Sunday, September 09, 2007

Do All to the Glory of God

Clarence Schrader was retired and seemed quite old when I met him. He and his wife were faithful members of Grace Bible Baptist Church in Flint, MI. He was tall, thin and stately in appearance. His smile warmed everyone who received it, and his clear blue eyes were alive with love for people and Jesus.

Clarence and Jeanette never missed church. If it snowed, they came. If there was ice, they came. If we had tornado warnings, they came. They came Sunday morning. They came Sunday evening. They came Wednesday evening. They came for weekly visitation nights. They never missed.

With that kind of faithfulness to Christ and His church, they always stood out to all of us in the church. I knew more about them since I was on staff at the church, and one other quality made Clarence Schrader stand out even more.

Once in awhile I’d have to fill in as an offering counter on Monday morning. I happened to open the Schrader’s envelope one Monday morning, and I noticed that their offering was in cash (not a check). I also noticed that all the bills were brand new. When I commented on that to the other counter, she told me something I’ll never forget.

Every Friday morning, Clarence Schrader when to his bank. He would write a check for the amount of his offering, cash it at the bank and ask for new bills. Those brand new bills always went in their offering envelope. Our church secretary, the other counter, told me that she asked Mr. Schrader about it one Sunday.

“I want God to have the very best I have to offer Him. He deserves new money, not old, dirty, wrinkled money.” He went on to say that Scripture taught Him that whatever he did, he was to do everything to the glory of God. Giving God the best money he could lay his hands on was just one way to give God glory.

I also remember that I never saw Mr. Schrader in church without a suit and tie. That same mindset about doing everything for the glory of God governed how he dressed for church. “If I’m coming to meet God, then I ought to be dressed my best.” So Mr. Schrader told me one Wednesday evening when he was one of the few men who showed up with a suit and tie.
I don’t give God new money in my offering envelopes. I don’t wear a suit and tie to every church service. Still, I learned the lesson from Mr. Schrader. Everything I do should be the best I can do. God deserves nothing less.

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

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