Thursday, April 30, 2009

Understanding the Things of God

Understanding the Things of God

“They are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14)

The Bible places people in three categories: the natural man, the spiritual and the carnal Christian. In the setting of our text, the Apostle Paul evaluates these according to their capacity to know the truth of God. The caption, “natural man” (person), relates to the unsaved individual whose comprehension is limited to sensual things (things learned through the senses – touch, taste, smell, hear, feel). He is spiritually dead, separated from the things of the Spirit of God. Since he can’t put these things together, they appear to him as foolishness. What will correct this condition? Only through his being born from above (John 3:3,5).

A second category, the carnal Christian, is profiled in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3. He is described as living according to the flesh (the dynamic capacity for sinfulness). His capacity for spiritual things is limited to baby food. His conduct is the expression of envy. It results in strife and divisions. Distinguishing between this person and the natural man is very difficult. Look around among church people and note the fact that there is little discernable difference between the worldly Christian and the unsaved.

Examining the third category (2:15-16), we recognize a different capacity for understanding the truth of God. The spiritual person is described as “judging all things.” Since he is guided by the Spirit, he is able to discern and evaluate both natural and spiritual things. He is said in verse 16 to have the mind of Christ.

How does one move from a flesh-dominated life to a spiritual life? The Holy Spirit stands willing to take over the lordship of the life and control the yielded Christian. This is what is referred to as the Spirit-filled life (Ephesians 5:18).

Each of us fits into one of these categories, but only the Spirit-controlled person can please God. We can recognize the Spirit-filled life by seeing the fruit of the Spirit being displayed in it (Galatians 5:22-23). -- Rev. William A. Raws

This is one of the many devotionals that Pastor Bill wrote for Volume 2 of Real Victory. I trust it will be a blessing to you. Thanks for your comments regarding Freedom Fighter.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 30; 1 Kings 8-9; Luke 21:1-19

Great Quote: The self-sins...dwell too deep within us and are too much a part of our natures to come to our attention till the light of God is focused upon them. The grosser manifestations of these sins - egotism, exhibitionism, self-promotion - are strangely tolerated in Christian leaders, even in circles of impeccable orthodoxy. They are so much in evidence as actually, for many people, to become identified with the gospel. I trust it is not a cynical observation to say that they appear these days to be a requisite for popularity in some sections of the Church visible. Promoting self under the guise of promoting Christ is currently so common as to excite little notice. A. W. Tozer

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An Hour at A Time

An Hour at a Time

I am on vacation this week and having a blast playing in my yard/garden. It is very therapeutic for me ... I guess I can join a support group now.

One of my favorite authors is Dr. Warren Wiersbe. In his book, God Isn't In a Hurry -- Learning to Slow Down, Dr. Wiersbe addresses ways to make practical use of our time and get more done for the kingdom.

Here are his suggestions:

1. Start your day with the Lord. We have talked about this numerous times. We don't have a quiet time to be legalistic or to check it off on our to-do list. We start the day with the Lord because we desire His fellowship.

2. Plan your day. Admittedly I am a list-maker. I have tried all sorts of systems, but I have found a simple list works best for me. Every evening I update my to-do list on the computer. I created a Word document that I use and have it color-coordinated for priorities.

3. Take "blessing" breaks. Dr. Wiersbe says a blessing break is "a brief time of praise and prayer for the purpose of quieting the heart and getting new guidance and strength from the Lord. We especially need them when we feel nervous or frustrated or when we feel ourselves getting irritable. Take a few minutes and focus on Christ, remembering His love, quote a promise and, by faith, receive the grace needed for that hour."

4. Trying to keep margins in your life. He says, "Practicing brinkmanship will only make you nervous and worried; and when you are in that condition, you cannot do your best. When your life lacks breathing space, then everything that happens is an emergency.

5. Live to please God and fulfil His purposes for you. "When duty becomes delight, you are always more efficient. Drudgery is opportunity with the heart taken out of it." Some of us spin our wheels because we live to please people rather than God.

6. Learn to relax and enjoy leisure time. I am trying to learn this. I grew up in a home where you had to be busy, busy, busy. Unlearning this is very difficult, but necessary.

So there you have ... how are you living your life today? Good stuff to think about. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; 1 Kings 6-7; Luke 20:27-47

Great Quote: This is the secret of joy. We shall no longer strive for our own way; but commit ourselves, easily and simply, to God's way, acquiesce in His will, and in so doing find our peace. Evelyn Underhill

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Getting Your Feet Wet

Your feedback is needed. We want this ministry of Freedom Fighters to be effective, so we need to hear from you. For the past several weeks there has been no feedback except from the people who are reading FF on Facebook. While we are not looking for the applause of men, we do value your input. Are you receiving your daily emails? Are they hitting the mark in regards to the areas where you need encouragement. Are there other areas that you would like us to address? Let me hear from you. Thanks, brothers.


“And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord- the Lord of all the earth- set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap.”
(Joshua 3:13)

A few years ago I spent about five weeks carrying Bibles into China from a base in Hong Kong. OK, smuggling Bibles. The communist government was controlling the “registered churches,” and so most of the Christians in China were functioning “underground.” In spite of, (maybe because of), decades of intense persecution, the Gospel, and the church, was spreading like wildfire. It still is. There is a real lack of Bibles though, and so people like me were bringing them in. Twelve times I crossed a border, travelled inland, made the drop, and returned to base. In the providence of God, I was never caught.

Not only did I feel like I was doing my part, but I can also say that I have never felt closer to God, or more alive. One day though, at the border, I felt a surge of worry. As I waited to have my passport examined, I could see a dozen customs officers hard at work. Loads of travellers were having their bags searched. That’s when I remembered the priests and the Jordan. That’s when the peace came. “I am a priest of the Lord of all the earth. I carry the ark of the covenant in my heart, and his holy word with my hands.” As I stepped into the customs area, every officer disappeared. Every one was busy searching someone else. I couldn’t even see one. The river parted, and I walked through on dry ground.

So, what is it that God has laid on your heart? I’m not saying that everyone should smuggle Bibles, or that we always see success. But I know that as His child, you are also His priest. In prayer, you stand in the presence of the One who is life and represent a dying world. And in that dying world, you stand before its people and represent the One who is Life. Surely God has something for you to do. How many times does He have to ask? Wouldn’t it be awful to find out later that you had missed out on the very thing that would have really made a difference? Remember, He is the Lord of all the earth. Go on, get your feet wet! Chris Thompson is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and serves as a church planter in England.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; 1 Kings 6-7; Luke 20:27-47

Great Quote: "Even though we are now in faith, the heart is always ready to boast itself before God and say, 'After all, I have preached the law, lived so well and done so much that surely He will take this into account '. We even want to haggle with God to make Him regard our life, but it cannot be done. With men you may boast, I have done the best I could...If anything is lacking, I will still try to make recompense, but when you come before God, leave all that boasting at home. Remember to appeal from justice into grace. But let anybody try this and he will see and experience how exceedingly hard and bitter a thing it is for a man, who all his life, has been marred and has worked righteousness to pull himself out of it with all his heart would rise up through faith in the one mediator. I myself have been preaching and cultivating it through reading and writing for almost twenty years and still feel the old clinging dirt of wanting to deal so with God that I may contribute something so that He will give me His grace in exchange for my holiness. Still I cannot get it into my head that I should surrender myself completely to sheer grace, yet I know that this is what I should and must do." Martin Luther, Commentary on Galatians

Monday, April 27, 2009

What Happened in 1974?

What Happened in 1974?

