Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Temptation Part 3


"Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation." Matthew 26:41

We all face temptations in our lives. Sometimes the temptations are greater than others. In fact, if we are honest, there are times when the temptation we face is very intense. If we are honest with ourselves, we know this is a dangerous place to be in. The danger comes when we begin to toy with the temptation in our minds or try to see how far we can go without crossing that imaginary line.

John Owen says that this is when temptation has reached its hour. Here are several observations he makes in his book, TEMPTATION ... RESISTED AND REPULSED:

1. Temptation obtains its hour by long solicitation, causing the mind to frequently converse with the evil. Frequent temptations promote further thoughts about the evil.

2. Temptation has reached its hour when our souk is not filled with dislike and abhorrence of it and its ways, not with pity and prayer for deliverance.

3. Temptation has reached its hour when we have allowed our minds to conclude that this is not absolutely evil.

4. Temptation has reached its hour when it is restless, urgent, and argumentative. It is a time of battle, and sin will give no rest for the soul. Satan sees his advantage, the convergence of his forces, and knows that he must now prevail, or be hopeless forever. Satan pushes this opportunity and time of advantage with special pleas and promises. He has taken some ground in his arguments so far, and seeks to extend his ground further. He reminds you of a full pardon after sin. He realizes that if he does not win now, he will lose the opportunity. When a temptation presses in upon us through our imagination and reason, and when opportunities, solicitations, and advantages press us from outside, let your soul know that the hour of temptation's power has come. The glory of God depends upon the victory of this trial.

5. Temptation has reached its hour when it brings both fear and allurement. Men sometimes are carried into sin just by the love of it, but they often persist and remain in it because of the fear of the consequences that might follow repentance and full disclosure. When our reasoning's run between our lust and our fear, and are ready to entangle us, we know it is the hour of temptation.

The Savior teaches us how to avoid entering into temptation: WATCH AND PRAY. To watch means to be on guard, take heed, and to consider all the ways and means that the enemy might use to approach us (See 1 Corinthians 16:13; Revelation 3:2) Everyone needs to pay close attention to the ways and means provided by God to keep our hearts from getting entangled in the allurements and subtleties of Satan, and the occasions and advantages of sin in the world.

The second direction is to PRAY. This important duty is known to all. These two duties are the whole endeavor of faith to preserve us from temptation and reaching its hour!" Adapted from TEMPTATION - RESISTED AND REPULSED (Banner of Truth)

Are you at a dangerous point in how you are dealing with temptation? If so, purpose today to do what Jesus instructed you to do: WATCH AND PRAY!

Great quote: "The connection between Christ's death and the Christian's call to self-abnegating service is made quite explicit in such teaching of the Gospels as 'if any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me' (Mark 8:34) and 'Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple' (Luke 14). The Cross, then, stands for the entire Christian way of looking at and living life. It is the real crux of decision for or against Christ. One can do three things with the Cross-and only three. One can deny that it happened because if acknowledged, it would make nonsense of life; one can acknowledge it and decide in consequence that life is meaningless; or one can find in it a clue to a deeper meaning in life than otherwise appears. There are no other possibilities." John Knox, The Death of Christ

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