Monday, August 13, 2007

Who Are You


"His lord said unto him, ' Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter into the joy of the Lord.'" Matthew 25:21

"What joy it gives, and strength too, to begin each day by feeling, 'On this day once again I am to live simply as a servant of Jesus Christ:
His will and not my own will is to sway me every hour!'

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then I dare not be the servant of sin; I must be holy as my Master is holy.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then I will not be the servant of men; the maxims of the will not rule me; I will not take my cue from the world; I am under orders only to my Master in heaven.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then I must be the servant of men, to help them, to comfort them, and to stoop to the lowest of them in their behalf as my Master did.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then, if HIS servant anywhere, I must be HIS servant everywhere; in all society with men I must never forget my servanthood to Him: I must show myself His servant openly as well as confess it secretly.

'A servant of Jesus Christ!' Then, if I want to know Him, I have simply to imitate Him, to walk as He walked, to plant my feet in His footprints. As the eyes of the servants look unto the hand of their masters, to see how their work should be done, and copy what they see, so my eyes 'must wait upon the Lord.' If His service is sometimes difficult, I must not complain: He may use me as He wills, and at the end of all I will be more than satisfied if I only hear Him say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord.'"
From HIS VICTORIOUS INDWELLING by Nick Harrison (Zondervan)

I needed to be reminded this morning of who it is I am serving. Thanks, Lord for the reminder.

Great quote: Temptation can cause us to succumb, sink, sin, or stand. William Ward

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