Saturday, September 29, 2007



I first met John Davidson in October 1987. He served as Vice-President of what was then Columbia Bible College and Seminary. We met in Chicago while he was attending a conference. He had made arrangements with to meet me and have a preliminary interview for a position at the college. I've now known him for almost twenty years; he's a very good friend and brother in Christ.

As with all the people I've written about this month, John influenced-and still influences-my life in godly ways. He has proved himself a faithful servant of Jesus Christ in many ways. He's got a strong marriage. He has served in the same church (which he helped start) for more than twenty-five years. He continues to manage resources for several Christian organizations, and he does that with integrity. He's been a role model for me in all those areas during the length of our friendship.

But his influence has been most significant in another way. I've always been a "shoot-from-the-lip" kind of guy. It's led me into trouble throughout my life. John Davidson showed me I didn't have to be like that. I can't tell you that I've learned the lesson perfectly, but it still informs my life after being away from John's daily influence for more than fifteen years.

I was sitting in his office one day. We were talking about a situation he was facing with one of the men who reported to him. I was involved in the situation because of my position, but I wasn't part of the problem. John was frustrated with the other person and with the situation. He was about to say something critical about the person, but he stopped in mid-sentence. He put his hand to his mouth, stopped what he was saying and then looked at me. He said to me "I don't need to say what I was about to say." I'll never forget it.

He showed that same kind of spirit-driven self-control through the four plus years I worked for him. I've heard the same kind of discipline through the last fifteen years as we talk regularly. He refuses to engage in idle, critical or self-serving talk. I need men like that in my life. God is gracious us to us as we travel the path to victory by placing in our road the men and women who can influence us for godliness. He even gives us men and women who can show us how to guard our tongues.

"Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps is soul from trouble." (Proverbs 21:23) I'm grateful that John Davidson has taught me how to do that. (Pastor John Strain - First Baptist Toms River)

Great Quote: Christ is a person so dear to the Father, that those who are in Christ need not be at all jealous of being accepted upon his account. If Christ is accepted they must of consequence be accepted, for they are in Christ, as members, as parts, as the same. They are the body of Christ, his flesh and his bones. They that are in Christ Jesus, are one spirit; and therefore, if God loves Christ Jesus, he must of necessity accept of those that are in him, and that are of him. But Christ is a person exceedingly dear to the Father, the Father's love to the Son is really infinite. God necessarily loves the Son; God could as soon cease to be, as cease to love the Son. He is God's elect, in whom his soul delighteth; he is his beloved Son, in whom he is ell pleased; he loved him before the foundation of the world, and had infinite delight in him from all eternity. Jonathan Edwards

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Marks of a Faithful Church


"My struggle is that their hearts may be encouraged, that they may be united together in love, that they may come to all the wealth of the assured ability to take the right decision in any situation, to the knowledge that the truth which only God's own may know, I mean of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this so no one may lead you into error by false reasoning with persuasive arguments. For, even if I am absent from you in the body, I am with you in spirit, happy when I see you maintaining your ranks and the solid bulwark of your faith in Christ. So, then, as you have received Christ, Jesus the Lord, live your life in Him. Continue to remain firmly rooted, and go on being built up in Him. Continue to be established more and more firmly in the faith, as you were taught it, and to overflow with thanksgiving." Colossians 2:2-7

Dr. William Barclay, gives eight marks of a faithful church that I share for your consideration from the above text. In light of all that is going on in the church, particularly my concern with the emerging church, these are powerful:

1. The church should be one with COURAGEOUS hearts!

2. It should be a church in which the members are knit together in love.

3. It should be a church equipped with every kind of wisdom.

4. The true church must have the power to resist seductive teaching.

5. The true church should have in it a soldier's discipline.

6. In the true church life must be IN CHRIST!

7. The true church holds fast to the faith which it has received.

8. The distinguishing mark of the true church is an abounding and overflowing gratitude.

Wow ... that is sure a list worth considering. This is a text that preaches! Good truth to consider today!

Great quote: "Blessings at times come to us through our labors and at times without our labors, but never because of our labors.. For God always gives them because of His undeserved mercy." Martin Luther

Thursday, September 27, 2007

What to Renounce


"We have renounced the hidden things of shame ..." 2 Corinthians 4:2

This is one of those "hit-between-the-eye-ball" words from Oswald Chambers ...

"Have you RENOUNCED the hidden things of shame in your life - the things that your sense of honor or pride will not allow to come into the light? You can easily hide them. Is there a thought in your heart about anyone that you would not like to be brought into the light? Then renounce it as soon as it comes to mind - renounce everything in its entirety until there is no hidden dishonesty or craftiness about you at all. Envy, jealousy, and strife don't necessarily arise from your old nature of sin, but from the flesh which was used for these kinds of things in the past (See Romans 6:19 and 1 Peter 4:1-3) You must maintain continual watchfulness so that nothing arises in your life that would cause you shame.

" ... not walking in craftiness ...' (2 Corinthians 4:2) This means not resorting to something simply to make your own point. This is a terrible trap. You know that God will only allow you to work in one way - the way of truth. Then be careful never to catch people through the other way - the way of deceit. If you act deceitfully, God's blight and ruin will be upon you. What may be craftiness for you, may not be for others - God has called you to a higher standard.

Never dull your sense of being your utmost for His highest - your best for HIS glory. For you, doing certain things would mean craftiness coming into your life for a purpose other than what is the highest and best, and it would dull the motivation that God has given you. Many people have turned back because they are afraid to look at things from God's perspective. The greatest spiritual crisis comes when a person has to move a little farther on in his faith then the beliefs he has already accepted." From MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST

This is a good one to think through brothers.

Great quote: The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender. William Booth

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Abiding in Christ

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

“I used to think there was a mystery about abiding in Christ, but I see now that abiding only means trusting Him fully. When you understand this, it becomes the simplest matter in the world.

We sometimes say, speaking of two human beings, that they ‘live in each other’s hearts.’ By this we mean that perfect love and confidence exist between them and that doubt of one another are impossible. If my trust in the fortress of the Lord is absolute, I am abiding in that fortress.
The practical thing to do since God is our Fortress and our High Tower is to surrender by faith to put ourselves and all our interest into this divine dwelling place. Then we must dismiss all care or anxiety from our minds. Since the Lord is our dwelling place, nothing can possibly come to any harm that is committed to His care.

As long as we believe this, our affairs remain in His hands. The moment we begin to doubt, we take our affairs into our own hands, and they are no longer in the divine fortress. Things cannot be in two places at once. If they are in our own care, they cannot be in God’s care. And if they are in God’s care, the cannot be in our own.

This is as clear as daylight, and yet, for the lack of a little common sense, people often get mixed up over it. They put their affairs in God’s fortress, and at the same time put them into their own fortress as well. Either trust the Lord completely or else trust yourself completely; but do not try to mix the two trusts, for they will not mix.

