and EXPRESS the redemptive love of God. That love is spread abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit, and even the most natural of my relationships must come under that spiritual, redemptive love. 'Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. We love him, because He first loved us.' (1 John 4:11, 19)

Do you have a "someone" in your life that you are having trouble loving today? Is it your spouse? Kids? Co-worker? You can't love that person redemptively apart from Christ doing that through you!

Great quote: In all the world only one thing really mattered, to do the will of the One she followed and loved, no matter what it involved or cost. Hannah Hurnard

Friday, August 10, 2007



"And let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and lacking nothing." James 1:4

The older I am getting the more I realize that my patience level needs work. It might be anything from standing in a line waiting to be served or even in my dealings with people.

My friend, Fenelon, wrote these words over 400 + years ago ... they might have been written today just for me:

"Anything that resembles pride or a spirit of ridicule reveals a person that is full of himself. This sort of person doesn't see his own faults but takes pleasure in the hard times of others. Here is your self-nature at its worst; easily wounded, full of contempt, haughty, jealous, unforgiving, and lacking graciousness.

You and I are not perfect. You must be patient with YOUR faults and with the faults of others. Be practical about your expectations. NO ONE WILL BECOME PERFECT IN A DAY. Even the most perfect people have many imperfections - this means that YOU have many faults, too! If you are impatient with the faults of others it only shows you how imperfect you are. Your faults and my faults make getting along with one another a hard thing! But we can only fulfill the law of Christ by bearing with each other.

On the one hand, do not excuse your faults or the faults of others. Let your love, patience, and willingness to overlook shortcomings flow between you and all you associate with. Do not pick at other's faults. No one enjoys that and it only pushes people farther away from what is right. You may even cause someone to become so discouraged that they turn back after making their first wobbly steps toward God. Give up your critical nature and stay in touch with Christ within you. Encourage yourself and those around you to give up pride and selfishness.

Live a simple life before God. Accept what God allows in your life. His mercy is what has allowed these events to take place.

Do not let yourself get inwardly irritated by the small troubles and problems that cross your life. Endure them as you would a headache without making them worse than they are. Meanwhile, about your inward prayer as usual. When things are difficult in your life, prayer will be harder, love will be less tender, and God's presence will be less easily felt. Just learn to be faithful during theses trying times - that is all that God asks.

It is greater strength that carries a boat against the wind for a quarter knot with the wind helping you. Treat the complaints of your self-nature as some people treat their spoiled appetites. Do not listen to them and act as in you did not feel them." - The Seeking Heart

One of my dear friends and mentors, Howard Bateman, Chairman of our Board, often reminds me when those annoying circumstances come that they are "a tempest in a tea pot!" Rather than get annoyed - allow patience to have its perfect work in you!

Great quote: We know not the matter of the things for which we should pray, neither the object to whom we pray, nor the medium by or through whom we pray; none of these things know we, but by the help and assistance of the Spirit. John Bunyan

Thursday, August 09, 2007

He Still Speaks


"By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead." Hebrew 11:4

Last summer on this day, one of my leadership team staff members went home to be with Jesus very suddenly. Dave Shoppy served as our Director of Development and was a good man. Dave was one of those men who lived out his Christian life with grace and integrity. He had a infectious laugh that brought joy to our team. He was a man deeply committed to his walk with God and one who loved his bride, Betsy, and his children.

Dave's life impacted thousands of people, many who are serving the Lord in various ministries and Christian schools. Too many, Dave was the Administrator of their school. But to many, Dave was simply, "my friend!"

On August 9, 2006, Dave suffered a massive heart attack and he transitioned from earth to heaven in a matter of seconds. It was an unexpected moment for all of us. But the amazing thing is that even though he is gone, the testimony of his life still continues. There is not a week that goes by that I don't hear a Dave Shoppy story. It may be a conversation with a donor who Dave ministered to by phone or visit. It is a student who I meet whose life was impacted by his godly example. And often I hear these words, "Dave was a good friend!"

