Thursday, August 02, 2007

Purifying Your Thought Life

Purifying Our Thought Life

"Do not lust in your heart after her beauty ..." Proverbs 6:25

This was a good reminder for me today ...

"Most scientific advancements have involved a man's imagination. Men 'see' things before they do them. Inventors repeatedly tell of 'seeing' a machine in their imagination long before they know how to build it. Inventors awaken in the middle of the night and write out solutions to problems they have 'seen' in a dream.

Men see solutions in the form of pictures and then work for years to materialize their visions. Men picture buildings in their minds and then set about making them a reality. There is something intriguing and mystifying about our ability to imagine things known and unknown. To God, that ability is sacred. He does not want it misused. And that is exactly why evil forces have an INTENSE desire to see the ability misused. Our minds are the BATTLEGROUND; our imaginations are the trophy to be won.

If we use our imaginative power to visualize anything that represents lust or impurity, we are in direct conflict with God's will. Men enjoy using the power of imagination to create a multitude of images that God has forbidden. For example, when a man sees a woman who is attractive to him, he can disrobe her in his mind, bit by bit, until she is completely undressed. He then can use his imagination to feel what it would be like to touch her body. He can continue this mental activity until he has experienced every possible sexual act. He has taken God's special, holy gift and consumed in on the ALTAR OF LUST!

Jesus taught us that there are sins so attractive and habit-forming that even if a man came back from the dead and warned us, we would not give them up. No sin fits this category more clearly than that of immoral thinking.

Jesus explained, in a new way, a message God presented throughout the Old Testament. He said: 'Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.' (Matthew 5;28)

These are not the words of a wide-eyed radical. They need to be seriously considered by every Christian, yet I believe they have been glossed over. Men and women have thought that it would be impossible to eliminate lust in their hearts, therefore Jesus must have been saying that EVERYONE has lust, so no one should find fault with anyone else. I accepted this theory for most of my life, for it seemed an excellent way to handle my own moral dilemma. But now I know that Jesus is calling us to eradicate adultery from our hearts. This is what He says, and this is exactly what He means. The entire Bible is calling us to purify of heart and mind." -- Nick Harrison Promises to Keep - Daily Devotions for Men Seeking Integrity

Maybe today is the day to check your thought life. Is the Holy Spirit prompting you to make a change in this area? Think about it!

Great Quote: "If day by day we first seek divine direction, and then follow it, we shall be ready when new circumstances arise, for the new blessings will be offered. Today should be preparation for tomorrow. The only proof that we shall be equal to tomorrow's test is that we are meeting today's test believingly and courageously. The only evidence that we shall be willing for God's will tomorrow is that we are subject to His will today!"

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