"He gives to all life, breath, and all things. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works." Acts 17:25; Psalm 145:9

Do you know where you where in 1974? There were quite a few significant events in 1974:
The first Altair 8800 personal computer went on sale
The Symbionese Liberation Army demands $4 million dollars for the release of kidnapped Patty Hearst

The first edition of People magazine was published

NASA's Mariner 10 becomes the first space probe to fly by Mercury

The Watergate Scandal begins
President Richard Nixon resigns as President and Gerald Ford becomes the 38th President of the United States
For us, another significant event took place -- on April 27th, 35 years ago, Jan and I were married at the Olney Baptist Church in Philadelphia. I married my childhood friend, and today we are still best friends.
Over the course of 35 years, we have experienced so many blessings and have seen God at work in our lives. God has blessed us with four fantastic kids, two wonderful son--in-laws and daughter-in-law (who is wonderful too ...), and last but not least, five amazing grandkids: and one on the way: Tanner, Lindsay, Emma, Sam, and Ethan.
We have been blessed be mentored by some pretty amazing couples who have loved and supported us over the years: Lee and Butch Augustin, Barry and Lillian Morgan, Neil and Mary Esther Fichthorn, Alan and Joyce Maitha ... just to name a few.
But we couldn't help think of our special friends, Janice and Steve Deichert. We had the privilege of serving with Janice and Steve at Sandy Cove. It was a pretty funny moment one day while we were sitting around the table. Steve mentioned something about their honeymoon, and low and behold we discovered we were married on the same day. In fact, we found out that not only did we get married on the same day, we stayed at the same resort -- we were two cottages away from each other!
Steve went to heaven this year! Janice, we love you and we will be praying for you! We know today will be a tough day for you. Thanks for sharing our special day with us.
So where were you in 1974? Jan, I love you with all my heart! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 27; 1 Kings 1-2; Luke 19:28-48
Great Quote: The self-sins...dwell too deep within us and are too much a part of our natures to come to our attention till the light of God is focused upon them. The grosser manifestations of these sins - egotism, exhibitionism, self-promotion - are strangely tolerated in Christian leaders, even in circles of impeccable orthodoxy. They are so much in evidence as actually, for many people, to become identified with the gospel. I trust it is not a cynical observation to say that they appear these days to be a requisite for popularity in some sections of the Church visible. Promoting self under the guise of promoting Christ is currently so common as to excite little notice. A. W. Tozer

Sunday, April 26, 2009

For the Lord, Not Men

For the Lord, Not Men

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to man." Colossians 3:23

We just finished up a three day staff retreat and has some great times of teaching, fellowship, amazing food, and good times of dialog. One of the exercises we went through was identifying who are number one customer is, and then identifying our secondary customers.

Because of the uniqueness of the Keswick ministry, identifying our primary customer was quite the challenge ... well at least at first. We aren't a business, yet we operate with business principles. We have two ministries: addiction recovery and conferences and retreats. So narrowing the field was very difficult at first.

I shared with our staff stories about the amazing customer service Noordstrom's and Disney offer their customers. They have readily identified their customer. Both organization live and die customer service.

Then I believe we had the "Aha!" moment ... We realized who the REAL customer is -- the Lord Jesus Christ. When I finally grasp that it is HIM that I am serving, then I will serve my secondary customers with excellence and enthusiasm.

Dr. Henry Blackaby writes: There is a unique difference between doing something for people and doing something for God. God always deserves our best effort. People will disappoint us, betray us, neglect us, and mistreat us. Some will constantly ask for what we can give while offering nothing in return. From our human perspective, these people deserve our minimal effort at best.

What then should motivate us to serve people, except our love for God? God deserves our love, and He demands that we love others in the same way He does. We are to love our spouses, not as they deserve, but as God commands. We are to treat our friends, not as they treat us, but as Christ loves us. We are to labor at our jobs, not in proportion to the way our employer treats us, but according to the way God treats us. God is the One we serve. (Ephesians 6:5)

He goes on to say: Mediocrity and laziness have no place in the Christian life. Christians must maintain integrity at home and in the workplace. Working for God, as opposed to working for other people, changes our perspective as we view our endeavors in light of what He has done for us. Our toil then becomes an offering to God.

We not only worship God at church on Sunday, but our labor throughout the week is an offering of worship and thanksgiving to the One who has given us everything we have. When people do not measure up to our expectations and we feel our efforts are being wasted, we must keep in mind that we are toiling for holy God. He is worthy of our best effort.

So who are you really serving? I believe when we get that right, HOW we serve will be so much easier. We serve the Lord, brothers, not men! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 26; 2 Samuel 23-24; Luke 19:1-27

Great Quote: The pursuit of holiness is a joint venture between God and the Christian. No one can attain any degree of holiness without God working in his life, but just as surely no one will attain it without effort on his own part. God has made it possible for us to walk in holiness. But He has given to us the responsibility of doing the walking; He does not do that for us.Jerry Bridges

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Can't Do This

I Can't Do This

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Over the years I have had people in my office, guests and staff, who have shared with me that there are things that they just can't do. I have been there, too. I can list off a number of times where I have been up against situations and circumstances where I know that I can't do it.
The amazing thing about victorious Christian living -- living life the way God intends it to be -- is that you come to the realization that you can't! You can't live the Christian life -- it is impossible. You can't do lots of things -- Jesus told His disciples that "apart for ME you can do nothing!"
The bottom line is that we can't -- but THROUGH Christ we can! We can't live the Christian life apart from Jesus Christ living HIS perfect life through us.
Last year at this time, our granddaughter Lindsay was in Children's Hospital Boston. She had just had her open heart surgery and everyone was exhausted. The staff allowed one person to spend the night with her. The kids were tired, my wife was tired. I really don't know where it came from because it wasn't me -- I hate hospitals. Blood! Needles! Yuck!
But for some reason I knew that God wanted me to spend the night with Lindsay. My family were shocked. I WAS SHOCKED. I know that it was Christ doing this THROUGH me.
During the night, Lindsay was trying to wake up from the anesthesia. I was resting in the bed behind her, and in the process of her thrashing about, she pulled an important tube out. The nurse woke me to alert me that she had called the surgeon. The problem was that Lindsay was bleeding from the line and they couldn't wait for the surgeon. I thanked them for informing me about the situation and I was getting ready to go back to the bed and pray.
The nurse said, "Where are you going? You need to help with this. Stand here and I will tell you what to do!" I had amazing peace during the process. She made a funny statement, "I am glad you are here right now because you know Jonathan (Lindsay's Dad and my son-in-law) hates blood. He would have passed out!" I looked at her and said, "If you only knew!"
Looking back, I know that Lindsay had no clue I was there. I am glad that I allowed Christ to help me through that situation. It was my only night to have a date night with just me and Lindsay. Little did I know that weeks later she'd be with Jesus.
Are you trying to do something on your own? Trying to live the Christian life on your own? Take a good hard look at Philippians 4:13. Let Christ do if for you! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 25; 2 Samuel 21:22; Luke 18:24-43
Great Quote: Job's friends chose the right time to visit him, but took not the right course of improving their visit; had they spent the time in praying for him which they did in hot disputes with him, they would have profited him, and pleased God more. William Gurnall

Friday, April 24, 2009

From Sobbing To Singing


“I will sing to the Lord, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.” (Psalm 13:6)

Psalm Thirteen ends with a song, but it began with a sob. David asked, how long? How long? How long?

John Phillips says when David wrote this Psalm he was exhausted and depressed. His trouble with King Saul had gone for years and years. The Psalm was wrung out of extremity of soul. David simply could not go on- not another day-not another hour-not another minute. He was at the end of himself.

But here we are reminded that man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. It is often when we are wit’s end that we meet God.

How long? This was David’s question. It may also be your question. You may be wondering how long the sadness and sorrow of your life will last. You may presently be in circumstances that appear to be hopeless. David felt abandoned and alone. He felt that his enemies exalted in his oppression. He saw no end to his suffering until he trusted in the Lord and rejoiced in His salvation.

David demonstrated the great fact that singing (praising and worshipping) to the Lord has liberating power. Praise can deliver God’s children from the pit of despair.

There is a dramatic demonstration of the power of praise and worship in Acts 16:25-26. Paul and Silas were beaten, placed in the inner prison with their feet fastened in stocks because they had preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and cast a demon out of a young girl. It was truly a dark moment for these two servants of God. But notice what happened, “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and signing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.” Talk about songs in the night!

David looked past his circumstances and saw the God of his salvation. He said, “I have trusted your mercy; and my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. (v.5) Your sobbing can be turned into singing if you will just praise the Lord! -- Roger D. Willmore, is a Pastor and a popular speaker at America's KESWICK

Gods Word for YOU: Proverbs 24; 2 Samuel 19-20; Luke 18:1-23

Great Quote: "Whenever God gives us an opportunity of being useful to others, he expects that we should take it, according to our ability." -- Matthew Henry

SPECIAL -- I want to get into the hands of as many men as possible our daily devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE. If you have not purchased a copy, the regular price is $14.95. If you buy one copy at the regular price, we will send you a second copy for free. Many of your favorite Bible teachers share in this unique daily devotional. To order your copy, respond to this email and include your mailing address. This is a great tool, guys. Thanks

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't Erase That Number

Don't Erase That Number

“I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will lead him and restore comfort to him and his mourners, creating the fruit of his lips. Peace, peace, to the far and to the near, says the Lord, and I will heal him.” Isaiah 58:18-19(ESV)

I have had a few cell phones since they became “The Thing” to own. I have had many phone numbers transferred and deleted during those phone transitions. But during the most recent changing of the phones, I had gotten rid of one number that I thought I was done with. I hadn’t heard from this brother in awhile so when the option came to delete it, I did. And guess what? That’s right, God had other plans.

