Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wanted Dead or Alive (Part 4)

WANTED Dead or Alive Part 4

After all of the Lord's gentle leading Bill knew in his heart God's word was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! "I knew what HE wanted but I couldn't say it, I didn't want to be gay but I knew I couldn't stop on my own. I was looking out the window at the big wooden cross in front of the Colony building and the Lord spoke to my heart saying; "You need to give it to Me and say it out loud." "Ok Lord, I can't do this so You will need to do it." "HE said; I know Bill just give it all to Me."

Finally...a surrender! There had to be one. One way or another. Our God is an awesome God and He loves and wants us. But there is also another whom we are wanted by. He doesn't love us nor, despite his attempts to deceive us, is he god. He is Satan and would have taken Bill dead or alive, emphasis on dead. Interestingly enough, God wanted Bill dead as well. Dead to himself that is, and raised to walk in the newness of a life in Christ for all eternity. This cowboy can claim a true Victory in Jesus! While Bill is a new creation, he says it is a daily walk with and commitment to the Lord for him. There are still struggles he faces only this time with the Lord. Having continued Victory over his past demands a daily, whole hearted desire and obedience to be transformed and not conformed. He reflects on Ephesians 2: 1-10, (being made alive in Christ.)

Bill graduated the Colony of Mercy, stayed for its discipleship program and was encouraged by Chaplain Jim to work with Harvest Ministries. At the Lord's direction he accepted an internship at our conference center. I've watched him serve our guests with such kindness and sincerity. His southern drawl doesn't hurt either! He enjoys working at Keswick and desires to stay as long as the Lord would have him. His dreams for the future include the hope of studying biblical counseling. He looks forward to what godly relationships will grow out of his new life. Bill is thriving under the Lord's hand and says he never in his life had a peace like he has now. As Jesus said in John 14:27; "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

It is our prayer that the following resources would be a tool for someone who may be seeking help: Know this: there is hope and help waiting for you!

America's KESWICK Colony of Mercy
Addiction Recovery for Men
1.800.453.7942 x46

Harvest USA

Exodus International

Pure Life Ministries

Setting Captives Free

This week's series has been written by Dina Seaton based on an interview with Bill Pruitt. Bill has reviewed each day's Freedom Fighter/Victory Call and has graciously approved their inclusion in our Week's devotionals.

Great Quote: Only the humble are wowed by God's love to them, wowed by the precious righteousness of Jesus. The rest of us are bored by God's love to us, and wowed by our own righteousness. Or filled with self-contempt when we fail. Humble people have a healthy indifference to failure. Humble people work hard, but hold on loosely to success or failure, not being confident of what would be best for them, but instead, trusting that their Daddy does. Humble people believe God's promise to work all things together for the good of His kids. Humble people thank God for everything, even the hard, the irritating. Humble people are not so agendified as to be intense, in a hurry. Humble people are not obsessive about efficiency, productivity, appearance, performance. Humble people are not self-absorbed. Humble people experience the peace that passes understanding, and a joy unspeakable. Humble people are not defensive, and they welcome criticism. Humble people are fun to be around, because they make you feel good about yourself. Humble people are compelling, to non-Christians.

Humble people get no credit for their humility, for they are humbled by God's Spirit, freshly convicting them of sin, so that they experience newness of LIFE all over again, just like the previous time. - Dave McCarty, Gospel-Friendships

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