Wednesday, April 01, 2009

My Redeemer is Faithful and True (Part 2)

My Redeemer is Faithful and True (Part 2)

First of all, I apologize that we are having so much trouble with the Freedom Fighter emails. Please be assured that we are still writing them daily. I would encourage you to check the blog or read them off my page of Facebook.

Today I received word that my dear friend and brother in Christ, Bobby Michaels, went home to be with Jesus while being prepped for his open heart surgery. His heart stopped prior to the procedure and they worked on him for 45 minutes.

Watching Bobby, Lee, Jeff and Rachel go through this experience has been a painful reminder of what we experienced during Lindsay's illness and homegoing this time last year. In fact next weekend is the one year anniversary of her first open heart surgery.

Grief is not easily understood. We have learned so much this year about the grieving process. We have experienced the waves and rolls of grief, and by God's grace, He has seen us through. We've had people "try" to give us all kinds of advice -- people who think we are grieving too much, too publicly, not grieving enough to not grieving enough publicly. People have told us that we should be past the crying and be moving on in the process.

We have learned that grief was experienced by Jesus -- the Son of God. He cried when His best friend, Lazarus died. We have learned that tears are often the means that God uses to provide comfort -- His comfort. In fact, He said, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."

We have learned the sometimes the best way to encourage someone who has lost a loved one is to simply shut up and just let the person know, "Hey, I don't know what to say -- but I can pray for you." Sometimes just a hug, a card, and email saying, "We care ..." can mean so much.

We have also been blessed to still hear stories of how Lindsay's life is still touching people's lives. Her blog is now over 65,000 hits. Just this past weekend, one of Laura's friends was baptised. In her testimony she shared that she received Christ because of what she learned as Laura and Jon went through with Lindsay. Lindsay's sickness had such an impact on her life.

Bobby touched hundreds of thousands of lives. The final chapter of the influence of his life has yet to be written. Only eternity will reveal the impact of his life and testimony.

Lee, Rachel and Jeff -- we love you and pray for you. Thanks for sharing Bobby with countless millions around the world. Thank you for allowing Bobby to share JESUS with millions of people globally. May you experience God's peace, and know in your heart of hearts that YOUR Redeemer ... is Faithful and True.

If you'd like to encourage Lee and the kids, respond to this email and we will forward it to them. Thanks to our FF family for praying for the family. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 1; Judges 13-15; Luke 6:27-29

Great Quote: Sin hath the devil for its father, shame for its companion, and death for its wages. Thomas Watson

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