It often helps to put your trust into words. Say aloud, ‘God is my dwelling place, and I am going to abide in Him forever. It is all settled; I am in this divine habitation, and I am safe here. I am not going to move out again.” – Hannah Whitall Smith

Good word for today. Are you abiding and trusting?

Great quote: Your sorrow itself shall be turned into joy. Not the sorrow to be taken away, and joy to be put in its place, but the very sorrow which now grieves you shall be turned into joy. God not only takes away the bitterness and gives sweetness in its place, but turns the bitterness into sweetness itself.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

110 Years Ago Today ...


"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold ALL things are new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

A significant event took place on this day over 110 years ago today which changed the course in history for thousands of men whose lives have been impacted by the ministry of the Colony of Mercy.

On September 25, 1897, William Raws, a converted alcoholic, joined by his family and several friends, gathered together at the old homestead of the original Giberson Saw Mill, and pooled together their resources which amounted to $1.87, thus beginning the ministry of the Colony of Mercy. 110 years later, the Colony of Mercy still ministers to men bound in life-dominating addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, tobacco and sexual issues. Thousands of men's lives have been transformed by God's amazing grace and have been set free!

While the buildings and personnel have changed over our 110-year history, the message has never changed! It isn't about reformation - it is all about TRANSFORMATION. William Raws believed that SIN was the root of all addiction and that Christ died so that men like him could be saved and enjoy a life of victory.

If you are reading today's FREEDOM FIGHTER and are bound in addiction, you too can be set free, my friend. Pick up the phone and call today for help. Our staff stand ready to assist you in finding the ONLY lasting answer to addiction - JESUS CHRIST!

Great quote: "God sees me," is the sweet solace of the true believer. He knows the way that I take, will make that rugged way seem smooth. If perils and distress so shake the heart that plenteous tears give evidence of suffering, these tears are marked on high, and tender compassion will wipe them all away. The day has not yet come when there shall be no more tears. But the day is always present when they awaken sympathy in the Redeemer's breast. He who wept on earth will soon wipe all tears away! Henry Law

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hospitality 101


"Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Romans 12:13

A number of years ago I read a fascinating book on upcoming trends in our world. The book was entitled THE POPCORN REPORT by Faith Popcorn, and was a fascinating read on where she saw life in our world in the next several decades. One of the trends that she wrote about was the subject of "Cocooning."

In her report she projected that people would be building large homes that would be multiple-family dwellings equipped with large entertainment centers where the nuclear family could be connected to the world without really having to leave the confines of their homes. Rather than go to restaurants, food would be delivered right to the door. Instead of getting to know your neighbors, your family would be your circle of influence. Popcorn predicted that young couples would return to live with their parents because of financial limitations, thus ending the period of the "empty-nest" syndrome.

Hospitality like customer service, has become a lost art. Our world which is now connected globally, enable us to cocoon, and still be able to enjoy the world through virtual reality without ever connecting with people.

God did not create us to live in isolation. He created us first of all to enjoy and delight in our fellowship with HIM, but also to enjoy being around like-minded brothers and sisters who love the Lord just like we do.

This past weekend we visited two special friends from America's KESWICK.
Tom and Connie have been inviting to come stay with them and enjoy their favorite city, Washington, DC. We finally took them up on their offer, and what a great weekend we had of seeing the city, but more importantly, sitting around their living room and dining room table breaking bread and talking about the goodness of God. It was down-right cool!

They demonstrated to us real hospitality. And what is cool is that they have made their home available to provide care for Tom's Mom and their daughter and two grandchildren. They have demonstrated with the example of their lives "biblical hospitality." We left their home yesterday refreshed and invigorated after a long summer of ministry.

Thanks, Tom and Connie, for demonstrating to us genuine hospitality. We love you!

Great quote: I have not a shadow of doubt that if all our eyes could be opened today, we should see our homes, and our places of business, and the streets we traverse, filled with the "chariots of God." There is no need for any one of us to walk for lack of chariots. That cross inmate of your household, who has hitherto made life a burden to you, and who has been the Juggernaut car to crush your soul into the dust, may henceforth be a glorious chariot to carry you to the heights of heavenly patience and long-suffering. That misunderstanding, that mortification, that unkindness, that disappointment, that loss, that defeat,--all these are chariots waiting to carry you to the very heights of victory you have so longed to reach. Mount into them, then, with thankful hearts, and lose sight of all second causes in the shining of His love who will carry you in His arms safely and triumphantly over it all.

Hannah Whitall Smith

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Who Are You Influencing?


Don Keller is with the Lord today. I first met him in 1975. He had just gone through a divorce he didn't want, and he was a single parent to two boys. Don had a wonderful heart for the Lord and for other people. He worked for Drakes Cakes for years; he was the resident junk food salesman in our church.

Shortly after I became the pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Magnolia, NJ, Don and his boys began attending the church and joined a few months later. The church owned an old school bus, and Don asked if he could try to build a bus route. The keys were in his pocket in short order.

Don went door to door every Saturday looking for people who might like to ride the bus to Bible School and church. He worked in the heat and the cold. He worked when the sun was shining and when it rained. He gave people his phone number and told them to call him if they needed anything. To a whole neighborhood he became "Uncle Don."

No one but the Lord knows how much money he spent from his own pocket in ministering to the families on the bus route. He never asked for reimbursement; it was just his ministry to the Lord. His sacrifices went unnoticed to most people since he refused to talk about them.

"Uncle Don" had one goal in all he did. He wanted to see children and their parents come to the Lord. He believed God could save anyone, and he wasn't shy about sharing his faith. People mattered enough that he had to share; he didn't think he had a choice.

I learned from Don's example. For almost eight years that I served that church, Don modeled faithfulness, humility and sacrifice. His gracious spirit shone through in all he did. In all his ministry, Don made a point of encouraging me anyway he could. He loved Jesus. He loved people. He loved me. Don is in Heaven today, but my life is richer for the years I got to serve God with him.

Someday I'll be in heaven. I pray that someone will sense the same benefit from my life that I sense from knowing and serving with Don Keller. Does your influence in the people around you draw them to Jesus? May God give you and me that kind of influence!

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who sins souls is wise. (Proverbs 11:30) (Pastor John Strain - First Baptist Toms River)

Great Quote: Words are also actions and actions are kind of words. -- Quotation from the Great Hall of the Library of Congress

The fall semester of the KESWICK INSTITUTE OF BIBLICAL STUDIES is about to begin. It's not too late to register. Check out information on our
website: Pastor John will be teaching a course on the book of Proverbs.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Encourage One Another

Scripture tells us much about how important we are to each other. We're called a body, a family, a community of faith. Various New Testament writers tell us that we're brothers and sisters in Christ. God clearly expects us to understand the importance of our relationships with other believers.

Over the last three weekends I've told you of several people who have made a real difference in my life by the way they lived their lives for Jesus. You probably know people like that, too. They're people you'll never forget. You don't want to forget them!

