Tuesday, September 25, 2007

110 Years Ago Today ...


"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold ALL things are new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

A significant event took place on this day over 110 years ago today which changed the course in history for thousands of men whose lives have been impacted by the ministry of the Colony of Mercy.

On September 25, 1897, William Raws, a converted alcoholic, joined by his family and several friends, gathered together at the old homestead of the original Giberson Saw Mill, and pooled together their resources which amounted to $1.87, thus beginning the ministry of the Colony of Mercy. 110 years later, the Colony of Mercy still ministers to men bound in life-dominating addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, tobacco and sexual issues. Thousands of men's lives have been transformed by God's amazing grace and have been set free!

While the buildings and personnel have changed over our 110-year history, the message has never changed! It isn't about reformation - it is all about TRANSFORMATION. William Raws believed that SIN was the root of all addiction and that Christ died so that men like him could be saved and enjoy a life of victory.

If you are reading today's FREEDOM FIGHTER and are bound in addiction, you too can be set free, my friend. Pick up the phone and call today for help. Our staff stand ready to assist you in finding the ONLY lasting answer to addiction - JESUS CHRIST!

Great quote: "God sees me," is the sweet solace of the true believer. He knows the way that I take, will make that rugged way seem smooth. If perils and distress so shake the heart that plenteous tears give evidence of suffering, these tears are marked on high, and tender compassion will wipe them all away. The day has not yet come when there shall be no more tears. But the day is always present when they awaken sympathy in the Redeemer's breast. He who wept on earth will soon wipe all tears away! Henry Law

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