Today is not a day of mourning for us because we know that Dave is in a far better place. We miss him so much because he was a huge part of our lives. But the cool thing is that his life and testimony continue as a legacy reminding us that what we do in these brief moments called life, really can count and make a difference.

Are you living today so that your life will make a difference? Will it be said of you, "And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead?" What will your life still be speaking years after you're gone?

Thanks, Dave, for the testimony of your life! We love you and miss you.

Great quote: Whenever your enemies are closing in on you, CLAIM VICTORY! Whenever your heart and your flesh fail you, look up and claim victory! Be sure you claim your share in the triumph that Jesus won, for He won it not for Himself alone but for all of us! Remember that you were in Him when HE won it - so CLAIM VICTORY! - Mrs. Cowman (Streams in the

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Reconciliation Part 5


Here is the last part (I promise) from Steve Cornell's article on Forgiveness and Reconciliation. You can now download the entire article

6. Be objective about your hesitancy -Perhaps you have good reasons for being hesitant to

reconcile, but they must be objectively stated. Sometimes, for example, repeated confessions and

offenses of the same nature make it understandably hard for trust to be rebuilt. This is an

objective concern. Clearly define your reasons for doubting your offender's sincerity.


7. Be clear about the guidelines for restoration -Establish clear guidelines for restoration.

Requirements like restitution can be clearly understood. Others include financial accountability,

holding down a job, and putting away substances. _

8. Be realistic about the process -Change often requires time and hard work. Periodic failure

by an offender does not always indicate an unrepentant heart. Behavior patterns often run in deep

channels. They can place a powerful grip on a person's life. A key indicator for change is the

attitude of the offender. While you may proceed with some caution, be careful about demanding

guarantees from a person who has truly expressed repentance. If the person stumbles, the process

of loving confrontation, confession, and forgiveness may need to be repeated . Setbacks and

disappointments are often part of the process of change. Don't give up too easily on process of

reconciliation. Keep the goal of a fully restored relationship open.

9. Be mindful of God's control -"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to

man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but

with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it" (1

Corinthians 10:13). "We know that God works all things together for good for those who love

him and are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). "When you are having a hard time

forgiving someone (i.e. being restored), take time to note how God may be using that offense for

good. Is this an unusual opportunity to glorify God? How can you serve others and help them

grow in their faith? What sins and weaknesses of yours are being exposed? What character

qualities are you being challenged to exercise? When you perceive that the person who has

wronged you is being used as an instrument in God's hand to help you mature, serve others, and

glorify him, it may be easier for you to move ahead with forgiveness (i.e. restoration)" (Ken

Sande, p.165;cf. Hebrews 12:7;I Pet.2:23b; 4:19). (Italicized words added). _

10. Be alert to Satan's schemes -In Ephesians 4:27, the apostle warns about the possibility of

giving Satan an opportunity in our lives. Significantly, this warning is given in the context of

unchecked anger. A few verses later, the Apostle wrote, " Let all bitterness and wrath and anger

and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another,

tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Therefore be

imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave

Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 4:29-5:2). Meditate on these

words and put them into practice! (See also: II Corinthians 2:14; Hebrews 12:15). _

Steve Cornell_ --Senior Pastor of Millersville Bible Church

Great Quote - If God abides in my home, His presence cannot be hidden. Anonymous

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Reconciliation Part 4


Here is the last part of this great article written by my friend, Pastor Steve Cornell, senior pastor of Millersville Bible Church.

For those who are hesitant to reconcile: Ten Guidelines to consider (Here are the first five ...)

It is common for those who have been seriously hurt to feel hesitant about reconciling with their offenders. When your offender is genuinely repentant, however, it is important to open yourself to the possibility of restoration. Remember, Jesus spoke about reconciliation with a sense of urgency (see Matthew 5:23-24). If you are hesitant to reconcile, work through the ten guidelines on the next pages.

