Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Think About What's True


" ... whatsoever is true ... think on these things ... " Philippians 4:8

A man who is going to THINK VICTORY is one who thinks about the RIGHT things. Paul, in Philippians 4:8, gives us a prescription for what we should be thinking on. The first is to think on what is TRUE.

We are living in an age where TRUTH is up for grabs. The things that many of grew up on as TRUTH - are no longer "take-it-to-the-bank" things that I can count on, but are "we-think-so" or "I-hope-so" propositions.

Paul tells us we should be thinking on things that are genuine and real - things that are true not false. If left to wander down the wrong path, our minds can easily dwell on the false or the fake rather than the real thing.

This past weekend I hit a wall of just being plain exhausted. The summer was great, people were saved, lives were dedicated to Christ ... but the days were long: 78 services plus 10 concerts! We were in more church services in the last two months than some folks attend in a whole year!
After the service on Sunday night, someone that I love and respect made some statements to me after the service that just cut me off at the knees. I was in shock at their words, and quite frankly, I was at the breaking point. As I crawled into bed exhausted, those words just kept swirling through my head, and as tired as I was, I couldn't get to sleep. The more I thought about these harsh, cruel words, the more I stewed and fumed.

I finally had to stop myself and say, "The statements made were false!
They were not truthful nor where they genuine." I knew the motive behind them and once I reckoned with the motive, I was able to surrender those thoughts to the Lord and fall asleep.

We are confronted with FALSE thoughts daily. One of the reasons that we need to burn the Word of God into our hearts and minds through memorization and meditation is that when those LIES come, we can replace them with TRUTH! It started back in the Garden of Eden with Eve when the enemy challenged what God said to her.

Don't dwell on the stuff that isn't true. Purpose in your heart to THINK ON WHAT IS TRUE ... A man who THINKS VICTORY will think what is true.

Great Quote: In response to the criticism "You are going too fast" Booth replied, "If anyone still wants a reply, let him ask the lost souls in Hell whose brothers and sisters are following them there. Let him go and ask the blood-washed throng in Heaven, whose eyes are wide open at last to the value of salvation. Let him anticipate the Judgment Day, and in spirit stand before the Throne and propose, if he dares, the question to God Almighty. I think from Hell, Heaven and the Great White Throne, the answer would come back; "More speed! Go faster!" William Booth

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