For each of the six people I've written about, I know ten or twenty more that have brought blessing to my life. I can't remember all their names, and I wish I could. They said something that encouraged me. They sent a card at just the right time to lift my spirits. Some of them just let me know they appreciated something I'd said or done as their pastor. The words they spoke are no longer remembered. The cards are long gone. The expressions of appreciation are forgotten.

Make no mistake, though. Those people, no longer remembered specifically, made a difference in my life at a specific time in my life. They chose to follow God's promptings, and He used them to bless my life. If I were to go back to some of those churches, memories would come to the surface. I would be able to thank them for their kind thoughtfulness.

All of us know people who can suck the life right out of us. We all know others who always seem to have a good word at just the right time. You and I can choose which kind of people we want to be. We know God's choice; He tells us in His Word. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up . . . ." (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Choose to be an encourager. Choose to be a blessing. (Pastor John Strain - Fist Baptist of Toms River

Great quote: How often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource! We go to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the desired haven. George Macdonald

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Duck and the Devil


This one was just too good to not share with you.

A little boy was visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods He practiced in the woods; but he could never hit the target.

Getting a little discouraged, he headed back home for dinner. As he was walking back, he saw Grandma's pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved! In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see his sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.

After lunch the next day Grandma said, "Sally, let's wash the dishes."
But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen." Then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?" So Johnny did the dishes.

Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing, and Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper." Sally just smiled and said, "Well that's all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help."

She whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help. After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's, he finally couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck.

Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you."

Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done. . .and the devil keeps throwing it up in your face . . . (lying, cheating, debt, fear, bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.) . . .
Whatever it is, you need to know that God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing. He has seen your whole life.

He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven. He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you. The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness, He not only forgives you, but He forgets.

It is by God's grace and mercy that we are saved. Go ahead and make the difference in someone's life today. When Jesus died on the cross; he was thinking of you!

I met someone yesterday that shared that their spouse has been struggling for years over God forgiving them for something that they had done over 70 years ago! He asked for God's forgiveness and has never "felt" it! Praise God that when He forgives He forgets and remembers no more. The late Corrie ten Boom said, "When we ask for God's forgiveness, He places our sins in the sea of forgetfulness and puts up a sign - NO MORE FISHING!"

Great Quote: One of the marks of spiritual maturity is the quiet confidence that God is in control - without the need to understand why He does what He does. Anonymous

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Spiritual Abandonment (Part 2)


Yesterday I shared Part 1 of a great devotional written by Jeanne Guyon on the topic of "Spiritual Abandonment." If you missed it, you can go to the blog and pick up yesterday's Freedom Fighter as well as past ones (

"The result of this attitude (spiritual abandonment) will, in fact, bring you to the most wonderful point imaginable. It is the point where you will break free completely and become free to be joined to the will of God! You will desire only what HE desires, that is, what He has desired for all eternity.

Become abandoned by simply resigning yourself to what the Lord wants, in all things, no matter what they are, where they come from, or how they will affect your life.

What is abandonment? It is forgetting your past; it is leaving your future in HIS hands; it is devoting the present fully and completely to the Lord. Abandonment is being satisfied with the present moment, no matter what that moment contains. You are satisfied because you KNOW that whatever that moment has, it contains - in that instant - God's eternal plan for you.

You will always know that that moment is the absolute and total declaration of His will for your life. Surrender not only what the Lord does to you, but surrender your reaction to what He does.

Do you wish to go into the depths of Jesus Christ? If you wish to enter into this deeper state of knowing the Lord, you must seek to know not only a deeper prayer life but also abandonment in all realms of your life. This means branching out until your new relationship includes living 24 hours a day utterly abandoned to Him. Begin to surrender yourself to be led by God and to be dealt with by Him. Do so right now. Surrender yourself to allow Him to do exactly as He pleases - both in your inward life of experiencing Him and also in your outward life of accepting all circumstances from Him.

Great quote: If I fear to hold another to the highest goal because it is so much easier to avoid doing so, then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Amy Carmichael

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Spiritual Abandonment (Part 1)


For the next two days I want to share a devotional from one of the classic devotional authors, Jeanne Guyon.

"Great faith produces great abandonment. What is abandonment? If we can understand what it is, perhaps we can better lay hold of it.

Abandonment is casting off all your cares. Abandonment is dropping all your needs. This includes spiritual needs. Let me repeat that, for it is not easily grasped. Abandonment is laying aside, forever, all of your spiritual needs.

All Christians have spiritual needs; but the believer who has abandoned himself to the Lord no longer indulges in the luxury of being aware of spiritual needs. Rather, he gives himself over completely to the disposal of God.

Do you realize that all Christians have been exhorted to abandonment? There must be abandonment in your life concerning all outward, practical things. Secondly, there must also be an abandonment of all inward, spiritual things. You must come to the Lord and there engage in giving up all your concerns. All your concerns go into the hand of God. You forget yourself, and from that moment on you think only of Him.

By continuing to do this over a long period of time, your heart will remain unattached; your heart will be free and at peace! So how do you practice abandonment? You practice it daily, hourly, and by the moment. Abandonment is practiced by continually losing your OWN will in the will of God; by plunging your will into the depths of HIS will, there to be lost forever!

And how do you begin? You must begin by reusing every personal desire that comes to you just as soon as it arises - no matter how good that personal desire is, and no matter how helpful it might appear! Abandonment must reach a point where you stand in complete indifference to yourself. You can sure that out of such a disposition a wonderful result will come." From Jeanne Guyon - HIS VICTORIOUS INDWELLING (Zondervan) (732-350-1187 ext. 31)

Great Quote: When trust is perfect and there is no doubt, prayer is simply the outstretched hand ready to receive. Trust perfected is prayer perfected. Trust looks to receive the thing asked for and gets it. Trust is not a belief that God can bless or that He will bless, but that He does bless, here and now. Trust always operates in the present tense. Hope looks toward the future. Trust looks to the present. Hope expects. Trust possesses. Trust receives what prayer acquires. So, what prayer needs, at all times, is abiding and abundant trust. E. M. Bounds

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prideful Feelings


Everyone of us struggles from time to time with the issue of pride. It comes in many packages, but we need to keep it in check. Listen to the words written by Fenelon, hundreds of years ago:

"Whenever you see prideful feelings in yourself, or you feel that you know more than anyone else, or care for no one but yourself, then you must let all these attitudes drop like rocks in water.

Seek God and stop everything until you are calm and yielded to God once again. If business matters or your overactive imagination keep you from being quiet before God, then you must still bring yourself before God and want to be still. Wanting to be still and quiet before God is itself a prayer which strips you of self-will, and keeps you flexible in God's hands.

Don't congratulate yourself when you take a few steps towards God. The minute you take a few steps toward God. The minute you are converted you think you know everything about God. You give up your major vices and are ready to be canonized as a saint. You are not judging yourself by the standard of the gospel, but by how you lived your past life.

