Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An Hour at A Time

An Hour at a Time

I am on vacation this week and having a blast playing in my yard/garden. It is very therapeutic for me ... I guess I can join a support group now.

One of my favorite authors is Dr. Warren Wiersbe. In his book, God Isn't In a Hurry -- Learning to Slow Down, Dr. Wiersbe addresses ways to make practical use of our time and get more done for the kingdom.

Here are his suggestions:

1. Start your day with the Lord. We have talked about this numerous times. We don't have a quiet time to be legalistic or to check it off on our to-do list. We start the day with the Lord because we desire His fellowship.

2. Plan your day. Admittedly I am a list-maker. I have tried all sorts of systems, but I have found a simple list works best for me. Every evening I update my to-do list on the computer. I created a Word document that I use and have it color-coordinated for priorities.

3. Take "blessing" breaks. Dr. Wiersbe says a blessing break is "a brief time of praise and prayer for the purpose of quieting the heart and getting new guidance and strength from the Lord. We especially need them when we feel nervous or frustrated or when we feel ourselves getting irritable. Take a few minutes and focus on Christ, remembering His love, quote a promise and, by faith, receive the grace needed for that hour."

4. Trying to keep margins in your life. He says, "Practicing brinkmanship will only make you nervous and worried; and when you are in that condition, you cannot do your best. When your life lacks breathing space, then everything that happens is an emergency.

5. Live to please God and fulfil His purposes for you. "When duty becomes delight, you are always more efficient. Drudgery is opportunity with the heart taken out of it." Some of us spin our wheels because we live to please people rather than God.

6. Learn to relax and enjoy leisure time. I am trying to learn this. I grew up in a home where you had to be busy, busy, busy. Unlearning this is very difficult, but necessary.

So there you have ... how are you living your life today? Good stuff to think about. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; 1 Kings 6-7; Luke 20:27-47

Great Quote: This is the secret of joy. We shall no longer strive for our own way; but commit ourselves, easily and simply, to God's way, acquiesce in His will, and in so doing find our peace. Evelyn Underhill

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