Thursday, April 02, 2009

Let Go Of Anxiety

Let Go of Anxiety

" ... let not your heart faint. Do not fear or panic or be in dread of them, for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the VICTORY." Deuteronomy 20:3b,4

We have had an unusual January - March financially. The Lord has provided in amazing ways -- ways that boggle the mind. This week we have faced the first major crunch of the new year. I found myself yesterday starting to get anxious and uptight about the past due bills and payroll.

In my quiet time on Wednesday, the above verse appeared in the passage I was reading in my One Year Bibl (ESV). It jumped off the page -- LET NOT YOUR HEART FAINT -- DO NOT FEAR OR PANIC ...

The Lord KNEW that this is right where I (was) am! Praise God is the One who goes out to fight FOR me and will give me the VICTORY!

Listen to the words of Fenelon as he writes about letting go of our anxiety:

Let you anxiety flow away like a stream. What evidence you concoct for the imaginary situations! God permits you, despite your excellent sense, to be blind to what is right in front of you. You think you see clearly what does not exist at all! God will be glorified in your life if you yield to Him. Never make important decisions in a state of distress, as you just are not able to see clearly.

When you are calm and collected, you will find the will of God more clearly known. Turn toward devotion and simplicity. Listen to God and be deaf to yourself (I can sure talk to myself!). When you are in a place of calm and quiet rest, do all that you sense within your spirit.

To suppose you are level-headed when you are in the agony of distress is to set yourself up to make a mistake. Any experienced counselor will tell you not to make decisions until you regain your peace and re-enter inward prayer. NEVER trust yourself when you are suffering greatly because your nature is so unreasonable and upset.

You say that I am trying to prevent you from doing what you should. God forbid! I do not want to encourage you or stop you. I only want you to please God. It is a s clear as day that you will fail to do what GOD want if you act when your old nature is feeling deeply wounded to the point of despair. Would you do something only to make yourself happy even it if went against God's will? God forbid!

Wait until you are not feeling so hurt, fearful or sad. Be open to every alternative that God might suggest. Sacrifice everything for His sake. -- The Seeking Heart -- by Fenelon

Not bad advice from a man who lived over 400+ years ago! I needed to hear this. What about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 2; Judges 16-18; Luke 7:1-30

Great Quote: If you serve others for the reward of gaining their admiration and gratitude, then your reward will be fleeting and ultimately dissatisfying. If you serve others for the reward of bringing pleasure to your Father God's heart as you work side by side with him, then you will gain eternal rewards. Anonymous

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