Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Father's Love


I loved this story I read this week about a six year old little boy that was trapped in pile of rubble after an earthquake in Turkey. Dr. Gary Smalley writes: " ...[the little boy's father] knew the location of where his son, Armon's school class should be, and the man started digging and lifting broken bricks off the spot he thought his child might be. Friends and rescue workers kept trying to persuade Armon's father to give up the dig. He would always say, "Either join me or leave me alone." After forty-some hours and bloody hands, the father heard a faint voice. It was Armon, "Daddy is that you?" Then Armon shouted to the other trapped kids, "See, I told you my daddy would find us!"

Sometimes when we feel like we are trapped under the pile of the stuff of life, feeling like there is no hope or way of escape, we need to be reminded that our Daddy in Heaven is right there. He knows where we are every moment of every day. He has a master plan that we might not understand - but we can trust Him completely. Thank Him today for His "Daddy-love" for you!

Great Quote: The only Christianity powerful enough to penetrate and change society is that which is derived from the work of the Spirit of God. - Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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