In the long run this attitude will get you into more trouble than committing a blatant sin. A blatant sin would trouble your conscience. But thinking you are well, when you are really not, will stifle your spiritual life. Serving God is not just a matter of avoiding evil, but of learning good. So don't love God a little bit and think that is all there is to it. You can't expect to live life as you please, then go to God as a last resort when you need help.

To just read the Bible, attend church, and avoid 'big' sins - is this passionate, whole-hearted love for God? You don't belong to yourself - you belong to God! You can't soften the gospel to adapt it to your weakness. Woe to anyone who tries to widen the narrow way!

The only way to love God is to love Him completely. You have to let everything else rule you - your emotions, the whims of others, your way wayward desires. Plunge into God and give everything that you are to Him." The Seeking Heart - by Fenelon

Something to think about this morning. Are you struggling with prideful feelings? Surrender them completely to Him.

Great Quote: Those who say they will forgive but can't forget, simply bury the hatchet but leave the handle out for immediate use. Dwight L Moody

Monday, September 17, 2007



Finally, brethren, whatever is ...

* True

* Honorable

* Right

* Pure

* Lovely

* Good repute

* Excellence

* Worthy of praise

Let your mind dwell on THESE things. (Philippians 4:8)

For several days we have dissected this verse that Paul gives us for controlling the things that we allow our minds to dwell on. The last one in the list is to dwell on things that are worthy of praise. What are things that are worthy of praise? The word means "things to applaud; commendable things." When I think about this I think about the difference between one who sees the glass half-full vs. seeing the glass half-empty.

There's a sad story about a man in the hospital whose bed was positioned next to the window. He described in great detail to the man in the next bed the things that he saw: the trees, the birds, the fountain in the park. Children playing. People sitting on the lawn with their picnic lunches. It was a scene of great beauty.

The man in the next bed became very jealous and angry that his roommate had the view all to himself. This was not fair. During the night the man by the window became very ill and had difficulty breathing. Rather than call for help, the man in the bed near the door allowed the man to struggle. Shortly afterwards, the man by the window died.

After the nurses wheeled the dead man out of the room, the other patient begged to be placed by the window. He was so glad that now HE would get the best view. Now in place, he leaned up to look out the window only to discover a brick wall.

The other man had filled his mind with things worthy of praise. Instead of "Stinkin-thinking," as Zig Ziglar calls it - he allowed his mind to dwell on things that were worthy of praise.

Some of us get stuck in life because we allow our minds to dwell on things that are not even real. We conjure up in our minds what people are thinking about us or we allow our minds to read into situations that are unreal or not based on fact or truth. Rather than enjoying life as God intended it to be - we have a "brick-wall" view of life.

Will you purpose to commit this verse to memory? When you are tempted to think the opposite of the eight things on Paul's list - take those thoughts captive on dwell on these things!

Great quote: We are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly, gentleman's discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ. Francis A. Schaeffer

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Effectual Prayer

Nothing seemed all that different as we entered the auditorium for chapel. It was my first year of Bible College, the first semester. We sang a song, and a thousand Bible college students can sing well. Then our president called on one of the professors to lead an opening prayer.

Dr. Peter Connolly, an elderly man who became a Christian in Ireland when just a young man, stepped to the microphone. I'd heard him pray at the beginning of class, but this seemed different. He was passionate, eloquent but subdued. His prayer continued with a growing sense of awe spreading through the auditorium. No one moved. No one coughed. All of us sensed we were experiencing something special. I don't know if any of us had ever heard anyone pray like he prayed that morning.

No one remembered whether or not the prayer was long. No one remembered specific things for which Dr. Connolly prayed. When we talked about it later . . . even years later . . . we remembered the passionate nature of the prayer. We remembered that we were almost breathless when he finished praying. It seemed that he brought us directly into the presence of Jesus.

When he finished praying our president came back to the microphone and dismissed chapel. We wouldn't hear a speaker. The student scheduled to sing wouldn't sing. Our hearts were stirred, fed and challenged with one prayer from on old man who had walked with Jesus for years. Even more, we clearly had been in the presence of Jesus that morning. One thousand college students and the faculty and staff left that chapel service without saying a word. I didn't know that many people could be that quiet.

As I think about that morning (It's been more than forty years ago), I remember a man who talked to God that morning as though they were face to face. He modeled intimacy with God driven by humility and gratitude.
I hope some day to pray like Peter Connolly. I hope some day you'll pray like Peter Connolly. It will only happen for all of us if we choose to spend time with the triune God.

The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16b). John Strain - First Baptist of Toms River

Great Quote: God hath given to man a short time here upon earth, and yet upon this short time eternity depends. Jeremy Taylor

Friday, September 14, 2007

Who I Am In Christ

Who I Am In Christ

Some of you are thinking like this:

OLD LIFE (Lies) – Channel 1
What I think or feel about myself.
1. I am unworthy/unacceptable.
2. I feel like a failure/inadequate.
3. I am a fearful/anxious person.
4. I am a weak person.
5. I am in bondage.
6. I am not very smart.
7. I am unloved.
8. I am unwanted or
I don’t belong to anyone.
9. I feel guilty.
10. I am depressed & hopeless.
11. There is nothing special about me.
12. I am not good enough.

Replace those thoughts with these truths:

NEW LIFE (Truth) – Channel 2
What is true about me.
I am accepted and worthy.
Psalm 139:13-24; Romans 15:7
I am adequate.
2 Corinthians 3:5-6; Philippians 4:13
I am free from fear.
Psalm 34:4; 2 Timothy 1:7;
1 Peter 5:7; 1 John 4:18
I am strong in Christ.
Psalm 37:34; Daniel 11:32; Philippians 4:19
I am free.
Psalm 32:7; John 8:36; 2 Corinthians 3:17
I have God’s wisdom.
Proverbs 2:6-7; 1 Cor. 1:30; James 1:5
I am very loved.
John 15:9; Romans 8:38-29;
Ephesians 1:5; 1 John 3:2
I have been adopted by God as His child.
Romans 8:15-17; Galatians 4:5-7;
Ephesians 1:5; 1 John 3:2
I am totally forgiven.
Psalm 103:12; Ephesians 1:7;
Colossians 1:14, 20; Hebrews 10:17
I have all the hope that I need.
Psalm 16:11; 27:13; 31:24; Romans 15:13
I have been chosen, set apart by God.
Psalm 139:1; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 6:11;
Hebrews 10:10, 14
I am perfect in Christ.
Colossians 2:13; Hebrews 10:14
13. I am defeated
14. I have no strength.
15. I feel condemned.
16. I am alone.
17. I have no one to take care of me.
18. I can’t reach God.
19. I am afraid of Satan.
20. I have no confidence.
I am victorious.
Romans 8:37; 2 Corinthians 2:14;
1 John 5:4
I have God’s power; I am indwelt by the
Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:8; Romans 8:9,11; Eph. 1:19; 3:16
I am blameless.
John 3:18; Romans 8:1
I am never alone.
Romans 8:38-39; Hebrews 13:5
I am protected, safe.
Psalm 27:1-6; 32:7-11; 41
I have access to God.
Matthew 7:7-8; Ephesians 2:6; 1 Peter 2:5,9
I have authority over Satan.
Colossians 1:13; 1 John 4:4;
Revelation 12:7-11
I have all the confidence I need.
Proverbs 3:26; 14:26; 28:19;
Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 10:19-22

To print out the complete list:

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Think on what is of Good Repute

"Finally, brethren ... whatever is of good repute ... think on these things." Philippians 4:8

You'll know his name ... but here is a cool story. He grew up in Philly and attended the same church that I did (thought obviously he is MUCH older!) as well as the same elementary school. He was the church terror. In fact, his grandmother made him sit right up front and was known to whack him on the head with a hymnbook when he misbehaved.