1. Be honest about your motives -Make sure that your desire is to do
what pleases God and not to get revenge. Settle the matter of forgiveness (as Joseph did) in the context of your relationship with God. Guidelines for reconciliation should not be retaliatory.

2. Be humble in your attitude -Do not let pride ruin everything.
Renounce all vengeful attitudes toward your offender. We are not, for example, to demand that a person earn our forgiveness. The issue is not earning forgiveness, but working toward true reconciliation. This demands humility. Those who focus on retaliation and revenge have allowed self-serving pride to control them.

3. Be prayerful about the situation -Jesus taught his disciples to
pray for those who mistreat them (Luke 6:28). It is amazing how our attitude toward another person can change when we pray for him. Pray also for strength to follow through with reconciliation (see: Hebrews 4:16).

4. Be willing to admit ways you might have contributed to the
problem -"Even if you did not start the dispute, your lack of understanding, careless words, impatience, or failure to respond in a loving manner may have aggravated the situation. When this happens, it is easy to behave as though the other person's sins more than cancel yours, which leaves you with a self- righteous attitude that can retard forgiveness (i.e. relational forgiveness). The best way to overcome this tendency is to prayerfully examine your role in the conflict and then write down everything you have done or failed to do that may have been a factor." (Ken Sande, The PeaceMaker, p. 168). Such a step, however, is not suggested to promote the idea of equal blame for all situations. (See: Matthew 7:1-6) (Italicized words added).

5. Be honest with the offender -If you need time to absorb the
reality of what was said or done, express this honestly to the one who hurt you. Yet we must not use time as a means of manipulation and punishment.

I will try and have the article posted on the website later this morning. It will be available for you to print out in its entirety. Please also note that I gave the wrong date for the Twila concert - at least I know you are reading FF! The date is Thursday, August 9th!

Great Quote: "Sinners are not saved until they trust the Savior, and saints are not delivered until they trust the Deliverer. God has made both possible through the Cross of His Son." Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer

Monday, August 06, 2007

Reconciliation Part 3


Good morning. I had trouble sending the whole file to you yesterday, so here is part 3 of the Forgiveness/Reconciliation devotional from Steve Cornell:

The offender:

1. Accepts full responsibility for his or her actions. (Instead of: "Since you think I've done something wrong..." or "If have done anything to offend you...").

2. Accepts accountability from others.

3. Does not continue in the hurtful behavior or anything associated with it.

4. Does not have a defensive attitude about his or her being in the

5. Does not have a light attitude toward his or her hurtful behavior.

6. Does not resent doubts about his or her sincerity- nor the need to demonstrate sincerity. (Especially in cases involving repeated offenses)

7. Makes restitution wherever necessary.

This was good stuff, wasn't it? I trust it will be helpful to you. I will try and post the entire article on our website so that you can print it out in its entirety.

Great quote: I am indifferent to God's love, even to Him, except when I've been freshly convicted of my sin. Then, I'm temporarily overwhelmed by His love for me, undone in an Isaiah-6-sort of way, and Jesus is everything to me, and everything else, pales by comparison:
especially my own righteousness/performance/somebodiness. Who really cares? He who has a sense of having been forgiven little, loves little. And. Has little sense of being loved by God. And. Is likely to suppress anger with God, for hard circumstances, instead of being thankful. - Dave McCarty - Gospel Friendships

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Reconcilation Part 1


Here is part two of what I shared with you yesterday. This was written by my good friend, Pastor Steve Cornell, who will be speaking at America's KESWICK in 2009!!!


Differing from forgiveness, reconciliation is a process that is conditioned on the attitude and actions of the offender. Its aim is restoration of a broken relationship-which is often a process. Those who commit significant and repeated offenses must be willing to recognize that reconciliation is a process. In many cases, even if the offender confessed his wrong to the one he hurt, and appealed for forgiveness, the offended person could justifiably say, "I forgive you, but it might take some time for me to regain trust and restore our relationship." The evidence of genuine forgiveness is freedom from a vindictive or vengeful response (see: Romans 12:17-21).

