Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Prideful Feelings


Everyone of us struggles from time to time with the issue of pride. It comes in many packages, but we need to keep it in check. Listen to the words written by Fenelon, hundreds of years ago:

"Whenever you see prideful feelings in yourself, or you feel that you know more than anyone else, or care for no one but yourself, then you must let all these attitudes drop like rocks in water.

Seek God and stop everything until you are calm and yielded to God once again. If business matters or your overactive imagination keep you from being quiet before God, then you must still bring yourself before God and want to be still. Wanting to be still and quiet before God is itself a prayer which strips you of self-will, and keeps you flexible in God's hands.

Don't congratulate yourself when you take a few steps towards God. The minute you take a few steps toward God. The minute you are converted you think you know everything about God. You give up your major vices and are ready to be canonized as a saint. You are not judging yourself by the standard of the gospel, but by how you lived your past life.

In the long run this attitude will get you into more trouble than committing a blatant sin. A blatant sin would trouble your conscience. But thinking you are well, when you are really not, will stifle your spiritual life. Serving God is not just a matter of avoiding evil, but of learning good. So don't love God a little bit and think that is all there is to it. You can't expect to live life as you please, then go to God as a last resort when you need help.

To just read the Bible, attend church, and avoid 'big' sins - is this passionate, whole-hearted love for God? You don't belong to yourself - you belong to God! You can't soften the gospel to adapt it to your weakness. Woe to anyone who tries to widen the narrow way!

The only way to love God is to love Him completely. You have to let everything else rule you - your emotions, the whims of others, your way wayward desires. Plunge into God and give everything that you are to Him." The Seeking Heart - by Fenelon

Something to think about this morning. Are you struggling with prideful feelings? Surrender them completely to Him.

Great Quote: Those who say they will forgive but can't forget, simply bury the hatchet but leave the handle out for immediate use. Dwight L Moody

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