Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who Is the Lord of Your Life?

Who Is the Lord of Your Life?

One of America's great preachers was Dr. A. W. Tozer. He answers the question, "Who Is the Lord of Your Life?" in his powerful book, Keys to the Deeper Life ...

When we come to the question of our own relationship with God through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to one of those areas which in a supreme degree is truly a matter of life and death.

This is so desperately a matter of importance for every human being who comes in the world that I first become indignant, and then I become sad, when I try to give spiritual counsel to a person who looks me in the eye and tells me: "Well, I'm trying to make up my mind if I should accept Christ or not."

Such a person gives absolutely no indication that he realizes that he is talking about the most important decision he can make in his lifetime -- a decision to get right with God, to believe in the eternal Son, the Savior, to become a disciple, and obedient witness to Jesus Christ as Lord.

How can any man or woman, lost or undone, sinful and wretched, alienated from God, stand there and intimate that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and God's revealed plan of salvation do not take priority over some of life's other decisions?

We know about His Divine Person, we know that He is the Lamb of God Who suffered and died in our place. We know all about His credentials. Yet we stand outside on the steps like some poor timid fellow who is hoping he can find a job.

We look Him over, then read a few more devotional verses, and ask: "What do you think? Do you think we ought to accept Him? I really wonder if we should accept Him?

My friend, look: doesn't that proud human know that the Christ he is putting off is the Christ of God, the eternal Son Who holds the world in His hands? Why this One Who patiently waits for our human judgment is the One Who holds the stars in His hands. He is the Savior and Lord and head over all things to the church. It will be at His word that the graves shall give us their dead, and the dead shall come forth, alive forevermore. At His word, the first shall burst loose and burn up the earth and the heavens and the stars and the planets shall be swept away like a garment. HE IS THE ONE; the MIGHTY ONE! Is He the Lord of YOUR life?

My Freedom Fighter friend ... is He the Lord of YOUR life today? If not, respond to this email. I'd love to send you a little booklet to help you come to that place of accepting HIM as YOUR personal Lord and Savior. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 21; 2 Samuel 12-13; Luke 16

Great Quote: We should not interpret Scripture in the light of our experiences, but we should examine our experiences in the light of the teaching of Scripture. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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