But such forgiveness does not always automatically grant the same level of relationship back-especially when trust has been deeply betrayed.
Even when God forgives our sins, He does not promise to remove all consequences created by our actions. Being forgiven, restored, and trusted again is a great experience. Yet it is important for those who hurt others to understand that their attitude and actions will affect the process of rebuilding trust. Words alone are not enough.

When someone has been significantly hurt, and feels hesitant about restoration with her offender, it is right and wise to look for changes in the offender before allowing reconciliation to begin. This is especially true when the offense has been repeated. Reconciliation requires us to offer a repentant person an opportunity to demonstrate repentance and to regain trust. However, when a person has consistently behaved in a harmful and irresponsible manner, he must accept the fact that reconciliation will be a slow and difficult process. Three main considerations affect the timing of the process of restoration:

1. The attitude of the offender

2. The depth of the betrayal or violation

3. The pattern of the offense (e.g. often repeated offenses)

When an offended party works toward reconciliation, the first and most important step is the confirmation of genuine repentance on the part of the offender (Luke 17:3). A disingenuous and unrepentant offender will resent your desire to confirm the genuineness of his confession and repentance. He may resort to lines of manipulation. "I guess you can't find it in yourself to be forgiving." "You just want to rub it in my face." "I guess I should expect that you want your revenge." "Some Christian you are, I thought Christians believed in love and compassion."

These lines reveal an unrepentant attitude. Don't be manipulated into avoiding the step of confirming the authenticity of your offender's confession and repentance. Carefully and prayerfully use the seven signs of true repentance listed below. It is advisable (in difficult cases) to seek the help of a wise counselor (only one who understands the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation).

You must be as certain as you can of your offender's repentance-especially in cases involving repeated offences. It is hard to genuinely restore a broken relationship when the offender is unclear about his confession and repentance. Even God will not grant forgiveness to one who is insincere about his confession and repentance.
The person who is unwilling to forsake his sin will not find forgiveness with God (Proverbs 28:13).

Of course, only God can read hearts- we must evaluate actions. Jesus said, "By their fruit you will recognize them" (Matthew 7:16a). We must not allow superficial appearances of repentance to control our responses. Displays of tears or appearing to be sorry must not become substitutes for clear changes in attitude and behavior. Carefully consider the seven signs of genuine repentance:

Great Quote: Our love for God is tested by the question of whether we seek Him or His gifts. Ralph W. Sockman

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Forgiveness is one thing; reconciliation is another Part 1

Good morning, brothers. One of my good friends, Pastor Steve Cornell, Senior Pastor of Millersville Bible Church, sent me this and it was too good to not pass on to you. This is part one, tomorrow will be part two.

Forgiveness is one thing; Reconciliation is another
By Steve Cornell

"He said I am sorry but this is at least the tenth time! I don't know what to do. I am told that it's my Christian duty to forgive so I try to do it. But each time I forgive him, he changes for a little while and then returns to the same behavior. I have a gut feeling that I am handling things the wrong way. He never really changes and I just get angry. What should I do?"

Sound familiar? People facing circumstances like this must learn to distinguish forgiveness from reconciliation. Forgiveness is always required by God. Jesus clearly warned that God will not forgive our sins if we do not forgive those who sin against us (see: Matthew 6:14-15; Mark 11:25).

It's not that we earn God's forgiveness by forgiving others; instead, God expects forgiven people to forgive (See: Matthew 18:21-35). Yet forgiveness is different from reconciliation. It's possible to forgive someone without offering immediate reconciliation. It's possible for forgiveness to occur in the context of one's relationship with God apart from contact with an offender.

An excellent example of this is found in the Old Testament character Joseph. After being betrayed and sold as a slave by his brothers, Joseph was separated from his father for many years. We can be certain that Joseph struggled in prayer over his hardships. "How could my brothers do such an evil thing against me?" "Why did God allow all of it to happen?"
Joseph probably worked through several dark nights of the soul. But he arrived at the right conclusion.