About six months after I deleted this brother’s phone number from my cell phone, he called me. “Just wanted to say, hi and see how you are doing…etc..etc..etc.” When we ended our conversation I decided it was one of those numbers I should have held on to. Just in case. Well one Saturday morning, “just in case” happened. When I saw his name on my cell phone’s front cover, I knew something was up; this brother needed to talk to someone.

The following day I picked him up at his house for the long drive to our “Home, Sweet Home,” the Colony of Mercy. I wasn’t too sure if I was doing the right thing since it was a Sunday afternoon but I was sure that this brother needed to be restored. Our conversation up and back was something I even needed. He might have been struggling with an old idol that crept back into his heart but I needed to say out loud that I too struggle and I am no different than him. Be careful where you stand lest you fall, right?

Here’s what I want to convey to all of you this day. As much as we need to be in fellowship with our Lord and Savior, we need to be in fellowship with each other. We are Biblically told to share “one another’s” burden and what winds up happening is we go to our men’s breakfasts or Bible studies and we dance around what bothers us. That is not good for our spiritual growth, as a matter of fact, not sharing what our struggles are stunts our growth as spiritual heads of our families. If we don’t “clean our closets” once in awhile, not only does the dirt build up but our guilt of knowing about that dirt begins to consume us. Then it robs us of our fellowship with Him and allows old idols to creep back in. Just figured that out this past weekend. SANTO!!

I don’t care if you think you are “Tony the Tiger” or “Waldo”, you need to vent. I praise God that He (and Bill Welte) allows me to share with you my adventures while I clean out my closet. Do you need to do the same? -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent Freedom Fighter contributor

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 23; 2 Samuel 16018; Luke 17:20-37

Great Quote:Job's friends chose the right time to visit him, but took not the right course of improving their visit; had they spent the time in praying for him which they did in hot disputes with him, they would have profited him, and pleased God more. William Gurnall

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Hero in Heaven

Another Hero In Heaven

99% of you have no clue who this man is ... but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to say something about my dear friend and adopted Uncle Guy Wanner.

Growing up in Fellowship Church in Philadelphia, we were a part of a big family. While m biological family was relatively small, my church family was huge. We had numerous adopted Aunts and Uncles, as well as a special lady we called Grandmom Geissler.

Grandmom was an amazing prayer warrior. She was on her knees most of the day praying for all of her "kids" and hundreds of missionaries around the world. In her bedroom was a world map, and everyday she worked her way around globe interceding for missionaries.

One of those missionaries was her daughter, Betty, an unbelievable missionary nurse who served for over 30 years in India. Aunt Betty came home to care for her dear Mother until she went to be with Jesus. After Grandmom was home with Jesus, Aunt Betty picked up the mantel to be a prayer partner and intercessor.

One of her supporting couples were from Lancaster County. They were farmers, but they loved Jesus and His work. Guy had the most incredible hands. They were large and knotty -- well used and very strong. His dear wife was very ill, and while she was dying, she told Uncle Guy that he should marry their friend Betty.

These two fell in love ... I mean fell in love. They acted like two teenagers in love even though God blessed them with just 20 years of marriage. Together they have served at Christian camps as volunteers, have taken several short-term missions trips, and most recently, Uncle Guy, a gifted carpenter, began making cross puzzles that have become his evangelistic outreach. Thousands of his masterpieces have been distributed around the world.

This dear couple have been praying for our family very diligently for many years. On April 15th, Aunt Betty and Uncle Guy celebrated 20 years of marriage. Aunt Betty shared with me on Monday night that while they were in bed, she started giving him 20 kisses -- one for every year of their marriage ... by the way -- Guy is 81 and Betty 83!!!

On Thursday, April 16th, Uncle Guy went down to his workshop to make more cross puzzles. Shortly after going to the basement, he had a massive heart attack, and by the end of the day he was with the Lord!

This humble man reached more people than he ever realized. Only eternity will reveal the lives that were touched because of his faithful witness. He is one of my heroes ... another one who has joined "the great cloud of witnesses" in heaven. Uncle Guy -- we love you and thank you for the legacy of your life. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 22; 2 Samuel 14-15; Luke 17:1-19

Great Quote: There are those who can venture far into the world and yet everywhere be true to their Saviour; they are known as Christians wherever they appear, and people respect their position; they would not go anywhere if they knew that their mouths were to be stopped on the subjects lying nearest their hearts; the energy of Christ in them is so glowing and victorious a force that they mould the society in which they are, instead of being moulded by it. James Stalker

Check out another great Stewardship Insight from George.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who Is the Lord of Your Life?

Who Is the Lord of Your Life?

One of America's great preachers was Dr. A. W. Tozer. He answers the question, "Who Is the Lord of Your Life?" in his powerful book, Keys to the Deeper Life ...

When we come to the question of our own relationship with God through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to one of those areas which in a supreme degree is truly a matter of life and death.

This is so desperately a matter of importance for every human being who comes in the world that I first become indignant, and then I become sad, when I try to give spiritual counsel to a person who looks me in the eye and tells me: "Well, I'm trying to make up my mind if I should accept Christ or not."

Such a person gives absolutely no indication that he realizes that he is talking about the most important decision he can make in his lifetime -- a decision to get right with God, to believe in the eternal Son, the Savior, to become a disciple, and obedient witness to Jesus Christ as Lord.

How can any man or woman, lost or undone, sinful and wretched, alienated from God, stand there and intimate that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and God's revealed plan of salvation do not take priority over some of life's other decisions?

We know about His Divine Person, we know that He is the Lamb of God Who suffered and died in our place. We know all about His credentials. Yet we stand outside on the steps like some poor timid fellow who is hoping he can find a job.

We look Him over, then read a few more devotional verses, and ask: "What do you think? Do you think we ought to accept Him? I really wonder if we should accept Him?

My friend, look: doesn't that proud human know that the Christ he is putting off is the Christ of God, the eternal Son Who holds the world in His hands? Why this One Who patiently waits for our human judgment is the One Who holds the stars in His hands. He is the Savior and Lord and head over all things to the church. It will be at His word that the graves shall give us their dead, and the dead shall come forth, alive forevermore. At His word, the first shall burst loose and burn up the earth and the heavens and the stars and the planets shall be swept away like a garment. HE IS THE ONE; the MIGHTY ONE! Is He the Lord of YOUR life?

My Freedom Fighter friend ... is He the Lord of YOUR life today? If not, respond to this email. I'd love to send you a little booklet to help you come to that place of accepting HIM as YOUR personal Lord and Savior. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 21; 2 Samuel 12-13; Luke 16

Great Quote: We should not interpret Scripture in the light of our experiences, but we should examine our experiences in the light of the teaching of Scripture. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Monday, April 20, 2009

Restore Gently

Restore Gently

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Galatians 6:1

I've been around the block long enough to know now that I need to be very careful it comes to dealing with a brother who is in the midst of a struggle. Most times, it is very easy to very critical and judge someone before looking at the facts, or as Proverbs suggests, "checking out a matter," as well as making sure that I don't have a "log jam" in my own eye/heart.

Years ago I was on the Board of a local church where the Senior Pastor went through a very painful three years of separation from a wife who left him. For three years I watched this faithful servant of the Lord preach through his pain and suffering, and under his ministry the church was growing. He was preaching a series from the life of Joseph. What made the series come alive, was he was living through it.

During the time of separation, the Board was working through what to do if his divorce was finalized. Could a divorced man serve as the pastor of a local church. He was convinced in his heart that he couldn't, but the men loved him and wanted to see if there was any other way.

We were in the midst of a very tearful meeting thinking that his divorce was six months away. Little did we know that his papers would be delivered that night. What broke my heart was that once the papers arrived, the love and support for the pastor went right out the window. All of a sudden he was no longer fit to pastor the church because the divorce notice would be in the paper, and the men were concerned about what the neighbors might think.

Needless to say, it was a very sad ending to a very fruitful time of ministry. The interesting thing was that several years later, a number of those men had family members who went through painful divorces several years later, and then ended up having to go back and ask this pastor for his forgiveness.

Serving at America's KESWICK has taught me a valuable lesson: I am one heart beat away from blowing it myself but by the grace of God. Every time I find myself judging another brother, it comes back to bite me.

