Saturday, April 18, 2009

Called By His Name

Called By His Name

“…all the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord.”
Deuteronomy 28:10

These words were spoken by Moses to Israel in preparation for their entrance into the land of promise. Assurance was given them that they would strike fear in the hearts of the residents of the land because they were called by the name of the Lord. His name was the source of authority for possessing the land. It was also the guarantee of sufficiency and enablement to meet the opposition that lay head.

Just as Moses spoke this message during his final days as leader of Israel, so Jesus when He was about to leave His disciples prayed that they might be kept in the name of the Father (John 17:11). Being called by His name provided security for the disciples in a world of people rebellious against God. The security was not in terms of immunity from rejection and persecution but of being kept in the Father’s hand.

Another significance of being called by His name is in the area of identity. In other words, it means that God was identifying Himself with His people Israel. They were to be recognized as God’s own people. He would be among them, leading them, and fighting for them.

For many of us, it is an honor to be called by the name of our earthly father. There is a degree of prestige in some cases and a healthy form of pride. We attempt to live up to that name and do not want to bring shame and disgrace upon it. Being called by our heavenly Father’s name calls for a holy life – free from compromise and sin. Just as His people Israel, being called by His name, carried authority over the enemy, sufficiency to meet life’s challenges, and security from the attacks of the enemy, so believers today can experience these benefits through being called by His name. Pastor Bill Raws was the grandson of the founder of America's KESWICK and served for more than 55 years in various capacities. He went home to be with the Lord in July of 2008

God's WORD for Today: Proverbs 18; 2 Samuel 3-5; Luke 14:25-35

Great Quote: Passive faith but praises in the light, When sun doth shine. Active faith will praise in darkest night - Which faith is thine?Anonymous

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