Whenever faced with mistreatment, we also have options about how we respond to it. Our choices (bitterness or forgiveness) will then have generational affects! (See: Genesis 50:20). Since Joseph did not have access to his brothers, evidently he had forgiven them long before they confessed their wrongs. If he had not forgiven them, he would have allowed bitterness to destroy his effectiveness for God (Hebrews 12:15).

So Joseph forgave his brothers in the context of his relationship with God based on two things:

1) God's authority as the Judge: "God is judge, not me."

Joseph's brothers were fearful that he would seek retaliation for the wrong they had done to him. But Joseph said to them: "Do not be afraid, am I in the place of God?" This truth is stated in Romans 12:19, "Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is
written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay says the Lord." (See also:
Genesis 45:1-7;50:15-20).

2) God's control of His life: "God is in control, not my offender."

Joseph said to his brothers, "You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" (Gen. 50:20). Here Joseph confessed that God (not his offenders) is the Lord of his circumstances. This truth is echoed in Romans 8:28, "
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. " Joseph accepted the mystery of God's providence by faith. A third basis for forgiveness emphasized repeatedly in the New Testament is:

3) God's forgiveness of our sins: "God has forgiven me, I must forgive"

"Forgive each other just as God in Christ forgave you" (Ephesians 4:32).When offended, forgiveness means I surrender attitudes of revenge to God in recognition of his authority, providential purpose and forgiveness of my sins. But this can take place in the context of my relationship with God apart from my offender. Forgiveness can occur apart from the confession and repentance of the offender.

I will share Part 2 tomorrow.

Great Quote: Knowledge is vain and fruitless which is not reduced to practice.

Matthew Henry

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Purifying Your Thought Life

Purifying Our Thought Life

"Do not lust in your heart after her beauty ..." Proverbs 6:25

This was a good reminder for me today ...

"Most scientific advancements have involved a man's imagination. Men 'see' things before they do them. Inventors repeatedly tell of 'seeing' a machine in their imagination long before they know how to build it. Inventors awaken in the middle of the night and write out solutions to problems they have 'seen' in a dream.

Men see solutions in the form of pictures and then work for years to materialize their visions. Men picture buildings in their minds and then set about making them a reality. There is something intriguing and mystifying about our ability to imagine things known and unknown. To God, that ability is sacred. He does not want it misused. And that is exactly why evil forces have an INTENSE desire to see the ability misused. Our minds are the BATTLEGROUND; our imaginations are the trophy to be won.

If we use our imaginative power to visualize anything that represents lust or impurity, we are in direct conflict with God's will. Men enjoy using the power of imagination to create a multitude of images that God has forbidden. For example, when a man sees a woman who is attractive to him, he can disrobe her in his mind, bit by bit, until she is completely undressed. He then can use his imagination to feel what it would be like to touch her body. He can continue this mental activity until he has experienced every possible sexual act. He has taken God's special, holy gift and consumed in on the ALTAR OF LUST!

Jesus taught us that there are sins so attractive and habit-forming that even if a man came back from the dead and warned us, we would not give them up. No sin fits this category more clearly than that of immoral thinking.

Jesus explained, in a new way, a message God presented throughout the Old Testament. He said: 'Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.' (Matthew 5;28)

These are not the words of a wide-eyed radical. They need to be seriously considered by every Christian, yet I believe they have been glossed over. Men and women have thought that it would be impossible to eliminate lust in their hearts, therefore Jesus must have been saying that EVERYONE has lust, so no one should find fault with anyone else. I accepted this theory for most of my life, for it seemed an excellent way to handle my own moral dilemma. But now I know that Jesus is calling us to eradicate adultery from our hearts. This is what He says, and this is exactly what He means. The entire Bible is calling us to purify of heart and mind." -- Nick Harrison Promises to Keep - Daily Devotions for Men Seeking Integrity

Maybe today is the day to check your thought life. Is the Holy Spirit prompting you to make a change in this area? Think about it!

