Monday, April 20, 2009

Restore Gently

Restore Gently

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Galatians 6:1

I've been around the block long enough to know now that I need to be very careful it comes to dealing with a brother who is in the midst of a struggle. Most times, it is very easy to very critical and judge someone before looking at the facts, or as Proverbs suggests, "checking out a matter," as well as making sure that I don't have a "log jam" in my own eye/heart.

Years ago I was on the Board of a local church where the Senior Pastor went through a very painful three years of separation from a wife who left him. For three years I watched this faithful servant of the Lord preach through his pain and suffering, and under his ministry the church was growing. He was preaching a series from the life of Joseph. What made the series come alive, was he was living through it.

During the time of separation, the Board was working through what to do if his divorce was finalized. Could a divorced man serve as the pastor of a local church. He was convinced in his heart that he couldn't, but the men loved him and wanted to see if there was any other way.

We were in the midst of a very tearful meeting thinking that his divorce was six months away. Little did we know that his papers would be delivered that night. What broke my heart was that once the papers arrived, the love and support for the pastor went right out the window. All of a sudden he was no longer fit to pastor the church because the divorce notice would be in the paper, and the men were concerned about what the neighbors might think.

Needless to say, it was a very sad ending to a very fruitful time of ministry. The interesting thing was that several years later, a number of those men had family members who went through painful divorces several years later, and then ended up having to go back and ask this pastor for his forgiveness.

Serving at America's KESWICK has taught me a valuable lesson: I am one heart beat away from blowing it myself but by the grace of God. Every time I find myself judging another brother, it comes back to bite me.

Now I am not suggesting that we never are to take a stand when it comes to dealing with a brother living in sin. What I am suggesting is that there is a biblical process that leads to repentance and reconciliation. Too often we take the path of wiping our hands clean of the painful part of the process. The principles of Matthew 18, when exercised biblically, are designed to bring brother full circle. Painful? Yes. Worth it? You bet it is!

I want to encourage you today to read through Galatians 6. Do you have someone in your life that is walking off the track? Prayerfully consider what God's way is for restoration. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 20; 2 Samuel 9-11; Luke 15:11-32

Great Quote: Be patient till your wings are grown. I fear very much that you are too vehement and headlong in your wishes and attempts to fly. You see the beauty of spiritual light and good resolutions; you fancy that you have almost attained, and your ardor is redoubled; you rush forward, but in vain, for your master has chained you to your perch, or else it is that your wings are not grown; and this constant excitement exhausts your strength.(continued tomorrow)Francis de Sales

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