Monday, April 27, 2009

What Happened in 1974?

What Happened in 1974?

"He gives to all life, breath, and all things. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works." Acts 17:25; Psalm 145:9

Do you know where you where in 1974? There were quite a few significant events in 1974:
The first Altair 8800 personal computer went on sale
The Symbionese Liberation Army demands $4 million dollars for the release of kidnapped Patty Hearst

The first edition of People magazine was published

NASA's Mariner 10 becomes the first space probe to fly by Mercury

The Watergate Scandal begins
President Richard Nixon resigns as President and Gerald Ford becomes the 38th President of the United States
For us, another significant event took place -- on April 27th, 35 years ago, Jan and I were married at the Olney Baptist Church in Philadelphia. I married my childhood friend, and today we are still best friends.
Over the course of 35 years, we have experienced so many blessings and have seen God at work in our lives. God has blessed us with four fantastic kids, two wonderful son--in-laws and daughter-in-law (who is wonderful too ...), and last but not least, five amazing grandkids: and one on the way: Tanner, Lindsay, Emma, Sam, and Ethan.
We have been blessed be mentored by some pretty amazing couples who have loved and supported us over the years: Lee and Butch Augustin, Barry and Lillian Morgan, Neil and Mary Esther Fichthorn, Alan and Joyce Maitha ... just to name a few.
But we couldn't help think of our special friends, Janice and Steve Deichert. We had the privilege of serving with Janice and Steve at Sandy Cove. It was a pretty funny moment one day while we were sitting around the table. Steve mentioned something about their honeymoon, and low and behold we discovered we were married on the same day. In fact, we found out that not only did we get married on the same day, we stayed at the same resort -- we were two cottages away from each other!
Steve went to heaven this year! Janice, we love you and we will be praying for you! We know today will be a tough day for you. Thanks for sharing our special day with us.
So where were you in 1974? Jan, I love you with all my heart! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 27; 1 Kings 1-2; Luke 19:28-48
Great Quote: The self-sins...dwell too deep within us and are too much a part of our natures to come to our attention till the light of God is focused upon them. The grosser manifestations of these sins - egotism, exhibitionism, self-promotion - are strangely tolerated in Christian leaders, even in circles of impeccable orthodoxy. They are so much in evidence as actually, for many people, to become identified with the gospel. I trust it is not a cynical observation to say that they appear these days to be a requisite for popularity in some sections of the Church visible. Promoting self under the guise of promoting Christ is currently so common as to excite little notice. A. W. Tozer

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