Now I am not suggesting that we never are to take a stand when it comes to dealing with a brother living in sin. What I am suggesting is that there is a biblical process that leads to repentance and reconciliation. Too often we take the path of wiping our hands clean of the painful part of the process. The principles of Matthew 18, when exercised biblically, are designed to bring brother full circle. Painful? Yes. Worth it? You bet it is!

I want to encourage you today to read through Galatians 6. Do you have someone in your life that is walking off the track? Prayerfully consider what God's way is for restoration. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 20; 2 Samuel 9-11; Luke 15:11-32

Great Quote: Be patient till your wings are grown. I fear very much that you are too vehement and headlong in your wishes and attempts to fly. You see the beauty of spiritual light and good resolutions; you fancy that you have almost attained, and your ardor is redoubled; you rush forward, but in vain, for your master has chained you to your perch, or else it is that your wings are not grown; and this constant excitement exhausts your strength.(continued tomorrow)Francis de Sales

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What to Do To When a Brother Strays

What to Do When a Brother Strays

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in a transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Galatians 6:1

I am not sure why I am always surprised at God's timing with events and my devotional readings, but it has happened again.

A good friend of mine has made some choices that I do not agree with. We have met and he knows my position. I have tried to keep the door open in our relationship because I love him as a brother and want to see him be the man that I believe that God wants him to be.

Several of our mutual friends have recently asked me how they should respond to my friend. Interesting timing because I have been reading through Galatians and tracking with the devotional TABLE TALK which is published by R.C. Sproul's ministry.

This week they addressed this very topic. Listen to what they wrote: " ... to follow the Holy Spirit is to seek the good of others. Spirit-led people mourn when believers sin and work to restore them (Galatians 6:1). They show mercy to errant brothers and sisters in Christ, urging them to turn from sin and be reconciled to God and the brethren (Matthew 18:25; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11). If harsh words are necessary, they are spoken GENTLY (Galatians 6:1) to show sinners a desire for their repentance and cleansing.

The church father Jerome says, 'The Spirit-led person should correct a sinner gently and meekly. He must not be inflexible, angry or aggrieved in his desire to correct him. He should stir him up with the promise of salvation, promising remission and bringing forth the testimony of Christ."

"While seeking to restore sinners through gentle confrontation and encouragement, we must take care lest we be tempted. Clearly, he means that we are capable of any transgression, and it is all too possible to the unwary person to commit the same error he is trying to correct. (See 1 Corinthians 10:12-13)"

"Augustine comments that "there is no sure test of the spiritual person than his treatment of another's sin," adding that there spiritual people, as much as they can, seek to rescue and support sinners, not to punish or triumph over them.""

Bottom line, we hate the sin, but love the sinner. I know this is hard, but we make the choice to obey or disobey the Word. More on this tomorrow. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 19; 2 Samuel 6-8; Luke 15:1-10

Great Quote: We are only what we are in the dark; all the rest is reputation. What God looks at is what we are in the dark- the imaginations of our minds, the thoughts of our heart, the habits of our bodies; these are the things that mark us in God's sight. Character is what you are in the dark.Oswald Chambers

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Called By His Name

Called By His Name

“…all the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord.”
Deuteronomy 28:10

These words were spoken by Moses to Israel in preparation for their entrance into the land of promise. Assurance was given them that they would strike fear in the hearts of the residents of the land because they were called by the name of the Lord. His name was the source of authority for possessing the land. It was also the guarantee of sufficiency and enablement to meet the opposition that lay head.

Just as Moses spoke this message during his final days as leader of Israel, so Jesus when He was about to leave His disciples prayed that they might be kept in the name of the Father (John 17:11). Being called by His name provided security for the disciples in a world of people rebellious against God. The security was not in terms of immunity from rejection and persecution but of being kept in the Father’s hand.

Another significance of being called by His name is in the area of identity. In other words, it means that God was identifying Himself with His people Israel. They were to be recognized as God’s own people. He would be among them, leading them, and fighting for them.

For many of us, it is an honor to be called by the name of our earthly father. There is a degree of prestige in some cases and a healthy form of pride. We attempt to live up to that name and do not want to bring shame and disgrace upon it. Being called by our heavenly Father’s name calls for a holy life – free from compromise and sin. Just as His people Israel, being called by His name, carried authority over the enemy, sufficiency to meet life’s challenges, and security from the attacks of the enemy, so believers today can experience these benefits through being called by His name. Pastor Bill Raws was the grandson of the founder of America's KESWICK and served for more than 55 years in various capacities. He went home to be with the Lord in July of 2008

God's WORD for Today: Proverbs 18; 2 Samuel 3-5; Luke 14:25-35

Great Quote: Passive faith but praises in the light, When sun doth shine. Active faith will praise in darkest night - Which faith is thine?Anonymous

Friday, April 17, 2009

Have Faith In God

Have Faith in God

"Have faith in God," Jesus answered. Mark 11:22

This has been one of those crazy weeks where money has been tight, and in a sense, waiting on God was the ONLY answer. Believe it or not, it wasn't a white-knuckler for a change, but the pressure was on. We came really close to not making payroll.

We thought we knew HOW God would provide -- after all, we were expecting a large check from an estate. Guess what -- that's not how He answered at all. The check didn't come yesterday or today. But payroll was met -- miraculously. After payroll was submitted, the bank called and said that they had mailed the check to the wrong address and they would re-mail it today!

God is NEVER late -- always on time.

One of my daily prayer partners gave this to me this morning:

Faith says, "It's impossible" is the only objection, it can be done! Faith brings God into the scene, and therefore it knows absolutely NOTHING of difficulties -- it laughs at impossibilities.

In the judgment of faith, God is the grand answer to EVERY question -- the grand SOLUTION of every difficulty. It refers all to Him; and hence it matters not in the least to faith whether the need be $600,000 or $600,000,000! No matter, it knows that God is all-sufficient. It funds all its resources in Him.

Unbelief says, "How can such and such things be?" It is full of "Hows"; but faith has one great answer to ten thousand "hows," and that answer is -- GOD!" C. H. Mackintosh

He can provide for you today, too! Can you trust Him? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 17; 2 Samuel 1-2; Luke 14:1-24

Great Quote: How often we say about our earthly friends, "I really would like to have a good quiet settled talk with them so that I can really get to know them." And shouldn't we feel the same about our Heavenly Friend, that we may really get to know Him? These thoughts have taught me the importance of the children of God taking time to commune daily with their Father,so that they may get to know His mind and to understand better what His will is. Hannah Whitall Smith

Thursday, April 16, 2009

'Nough Said

Unusual Opportunity -- A friend of America's KESWICK has four Yankee game tickets valued @ $350 each. He is willing to make those tickets availabe to the highest bidder (all four only) and will split the proceeds between New Song Fellowship Church (Lancaster, PA) and America's KESWICK. You can send you bid to my by responding to this post. We will close the bids by 5:00 PM tomorrow. Please include your name and phone number.

‘Nough Said

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides 1 John 2:15-17 (NKJV)

“Do not love the world….This is in sharp contrast to what the Gospel of John tells us…”For God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son that whoever believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life.” What does John mean by “Do not love the world?” We know that God loves the world and yet John is challenging us not to love the world. As this scripture verse continues John begins to unravel why “We” are not to love the world….the words lust and pride come to mind. In Greek, the root word for lust, “thumos,” means to strongly desire or have a passion for. As a matter of fact, the English Standard Version goes “the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions.”

Thumos is also used as a word for anger. Pride would be translated as a word to mean pretense or arrogance. When we, as men of integrity, allow runaway desire and arrogance to guide our footsteps, those footsteps are leading us down a path away from God. John’s point here is not to love the world by the world’s standards, but the standards set down by Jesus. We are to love this world from God’s point of view.

And that’s what I shared at my church’s men’s breakfast. I borrowed some of that from The Communicator’s Commentary. The men’s breakfast at my church needed revival. A former trustee announced in church one day that he would cook breakfast for all who would come and felt that our former location at a local diner was no longer suitable for good men’s fellowship. I felt the Lord give me a nudge to approach Warren and ask if he thought a devotional was in order since we were going to use the church kitchen for this event. He immediately said it would be great and what did I have in mind? After all, before they started going to the diner for breakfast, it was held at the church and there was prayer time.