Great Quote: "If day by day we first seek divine direction, and then follow it, we shall be ready when new circumstances arise, for the new blessings will be offered. Today should be preparation for tomorrow. The only proof that we shall be equal to tomorrow's test is that we are meeting today's test believingly and courageously. The only evidence that we shall be willing for God's will tomorrow is that we are subject to His will today!"

Wednesday, August 01, 2007



"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season ..." 2 Timothy 4:2

It happened again this morning and I don't want to sound like a broken record. I was amazed how everything I read today spoke directly to me heart as if all of the devotional writers had a meeting to talk about me!

Paul wrote to his son in the faith, Timothy and charged him to be faithful to his post. In the first letter to Timothy, things were going great. The church was experiencing growth and it was apparently an exciting time. But by the second letter, the picture was quite different.

The world was in chaos. Christians were deserting their faith and returning to their old way of life. Some we being martyred for their faith. There was rebellion in the ranks and even the leadership in the church was in disarray.

Paul reminds his "son in the faith" that despite all that was going on around him, he needed to be faithful to his calling and to take a firm stand. One commentator says, "Timothy's post was the pulpit of his church. From that pulpit, he maintained his leadership, imparted his vision, issued rebukes, taught and preached the Word, and brought correction. It was HIS POST! No one else could stand in that position, because it was HIS position that had to be assigned to him by God. Even though times were very tough and he may have been tempted to shun his responsibilities, Paul urged him, 'Stay at your post.'

Someone translated this verse this way: "Take a firm stand and resolve to stay at your post! Regardless of whether times are good or bad, that is your post - your place of responsibility - so dig in, take a firm stand, and resolve that you are going to be faithful!"

Now that is what I needed to hear this morning. We are going through some challenging times right now. Our cash flow is very tight (and we have been there so many times before and God has ALWAYS been faithful!), we have several staffing challenges right now that are causing unusual stress, and I am in the midst of the hardest part of the year because of the intensity of the schedule.

Quite honestly, the past several days I have found myself saying, "I don't think I can handle this, Lord. Maybe someone else is more qualified or better suited to lead this ministry." The voices in my head are screaming - "it's time to get out of town" and yet, I know that those voices are not the right ones to listen to.

The commentator I quoted above goes on to make these observations: "This was just the word that Timothy needed to encourage him to stand tall, be brave, and remain faithful to his assignment. His struggles passed, and he became a respected leader of the Christians in the region of Asia Minor. In the years he served as the senior pastor of Ephesus, Timothy had many different kinds of seasons - some good, some not so good. But regardless, he stayed at his post until the very end ..."

"What kind of season are you going through right now? Is it a happy season? Or are you experiencing hard times? Those happy seasons are such wonderful times, and you should do everything you can to enjoy them. But what are you going to do in the hard times? Are you going to be as faithful and steadfast when you face difficult challenges as you were when things seemed a little easier?

Take Paul's words to Timothy, and apply them to yourself. This is not a time for you to run in fear or to look for someone else to take your place. IF GOD CALLED YOU TO THAT POST, IT'S TIME TO FOR YOU TO DIG IN, TAKE A FIRM STAND, AND RESOLVE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE FAITHFUL WHETHER TIMES ARE GOOD OR BAD." (Sparkling Gems from the Greek by Rick Jenner)

Wow! Could that message have been more timely in my life? Has He called you to a particular job or ministry? Are you ready to abandon your post? Maybe you are going through a tough time in your marriage. I don't know what you are facing - but maybe His word to you today is the same one that I needed to hear - "Take a firm stand and resolve to stay at your post!"

Thanks, Lord, for the awareness that YOU KNOW what I am facing today. With Your help I am resolving to stay at my post!

Great Quote: "Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something!"

Don't miss Twila Paris and the Korean Children's Choir. Order your tickets today for the concert on Thursday evening, August 9, 2007! Call today for reservations: 732-350-1187. Check out the website for more