Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Hero in Heaven

Another Hero In Heaven

99% of you have no clue who this man is ... but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to say something about my dear friend and adopted Uncle Guy Wanner.

Growing up in Fellowship Church in Philadelphia, we were a part of a big family. While m biological family was relatively small, my church family was huge. We had numerous adopted Aunts and Uncles, as well as a special lady we called Grandmom Geissler.

Grandmom was an amazing prayer warrior. She was on her knees most of the day praying for all of her "kids" and hundreds of missionaries around the world. In her bedroom was a world map, and everyday she worked her way around globe interceding for missionaries.

One of those missionaries was her daughter, Betty, an unbelievable missionary nurse who served for over 30 years in India. Aunt Betty came home to care for her dear Mother until she went to be with Jesus. After Grandmom was home with Jesus, Aunt Betty picked up the mantel to be a prayer partner and intercessor.

One of her supporting couples were from Lancaster County. They were farmers, but they loved Jesus and His work. Guy had the most incredible hands. They were large and knotty -- well used and very strong. His dear wife was very ill, and while she was dying, she told Uncle Guy that he should marry their friend Betty.

These two fell in love ... I mean fell in love. They acted like two teenagers in love even though God blessed them with just 20 years of marriage. Together they have served at Christian camps as volunteers, have taken several short-term missions trips, and most recently, Uncle Guy, a gifted carpenter, began making cross puzzles that have become his evangelistic outreach. Thousands of his masterpieces have been distributed around the world.

This dear couple have been praying for our family very diligently for many years. On April 15th, Aunt Betty and Uncle Guy celebrated 20 years of marriage. Aunt Betty shared with me on Monday night that while they were in bed, she started giving him 20 kisses -- one for every year of their marriage ... by the way -- Guy is 81 and Betty 83!!!

On Thursday, April 16th, Uncle Guy went down to his workshop to make more cross puzzles. Shortly after going to the basement, he had a massive heart attack, and by the end of the day he was with the Lord!

This humble man reached more people than he ever realized. Only eternity will reveal the lives that were touched because of his faithful witness. He is one of my heroes ... another one who has joined "the great cloud of witnesses" in heaven. Uncle Guy -- we love you and thank you for the legacy of your life. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 22; 2 Samuel 14-15; Luke 17:1-19

Great Quote: There are those who can venture far into the world and yet everywhere be true to their Saviour; they are known as Christians wherever they appear, and people respect their position; they would not go anywhere if they knew that their mouths were to be stopped on the subjects lying nearest their hearts; the energy of Christ in them is so glowing and victorious a force that they mould the society in which they are, instead of being moulded by it. James Stalker

Check out another great Stewardship Insight from George.

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