Tuesday, September 04, 2007



"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Philippians 4:8

For days now this verse has been swirling around in my mind. I listened to a message by Dr. Gary Smalley where he shared how meditating on this verse made a huge impact on his life. I have been doing that the past several days now, and for the next several days, I want to try and unpack some of the things that I have been learning as I have meditated on this verse.

Someone has said that we are what we think! Proverbs says that "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he!" (Proverbs 23:7) What we think determines how we live and act. The mind is a powerful tool which can be used in our lives for good or for evil. The birth of sin in our lives begins with the conception of it in our minds (James 1:14-15). A man who is going to live victoriously in this ever changing, crazy world, needs to THINK VICTORY!

Ever have a tooth ache? You probably discovered something I have - the more you think about it, the more pain increases. For years advertisers have used subliminal marketing to capture your minds. If they can get you to picture their product in your mind - you will eventually buy it! That is why it is important for us to understand how important it is to fill our minds with the things God delights in. You are what you think, brothers.

I want to encourage you to join me on this journey for the next few days. Take this verse and write it on a 3X5 card and begin to memorize and meditate on it. I think you will be amazed at what you will learn as you allow the Spirit of God to teach you what you should be thinking about.

Great quote: I had feelings of fear about the future...The devil kept on whispering, "It's all right now, but what about afterward? You are going to be very lonely"....And I turned to my God in a kind of desperation and said "Lord, what can I do? How can I go on to the end?" And He said, "None of them that trust in Me shall be desolate." That word has been with me ever since. Amy Carmichael

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