In school, he graduated from grade to grade, not because of his academic abilities, but because each teacher wanted to get rid of him. When he reached sixth grade, his teacher decided to sit him down. She shared with him the folder containing comments from his previous teachers and told him that there were some horrible statements said about him. She looked him in the eye and said, "Young man, I don't believe these comments." She took the folder and ripped it up and dumped it in the trash. And Dr. Howard Hendricks said that was the beginning of a new life for him.

Some of you have listened to things that have been said about you and you have allowed the garbage to fill your mind and destroy you. In your early days you were called a failure. Maybe someone told you that you were stupid . You might have grown up in a dysfunctional family with a father that was not what he should be and someone told you that you were going to grow up to be just like your Dad. What we think we believe - what we believe, we become.

It's time to stop the cycle of thinking negatively and replacing those thoughts with WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST! Tomorrow I will share a list with you that you can tuck in your Day-Timer or your Bible. Pull it out often. When you begin to think negatively about who you are ... replace those thoughts with what God thinks about you!

Howard Hendricks was told he was a failure and would never amount to anything. But at 83, he has impacted the lives of thousands of men and women for the Kingdom. Let your mind dwell on WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST! I'll give you the list tomorrow!

Great Quote: Who is it that is your Shepherd? The Lord! Oh, my friends, what a wonderful announcement! The Lord God of heaven and earth, and Almighty Creator of all things, He who holds the universe in His hand as though it were a very little thing. He is your shepherd, and has charged himself with the care and keeping of you, as a shepherd is charged with the care and keeping of his sheep. If your hearts could really take in this thought you would never have a fear or a care again; for with such a Shepherd how could it be possible for you ever to want any good thing?
Hannah Whitall Smith

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Think on what is lovely!!!


" Finally, brethren ... whatever is lovely ... think on these things." Philippians 4:8

We have been looking at Paul's prescription on the things that we are to fill our minds with. We've looked at dwelling on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, and today we come to dwelling on things that are lovely.

There are so many things in life that we can think about that are lovely. The word means things that are pleasing or acceptable. I remember when I was having my emergency appendectomy the doctor told me to think about the nice place in the world I had been or wanted to go.
My mind went to Bermuda - one of my favorite places. (I didn't remember a thing during the surgery ...)

One our first trip to Bermuda, I remember riding a moped with my wife Jan and my former boss and his wife. He was showing us parts of the island that the average tourist wouldn't normally see. We came to a spot where everywhere we turned there was beauty beyond description. Looking towards the ocean we say that beautiful greenish water that was magnificent and the pink sand. Looking up we say beautiful palm and banana trees and these gorgeous hibiscus plants that were in full bloom.
I remember making the statement, "If this is what beauty is after the fall - what must the earth looked like before it took place." It was almost breath-taking.

When I hear the phrase "dwell on what is lovely" I am reminded of my wife. Solomon in both Proverbs and the Song of Solomon instructs us on the importance of enjoying the "wife of our youth." In recent days I have heard numerous stories of men who have decided to check out on their marriages because they have lost interest in the wife God has given them. They have allowed their hearts and minds to stray, and the results have been disastrous. Several years ago Jan gave me a picture of her that sits on both of my desks. It is a constant reminder to me of her love for me and my love for her. Throughout the day my eyes see that picture and I am able to captivated by her.

In a world that is trying desperately to capture the minds of men to stray, we need to be reminded to allow our minds to dwell on what is lovely. What are you thinking about today? Are you dwelling on what is lovely? Or have you allowed your mind to wander into places it should not be going? If so - take those thoughts captive.

Great quote: Sin arises when things that are a minor good are pursued as though they were the most important goals in life. If money or affection or power are sought in disproportionate, obsessive ways, then sin occurs. And that sin is magnified when, for these lesser goals, we fail to pursue the highest good and the finest goals. So when we ask ourselves why, in a given situation, we committed a sin, the answer is usually one of two things. Either we wanted to obtain something we didn't have, or we feared losing something we had. Augustine

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2001

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
“Heaven and earth may pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” (Luke 21:33)
Our nation will never forget the day that changed our lives forever. Little did we realize how personal September 11th would be for the ministry of America’s KESWICK. Like many ministries, we were getting ready to begin a service of remembrance for our community, staff and the men of the Colony of Mercy. As I was preparing to walk to the Auditorium, I received word that this tragedy had impacted our ministry.
Don and Jean Peterson were actively involved with the ministry. In addition to being conference attendees, both were burdened for the Colony ministry. Don served for a number of years as a volunteer counselor and Jean became a faithful prayer warrior. Seeing Don’s passion and vision for the ministry, we invited Don to serve on our Board of Trustees. He was a man of purpose, determination, integrity and commitment.
The Petersons were scheduled to leave for California for a family reunion on the morning of September 11. Arriving early at the airport, they were bumped to an earlier flight. They were assigned to Flight 93 that crashed on a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Several months after the tragedy we heard that a Bible had been found at the crash site. Selfishly we were hoping that it belonged to Don or Jean. When the rescue teams arrived at the crash site, there were only two things visible – a tire and Don Peterson’s Bible. Tucked inside Don’s Bible was a list of men from the Colony of Mercy that he would be praying for during the trip. Don loved the Word of God. He believed that the Word was true and that it could change and transform lives. How about you? Do you love the Word of God? Are you spending time each day reading, meditating and memorizing the Word? It will change and transform your life.

Bill Welte (From REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE … 365 Daily Devotions on Victorious Christian Living)

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 10-12; 2 Corinthians 4

Great Quote: The real conflict is inner conflict. Beyond armies of occupation and the catacombs of concentration camps, there are two irreconcilable enemies in the depth of every soul: good and evil, sin and love. And what use are victories on the battle-field if we ourselves are defeated in our innermost personal selves? Maximilian Kolbe

Monday, September 10, 2007

Think on What is Pure


"Finally, brethren ... think on what is pure ..." Philippians 4:18

We continue to dissect this powerful verse that Paul gives us in helping us think on proper things. In the early days of computers, we often heard the phrase GIGO - "Garbage in - garbage out ..." That is absolutely true when it comes to our minds. If we feed it garbage, that is what we will dwell on - and then the stench will eventually spill out of our very lives.

