Monday, August 06, 2007

Reconciliation Part 3


Good morning. I had trouble sending the whole file to you yesterday, so here is part 3 of the Forgiveness/Reconciliation devotional from Steve Cornell:

The offender:

1. Accepts full responsibility for his or her actions. (Instead of: "Since you think I've done something wrong..." or "If have done anything to offend you...").

2. Accepts accountability from others.

3. Does not continue in the hurtful behavior or anything associated with it.

4. Does not have a defensive attitude about his or her being in the

5. Does not have a light attitude toward his or her hurtful behavior.

6. Does not resent doubts about his or her sincerity- nor the need to demonstrate sincerity. (Especially in cases involving repeated offenses)

7. Makes restitution wherever necessary.

This was good stuff, wasn't it? I trust it will be helpful to you. I will try and post the entire article on our website so that you can print it out in its entirety.

Great quote: I am indifferent to God's love, even to Him, except when I've been freshly convicted of my sin. Then, I'm temporarily overwhelmed by His love for me, undone in an Isaiah-6-sort of way, and Jesus is everything to me, and everything else, pales by comparison:
especially my own righteousness/performance/somebodiness. Who really cares? He who has a sense of having been forgiven little, loves little. And. Has little sense of being loved by God. And. Is likely to suppress anger with God, for hard circumstances, instead of being thankful. - Dave McCarty - Gospel Friendships

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