Well this aforementioned verse is one that has really been in my heart since my days at the colony. Since I have gone from the realm of the blue color to polo shirts and khaki pants, it is a verse that keeps things in perspective for me. I had one of those weeks at work where every selfish thing that could be said and done reared up. It made it very hard to focus on what I wanted to mediate on for my devotional. I felt the enemies fiery arrows all five days of my work week. It was only when I sat down with my Bible open to work on my breakfast devotional that I felt any peace. One night I found myself in the Book of Mark.“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the Gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:35-36(ESV)

Here is some of what I borrowed from the Believer’s Bible Commentary to finish my devotional.…”Now there is always the temptation to save our life, to live comfortably, to provide for our future, to make our own choices, with ourselves as the center of everything. There is no surer way of losing one's life. Christ calls us to pour out our lives for His sake and the gospel's, dedicating ourselves to Him spirit, soul, and body. He asks us to spend and be spent in His holy service, laying down our lives, if necessary, for the evangelization of the world. That is what is meant by losing our lives. There is no surer way of saving them.”“Even if a believer could gain all the world's wealth during his lifetime, what good would it do him? He would have missed the opportunity of using his life for the glory of God and the salvation of the lost. It would be a bad bargain. Our lives are worth more than all the world has to offer. Shall we use them for Christ or for self?”

The most important time of the year is all around us, brothers, and to say I can’t repent enough is an understatement. I can, at times, forget what was done on the Cross but the Father doesn’t let me stray too far and then He jars my memory. It’s not about me and what goes my way at anytime. It’s about Him and what He has done for me all the time. ‘Nough said! -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent Freedom Fighter contributor.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 16;1 Samuel 30-31; Luke 13:23-35

Great Quote: “Frequent notice is taken of the great flocking there was to Christ for help in various cases. All are concerned to know this, if they expect him to heal their souls. They must not indulge the ease of the body. As the happiness of heaven with Christ, is enough to make up for the loss of life itself for him, so the gain of all the world in sin, will not make up for the ruin of the soul by sin. And there is a day coming, when the cause of Christ will appear as glorious, as some now think it mean and contemptible. May we think of that season, and view every earthly object as we shall do at that great day.” Matthew Henry

Join us tonight for our monthly Men's Fellowship Night. Dinner is at 6:15 PM followed by the program. Bill Welte, President and CEO will be our speaker. Can't attend tonight? Join us by watching the webcast at 7:00 PM -- Let us know that you are a member of the Freedom Fighter family.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009




"You will find no peace among those nations, and there will be no resting place for the sole of your foot. There the Lord will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and a despondent (apathetic) spirit." Deuteronomy 28:65

Apathy is one of those things that seems to be brewing and breeding. More and more people in our world who have so much and yet take so much for granted, seem to be despondent and apathetic.

Our kids have so much stuff -- they get more and more, and the more they get the less happy and excited they are. We hear kids saying, "I'm bored," after a party, skateboarding, or a fun activity that they wanted to do.

Dr. Archibald Hart suggests that we a "thrilled to death" and have been so caught up in ourselves and always want to please ourselves, that we are becoming people who are apathetic in many areas of our lives.

How can you tell if you are apathetic?

* It feels like someone has pulled the plug and all your power has been shut off. You move as if it would take a bulldozer to shift you.

* Other people laugh while you grimace at what gives them amusement.

* Days are long, and you're thankful when you finally get to fall into an unmade bed. But getting up can be hell all over again.

Apathy is an I DON'T CARE feeling. You have no interest in what USED to give you great joy. You can't get as much done each day as before. You eschew new experiences and avoid anything that takes a little effort to accomplish. And you can't even get excited when something really good comes along. Apathetic people are indifferent and spiritless as they shuffle through their chaotic lives, not caring that they don't care.

Is your apathy out of control? Here are some warning signs:

* You are no longer interested in activities you used to enjoy.
* You are neglecting your personal care and grooming.
* Someone else has to tell you to do things you used to do yourself.
* You no longer wants to get together with friends, as it is too much trouble.
* You prefer to stay in your pajamas all day.
* When something really good happens, you cannot get excited.
* You are less concerned about your personal problems than you used to be.
* You no longer care what happens to you, or if you live or die.
* You cannot complete anything you start doing anymore.

If you are there, then I want to suggest that you make an appointment and talk to your pastor or biblical Christian counselor who will walk you through steps to turning this around. Don't try and fight this on your own. Own up to it get help! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 15; 1 Samuel 27-29; Luke 13:1-22

Great Quote: Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness the outpouring of each other's hearts in prayer. Charles G. Finney

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finishing Strong


“Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.”
(Psalm 71:18 NKJV)

I couldn't help think of our dear friend Bobby Michaels when I read today's devotional in our America's KESWICK publication, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE. Bobby finished well. Pray for his wife Lee, and his kids, Rachel and Jeff today during the Memorial Service.

Every life is a life of influence for good or for evil. The prayer of the Psalmist in this passage is a prayer to influence future generations for time and eternity. He cries out to God for the opportunity to influence, “…everyone who is to come” by his talk and his walk. His talk is described in verse 15, “My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness And Your salvation all the day, For I do not know their limits.” However, our talk is only effective as it is supported by our walk. The psalmist describes this in verse 16, I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of your righteousness, of Yours only. Our key verse above reveals that the psalmist understood that He could not live in this way except by the work of the Lord in his life.

So often we make life and salvation about us when it is all about God. Our life is to be swallowed up in the truth that our whole purpose is to bring glory to Him. Finishing strong in the Christian life is extremely important if we are to leave the proper legacy.

“Artful Eddy” was the overseer of mobster Al Capone’s dog tracks and a crooked lawyer during the 1920’s. He had all of what the world considers to be important – wealth, position, possessions, and class. Yet he chose to turn himself in to federal officials and testify against his partners in crime, knowing that it would probably mean the end of his life. When asked why he would do this he revealed that he didn’t desire to see his son follow in his footsteps. He was gunned down in the street a short time later.

What happened to Artful Eddy’s son? Appointed to Annapolis and commissioned as a Navy pilot during WWII he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after single handedly shooting down five enemy bombers saving hundreds of lives. You see, Artful Eddy’s last name was O’Hare – the name of Chicago’s airport which honors the memory of his son, Butch.
A true life of overcoming will finish strong! May our prayer be that of the Psalmist in this passage. -- Rev. Joe Olachea is Senior Pastor of Lakes Community Chapel in Medford, NJ and a friend of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 14; 1 Samuel 25-26; Luke 12:32-59

Great Quote: Don't measure God's mind by your own. It would be a poor love that depended not on itself, but on the feelings of the person loved. A crying baby turns away from its mother's breast, but she does not put it away till it stops crying. She holds it closer. For my part, in the worst mood I am ever in, when I don't feel I love God at all, I just look up to His love. I say to Him, "Look at me. See what state I am in.Help me!" Ah! you would wonder how that makes peace. And the love comes of itself; sometimes so strong, it nearly breaks my heart.George Macdonald

Monday, April 13, 2009

Three implications regarding the Resurrection

Three Implications Regarding the Implications
Please note that I did not email a Freedom Fighter yesterday. You can read yesterday's post directly from the Freedom Fighter blog:
Good morning, brothers ... here are three implications concerning the Christ's resurrection that you may have forgotten about. The implications are HUGE for you and your life in Christ:

1. You have been crucified WITH Christ and He lives IN you! -- "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives IN me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." -- Galatians 2:20

2. You are dead to sin and alive to God -- "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like His (Galatians 2:20), we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection LIKE His. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.

For one who has died has been set free from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died to sin, ONCE FOR ALL, but the life he lives he lives to God. So YOU must also consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to make you obey its passion. Do not present your members to sin as instruments fro unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. For sin will have NO dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." -- Romans 6:1-14
3. You not only have been crucified with Christ, you not only are dead to sin, you have been raised with Christ!