Webster has several definitions of pure: free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind; free from extraneous matter: pure gold; pure water; free from foreign or inappropriate elements; free from blemishes; clear and true; clean and spotless, untainted with evil, innocent ..."

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Paul is trying to teach us in this passage. He wants us to rivet our minds on this that are free from those pollutants that would contaminate our thinking and affect our behavior. The enemy will try his dead level best to take our thoughts and have us dwell on un-pure things. The eye-gate is the entrance into our minds.

One of the dangerous tools in his arsenal is to bombard us with sensual and erotic images that play over and over in our minds. Forget about looking at pornography at the moment - we can be confronted with this was walking down the boardwalk, picking up a newspaper, or just in watching TV. That is why it is so important that we feed our minds with proper things.

In one of the longest chapters of the Bible that focuses on the power of the Word in our lives, the question is asked, "How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Thy word ... Thy Word have I treasured in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee." Psalm 119:9, 11

David found that meditating on God's Word was the most effective tool in keeping him from sin. It is indeed effective in helping us guard our minds from thinking un-pure thoughts.

You and I will be bombarded with impure thoughts. We can either fuel them or "take them captive to the obedience of Christ."

Purpose and make a determination today that you will only dwell on what is PURE! It's worth it.

Great quote: This quote was powerful this morning: My dear Jesus, my Saviour, is so deeply written in my heart, that I feel confident, that if my heart were to be cut open and chopped to pieces, the name of Jesus would be found written on every piece. - Ignatius Could that be said of you this morning?

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Do All to the Glory of God

Clarence Schrader was retired and seemed quite old when I met him. He and his wife were faithful members of Grace Bible Baptist Church in Flint, MI. He was tall, thin and stately in appearance. His smile warmed everyone who received it, and his clear blue eyes were alive with love for people and Jesus.

Clarence and Jeanette never missed church. If it snowed, they came. If there was ice, they came. If we had tornado warnings, they came. They came Sunday morning. They came Sunday evening. They came Wednesday evening. They came for weekly visitation nights. They never missed.

With that kind of faithfulness to Christ and His church, they always stood out to all of us in the church. I knew more about them since I was on staff at the church, and one other quality made Clarence Schrader stand out even more.

Once in awhile I’d have to fill in as an offering counter on Monday morning. I happened to open the Schrader’s envelope one Monday morning, and I noticed that their offering was in cash (not a check). I also noticed that all the bills were brand new. When I commented on that to the other counter, she told me something I’ll never forget.

Every Friday morning, Clarence Schrader when to his bank. He would write a check for the amount of his offering, cash it at the bank and ask for new bills. Those brand new bills always went in their offering envelope. Our church secretary, the other counter, told me that she asked Mr. Schrader about it one Sunday.

“I want God to have the very best I have to offer Him. He deserves new money, not old, dirty, wrinkled money.” He went on to say that Scripture taught Him that whatever he did, he was to do everything to the glory of God. Giving God the best money he could lay his hands on was just one way to give God glory.

I also remember that I never saw Mr. Schrader in church without a suit and tie. That same mindset about doing everything for the glory of God governed how he dressed for church. “If I’m coming to meet God, then I ought to be dressed my best.” So Mr. Schrader told me one Wednesday evening when he was one of the few men who showed up with a suit and tie.
I don’t give God new money in my offering envelopes. I don’t wear a suit and tie to every church service. Still, I learned the lesson from Mr. Schrader. Everything I do should be the best I can do. God deserves nothing less.

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Father's Love


I loved this story I read this week about a six year old little boy that was trapped in pile of rubble after an earthquake in Turkey. Dr. Gary Smalley writes: " ...[the little boy's father] knew the location of where his son, Armon's school class should be, and the man started digging and lifting broken bricks off the spot he thought his child might be. Friends and rescue workers kept trying to persuade Armon's father to give up the dig. He would always say, "Either join me or leave me alone." After forty-some hours and bloody hands, the father heard a faint voice. It was Armon, "Daddy is that you?" Then Armon shouted to the other trapped kids, "See, I told you my daddy would find us!"

Sometimes when we feel like we are trapped under the pile of the stuff of life, feeling like there is no hope or way of escape, we need to be reminded that our Daddy in Heaven is right there. He knows where we are every moment of every day. He has a master plan that we might not understand - but we can trust Him completely. Thank Him today for His "Daddy-love" for you!

Great Quote: The only Christianity powerful enough to penetrate and change society is that which is derived from the work of the Spirit of God. - Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Friday, September 07, 2007

Think About What's True


" Finally, brethren ... whatever is right ... think on these things ..." Philippians 4:8

We have been unpacking this profound prescription given by the Apostle Paul on the things that we should dwell or think on. I have been working at memorizing this verse because I know full well that if I allow my mind to dwell on the wrong things - it can spell disaster.

Paul says that we are to think about things that are right. The word is derived from the word "just" and if you follow the root, it reminds us that we are justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ. But the word goes deeper than that. It means "guided by truth and justice" and relates to "standards and requirements."

I go back to my thought earlier this week. In order to understand how we should be thinking biblically, we need to immerse ourselves in the study of God's Word. If I am going to think RIGHT thoughts, then I need to understand how God expects me to live. Proverbs addresses every area of life, from money, to the discipline of my kids, to how interact with people in relation to how I speak.

One of the things that we taught our kids was to be honest in every area of life. On several occasions when we were shopping, we were either not charged for an item or given the wrong change. I can remember several instances where we were given the wrong amount of change, and one time it was significant. We were already in the car, and Jan realized that there was an error. We drove back to the store and the clerk was absolutely baffled by our honesty and didn't know how to "fix" the transaction. We knew her cash drawer would be short ... It was the RIGHT thing to do.

It has been cool to hear our kids tell us their stories of similar situations and how neat it was for them to do the RIGHT thing. If our minds are not thinking RIGHT, we could begin to justify and say, "Well, thank You, Lord, for Your provision! After all, I have been praying for You to meet my needs!" WRONG! Or the self-righteous person might think, "When will these stores hire competent people ... oh well ... there loss!"

God's Word and RIGHT -living go hand in hand. If you want to dwell on RIGHT thinking - take some time to search how HE wants you to live.

Great quote: Our God is often too small because he is too religious. We imagine that he is chiefly interested in religion - in religious buildings (churches and chapels), religious activities (worship and ritual), and religious books (Bibles and prayer books). Of course he is concerned about these things, but only if they are related to the whole of life. According to the Old Testament prophets and the teaching of Jesus, God is very critical of 'religion," if by that is meant religious services divorced from real life, loving service and the moral obedience of the heart. John R. W. Stott

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Think about this ... what is honorable?

THINK ABOUT THIS - What is honorable ...

