Wednesday, April 15, 2009




"You will find no peace among those nations, and there will be no resting place for the sole of your foot. There the Lord will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and a despondent (apathetic) spirit." Deuteronomy 28:65

Apathy is one of those things that seems to be brewing and breeding. More and more people in our world who have so much and yet take so much for granted, seem to be despondent and apathetic.

Our kids have so much stuff -- they get more and more, and the more they get the less happy and excited they are. We hear kids saying, "I'm bored," after a party, skateboarding, or a fun activity that they wanted to do.

Dr. Archibald Hart suggests that we a "thrilled to death" and have been so caught up in ourselves and always want to please ourselves, that we are becoming people who are apathetic in many areas of our lives.

How can you tell if you are apathetic?

* It feels like someone has pulled the plug and all your power has been shut off. You move as if it would take a bulldozer to shift you.

* Other people laugh while you grimace at what gives them amusement.

* Days are long, and you're thankful when you finally get to fall into an unmade bed. But getting up can be hell all over again.

Apathy is an I DON'T CARE feeling. You have no interest in what USED to give you great joy. You can't get as much done each day as before. You eschew new experiences and avoid anything that takes a little effort to accomplish. And you can't even get excited when something really good comes along. Apathetic people are indifferent and spiritless as they shuffle through their chaotic lives, not caring that they don't care.

Is your apathy out of control? Here are some warning signs:

* You are no longer interested in activities you used to enjoy.
* You are neglecting your personal care and grooming.
* Someone else has to tell you to do things you used to do yourself.
* You no longer wants to get together with friends, as it is too much trouble.
* You prefer to stay in your pajamas all day.
* When something really good happens, you cannot get excited.
* You are less concerned about your personal problems than you used to be.
* You no longer care what happens to you, or if you live or die.
* You cannot complete anything you start doing anymore.

If you are there, then I want to suggest that you make an appointment and talk to your pastor or biblical Christian counselor who will walk you through steps to turning this around. Don't try and fight this on your own. Own up to it get help! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 15; 1 Samuel 27-29; Luke 13:1-22

Great Quote: Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness the outpouring of each other's hearts in prayer. Charles G. Finney

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