"If then you have been risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things on earth. For you have died, and YOUR life is hidden WITH CHRIST in God. When Christ who is YOUR life appears, then you will also appear with him in glory. -- Colossians 3:1-4
Brothers -- is this not amazing? I took this picture at my daughter-in-laws home in Maryland. I couldn't help but think about the verse above that says that "your life is hidden in Christ."
Take some time to meditate on these these bedrock implications regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 13; 1 Samuel 22-24; Luke 12:1-31
Great Quote: A Christ-centred worship - which is event-oriented worship - can never be static and merely intellectual because what happens is an actual and real communication of the power and benefit of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Worshiping churches recognize that every gathering of worship is ultimately a praise and thanksgiving for the overthrow of evil by God in Christ. This victory not only happened two thousand years ago, but it happens today in the lives of people who bring to worship their own struggles against that evil which shatters relationships, oppresses the poor, and brings constant dislocation into life.Robert Webber

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday Morning

Praise Him! Praise Him!
Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
Sing, O earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
Hail Him! Hail Him! highest archangels in glory;
Strength and honor, give to His holy name!
Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children,
In His arms He carries them all day long:
Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness;
Praise Him! Praise Him! ever in joyful song!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
For OUR sins He suffered, and bled and died;
He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation,
Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus the crucified.
Sound His praises! Jesus who bore our sorrows;
Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong:
Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
Heavenly portals loud with hosannas ring!
Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever;
Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet and Priest and King!
Christ is coming! Over the world victorious,
Pow'r and glory unto the Lord belong! -- Fanny Jane Crosby (1820-1915)
Hallelujah! Christ is risen!

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 12; 1 Samuel 19-21; Luke 11:29-54

Great Quote: The resurrection is the keystone of the arch on which our faith is supported. If Christ has not risen, we must impeach all those witnesses for lying. If Christ has not risen, we ave no proof that the crucifixion of Jesus differed from that of the two thieves who suffered with him. If Christ has not risen, it is impossible to believe his atoning death was accepted.D.L. Moody

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Gospel Way

The Gospel Way

Join us tonight for the Keswick Celebration Choir Concert -- The Majesty and Glory of the Resurrection. If you'd like to attend live, the doors will open at 6:00 PM at the Activity Center and the program begins at 7:00 PM. You can also watch live via the webcast:

I am fascinated by the depth of the prayers of the Puritans. As we ponder the events of Good Friday and prepare for the glorious resurrection tomorrow, listen to these words from one of the Puritan's as he reflected on the gospel:

Blessed Lord Jesus,
No human mind could conceive or invent the gospel.
Acting in eternal grace, thou art both its messenger and its message,
Lived out on earth through infinite compassion,
Applying thy life to insult, injury, death,
That I might be redeemed, ransomed, freed!

Blessed be though, O Father, for contriving this way,
Eternal thanks to thee, O Lamb of God,
for opening this way,
Praise everlasting to thee, O Holy Spirit,
For applying this way to my heart.

Glorious Trinity, impress the gospel on my soul,
Until its virtue diffuses every faculty;
Let it be heard, let it be acknowledged, professed, felt.

Teach me to secure this mighty blessing;
Help me to give up every darling lust,
To submit heart and life to its command,
To have it in my own will,
controlling my affections,
molding my understanding,
to adhere strictly to the rules of true religion,
not departing from them in any instance,
not for any advantage in order to escape evil,
inconvenience or danger.

Take me to the cross to seek glory from its infamy;
Strip me of every pleasing pretense of righteousness
by my own doings.
O gracious Redeemer,
I have neglected thee too long,
often crucified thee,
crucified thee afresh by my impenitence,
put thee to open shame.

I thank thee for the patience that has borne with me so long,
and for the grace that now makes me willing to be thine.
O unite me to thyself with inseparable bonds,
that nothing may ever draw me back from thee,
My Lord, MY Savior. -- from THE VALLEY OF VISION -- Prayers of the Puritan

God's Word for YOU: Proverbs 11; 1 Samuel 17-18; Luke 11:1-28

Great Quote: In his death Jesus demonstrated God's love for us in the fullest possible way, achieved total victory over evil, and made our salvation possible. He was not merely a good man who died as an example of virtue or meekness; he was the perfect God who took our burdens of sin and guilt and made them his burden. His death was not an example to inspire us but a sacrifice to save us! Rod Benson

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hallelujah What A Savior!

Hallelujah What A Savior

I strongly suggest that today you get alone with the Lord and meditate on Isaiah 53. We will be webcasting our Good Friday Service beginning at 10:30 AM.

Philip Bliss traveled with D. L. Moody and wrote many wonderful hymns. This one, published in 1875, has been sung around the globe. In 1876, Bliss and his family were involved in a tragic train wreck. Reportedly, Bliss ran back into the train to rescue his dear wife, however they both died.

"Man of sorrows!" what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim!
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In MY PLACE condemned He stood --
Sealed MY pardon with HIS blood:
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Guilty, vile, and helpless we,
Spotless Lamb of God was He;
FULL ATONEMENT! can it be?
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Lifted up was He to die,
"It is finished!" was His cry;
Now in heaven exalted high;
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

When He comes our glorious King,
All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew this song we'll sing:
Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Ponder these words anew on this Good Friday, 2009. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 10; 1 Samuel 15-16; Luke 10:25-42

Great Quote: “A Gospel-centered life is the Christian Waltz. A waltz is a dance made up of three steps. Christians need to consider the Christian three step when it comes to growth. In the first step, we acknowledge our need as we see our sin in light of the Law. In the second step, we look to Christ to change us. In the third step, we fight against sin and fight to choose righteousness in the strength of the Holy Spirit. Repent! Believe! Fight!…Repent! Believe! Fight!…Repent! Believe! Fight! An emphasis on the love and grace of God lays the dance floor,or the foundation, for the waltz. Unless Christians are convinced of God’s love for them and His favor over them by virtue of their union with Christ, they will minimize their sin and engage in blame-shifting and excuse- making in order to feel justified before God. Unfortunately, many in the Church today teach believers a Two-step. The two-step is to simply repent and fight. They acknowledge their sin and proceed with new resolve to try harder to avoid sin. The problem with this approach is it bypasses the cross of Christ and the power of the resurrection.” Bob Flayhart

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Overwhelmed with Life?

Overwhelmed with Life?

"You were enriched in everything by Him." 1 Corinthians 1:5

I have heard this statement from at least a dozen people today (Wednesday) both on the phone and in emails. I am not throwing anyone under the bus by name, but I think it is the cry of so many of us right now ... "I am overwhelmed with life ..."

Overwhelmed with the news. Just listening to the news wears me out. Think of all the shootings in just the past several weeks. We have heard now of at least 15 suicides in the Keswick circle of friends and acquaintances. This morning I read about the four people shot at a Catholic Retreat Center in California.

Overwhelmed with too much to do. I don't know about you, but I feel like my "to do" list gets longer and I get less done each day. There are phone calls, emails, meetings, letters, faxes. There are people who demand answers to questions, advice on all sorts of issues, people seeking help. Add to that the tugs and pulls we all face with dealing with stuff outside of the job/ministry. Vacation seems like a great solution -- until preparing to leave and then facing the pile upon your return.

Overwhelmed by what we want to accomplish and can't. At least five of my closest friends shared today that they are struggling with having a consistent daily time with the Lord. The urgent seems to take precedent over the important. Fatigue is constant. And then there is the guilt associated with not doing the important.

Sound like your life? How do we correct this epidemic problem? I think it is time to step back and think about what is most important. We have talked about this over and over -- our relationship with Jesus needs to be a number one priority. I remember one of Oswald Chambers devotionals reading this: "My priority needs to be Jesus first, Jesus second, Jesus third."

If we are going to survive this thing called life, we have to be intentional about our personal quiet time. The purpose of this daily time is not to check it off your to-do list. It isn't intended to be done legalistically with the fear that God will punish us for not having it. It is not intended to appease God so that He won't test and try us.

The purpose of this daily time is for fellowship, for intimacy, for refreshment. It is a time for you and I to be "enriched in everything by Him!"

Hey -- do you make a dental appointment and miss it? Do you make an appointment to play racquet ball and miss it? Think about the important meetings you schedule on your calendar. Do you miss the things you really want to do?

Then maybe you need to rethink, retool, recommit -- put Jesus on your calendar first thing each day. Make him your FIRST appointment of the day. Don't block out an hour if you are only able to do 15 minutes. For some of us 15 minutes consistently is better than saying we are going to give him one hour and never doing it.

By the way ... if Jesus thought it was important enough for Him to spend time each day with His Father -- should it not be a number one priority for us? Hmmmmmm .... Maybe we would be less overwhelmed if we allowed HIM to enrich us vs. all the other stuff that has done the job! Think about it. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 9; 1 Samuel 13-14; Luke 10:1-24

Great Quote: The tragedy is that many of us are living...desperate Christian life. Sunday comes and we get some strength, and then we lose some on Monday; a good deal is gone by Tuesday and we wonder whether we have anything left. On Wednesday it has all gone and then we exist. Or perhaps refreshment comes in some other way, some meeting we attend, some friends we meet...Now that is the old order of things, that is not the new. So our Lord goes on to put it like this: 'Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life' (verses 13-14). He puts a well within us. We are not always drawing from somewhere outside. The well, the spring, goes on springing up from within into everlasting life. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Dealing With Persistent Guilt (Part 3)

Dealing With Persistent Guilt (Part 3)

" ... but God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us ..." Romans 5:8

Yesterday I shared some thoughts from Puritan writer Thomas Wilcox on what to do when persistent guilt rears its ugly head ... Here are several other comments ...

