Thursday, September 13, 2007

Think on what is of Good Repute

"Finally, brethren ... whatever is of good repute ... think on these things." Philippians 4:8

You'll know his name ... but here is a cool story. He grew up in Philly and attended the same church that I did (thought obviously he is MUCH older!) as well as the same elementary school. He was the church terror. In fact, his grandmother made him sit right up front and was known to whack him on the head with a hymnbook when he misbehaved.

In school, he graduated from grade to grade, not because of his academic abilities, but because each teacher wanted to get rid of him. When he reached sixth grade, his teacher decided to sit him down. She shared with him the folder containing comments from his previous teachers and told him that there were some horrible statements said about him. She looked him in the eye and said, "Young man, I don't believe these comments." She took the folder and ripped it up and dumped it in the trash. And Dr. Howard Hendricks said that was the beginning of a new life for him.

Some of you have listened to things that have been said about you and you have allowed the garbage to fill your mind and destroy you. In your early days you were called a failure. Maybe someone told you that you were stupid . You might have grown up in a dysfunctional family with a father that was not what he should be and someone told you that you were going to grow up to be just like your Dad. What we think we believe - what we believe, we become.

It's time to stop the cycle of thinking negatively and replacing those thoughts with WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST! Tomorrow I will share a list with you that you can tuck in your Day-Timer or your Bible. Pull it out often. When you begin to think negatively about who you are ... replace those thoughts with what God thinks about you!

Howard Hendricks was told he was a failure and would never amount to anything. But at 83, he has impacted the lives of thousands of men and women for the Kingdom. Let your mind dwell on WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST! I'll give you the list tomorrow!

Great Quote: Who is it that is your Shepherd? The Lord! Oh, my friends, what a wonderful announcement! The Lord God of heaven and earth, and Almighty Creator of all things, He who holds the universe in His hand as though it were a very little thing. He is your shepherd, and has charged himself with the care and keeping of you, as a shepherd is charged with the care and keeping of his sheep. If your hearts could really take in this thought you would never have a fear or a care again; for with such a Shepherd how could it be possible for you ever to want any good thing?
Hannah Whitall Smith

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