" ... whatever is honorable ... think on these things." Philippians 4:8

We are looking about Paul's exhortation from Philippians 4:8 about the things that characterize men who THINK VICTORY! Yesterday we looked at thinking on truth. Today we look at thinking or dwelling on what is honorable. Dr. John MacArthur, in his commentary of Philippians, says that "believers are to think on whatever is honorable, whatever is noble, dignified, and worthy of respect. The word honor comes from a word meaning 'to revere,' or 'to worship.' In its other New Testament uses, it describes the dignified lifestyle required of deacons (1 Timothy 3:8), deaconesses (1 Timothy 3:11), and older men (Titus 2:2) Believers must not think on what is trivial, temporal, mundane, common, and earthly, but rather on what is heavenly, and so worthy of awe, adoration, and praise. All that is true in God's Word is honorable."

In his companion letter to the church at Colossae, Paul wrote, "Set your mind on things above ..." (Colossians 3:2) Literally that phrase means "keep on thinking about." A.T. Robertson says, "It does matter what we think and we are responsible for our thoughts. Paul does not mean that we should never think the things upon earth, but that these should do be our aim, our goal, our master. The Christian has to keep his feet on the earth - but his head in the heavens. He must be heavenly-minded here on earth and so help to make earth like heaven."

You've met men like this whose thoughts are riveted on the honorable not the junk of life. My friend, Pastor Newton Conant, lived life dwelling on the honorable. He forced himself to think godly thoughts and to dwell on heavenly things. He was not a stuffy, snooty old saint - but a man whose life was characterized by humility and love for people. When in his presence, you felt like you were in the presence of the Lord. He was vibrant, joyful, and always expectant of living the "Christ-centered" life.

His daily practice was to immerse himself in the Word and in prayer. He exhibited to me what it means to think about what is honorable. Reading the book of Proverbs every day will help you learn to think about RIGHT things ... the things of life that God says are honorable.

How is your thought life today? Purpose to memorize this important verse: Philippians 4:8.

Great quote: In heaven we shall appear, not in armor, but in robes of glory. But here these are to be worn night and day; we must walk, work, and sleep in them, or else we are not true soldiers of Christ. William Gurnall

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Think About What's True


" ... whatsoever is true ... think on these things ... " Philippians 4:8

A man who is going to THINK VICTORY is one who thinks about the RIGHT things. Paul, in Philippians 4:8, gives us a prescription for what we should be thinking on. The first is to think on what is TRUE.

We are living in an age where TRUTH is up for grabs. The things that many of grew up on as TRUTH - are no longer "take-it-to-the-bank" things that I can count on, but are "we-think-so" or "I-hope-so" propositions.

Paul tells us we should be thinking on things that are genuine and real - things that are true not false. If left to wander down the wrong path, our minds can easily dwell on the false or the fake rather than the real thing.

This past weekend I hit a wall of just being plain exhausted. The summer was great, people were saved, lives were dedicated to Christ ... but the days were long: 78 services plus 10 concerts! We were in more church services in the last two months than some folks attend in a whole year!
After the service on Sunday night, someone that I love and respect made some statements to me after the service that just cut me off at the knees. I was in shock at their words, and quite frankly, I was at the breaking point. As I crawled into bed exhausted, those words just kept swirling through my head, and as tired as I was, I couldn't get to sleep. The more I thought about these harsh, cruel words, the more I stewed and fumed.

I finally had to stop myself and say, "The statements made were false!
They were not truthful nor where they genuine." I knew the motive behind them and once I reckoned with the motive, I was able to surrender those thoughts to the Lord and fall asleep.

We are confronted with FALSE thoughts daily. One of the reasons that we need to burn the Word of God into our hearts and minds through memorization and meditation is that when those LIES come, we can replace them with TRUTH! It started back in the Garden of Eden with Eve when the enemy challenged what God said to her.

Don't dwell on the stuff that isn't true. Purpose in your heart to THINK ON WHAT IS TRUE ... A man who THINKS VICTORY will think what is true.

Great Quote: In response to the criticism "You are going too fast" Booth replied, "If anyone still wants a reply, let him ask the lost souls in Hell whose brothers and sisters are following them there. Let him go and ask the blood-washed throng in Heaven, whose eyes are wide open at last to the value of salvation. Let him anticipate the Judgment Day, and in spirit stand before the Throne and propose, if he dares, the question to God Almighty. I think from Hell, Heaven and the Great White Throne, the answer would come back; "More speed! Go faster!" William Booth

Tuesday, September 04, 2007



"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Philippians 4:8

For days now this verse has been swirling around in my mind. I listened to a message by Dr. Gary Smalley where he shared how meditating on this verse made a huge impact on his life. I have been doing that the past several days now, and for the next several days, I want to try and unpack some of the things that I have been learning as I have meditated on this verse.

Someone has said that we are what we think! Proverbs says that "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he!" (Proverbs 23:7) What we think determines how we live and act. The mind is a powerful tool which can be used in our lives for good or for evil. The birth of sin in our lives begins with the conception of it in our minds (James 1:14-15). A man who is going to live victoriously in this ever changing, crazy world, needs to THINK VICTORY!

Ever have a tooth ache? You probably discovered something I have - the more you think about it, the more pain increases. For years advertisers have used subliminal marketing to capture your minds. If they can get you to picture their product in your mind - you will eventually buy it! That is why it is important for us to understand how important it is to fill our minds with the things God delights in. You are what you think, brothers.

I want to encourage you to join me on this journey for the next few days. Take this verse and write it on a 3X5 card and begin to memorize and meditate on it. I think you will be amazed at what you will learn as you allow the Spirit of God to teach you what you should be thinking about.

Great quote: I had feelings of fear about the future...The devil kept on whispering, "It's all right now, but what about afterward? You are going to be very lonely"....And I turned to my God in a kind of desperation and said "Lord, what can I do? How can I go on to the end?" And He said, "None of them that trust in Me shall be desolate." That word has been with me ever since. Amy Carmichael

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Heart of Temptation


"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8

For some reason the whole subject of temptation keeps coming up in my devotional reading. In my interaction with staff, guests, Colony men and Christian leaders, there seems to be an all out affront by the enemy, which is probably why there is such a need for this topic in all of our lives.

Listen to these words about the heart of temptation:

"I have learned, Lord, that Satan's aim in tempting me is to destroy my will. That is clearly revealed in his tempting Jesus, my pattern. Once Jesus had accepted the Father's will at His baptism, that will was immediately put to the test in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). Each of the three temptations was carefully contrived to weaken Christ's grip on the will of His heavenly Father. Once that grip is loosed, it is only a matter of time before the entire defense breaks down in sin.

Jesus was HUNGRY and TIRED when Satan met him in the desert. The needs of the body are often used as the OPENING WEDGE for an attack on the WILL, whether the need is for food, rest, relaxing or whatever. I make a mistake, however, if I think that Satan will be satisfied merely to trip me up on a physical need; he is after my WILL! The way I handle my body is only the symptom of my basic will commitment. Satan does not try to capture symptoms; he is after the thing that creates the symptoms.

