Friday, August 31, 2007

Keep Humble


"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!" - 1 Corinthians 10:12

Today's timely devotional is from the pen of one of the early KESWICK THINK VICTORY! speakers who helped to found the Victorious Christian life movement at America's KESWICK.

"The Christian who is wholly trusting the Lord for VICTORY soon realizes that many Christians about him have not seen the truth of victory, and are not thus trusting Christ.

He may be in close contact with Christians who are older, much farther along in many ways, yet not living in the victory-secret that is so precious to him. And then comes the peril of pride.

Almost without realizing it the Christian who knows Christ as VICTORY can slip some word criticizing a fellow Christian who is not in on the secret, or a condescending comment on such a one's mistake or failure. 'Holier than thou' is one of the perils of the Victorious Life!

Of course the instant one speaks of another, or thinks in his heart thus of another, his victory is gone; he has sinned. And we must recognize this peril if we would be kept from it.

The Christian who is living in VICTORY is in HIMSELF no whit better than the carnal Christian who is plainly sinning, The self-nature of the two is identical: hopelessly sinful. The only good thing about the victorious Christian is CHRIST; and we deserve no credit for Christ: the glory and honor and VICTORY are all HIS! True victory, therefore, must keep us humble: and it will!" Charles G. Trumbull

Great Quote: "Our strength is never renewed in noise or bustle. These only weaken and waste it. Try it for yourself, dear Christian. The next time you find yourself in need of renewal of strength, get still before the Lord. If possible, sit down in silence somewhere and collect your restless and wandering spiritual faculties into a silent waiting upon Him, and see if strength does flow into you from HIM! This is what the old saints used to call 'recollection,' and it was in this way they gained the wonderful spiritual vigor for which we so envy them." Hannah Whitall Smith

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