Shift your focus to the glory of Christ. If guilt still persists, remember that he pardons for his own name's sake (Isaiah 43:25; Ezekiel 36:22; 1 John 2:12), because in pardoning us he'll make us living monuments of the glory of the grace he purchased. It's Christ's own happiness to pardon, so he does. By embracing this truth, even the most desperate sinner's conscience can rest absolutely assured.

Shift your focus off self-condemnation. When our conscience relentlessly condemns us, remember that Christ will have the last word. He is the judge of the living and the dead (1 Peter 4:5) and only he can pronounce the final sentence. CHRIST is the judge -- not our conscience. So never for a moment dare to take the judge's place by proclaiming irreparable guilt when he proclaims hope, grace, and pardon. If we think our sin is too great to be pardoned, remember that Christ doesn't agree.

Shift your focus on self-contempt. If we're focused on hating ourselves, realize that we're focused on ourselves and not on him. Self-contempt is a subtle form of self-centeredness, which is the opposite of Christ-centeredness. Unless our self-contempt makes us look more at the righteousness of Christ, and the cross of Christ and less at ourselves, the whole endeavor leads to death. Let our sin break our hearts, but not our hope in the gospel.

The greatness of Christ's merit is known best by sinners in deep distress. The thirstier a man is, the more he'll prize a cup of water; the more our sins break and burden us, the more we'll treasure our Healer and Deliverer.

The second year after coming to America's KESWICK, I developed pneumonia right before the summer season. I had a lot of time to think and pray. Ironically I was reading a book by Jerry Bridges. In that book he suggested that when we struggle with persistent guilt, we make a list of all the things that keep coming back to our minds. Write it all down and then burn the list! Destroy it. Remember what Christ did with it -- He paid for it with His blood ONCE AND FOR ALL -- he buried them in the deepest sea, and removed them as far as the east is from the west. Or as the late Corrie ten Boom said it ... confess it, throw it in the lake and put up a sign that says, NO MORE FISHING!

What a great time of the year to thank Him for so great a sacrifice for our sins. Hallelujah, What A Savior. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 8; 1 Samuel 10-12; Luke 9:37-62

Great Quote: Perhaps you have been ensnared by a sinful habit that you will not abandon, and your guilt is so overwhelming you are ashamed to approach Christ. Whatever the reason for your broken intimacy with God, there is good news. Jesus waits to embrace you now in the arms of unconditional, divine love. Charles Stanley

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Dealing With Persistent Guilt (Part 2)

Dealing with Persistent Guilt (Part 2)

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." -- 1 John 2:1-2

I am writing to brothers (and some sisters) who have struggled with guilt for sins that they have committed in the past. Many of us have confessed our sin (1 John 1:9), the sins that Christ died for and paid for with His blood, and yet he hold on to the guilt. I have met people who are still holding on to sin that they committed 5, 10, 25 years ago.

I shared with you that I just read a powerful book by Dr. Jerry Bridges (The Bookends of the Christian Life ... Crossway Publishers). In this book he shares from the writings of a 17th century Puritan, Thomas Wilcox about how to deal with persistent guilt:

* Shift your focus away from your sin and onto Christ: don't persist in looking upon sin; look upon Christ instead, and don't look away from him for a moment. When we see OUR guilt, if we don't see CHRIST in the scene, away with it! In all our storms of conscience, we must look at CHRIST continually and exclusively.

* Shift your focus to Christ, our mediator. If we're so discouraged we cannot pray, then we must see CHRIST praying for us (Romans 8:34), using His influence with the Father on our behalf. What better news could we ever want than to know JESUS CHRIST -- the Son of God, co-creator of the universe -- is addressing the Father on our behalf?

* Shift your focus to Christ crucified, risen, and ascended. When guilt persists, remember where JESUS is and he's been. He has been upon the cross, where he spoiled all that can ruin us. He's now upon the throne of heaven, as our advocate and mediator. His state in glory doesn't make him neglectful or scornful of the guilty sinners he died to redeem. He has the same heart now in heaven as he had upon the cross.

I will share more tomorrow on this topic. Remember the words to Horatio Spafford's hymn, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL?

My sin, Oh the bless of glorious soul,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it NO MORE!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.

Are you weighed down from guilt of past sins? Get down on your knees, and go to the cross. Preach the Gospel to yourself, and thank Him that HE TOOK YOUR SIN and YOU BEAR IT NO MORE! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 7: 1 Samuel 7-9; Luke 9:18-36

Great Quote: Do little things as though they were great, because of the majesty of Jesus Christ who does them in us, and who lives our life: and do the greatest things as though they were little and easy, because of His omnipotence. Blaise Pascal

Check out this week's STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT from George. It will encourage your heart:

Monday, April 06, 2009

More on Preaching the Gospel to Yourself

More on Preaching the Gospel to Yourself

"In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit ..." Ephesians 1:3

I am still learning about the concept of preaching the gospel to myself daily. It is a fascinating journey and one that I pray you will go on with me. The gospel is certainly at the core of the events that we will celebrate this week as we reflect on Christ's death on the cross, his burial, and his glorious resurrection.

Dr. Jerry Bridges reminded me in his new book, The Bookends of the Christian Life (Crossway) the gospel is for sinners. Are you a sinner? Do you do battle with sin in your life? Then the gospel is for YOU. On his deathbed at age 82, John Newtown, the composer of Amazing Grace, declared, "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner and that Christ is a great Savior!"

Dr. Bridges suggests that we consider the promises of God as we preach the gospel daily to ourselves. Here is his suggested pattern:

Every Day: God, be merciful to me, the sinner! (Like 18:13 NASB)

Sunday: But he was wounded for MY transgressions of _____________; he was crushed for MY iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought ME peace, and with His stripes I am healed. Like a sheep, I have gone astray; I have turned to my own way; and the Lord has laid on Him MY iniquity. (Isaiah 53:5-6)

Monday: He will again have compassion on ME; he will tread MY iniquities of ____________ under foot. You will cast MY sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19)

Tuesday: Blessed am I, whose lawless deeds of ________________ are forgiven, and MY sins are covered; blessed am I against whom the Lord will not count MY sin. (Romans 4:7-8)

Wednesday: There is therefore now no condemnation for _____________ for me, as one who is in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)

Thursday: And I, who was dead in MY trespasses of ____________________ and the uncircumcision of MY flesh, having forgiven ME ALL MY transgressions, by cancelling the record of debt that stood against ME with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. (Colossians 2:13-14)

Friday: As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove MY transgressions of _______________ from ME. (Psalm 103:12)

Saturday: Though MY sins of _______________ are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (Isaiah 1:18

Every day: Christ's work for ME is finished! (John 19:30)

Start today -- preach the Gospel to yourself. Will you join me? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK and a "gospel-learner!"

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6; 1 Samuel 4-6; Luke 9:1-17

Great Quote: When Christ entered into Jerusalem the people spread garments in the way: when He enters into our hearts, we pull off our own righteousness,and not only lay it under Christ's feet but even trample upon it ourselves. Augustus Toplady

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Palm Sunday

"And those who went before and those who were followed shouted, "Blessed is he who comes in he name of the Lord ..." Mark 11:9

Did you ever wish that you had been
With the crowd that Palm Sunday morn
When people shouted their “Hosannas”
And no one was forlorn?

To see Jesus coming to Jerusalem
Upon a borrowed Jenny
If He then had some enemies,
They surly were not many.

No one tried to stop him
As He threw the merchants out.
The only negative thing that was said
Was when the children began to shout.

Yet in four short days it seems
His popularity was all gone.
They held his trial so early
He was condemned just before dawn.

Now when you are tempted to fear people
Or to value what they think or say,
Remember how soon they can change
All in a single day.

Trust the one who changes not
For He is a faithful friend,
And He is the only one
On whom you can depend.