The answer to Satan's approach through the body is a reaffirmation of my will. 'Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." (Matthew 4:10) There is decisiveness, finality! I can only be victorious over Satan and his allurements when I nail the peg of commitment further into the soil. I am strengthened by the response of Nehemiah, when asked to compromise with the enemy, 'I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.' (Nehemiah 6:3) Four times the temptation came, and four times Nehemiah reaffirmed his grip on God's will for him.
So I must meet Satan head-on, not in peripheries, and send him packing by determining once again to do God's will and stick to it, regardless.
That is victory for Nehemiah, countless others, and myself." From DAILY WITH THE KING (Moody Press)

Great quote: The nominal Christian pays homage to something about Jesus, rather than worshipping the man himself. For this reason, nominal Christians will extol the moral teachings of Jesus, the faith of Jesus, the personality of Jesus, the compassion of Jesus, the world view of Jesus, the self-understanding of Jesus, etc. None of these worships Jesus as the Christ, but only something about him, something peripheral to the actual flesh-and-blood man. This is why when the almighty God came into the world in Jesus, he came as the lowest of the low, as weakness itself, as a complete and utter nothing, in order that men would be forced into the crucial decision about him alone and would not be able to worship anything about him. -- Robert L. Short

The Heart of Temptation


"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8

For some reason the whole subject of temptation keeps coming up in my devotional reading. In my interaction with staff, guests, Colony men and Christian leaders, there seems to be an all out affront by the enemy, which is probably why there is such a need for this topic in all of our lives.

Listen to these words about the heart of temptation:

"I have learned, Lord, that Satan's aim in tempting me is to destroy my will. That is clearly revealed in his tempting Jesus, my pattern. Once Jesus had accepted the Father's will at His baptism, that will was immediately put to the test in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). Each of the three temptations was carefully contrived to weaken Christ's grip on the will of His heavenly Father. Once that grip is loosed, it is only a matter of time before the entire defense breaks down in sin.

Jesus was HUNGRY and TIRED when Satan met him in the desert. The needs of the body are often used as the OPENING WEDGE for an attack on the WILL, whether the need is for food, rest, relaxing or whatever. I make a mistake, however, if I think that Satan will be satisfied merely to trip me up on a physical need; he is after my WILL! The way I handle my body is only the symptom of my basic will commitment. Satan does not try to capture symptoms; he is after the thing that creates the symptoms.

The answer to Satan's approach through the body is a reaffirmation of my will. 'Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." (Matthew 4:10) There is decisiveness, finality! I can only be victorious over Satan and his allurements when I nail the peg of commitment further into the soil. I am strengthened by the response of Nehemiah, when asked to compromise with the enemy, 'I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.' (Nehemiah 6:3) Four times the temptation came, and four times Nehemiah reaffirmed his grip on God's will for him. So I must meet Satan head-on, not in peripheries, and send him packing by determining once again to do God's will and stick to it, regardless.
That is victory for Nehemiah, countless others, and myself." From DAILY WITH THE KING (Moody Press)

Great quote: The nominal Christian pays homage to something about Jesus, rather than worshipping the man himself. For this reason, nominal Christians will extol the moral teachings of Jesus, the faith of Jesus, the personality of Jesus, the compassion of Jesus, the world view of Jesus, the self-understanding of Jesus, etc. None of these worships Jesus as the Christ, but only something about him, something peripheral to the actual flesh-and-blood man. This is why when the almighty God came into the world in Jesus, he came as the lowest of the low, as weakness itself, as a complete and utter nothing, in order that men would be forced into the crucial decision about him alone and would not be able to worship anything about him. -- Robert L. Short

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Who Are You Serving


George served as a deacon in the church I pastored in South Jersey. He's in heaven now, and I miss him. When I served with him, he was in his early 60's. I was twenty-nine; his boys were both older than I. He never called me anything but "Pastor," and he never made feel like I was as green in ministry as I was.

George never went past the eighth grade in school. Both his sons graduated from college and had graduate degrees. His parents never owned their own home. George did and paid it off several years early. He was wise. He was humble. He worked hard. He loved Jesus.

Jesus invites us to take His yoke as our own and to walk with Him and learn from Him. George decided to do that when he was just a young man. He continued to walk in that yoke until he died. He learned from Jesus. George knew the Scriptures. He knew godly principles for living. He knew how to love people with the love of Jesus. He knew how to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He learned all of that from walking in the yoke with Jesus.

When I think of the yoke, I think about the good reasons for being in the yoke with Jesus. I think of companionship with Jesus. I think about protection from the wicked one who would destroy my soul. I think of the "rest for your soul" that Jesus promises to those who get in the yoke. I think about the direction for living that comes from walking with Jesus one day at a time for all time.

George told me about how he and his wife dated when they were kids. He called it "keeping company" with Isabelle. They didn't date; they "kept company." It's an old term that you won't hear much these days. He kept company with the love of his life for more than fifty years. He kept company with Jesus for all those years, too.

Who are you "keeping company" with these days?

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Mt. 11:29)

This special weekend edition of Freedom Fighters was written by Pastor John Strain, First Baptist Toms River

Great Quote: We must know the power of the Blood if we are to know the power of God. Our knowing experimentally the power of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the power of prayer is dependent upon our knowing the power of the Blood of Christ.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

What is Capturing Your Attention?

SPECIAL WEEKEND EDITION: What is Capturing Your Attention?

Howard was a quiet, unassuming man. By training he was an engineer.
His skills were best used in the tool and die business he owned. Not long after my wife and I began working in the church he attended, he asked me to come over for a tour of his business.

When I got there he handed me a little piece of metal with a tiny hole running through it. I learned that it was a small valve he made to NASA specifications for the Lunar Landing Module. His firm actually made a piece of the Module that still sits on the moon! As he described it to me, I learned that it was milled to less than 0.002 of an inch.

I thought about Howard as I read Colossians 3:1-3. You don't machine anything to 0.002 of an inch without a clear mind and focused attention.
The Apostle tells us to live life with that kind of focus. First he tells us to "Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God." His clear teaching instructs us that some things are more worthy of our pursuit than others. Men who follow Jesus don't need to wonder about the pursuit. Those things which are above deserve our focus more than things that have no lasting value.

The Apostle goes on to tell us to "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." We don't need to live with divided minds that waffle between two worlds. Heaven in our goal. We choose to set our minds, to clear them of all other attractions and focus on those things that have eternal value. The instruction is clear: live by the "seek and set" principle!

Howard lived for his business; he loved it. It was his baby. I was impressed with his skill and knowledge. Something else impressed me even more. As much as he loved his business and his family, he loved Jesus more. He lived with incredible focus in his business life, and he was tenacious about doing the best possible job. His love for Jesus and his focus on eternal values never got lost in the business. Putting a tiny little valve on the moon didn't define his life. He practiced the "seek and set" principle.

What focus captured your attention when you got up this morning?

Today's Special Weekend Edition of Freedom Fighters was written by Pastor John Strain, First Baptist Toms River.

Great Quote: Prayer is the midwife of mercy, that helps to bring it forth. Matthew Henry