Monday, August 20, 2007

Entering into Temptation


"The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation." 2 Peter 2:9

On Friday I began to share with you some insights from the Puritan, John Owen's book, TEMPTATION. It is a must read for every Christian man.

"Entering into temptation is not merely being tempted. We will never be free from temptation while Satan continues in his power and malice, and while the world and lust continue. There is not promise in Scripture that we shall not be tempted at all. There is no occasion to pray for an absolute freedom from temptation, since there is no scriptural promise to claim concerning it. The direction that we do have is, 'Lead us not into temptation' (Matthew 6:13) It is ENTERING INTO TEMPTATION that we are to pray against.

It is possible to be tempted, yet not ENTER INTO temptation. More is intended by the express, 'Lead us not into temptation,' than the ordinary work of Satan and our own lusts which will be sure to tempt us every day. There is something specific in entering into temptation that is not the saint's everyday work. It is something that befalls them particularly in reference to sin's SEDUCTION on one account or another. It is an entrance into a powerful or frightening allurement.

Entering into temptation does not mean that you have been conquered by it. It does not mean that you commit sin or evil. A man may 'enter into temptation; and yet not fall UNDER temptation. God CAN make a way of escape. When a man has entered into temptation, God can break the snare, tread down Satan, and make the soul MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Christ, our example, entered INTO temptation, but was not foiled by it.

The apostle calls it it 'fall into temptation' (1 Timothy 6:9) as a man falls into a pit or deep place where there are traps and snares with which he might be entangled. The man is not instantly killed or destroyed, but he is entangled and detained. He does not know how to get free or be at liberty ...

"The Lord knows how to deliver the godly OUT OF temptations." If they are entangled with them, God knows how to deliver them out of them. When we allow a temptation to enter us, then we 'enter temptation.' When sin knocks at the door, we are at liberty; but when a temptation comes in and we allow it to speak with our heart, reason with our mind, entice and allure our affections, for a long or short time, then sin subtly and almost imperceptibly draws our soul to take particular notice of it; we 'enter into temptation."

How about you this morning? Can you relate to what John Owen has shared about entering into temptation? Remember: "The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation." Is there an area that you are dabbling in? Playing with fire thinking you won't be burned? Cry out to Him today and allow Him to provide YOUR way of escape.

Great thought: "Always be alert, so that you may discover your temptations early and recognize them for what they are! Most men do not perceive their enemy until they have already been wounded." - John Owen

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