He said we should not be ashamed
Even if we have to stand alone,
Then He will not be ashamed of us
When we stand before God’s throne. George H. VanSandt 3/23/97

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 5; 1 Samuel 1-3; Luke 8:26-56

Great Quote: Praying gives sense, brings wisdom, and broadens and strengthens the mind. The prayer closet is a perfect schoolteacher and schoolhouse for the preacher. Thought is not only brightened and clarified in prayer, but thought is born in prayer. We can learn more in an hour praying, when praying indeed, than from many hours of rigorous study. Edward McKendree (E. M.) Bounds

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Joy is Paradoxical

Joy Is Paradoxical

"Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4

Someone once said, "Believers are weird." We are. We are a peculiar people -- God said so! Part of our uniqueness is that our lives are full of paradoxes that just don't make sense to the regular Joe.

Joy is one of those paradox's. Think about it ... despite the trials and testings we find ourselves facing, Christians have joy! Does that make logical sense? Not to someone who doesn't know the Lord.

How does someone in the midst of some of the most severe trials proclaim, "The joy of the Lord is my strength?" Have does someone stand at the graveside of a family member or friend and declare, "Despite the loss, it gives me great joy to know _____________ is at home with the Lord!"

How is it that despite the crazy times we are living in, we can declare -- "Consider it all joy ..." Christians arene't the weird ones (well ... ). The world just can't figure it out -- but apart from being IN CHRIST, you can't have joy in the midst of pain and suffering.

I don't know what you are facing, but my guess is that if you are really honest, you have experienced His peace, His comfort, and His joy. Revel in that joy today no matter what you are facing. Somehow He is going to use this for HIS glory and your good. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 4; Ruth 1-4; Luke 8:1-25

Great Quote: “We must remember that God will never drag us along the path of true-hearted discipleship. This would greatly lack the moral excellency which characterizes all the ways of God. He does not drag, but draws us along the path which leads to ineffable blessedness in Himself; and if we do see that it is for our real advantage to break through all the barriers of nature, in order to respond to Gods’ call, we forsake our own mercies. But alas! our hearts little enter into this. We begin to calculate about the sacrifices, the hindrances, and the difficulties, instead of bounding along the path, in eagerness of soul, as knowing and loving the One whose call has sounded in our ears”. C H Macintosh

Friday, April 03, 2009

No Condemnation

No Condemnation

"There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1

I've met them. You've met them. It might be you. Are you bogged down with unnecessary guilt because of sin that has already been paid for by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross?

Have you confessed that sin, claiming 1 John 1:9, but find yourself still stuck wondering if He really forgave you?

Here are some questions from Dr. Jerry Bridges book, The Bookends of the Christian Life, for you to ask yourself to determine if you are suffering from persistent guilt:

1. Am I painfully preoccupied with a habitual sin?
2. Am I discouraged or depressed by my failure to measure up?
3. Do I frequently experience anxiety that something's about to go wrong?
4. Does it appear God can use others but not me?
5. Is there something in my past that I just can't seem to get over?
6. Do I fear that my past will come back to haunt me?
7. Do my difficult circumstances seem like God's judgment for my sin?
8. Do I steer clear of intimate relationships or small group discussions?
9. When I sin, do I get a vague sense that somehow there'll be a price to pay?
10. Do I seldom think of the cross.

Dr. Bridges says that "persistent guild sometime incapacitates a believer ... We must go back to the cross -- only the life and death of Christ offers a legitimate path to freedom from a guilty conscience -- legitimate because it was a real, lived-in-the-flesh, finished righteousness, applies to us FOREVER."

Charles Wesley penned these words in his powerful hymn, AND CAN IT BE?

Jesus, and all in Him is mine;
Alive in Him, my living head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach the eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.

Amazing love! how can it be!
That thou my God, shouldst die for me?

Rejoice today that IN CHRIST there is NO CONDEMNATION! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 3: Judges 19-21; Luke 7:31-50

Great quote: Never put a question mark where God puts a period. Lyle Petty

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Let Go Of Anxiety

Let Go of Anxiety

" ... let not your heart faint. Do not fear or panic or be in dread of them, for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the VICTORY." Deuteronomy 20:3b,4

We have had an unusual January - March financially. The Lord has provided in amazing ways -- ways that boggle the mind. This week we have faced the first major crunch of the new year. I found myself yesterday starting to get anxious and uptight about the past due bills and payroll.

In my quiet time on Wednesday, the above verse appeared in the passage I was reading in my One Year Bibl (ESV). It jumped off the page -- LET NOT YOUR HEART FAINT -- DO NOT FEAR OR PANIC ...

The Lord KNEW that this is right where I (was) am! Praise God is the One who goes out to fight FOR me and will give me the VICTORY!

Listen to the words of Fenelon as he writes about letting go of our anxiety:

Let you anxiety flow away like a stream. What evidence you concoct for the imaginary situations! God permits you, despite your excellent sense, to be blind to what is right in front of you. You think you see clearly what does not exist at all! God will be glorified in your life if you yield to Him. Never make important decisions in a state of distress, as you just are not able to see clearly.

When you are calm and collected, you will find the will of God more clearly known. Turn toward devotion and simplicity. Listen to God and be deaf to yourself (I can sure talk to myself!). When you are in a place of calm and quiet rest, do all that you sense within your spirit.

To suppose you are level-headed when you are in the agony of distress is to set yourself up to make a mistake. Any experienced counselor will tell you not to make decisions until you regain your peace and re-enter inward prayer. NEVER trust yourself when you are suffering greatly because your nature is so unreasonable and upset.

You say that I am trying to prevent you from doing what you should. God forbid! I do not want to encourage you or stop you. I only want you to please God. It is a s clear as day that you will fail to do what GOD want if you act when your old nature is feeling deeply wounded to the point of despair. Would you do something only to make yourself happy even it if went against God's will? God forbid!

Wait until you are not feeling so hurt, fearful or sad. Be open to every alternative that God might suggest. Sacrifice everything for His sake. -- The Seeking Heart -- by Fenelon

Not bad advice from a man who lived over 400+ years ago! I needed to hear this. What about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 2; Judges 16-18; Luke 7:1-30

Great Quote: If you serve others for the reward of gaining their admiration and gratitude, then your reward will be fleeting and ultimately dissatisfying. If you serve others for the reward of bringing pleasure to your Father God's heart as you work side by side with him, then you will gain eternal rewards. Anonymous

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

My Redeemer is Faithful and True (Part 2)

My Redeemer is Faithful and True (Part 2)

First of all, I apologize that we are having so much trouble with the Freedom Fighter emails. Please be assured that we are still writing them daily. I would encourage you to check the blog or read them off my page of Facebook.

Today I received word that my dear friend and brother in Christ, Bobby Michaels, went home to be with Jesus while being prepped for his open heart surgery. His heart stopped prior to the procedure and they worked on him for 45 minutes.

Watching Bobby, Lee, Jeff and Rachel go through this experience has been a painful reminder of what we experienced during Lindsay's illness and homegoing this time last year. In fact next weekend is the one year anniversary of her first open heart surgery.

Grief is not easily understood. We have learned so much this year about the grieving process. We have experienced the waves and rolls of grief, and by God's grace, He has seen us through. We've had people "try" to give us all kinds of advice -- people who think we are grieving too much, too publicly, not grieving enough to not grieving enough publicly. People have told us that we should be past the crying and be moving on in the process.

We have learned that grief was experienced by Jesus -- the Son of God. He cried when His best friend, Lazarus died. We have learned that tears are often the means that God uses to provide comfort -- His comfort. In fact, He said, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."

We have learned the sometimes the best way to encourage someone who has lost a loved one is to simply shut up and just let the person know, "Hey, I don't know what to say -- but I can pray for you." Sometimes just a hug, a card, and email saying, "We care ..." can mean so much.

We have also been blessed to still hear stories of how Lindsay's life is still touching people's lives. Her blog is now over 65,000 hits. Just this past weekend, one of Laura's friends was baptised. In her testimony she shared that she received Christ because of what she learned as Laura and Jon went through with Lindsay. Lindsay's sickness had such an impact on her life.

Bobby touched hundreds of thousands of lives. The final chapter of the influence of his life has yet to be written. Only eternity will reveal the impact of his life and testimony.

Lee, Rachel and Jeff -- we love you and pray for you. Thanks for sharing Bobby with countless millions around the world. Thank you for allowing Bobby to share JESUS with millions of people globally. May you experience God's peace, and know in your heart of hearts that YOUR Redeemer ... is Faithful and True.

If you'd like to encourage Lee and the kids, respond to this email and we will forward it to them. Thanks to our FF family for praying for the family. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 1; Judges 13-15; Luke 6:27-29

Great Quote: Sin hath the devil for its father, shame for its companion, and death for its wages. Thomas Watson