Friday, September 28, 2007

The Marks of a Faithful Church


"My struggle is that their hearts may be encouraged, that they may be united together in love, that they may come to all the wealth of the assured ability to take the right decision in any situation, to the knowledge that the truth which only God's own may know, I mean of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this so no one may lead you into error by false reasoning with persuasive arguments. For, even if I am absent from you in the body, I am with you in spirit, happy when I see you maintaining your ranks and the solid bulwark of your faith in Christ. So, then, as you have received Christ, Jesus the Lord, live your life in Him. Continue to remain firmly rooted, and go on being built up in Him. Continue to be established more and more firmly in the faith, as you were taught it, and to overflow with thanksgiving." Colossians 2:2-7

Dr. William Barclay, gives eight marks of a faithful church that I share for your consideration from the above text. In light of all that is going on in the church, particularly my concern with the emerging church, these are powerful:

1. The church should be one with COURAGEOUS hearts!

2. It should be a church in which the members are knit together in love.

3. It should be a church equipped with every kind of wisdom.

4. The true church must have the power to resist seductive teaching.

5. The true church should have in it a soldier's discipline.

6. In the true church life must be IN CHRIST!

7. The true church holds fast to the faith which it has received.

8. The distinguishing mark of the true church is an abounding and overflowing gratitude.

Wow ... that is sure a list worth considering. This is a text that preaches! Good truth to consider today!

Great quote: "Blessings at times come to us through our labors and at times without our labors, but never because of our labors.. For God always gives them because of His undeserved mercy." Martin Luther

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