Monday, September 24, 2007

Hospitality 101


"Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Romans 12:13

A number of years ago I read a fascinating book on upcoming trends in our world. The book was entitled THE POPCORN REPORT by Faith Popcorn, and was a fascinating read on where she saw life in our world in the next several decades. One of the trends that she wrote about was the subject of "Cocooning."

In her report she projected that people would be building large homes that would be multiple-family dwellings equipped with large entertainment centers where the nuclear family could be connected to the world without really having to leave the confines of their homes. Rather than go to restaurants, food would be delivered right to the door. Instead of getting to know your neighbors, your family would be your circle of influence. Popcorn predicted that young couples would return to live with their parents because of financial limitations, thus ending the period of the "empty-nest" syndrome.

Hospitality like customer service, has become a lost art. Our world which is now connected globally, enable us to cocoon, and still be able to enjoy the world through virtual reality without ever connecting with people.

God did not create us to live in isolation. He created us first of all to enjoy and delight in our fellowship with HIM, but also to enjoy being around like-minded brothers and sisters who love the Lord just like we do.

This past weekend we visited two special friends from America's KESWICK.
Tom and Connie have been inviting to come stay with them and enjoy their favorite city, Washington, DC. We finally took them up on their offer, and what a great weekend we had of seeing the city, but more importantly, sitting around their living room and dining room table breaking bread and talking about the goodness of God. It was down-right cool!

They demonstrated to us real hospitality. And what is cool is that they have made their home available to provide care for Tom's Mom and their daughter and two grandchildren. They have demonstrated with the example of their lives "biblical hospitality." We left their home yesterday refreshed and invigorated after a long summer of ministry.

Thanks, Tom and Connie, for demonstrating to us genuine hospitality. We love you!

Great quote: I have not a shadow of doubt that if all our eyes could be opened today, we should see our homes, and our places of business, and the streets we traverse, filled with the "chariots of God." There is no need for any one of us to walk for lack of chariots. That cross inmate of your household, who has hitherto made life a burden to you, and who has been the Juggernaut car to crush your soul into the dust, may henceforth be a glorious chariot to carry you to the heights of heavenly patience and long-suffering. That misunderstanding, that mortification, that unkindness, that disappointment, that loss, that defeat,--all these are chariots waiting to carry you to the very heights of victory you have so longed to reach. Mount into them, then, with thankful hearts, and lose sight of all second causes in the shining of His love who will carry you in His arms safely and triumphantly over it all.

Hannah Whitall Smith

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