Tuesday, August 14, 2007



"But thanks be to GOD! HE gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" 1 Corinthians 5:17

This summer our theme at America's KESWICK has been THINK VICTORY! It has been a good reminder that if I am going to be "more than a conqueror," then I need to understand that Christ wants to live out His life through me, and because of that, I already have the victory through Christ.

Listen to this truth through the pen of Charles Trumbull:

"We must be careful of any counterfeit victory. Victory over the power of ANY sin in your life, which you must achieve by WORKING for it, is counterfeit. Victory, which you must obtain by TRYING for it, it counterfeit. It is not the real thing, the victory God offers you.

Victory gained by a gradual conquest over evil, getting one sin after another out of your life, like pulling weeds out of our garden, is likewise counterfeit victory. No the Lord Jesus does not offer to give us any such thing as a gradual gift. It is not growth. 'Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" (1 Corinthians 5:57)

But please do not misunderstand that in the victorious life there is no growth. That would be absolutely false to the Word of God. We only begin to grow normally, grow as God wants us to grow, AFTER we have entered into victory. No, victory, is not fighting your wrong desires or concealing your wrong feelings; that would mean a struggle. In real victory HE DOES IT ALL!

We do not dare to help. When the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit works in our life to give us this victory, it is a miracle every time.
If it is not a miracle, it is not victory!" - Charles G. Trumbull - from HIS GLORIOUS INDWELLING - Nick Harrison (Zondervan).

Great Quote: The Christian's victory is not over others, but over himself. His sword is drawn, not to slay his fellowman, but to slay himself. He wins by losing. He triumphs by being defeated. He lives by dying. His crown is a crown of thorns. His throne is a Cross. His weapon is not strength but weakness. - F. J. Huegel

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